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10 minutes ago, Sammie said:

briand said yuzu will practice this morning


also, based on this news, they will decide whether yuzu will compete or not after the official practice this morning. so, let's hope for the best


3 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

From the same source, it is in the article - they have determined it is not swelling!

Great news, knock on wood. Heck knock on everything. In terms of the overall look, this is great news.


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13 minutes ago, Sammie said:

more info regarding Yuzuru : it seems like he had fever on Nov 8th and that's why he skipped practice to rest.


6 minutes ago, Floria said:



yuzuru talked with ghislain briand on the 9th and briand said nhk trophy leading to gpf is important but the olympics are also important too


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3 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:



Jack Gallagher‏ @sportsjapan

Yuzu has not appeared for practice this morning. The other five skaters have been on the ice for 10 minutes now. Yuzu's status for tonight still unclear

2 minutes ago, katonice said:


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On JSF's announcement after Yuzu skipped morning practices

18 minutes ago, katonice said:

What? This says they're still undecided...




16 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

He is undergoing treatment as his state was unsatisfactory and they called off the practice but ... it doesn't say WD. 




12 minutes ago, Sammie said:



フィトリヤ @crazykuroneko

yuzu's participation is still undecided. it's possible he won't do lutz and loop if he does. JSF said yuzu himself still wants to participate


11 minutes ago, sallycinnamon said:



Jack Gallagher @sportsjapan

Latest on Yuzu from JSF's Yoshiko Kobayashi: "He is currently receiving treatment on his ankle and would like to try and compete tonight." No further details at this time.


2 minutes ago, katonice said:

Nothing new here, but just posting Yahoo News' version of the announcement.

I think I'll go prepare lunch now...




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Yuzu withdraws from NHK Trophy


On 11/10/2017 at 7:56 AM, katonice said:

#YuzuruHanyu's official statement. #NHKTrophy2017


On 11/10/2017 at 7:58 AM, MrPudding said:

"I've ended up causing everyone to worry. I was aiming to participate in NHK while I received fervent treatment from doctors last night, but unfortunately, I've withdrawn with the final decision of the doctors." - Yuzuru's statement upon 2017 NHK WD

"From here, I will dedicate myself to treatment, and do my best heading towards nationals. Thank you for all the support."

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3 hours ago, kaerb said:

Briand says his injury is not serious



3 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:


30 minutes ago, Floria said:


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7 minutes ago, singcarcom said:
22 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

My Japanese is not good enough yet, but what I gathered from this tweet was that:


Brian (Orser) was contacted and initially they agreed to leave out 4Lz and 4Lo in the competition. Mentioned the doctor's advice after Yuzu went to the hospital.


I think they mentioned that it's similar to dislocating your shoulder, that it's easier to sprain your ankle after you've sprained it before.


1-2 weeks of rest is a must.



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1 hour ago, hamaguri said:



Now im going to bed, but found a happy article just now.  Yuzu is moving forward!:10742289:


"On 11th  day in Osaka city after withdrawal,  Hanyu was trying to care about his diet so that he could go back to competition at earliest convenience.

He makes a point of taking protein-rich food such as pork, tofu and egg and amino acid drink for recovering  good quality muscle.

On that day,  he spent a day watching Satoko Miyahara and so on at Ladies Free on TV."


Eta; This article is relevant to twitter introduced by @Sammieabove.



1 hour ago, MrPudding said:


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5 hours ago, SSS said:

To light the mood...it seems that our baby was spotted in Osaka airport. No mask. With good mental status? Right foot was not on the ground but he walked really fast with crutches...He overtook the fan and was discovered...the ANA flight attendant (female) almost had to run to catch him. "I never saw someone who could walk so fast with crutches like that" -- from the weibo fan. source


Zuzu I miss you...:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


Yuzu will need 10 days of total rest and 3-4 weeks to go back to normal training:

5 hours ago, SSS said:

message from zuzu


3 hours ago, Katt said:



According to Kobayashi, he will start rehab and practice slowly after 10 days of rest. It takes 3-4 weeks for him to get back to his form before the injury happened.  


3 hours ago, Floria said:



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LQ twitter videos of interview with Yuzu on his injury

1 hour ago, MrPudding said:


1 hour ago, MrPudding said:


1 hour ago, MrPudding said:


59 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


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11 minutes ago, MrPudding said:



10 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Rough gist of what he's saying here


'Getting an injury means there are still areas where I'm not good so I will need to work on it to get better. Of course, not just focusing on the Lutz but a lot of other areas as well and I will work to deliver another good performance. If you count the days until the Pyeongchang Olympics, it may seem like it's coming up soon but... I can only think of the future and only leave the past behind. At the moment, there's no choice but to do the things I need to do, one by one. I need to really really save my strength so I can let it out (at JP Nationals). Well, I'm in a condition where I actually have quite a lot of power, apart from my right ankle. I will become a stronger version of myself and overcome this coming month.'


*My translation is much more literal than Iron Klaus' one but I wrote it without realising she posted so ehhh, I'll just let this be its poor cousin

(it's hard to see him struggle for words because he usually doesn't but it's admirable he can keep himself together enough for an interview already so... Also, it doesn't sound like he will give up on the 4Lz though I didn't expect him to... also I still stick to my belief it wasn't bad technique but the need to get better at recognising his own condition so hopefully that's something he'll also work on)


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23 minutes ago, SuzyQ said:

Sorry if already posted.


NHK Sunday Sports.





Wish him early recovery and coming back to the competition soon.  As I'm just back from my own injury, I want him not to push himself too hard, and hope he will do good performance in the Nationals.



Good to hear his positive voice that he wants to be even stronger.  His physical condition right now is of course concerned, but if he is depressed, it might affect his recovery, so it is good to hear his positive words. 


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