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I genuinely do not understand any of this. Well, that is to say, unless we wade into murky waters in which case bad blood and more new bad blood and I can only say I hope the IOC issues a thorough explanation or things will go very, very sour. 

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I find the way this whole thing is being handled, with everything being left to the absolute last minute with no time for proper objections or appeal extremely distasteful.  I hope when the IOC deliver their list they give grounds for excluding any athletes who appear to have had no doping issues.

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It is distasteful but on the other hand, that is how you fudge. I've been told multiple times during these conversations that this is not a legal process and that 'presumption of innocence' doesn't apply and the IOC has to protect the sport .... and etc etc etc ... which just opens the door for so much manipulation. Especially as these aren't really suspensions, now are they? They are just not allowed into the Games. It reads poorly, quite poorly. 

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Oh I'm well aware that the whole timetable has been set so as to make it impossible to argue with the IOC decision, and there's definitely no aspect of any rule of law in this - it's what a lawyer in England would call inequitable, but they're a sports body not a government.  They are clearly hoping that any fuss will get buried in the spectacle of the games themselves, and they may well be right.  They could have begun this process any time in the last 18 months ( they left the Russians on tenterhooks over Rio, but didn't risk the 'big' games) so the thinking behind it is quite obvious.  It just stinks, and if they don't justify their choices I hope it doesn't just go away.   

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The IOC moves like a glacier in any event, in this case in the hope that the media attention will be distracted by the next juicy scandal, which it will, and that the athletes will give up in frustration and get on with their lives, which they probably will eventually, as the Olympics will be over and unless they are very determined, it will come to seem pointless.

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They want us to believe they do it for the sake of a clean sport? What a shameful undereestimation of the public's intelligence. The time table  within which the desisions are made,the lack of explanations  leave me with much of a  doubt that the fight for the clean games is not among  primary IOC priorities. This is not how you do things . 

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