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Everything posted by singcarcom

  1. I just can't imagine Yuzu married in 3-4 years time. He's so adorable that I can't imagine him as the head of a household, let alone a dad. XD It's weird, cos I'm only slightly older than Yuzu, so while I view him as a young man some times, at other times he's just a cute little boy whom you want to pamper. Other than his mum, I'm not sure if anyone else can take care of Yuzu, especially when he seems so hopeless in that aspect himself. Yumi-san is so great I don't know if anyone close to Yuzu's age can ever reach her standards. Since it's Japan, I wouldn't be too surprised if Yuzu will still live with his parents after marriage.
  2. This is why I really want to go to Milan 2018! I'm banking on the chance of him going to worlds because I really want to watch Yuzu skate live at least once! I wish I became a fan earlier... Yea, which is why I'm so glad that Yuzu finally opened up to Brian, Tracy and the rest of his team even though it took him a while. I believe that there is some implicit bias that makes it impossible for Yuzu to live permanently in a foreign country. =( He can also go visit Plushenko at his academy. =P I think being a Chinese speaker helps a lot! Although my Japanese is still not great, knowing Chinese helps a great deal because its closer than English to Japanese.
  3. I don't understand the logic of JSF. Shoma is great, but why is the JSF acting as if Shoma and Yuzu cannot co-exist? Figure skating is so popular in Japan right now and I think Yuzu has some credit for that. In fact, I would argue that Yuzu is helping to sustain the popularity of figure skating worldwide. It's sad, cos Yuzu is one of the most patriotic Japanese I've seen. A part of me would prefer if he chooses to settle in a country where he won't need to deal with so much media drama, but I know Yuzu will definitely go back to Japan because that's the only place he thinks of as home.
  4. If his student falls, Yuzu will be like . If his student gets silver, . If his student breaks his WR, maybe he'll go , then , but when he recalls that he's no longer the record holder, . When the reporters ask him about his student's layout, he'll just give you a description. But in his mind, he's already got plans and when the reporters realized they're trolled, Yuzu will secretly feel inside. Meanwhile, assistant coach shall go .
  5. Since he admires Plushenko so much, he should try to go to as many Olympics as he can right? But he loves figure skating so much, he would still be involved in the sports even if he's not competing. If Yuzu becomes a coach like Brian, I'll probably just watch his students skate so that I can see him at Kiss & Cry. Or if he becomes a commentator, I'll listen to his commentaries which I believe will be adorable. If he's no longer in public eye (but still involved somehow), I'll just binge watch all of my favorite programs of his.
  6. Back when Yuzu was a lipper, I confused his 3F with 3Lz. In his FS, his repeated jumps were 3A and 3Lz, so I was like "why are there 3 3Lz in this program? Doesn't that violate the zayak rule?" I need quicker eyes too. I remember spending hours looking at slow-mo gif to learn the differences between jumps. I find the toe jumps easier to identify because you can usually see the edges before takeoff. I'm getting better at distinguishing between 4S and 4Lo, but since Yuzu skates so fast, a lot of times I know because I knew the layout before hand. And then there's skaters who rotate in the opposite direction. I'm new to figure skating, so I don't know who does that prior to their skate. That is when I start confusing toe-loops with lutzes and flips. After these jumps, I'm now slowly trying to identify steps and turns. I need ultrafast eyes for this, especially for Yuzu's skate. >__<
  7. I finally caught up with the thread!!! I miss this planet so much (had a very busy week)! I've quoted more than 50 posts while catching up, so I have to forgo most of the quotes. This thread is moving so fast! Yes, shippers will be disappointed because this is the most reasonable prediction. Whoever he chooses must be really mentally strong too cos who knows how some of his fans will react. That said, although Yuzu has shown wisdom beyond his age, he also is such a little boy that I can't imagine him leading an adult life, away from mama Hanyu. =P Still pretty useless because he just needs to know how to scoop up rice and crack an egg. No cooking involved since the heat from the rice 'cooks' the egg. Yea, of all the young skaters, Shoma has the fiercest desire to surpass Yuzu. On one hand, I think Yuzu can shield him from some pressure; on the other hand, it must be hard to be always in Yuzu's shadow. =( I want a Koi dance ex too!
