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Everything posted by SuzyQ

  1. SuzyQ

    Music talk

    I like Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso too La Campanella may be good for SP depending on the editing. Most of my favorite violin pieces are rather slow, I'm sorry that they do not seem to fit competitive programs, e.g. Vocalise, Rachmaninoff; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wTEylWQfcM Nigun, Broch; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngsgGeIa32c Poeme, Chausson; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LVxdpALMZo Yes, I know I love weeping strings Only chance is for Yuzuru's EX programs. But I know it's very unlikely (sigh). My knowledge about classic music is limited. I've started to listen to Beethoven's violin sonatas as I really miss Beethoven's Violin Sonata No. 9 for Yuzuru. Marin Honda used Sonata No. 5, didn't she? There might be gold buried
  2. SuzyQ

    Music talk

    Thank you guys for your all suggestions! It's so fun to listen to and imagine how it would suit Yuzuru's skating Danse Macabre is great. Since Yuzuru himself said violin music suits his skating in the talk with Shizuka Arakawa in 2013, I have been looking forward to seeing a string master piece program by him, especially after seeing Shoma's Beethoven Violin Sonata No. 9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wY6Xa94DR4A His last spin is exquisite and I dreamed how it would be like Yuzuru's beautiful spins to strings Mihoko sensei's music choice always hits the point. And this time, I rediscovered that she is nothing but a strategist I happened to watch an old movie on the cable TV today. It was nearly ending but the ending music impressed me. The Mystery of Your Gift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiqOUeYasLE The image of Yuzuru skating to this piece in EX instantly came to me. Sorry guys, I frequently daydream these days when I listen to nice music, although limited to skating I like Sibelius Violin Concerto for his FS. Not yet a warhorse, right? Just for your reference: Ryu Goto plays game music. The Legned of Zelda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYQ_81yJ0Xo Gypsy Dance from Dragon Quest IV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z4aWvfOa2k
  3. 仙台での目撃情報が出てるんですが、もう帰国してるのかな 結構ステルス移動ですよね。 海外掲示板で覚えた言い回し。under the radar 
  4. SuzyQ

    Music talk

    Music talk is fun. Everyone has their gems. Very interesting to know music genre that I didn't know What I have in mind now is Avalon - Log in by Kenji Kawai for SP with a dark costume with black lace, like the one used by Daisuke Takahashi for "Garden of Souls". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1BJzKy8TbE and Tristan & Isolde for FS with a warrior costume https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZR2GSS6_MQ and Vitali's Chaconne for EX. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w3lkXanpOg
  5. There used to be not so much information about figure skating before in Japan, especially about novice/junior skaters. I knew Yuzuru as a promising skater only by short news clips sometimes aired on TV or even shorter news articles. I first noticed Ryuju Hino as a talented one by his splendid spins, but I only thought about Yuzuru that he should change his hair style I was just disappointed by his Junior Worlds 2009, and then surprised by his winning in 2010 But, at that time, I think the majority of Japanese fans were more interested in the results of Mao and Daisuke, TBH. (Actually, Japan dominated all single categories, both senior and junior in the Worlds 2010). And NHK 2010, and 4CC 2011. He could not hide his lack of stamina (but it stimulated my maternal instinct thing), and his angelic smile at the end of long program, that killed me instantly.
  6. I'm late. I'm late, as I used to be :cry: While I was swamped, our home has become so large in just a week :roll2: I feel like chasing all of you all the time :smile: FaOI will be great. I hope it will be aired soon. :goe: Already given up to get the ticket. Has this photo set by Japan News already posted ? http://special.the-japan-news.com/helsinki2017/
  7. 「フリルを着た阿修羅」という表現は前に見た。たぶん「レースを着た」でもいける。「ピンクリボン :pbow: を着けた阿修羅」とか  :rofl2: https://togetter.com/li/815446
  8. ゴールデンウィークだというのに仕事が終わらない :cry: 早く皆さんのコメントも読みたいのに。英語は読むのも書くのも時間がかかるので大変。でも頑張ります。 hamaguri、アバターの説明をありがとう。前からトライしてみたかったんですが、何しろ不器用なもので。仕事が終わったら色々頑張ります。 で、羽生選手の話題ではないのですが、ケビン・レイノルズ君のすごいものを見つけたので。彼の日本語がすごく上手なのは知ってたんですが、このブリティッシュ・コロンビア州の日本語弁論大会の原稿はすごいです。いや、ビックリしました  :omg:  さすが、外交官志望なだけあります。 https://twitter.com/char_chan26oct/stat ... 7313471488 http://www.vancouver.ca.emb-japan.go.jp ... ection.pdf
  9. SuzyQ


    Hi, I sent $10 through paypal. I put "SuzyQ" in the memo section and their automatic phone call confirmed my remittance, but as this is the first time for me to use paypal, please confirm. Appreciate your efforts to create our free universe.
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