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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. So sad all this brilliant choreography in both origin and otonal had to be changed in the name of points 😭
  2. Most everyone can benefit with some form of help or another. So I wouldn't say that so quickly either.
  3. John Wilson reposts from a thirst account 😂😍
  4. Thank you 😊❤️
  5. Vincent got injured during an SOI show
  6. Yup, and tbh without an OGM (yet) I think there is no way Med could be considered the GOAT right now. Even less so with various flaws in her skating, like her technique. It's not just about medals and it's certainly not about scores. I also think that without OGM, a skater cannot be the GOAT (but can be one of the GOATs although it's a very subjective title anyway). In the case of Michelle, especially in 2002, the OGM was within her reach and she did not have the mental fortitude to claim it due to her own mistakes. That is the difference between someone like Michelle and someone like Yuna, who always rose to the occasion. One could say that Sonja Henie is the GOAT because she basically invented the sport. I think someone who invented the basics of the sport (the father/mother of figure skating?) is distinct from someone who is the greatest skater of all time.
  7. Yuzu is always in Japan for like half a millisecond, sigh lol I wonder if it's just hard for him to be there due to being so ridiculously famous that he no longer enjoys it
  8. This is probably more suited for GSC but I don't know anyone who really considers Katarina Witt the GOAT unless you're only going by medal counts.
  9. http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201904240058.html Yuzu is very upset people want his pictures so much ~
  10. Thanks for quoting this can you link to the source please?
  11. https://ameblo.jp/ecovail/entry-12455638484.html A good translation of this interview...I didn't totally understand it previously but now I do. Yuzu's mindset before and after Saitama and how he thought he could win with two clean programs but came to the realization that he couldn't because of the way GOEs are awarded in the new system.
  12. still can't get over these pics 💕
  13. I made one! On my phone https://planethanyu.com/topic/921-sendai-monument-reveal-20042019/
  14. We should!! @sallycinnamon @robin @Fay help 😅
  15. Omg I wish I entered this lottery. I will be in Sendai tmrw
  16. Otonal is my favorite Yuzu program ever. But since it was already skated close to perfection many times, I would prefer him to have two new programs next season.
  17. I'm guessing he reads twitter quite often
  18. That's interesting, I think Koreans are the most distinctive so easiest to tell apart due to being paler and higher cheekbones, and it's harder for me to tell Japanese and Chinese people apart because (especially with Chinese people) they are more diverse with more variation within the group so it's hard to tell.
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