  8. So many pumpkins have fallen prey to the Pumpkin King.
  9. That's why I prefer Yuzu not to participate in the Team event and have more rest? Best thing I've seen today! I hope team Yuzu will look at the emojis and be like . And maybe the pancake emoji will make Brian go . Maybe? I thought the judging for ACI seems reasonable. When Yuzu did well, he finally got his +3 GOEs. And even though he had a pop concert for Seimei, he was given +2.8 GOE when he nailed the 4S-3T combo. If Yuzu pours honey on his ACI silver medal, will it look golden and smell more like maple syrup? He can get some honey from Pooh.
  10. Although his jumps were better here, I actually liked the performance at ACI 2017 more. I felt that his hand gestures were better this year! Hope to see him skate more this season!
  11. I need to work now so I'll watch this later. I didn't know he skated this program last year as well. @SparkleSalad I'm sold too. Sign me up for your Pumpkin club. XD
  12. I'm still learning Japanese (between N4 and N3 level) so there are likely inaccuracies despite the help from the dictionary. Someone more proficient please correct me if I'm wrong: The other guy was asking about Yuzu being the grand master of figure skating? Then Nobu said he's bullied by Yuzu and that makes him look stupid. The other guy then said Yuzu's a unreasonable Prince. Then I think he said something about how Yuzu really likes skating and they always talked about skating. And how Nobu still learns from what Yuzu is saying? Not sure about this part, but I heard 勉強 (benkyou).
  13. It's so Yuzu of Yuzu to lose his abilities to jump the easier jumps. Maybe he should get more points for jumping 2a than 3a cos 2a is harder for him. I'm going to miss his 3lz, especially those at the end of the program (H&L and Seimei)... Me too! Initially I thought I would follow Yuzu for an entire season before spending the money to watch him live. But I'm getting impatient and I'll beat myself up if I miss the chance to see him live. Please please please go to Milan! I enjoy watching the other male skaters as well, but I'm not that willing to spend money on flight and tickets if Yuzu isn't there. Are Milan single event tickets difficult to get?
  14. I hope at least Pooh is with the carry on luggage!
  15. I remember Shoma mentioned feeling the intense pressure when Yuzu withdrew from nationals last year. I think part of the reason Shoma grew so much was because he's kinda sheltered from the media since Yuzu was the star. I wouldn't mind it if he shared a little of the media burden from Yuzu. That's a brilliant idea! I was looking for beautiful pancakes to use as a signature, and searched for 'pancake art'. Can't resist the YOLO pancake. Or, he can win his 2nd OGM and be the 2nd man to repeat this feat after Dick Button! That's why Yumi-san deserves tons of credit for taking care of Yuzu so well! XD
  16. I just noticed my status is now "First Pancake" instead of "Baby Pooh". I'm a very happy !
  17. We should do this for all Yuzu competitions this season! The invasion of Notte Stellata! I'll give it to Daisuke for taking and uploading these photos! =P Yuzu is of cos the most adorable though =P. Javi is a close 2nd in the 2nd photo. =P I wonder how old will they be recognized as using these photos. =P
  18. That's so heartwarming... I'm still feeling pretty down from his fs today, but I feel really blessed to be a satellite orbiting around his planet. The game of thrones reference.....lol
  19. Omg!!! Somehow I got teary-eyed reading this! I can't believe the season is finally starting!! My heart is not ready for this. I'm so happy to be witnessing this epic season with the planet~!
  20. Yuzu's record of pushing his body beyond its limit in the past...>__< That said, I think Yuzu has finally learnt the importance of rest and recovery after many painful lessons, so I think he probably won't overpractice. Part of the reason he gave that legendary H&L at Worlds was because he listened to Brian and not practice too hard the day before.
  21. I hope he doesn't push himself too hard, even if it means a less than stellar performance. But, with the media hyping up Nathan and Shoma, it's like they will hound on even small imperfections in Yuzu's performance. This season is gonna be an emotional ride.
  22. I edited and it should show now. I'm still pretty bad at changing the sizes of the images, so sorry about the huge amount of space that post took! We need more fanyus to join news outlets...
  23. I agree! Your suggestions are better! =P Light: (writing someone's name into Death Note) L: (closest I can find to the L biting thumb stance =P) Near: (This is hard...I shall go with young Yuzu because Near is a young prodigy. Near is very much like L, like how Yuzu's mushroom head was like Plushenko's.) Mello:
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