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Everything posted by SuzyQ
Yuzuru seems to have a fever https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/201711100000275.html Just pray for his getting better soon.
Is this the Nihon Buyo (Japanese dance) Yuzuru mentioned ? すずめ踊り Suzume Odori (Sparrow Dance) of Sendai. Dynamite cutie
NHK News Shibu-Goji will air something about NHK Trophy. But, problem is, we cannot be sure from what time exactly http://www4.nhk.or.jp/shibu5/x/2017-11-08/21/33692/1088066/
Good shots
Dream and Reality of Japanese Traditional Dance by Yuzuru
It is said in the tweet that the poster is located at the basement of the West Exit of Shinjuku Station, Tokyo, the area not going out from ticket gates; between the East Exit and West Exit. I'm not sure where it is exactly, as the Shinjuku Station is a real maze http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/stations/e866.html
The scene was taken in the junior training camp, July 25. https://mainichi.jp/articles/20170726/k00/00m/050/059000c https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/1861582.html But it was reported she landed 4S on July 2. https://www.nikkansports.com/sports/news/1849303.html
I think Wakaba is a seed in the Eastern Block. This video explains it. 東日本選手権 Higashi-nihon Senshuken - Eastern Sectional Championships 西日本選手権 Nishi-nihon Senshuken - Western Sectional Championships Sorry, if it has been already posted, or informed.
Rika's beautiful 2A with tano
News clip about Sota. http://digital.asahi.com/articles/ASKC34JSXKC3UTQP00T.html?_requesturl=articles%2FASKC34JSXKC3UTQP00T.html&rm=419 Welcome back, Sota Triple jumps he can now are Toe Loop and Salchow only. His leg still has three bolts embedded. Yet, he is concentrating on each element one by one, targeting the Nationals for the first time in 2 years. All the luck for your free program, Sota
As to the skating boots, has this been already posted? In this article of Yomiuri Shimbun, Yuzuru says that one pair of "EDEA Piano" boots can be used for a year. The article explains about how Piano has been reinforced from older ones, with the light weight. TBH, I was a bit surprised as I thought he uses up at least two or more pairs a year. But, it might be so before he started using Piano. I'm not sure.
I don't remember exactly when it was, but some time before Sochi, I heard that Plushenko had said, "It's me who will get the gold medal. If not me, it's Yuzuru Hanyu to get the gold." (Sorry, this is a rather direct translation from Japanese, not his exact words.) When I heard this, I thought "What on earth is this man saying? Are you really going to be in the Russian Team? (considering his age), and Yuzuru is just moved up to the senior category and it is too early to foresee, although we know he has the potential." And I believe this was not so different from the opinion of others at that time. But, you know, Plushenko has won the gold as the team, Yuzuru has also become the gold medalist. I had respected Plushenko, but it has been further enhanced by this
Why Yuzuru's jump is beautiful. After toed, there is some moment before starting rotation.
Tried rough translation of the article: He decides the material as well: Hanyu senshu is now in Canada for training after his first competition of Grand Prix Series in Russia. Meanwhile, his SEIMEI costume is now back in Ito-san's atelier in Tokyo for minor modifications. "Hanyu san gives detailed requests even after the season has begun." The costume is tailored in a simple way considering such modifications later on. "But, I suppose this will be the last modification for this costume." The work is being continued for the NHK Trophy beginning on 10th November. Ito-san started making Hanyu's costume from 2014-2015 season. Initially, she was in charge of the spare costume, but "In the evening of the day that collision accident happened in China, I was asked to make the new costume right away." As the costume had been stained with blood, he needed to make a new one immediately in 2 weeks time before the next event. Ito-san hurriedly designed and prepared it in time. After then, they have been fighting as a team. Ito-san says, "Hanyu-san is the designer, and I'm his assistant." The measurement of each part is carried out in June every year. The size is strictly confidential. It is delivered in August. The color, material, image..., Hanyu has decided all of them. SEIMEI is packed with Hanyu's strong preferences. Early In the summer of 2015, Ito-san received the images of NOMURA Mansai, who played the main role of "Onmyoji" movie, and requests of Hanyu, that is, white garment with patterns, purple and light green, inclusion of "Gobohsei" (Seimei's symbol star). The most difficult thing was to imitate Kariginu, traditional kimono in Heian Period. It was difficult to express firm and supple silk texture with the synthetic material for figure skating. She did fitting five times, and made it similar to flowing Kariginu. As the same music is used as 2 years ago, the costume of this season has basically the same style, but focusing on the colors. The collar part like a layered kimono consists of colors of purple, gold , green, and white, starting from the outside. This order was also requested by Hanyu. The purple chest part is made of mesh material, and it is less than 850g and very light. The number of rhinestones is about 3,000. Because he ended in the 2nd in ACI, he wanted to change the mood, and modified the color of sleeves and collar from light green and purple to darker ones. As the stones used in the patterns looked silver, they were changed to black. Ito-san prepared two colors for the Gobohsei in the back; gold and silver. "Yes, it was gold, as was expected," she says. The fight for targeting the gold is still continuing both in the rink and atelier. I noticed it has been already translated. Everyone's so quick.
