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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. IKR? Between autotune and lip syncing you don't really need to sing...and that's with copious voice lessons too. It's all about that charm and personality which Yuzu has in spades Haha you said it better than I did
  2. Hair or no hair, Brian has a sweet life...
  3. Most delicious beef I've ever had
  4. Yeah you're right, that does make the lutz difficult (and it does feel very unnatural on the ice - I think when I tried the lutz for the first time, I tried to jump clockwise). Compared to the flip, though...it's debatable. The BV difference is really small but perception affects things like GOEs and PCS.
  5. haha yes, yes it was maybe disney sends him free pooh-stuffs?
  6. My thoughts: Yuzuru's 4L is first and foremost rehabilitation for his injury I really like how Brian...acknowledged Yuzuru's natural ability xD Like, we all knew it, but it doesn't get talked about that much. And honestly that part where Yuzu got too obsessed with the 4Lo and started training it like a kid who forgot how scoring worked was so cute xD Anyway, a digression: From the way I learned it, jumps are given base values because of their difficulty, and toe loop and salchow are the easiest because there's a lot of prerotation that's normal in those jumps (almost half a rotation is expected), whereas there's less prerotation when it comes to flip and lutz because it takes off and lands on the same foot. And the toe loop/salchow kind of "opens" in the direction of the jump so it's easier. The loop is somewhere in the middle. However, it seems having a toe pick assist probably makes the flip/lutz easier at least when it comes to quads, and at the point when you're doing 4 rotations, that little tiny bit of extra prerotation probably doesn't matter all that much, does it? And given how only Yuzu (and now, Shoma, but depending on prerotation...eh debatable) have landed the 4Lo in international competition, it's actually kinda odd that the loop is "lower" in base value and has a perception of being "easier." The point values of jumps seems a bit off, IMO, like just because a single toe loop is easier than a single salchow (is it even?) doesn't mean a quad toe loop is easier than a quad salchow...but that's the point system we have at hand so that's how it'll be scored, I guess. Also, the base values aren't even so different (reflecting that it really isn't clearly harder) but the public/judges' perceptions (and their GOEs) seem to believe otherwise... -- Anyway, still reading ^^
  7. I wouldn't be surprised. Amazon definitely does pricing based on demand so even if no one there knew about WC their algorithms probably detected a surge in views or purchases of pooh-related items
  8. Wow, thank you so much for translating this, @gladi. I skimmed it and already have tears in my eyes; his thoughts (and your translation) are beautiful. I've bookmarked this page so when I have free time to dedicate I'll read it fully.
  9. OMG!! WHERE did you buy it? I've never been able to find it online, I thought it must be a limited edition version or something...and I've never seen any one else have it, or any promotional photos. Pooh is as much of a ninja as Yuzuru
  10. oh I agree. she has such pretty lips, but i'm not a fan of that kinda nude and matte lipcolor she always has on. it makes them look dry.
  11. Can you crop out that girl without cropping out the flag though?
  12. Wow that's amazing!! Congrats! Your friends are so kind hearted
  13. OMFG the life of a Yuzu fan...this always happens............I was so excited for a moment.
  14. yeah yuzu roaming around like a normal person wearing normal clothes is blowing my mind. i kinda have this urge to catch him like a pokemon.
  15. That looks like a photography camera than a film camera? Maybe it's a compact one...
  16. Wow he was just walking around eh? lol this is so "where's waldo" like a sea of ordinary people and someone who somehow sticks out like a sore thumb for some inexplicable reason
  17. I'M SOO GLAD AND HAPPYY they're still trying to work things out I don't want to see either of them sad
  18. UGH you guys are killing my dreams of Yuzu coming back as a pop idol after skating. Hey, there's always autotune... and acting!
  19. lmao mai is the only one who looks normal in all of them this bothers me it's like uncanny valley but..not really
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