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Team Russia

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I'd ignore that tweet. 


Anyway, this is far more interesting, in the Schmid Report:



The Russian officials admitted wrongdoing by individuals within Russian institutions but never 
“State doping support system”.
The IOC DC has not found any documented, independent and impartial evidence confirming the support 
or the knowledge of this system by the highest State authority.



So if I were Putin, I'd take it and let my athletes compete.

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I hope they choose to go. They are lucky to be even given the chance since many thought they would be banned outright.  And the fact they are called "Olympic athletes from Russia" that was a bit more than they could have been given too....  it seems the IOC did the best that they could think of to include the clean athletes. 


I have a feeling Putin will let them go..... boycotting never wins or makes any point... and only the little guys, the athletes, end up being hurt. 

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19 минут назад, DaPurpleDino сказал:

I just woke up and heard the news :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid: 

How likely is it any of them will go to the Olympics? Russia was quite adamant they would boycott if they were banned :/

I heard on TV that the Olympic Charter says that if a country decides to boycott Games they can be banned from Games 2 more cycles... (can't say how true it is)

At least I (naively) hope that athletes will be able to make a decision for themselves.

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Just now, Hannah said:

Personally I really want to hear "Olympic athlete from Russia - Evgenia Medvedeva". I doesn't sound so bad. 

May I correct this a bit??   "Gold Medalist and Olympic Champion :Olympic athlete from Russia - Evgenia Medvedeva! "

And  as  for  flag and national anthem .... I'm sure  the  fans on the stands  will  take  care of  it  :devilYuzu:

Noone  banned  fans  from entering the venue   with  flags ,  right ??

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No I  really want  her  to win . Like  I have never  ever  wanted  her to win.  Under  any  flag, neutral , striped , polka-dotted.. I just  hope  Putin won't throw the sand in the wheels and let the athletes  decide  on their own..

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Just now, Gaby said:

No I  really want  her  to win . Like  I have never  ever  wanted  her to win.  Under  any  flag, neutral , striped , polka-dotted.. I just  hope  Putin won't throw the sand in the wheels and let the athletes  decide  on their own..

 I don't mean to play devils advocate because I want them to compete as well, but I hope they receive no backlash if they do choose to compete under the ioc flag 

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Just now, Yatagarasu said:


Actually, yes they are. 

You can even get kicked out from the venue if they even catch you trying to get a flag in. 

Where  I can  see this info. It sounds a bit  absurd  but  nothing surprises me an anymore 

Just now, DaPurpleDino said:

 I don't mean to play devils advocate because I want them to compete as well, but I hope they receive no backlash if they do choose to compete under the ioc flag 

That's what  I'm talking about. 

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6 minutes ago, Gaby said:

Where  I can  see this info. It sound  a bit  absurd  but  nothing surprises me an anymore 


It was like that during the Athletics Worlds, when we had the same situation and 'neutral' participants. 


When it comes to athletes, if they tried to sing their own anthem in case they had won, then there was a fine. I am not sure what the penalty would be for attempting to wear something in Russian colors, another fine or something worse. I remember the rules were pretty strict, the Russian officials made jokes about what might be ok or not.

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There's a long-ish interview with TAT, and she thinks the athletes should go (she's super angry with the state and how they handled things). Raises some valid concerns about how they will feel, be received but also thanks the IOC for this chance to even go, as she IMO rightly points out, that they, the athletes, have this one life. I hope they listen to her. 

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TAT saying something like that makes me hopeful.

As Zhenya herself said, the athletes don't know if they might have another shot at Olys in four years. Everything can change even in a few months, there's no guarantee the athletes that now are considered potential medals will even be able to qualify in 2022. So I'm crossing everything and hoping that they'll let them go, and that athletes will choose to go. And that their country will support them.

It would still be strange not to see russian flags anywhere, but it would be even stranger not to see russian athletes competing. If they go, at least the efforts of years of training wouldn't go wasted. And I think that what's in the hearts of the athletes and of people rooting for them would count more than a missing flag.

Also, the chance to win an olympic medal. Sweet revenge (surely this would appeal to Putin, wouldn't it?)



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They stated in that report that they haven't found any independent and impartial evidence...no comments then :slinkaway: Sadly, it's just about world politics, nothing more.


I hope Russians will make the decision which is best for their athletes and for the country as well. If their athletes will compete as neutrals, I hope they will be in top form at the Games and will fight for medals with even more strength and motivation It would be humiliating not to see the flag and hear the anthem on the podium though.


Let's wait and see what the final decision will be...

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5 minutes ago, sallycinnamon said:

They stated in that report that they haven't found any independent and impartial evidence...no comments then :slinkaway: Sadly, it's just about world politics, nothing more.


I hope Russians will make the decision which is best for their athletes and for the country as well. If their athletes will compete as neutrals, I hope they will be in top form at the Games and will fight for medals with even more strength and motivation It would be humiliating not to see the flag and hear the anthem on the podium though.


Let's wait and see what the final decision will be...

The report says they've found no independent/impartial evidence of state involvement at the highest level, not that there's no evidence -- if the news articles are to be believed, the allegations against individuals and the existence of a system have been proved by the two independent investigations by WADA (McLaren report) and the Schmid report (which is why I'm =_= at people claiming Rodchenkov's a liar...there was more evidence than just his words involved in this decision). I hope the athletes will be able to go, not in the least to prove that clean Russian athletes can still succeed at their sport. It'll be a huge test to see what Putin decides. 

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4 minutes ago, kaerb said:

The report says they've found no independent/impartial evidence of state involvement at the highest level, not that there's no evidence -- if the news articles are to be believed, the allegations against individuals and the existence of a system have been proved by the two independent investigations by WADA (McLaren report) and the Schmid report (which is why I'm =_= at people claiming Rodchenkov's a liar...there was more evidence than just his words involved in this decision). I hope the athletes will be able to go, not in the least to prove that clean Russian athletes can still succeed at their sport. It'll be a huge test to see what Putin decides. 


If there was no independent, impartial and documented evidence of state involvement, why punish the whole country? With this logic, the could ban other countries as well if they really wanted to...I go back to my original thought that's only about politics, and nothing more. :13877886:


I hope for the best, my fingers are crossed for Russia and their athletes.

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