I'm looking for more clean article of this about his SEIMEI costume. Satomi Ito says, "Hanyu-san is the designer, and I'm his assistant." "In the evening of the day that collision accident happened in China, he asked me to make the costume right away." As the costume had stained with blood, he needed to make a new one immediately in 2 weeks before the next event. Ito-san designed and prepared it in time. Added: news clips http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x66xmby
Today's news clip.
Yuzuru's interview is aired on TV Asahi from now. TOO SHORT!! Where can I watch it full??
Sorry, if someone has already posted this, but Brian Orser: "Seeing him as one person, Yuzuru is still a mystery in some ways, but, according to his reaction to some of my jokes, I see that he is all right with a sense of humor." What the dickens is "a sense of humor" ??
Yes, you have grown a lot SP scores of the first GP event: 2013 80.40 3rd 2014 82.95 2nd 2015 73.25 6th 2016 79.65 4th 2017 94.85 2nd
So fast in translation. I think I can go to bed
CS Channel TV Asahi 2 is broadcasting ACI again today from 13:45 - 20:30 (without narration). I'm watching it now. it's Misha's FS at present.
Article by Yutaka Nagakubo, photographer (who is called "not-coach Nagakubo-san" ) Just beautifully standing - a day digging up ACI photos He found this one from the photos taken by his colleague photographer, 小海途良幹 (KOGAITO Yoshiki) who was sent to Canada for the media day and ACI, in which Yuzuru is just standing waiting for Zimerman's Ballad No. 1 to start. Nagakubo san astonished by the beauty of Yuzuru's just standing shot. https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20171008-00000074-spnannex-spo Translation to follow (today by me hopefully )
Never underestimate Japanese Obasan (old/middle aged women) I read an article of Josei Seven at a book store (believe me, I didn't buy it) about how Japanese women squander their money. One of the stories was about a Yuzuru fan (others were about idols, sumo wrestlers, hobbies, and so on). A woman in her 40's became a Yuzu fan, and she decided to start a part time job to go to his competitions/shows. She earns 90 thousand yen a month and saves it as "Yuzu-kun Savings" She never minds transits or waiting for a long time in order to save money when travelling. But one day, as she was busy making banners for cheering Yuzuru, she just prepared the supper for her husband with store-made one as it is. He looked sad, and said "You love Yuzuru Hanyu more than me...." She says, "I reflected. I decided to limit my travel abroad for Yuzuru's competitions to only twice a year."
I saw a Canadian reporter said 80% of the audience was Japanese, waiving national flags. Although I was not actually there, I doubt this. Maybe she couldn't recognize other Asian fans. Especially, underestimating the power of Chinese fans But it might be true that Japanese fans are noticeable by their enthusiasm, waiting in a line over night to get the front seats. Sorry Yuzu, but I confess that I would not have such guts. Shame for a Japanese as I would take a good night sleep How can this lazy person get the Nationals ticket through the bloodbath ticket battle? Hoping a little mercy of 8 million Japanese gods
Is this the picture taken at this time? Sorry if someone already posted. http://yuzuorabu.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-63.html