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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. Sorrynotsorry for quoting myself but I've always thought some songs from the Star Wars Ep. 3 soundtrack sounded a lot like Carmina Burana, and at first I always thought the skaters were skating to Star Wars and was disappointed when they weren't.
  2. It's my favorite one of his outfits ever. EVER!!
  3. Lol the phantom was the only deep character of that entire story. (main character, anyway.)
  4. This program was amazing but my favorite free skate from Yuna is actually Arirang/Homage to Korea even with the mistakes.
  5. While I'm not sure how many shows he's done before this (how many did he do, like 40 that summer?) this is the (truncated) version of R+J 1.0 at The Ice and you can see how musical and dramatic and polished he already is. But again, false comparison bc quads vs. no quads, and competition vs. show.
  6. Yeah, who asked such a question? lol
  7. Warhorse aside, Carmina Burana may be one of my favorites.
  8. If we cross our fingers and hope that he uses Seimei again (exact choreo + music) will it help jinx the fact that he will use Seimei again and thus he won't?
  9. I wouldn't mind just please please choose a different music cut but yes, whatever he does will probably change my life forever. note i didn't say in a good or a bad way hahaha
  10. Me too. This is gonna change my life 4ever.
  11. I'm quite excited to see her skate because I'm optimistic her coaching change will get her out of her slump of the last few years...
  12. Brian can borrow Yuzu's hair...Yuzu always has sooo much hair hahahha
  13. highlights of any color will kill me
  14. Well, I just watched Vincent's free skate. And I understand what everyone's talking about. I think the use of the music makes is painfully obvious that he's slower and stiffer than Yuzu (and those spins are so slow and messy too). And that step sequence, lol déjà vu. He clearly doesn't have the stamina to pull it off yet but no one gains stamina from doing things you already have stamina for, right? I like Vincent, I don't mind him using the same music, I love that music, and I do like his skating. I do hope and think he'll improve because with that choreography there's absolutely no way he will be close to a podium contender; I mean, imagine if one of clean-ish Patrick or Javi or even Nathan and Boyang loses to that?? But it's July, lol, there's plenty of time before even the start of the season. I enjoyed Vincent more at Nationals last year than Jason, and I don't really like Adam's skating, so I would prefer if Vincent goes to the Olympics over one of them. Jason and Adam's skating is little too syrupy (to borrow @sallycinnamon's word) for me. (I'd characterize R+J2.0 and NdP in the same way, actually.) I don't generally like that type of skating, I prefer more subtle and driven by the music. That may be why I like Gracie more than Ashley even though Gracie has issues with skating to the music, period, but her choreography isn't so overwhelmingly in-your-face. Vincent will invite comparison, that's a given, but maybe that's a good thing. He can easily do the comparison himself and see what he needs to work on.
  15. That's how his hair is though he messes it up & puts wax/spray on for competitions and media events, and when he doesn't need to go out he just lets it stay flat haha. I love casual!Yuzu. But I'm wondering if he'll ever venture beyond that length and those bangs. It might kill some fans, though.
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