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Requiem is a masterpiece, wheter one likes it or not. It's so intricate and has so much detail :love:


And yes, you're gonna get dinged if you leave anything on the ice. So I'm actually quite curious about how they attach all the bling, since the end result has to be comfortable, resistant to sweat and washings, etc. I'm sure whatever method they use has them going one by one anyway (and that's a big job in his case XD)

Yes, of all costumes Requiem probably was the most difficult to make. The only sad thing about this costume is that for me it is always associated with Boston, although it was the best perfomance.

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Requiem is a masterpiece, wheter one likes it or not. It's so intricate and has so much detail :love:


And yes, you're gonna get dinged if you leave anything on the ice. So I'm actually quite curious about how they attach all the bling, since the end result has to be comfortable, resistant to sweat and washings, etc. I'm sure whatever method they use has them going one by one anyway (and that's a big job in his case XD)

Yes, of all costumes Requiem probably was the most difficult to make. The only sad thing about this costume is that for me it is always associated with Boston, although it was the best perfomance.


Same, I wish Requiem was given a chance to remain positive in people's memories. I know a lot of people stay away from that period altogether :cry: too much devastation and sadness :cry:

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Requiem is a masterpiece, wheter one likes it or not. It's so intricate and has so much detail :love:


And yes, you're gonna get dinged if you leave anything on the ice. So I'm actually quite curious about how they attach all the bling, since the end result has to be comfortable, resistant to sweat and washings, etc. I'm sure whatever method they use has them going one by one anyway (and that's a big job in his case XD)

Yes, of all costumes Requiem probably was the most difficult to make. The only sad thing about this costume is that for me it is always associated with Boston, although it was the best perfomance.


Same, I wish Requiem was given a chance to remain positive in people's memories. I know a lot of people stay away from that period altogether :cry: too much devastation and sadness :cry:


Actually, I was really sad after Boston, but seeing Yuzuru skate to Requiem in the exhibition really moved me. I was comforted, it didn't matter so much that he didn't win after all, because that moment reminded me that Yuzuru was, is and always will be the best figure skater in the world and of all time. I think that was his best skate of Requiem. :crybaby: Even though I didn't like the costume, for me it represents some good memories now.

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...okay, am I the only one who prefers Chopin 2.0? XDDD

Both are gorgeous, but I really dig the gold accents, the lighter blue and the gold belt (better contrast with the rest of the ensemble)


naaah, I think a lot of us prefer the second Chopin :wink: ( that's what I'm going to marry :rofl2: ) I love the gold details, and that must be the prettiest light blue in the whole world :love: I feel like it was somehow a bit spaklier than the first one also? maybe it's only me

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...okay, am I the only one who prefers Chopin 2.0? XDDD

Both are gorgeous, but I really dig the gold accents, the lighter blue and the gold belt (better contrast with the rest of the ensemble)


naaah, I think a lot of us prefer the second Chopin :wink: ( that's what I'm going to marry :rofl2: ) I love the gold details, and that must be the prettiest light blue in the whole world :love: I feel like it was somehow a bit spaklier than the first one also? maybe it's only me

I love the second Chopin shirt slightly more, though I would love it to be just the slightest less baggy.


But what makes Chopin 1.0 win for me is the belt. Really, that belt with those pants and those legs and that waistline make for a work of art to my eyes. The Chopin 2.0 belt doesn't have the same effect.


For comparison purposes:



(click for full size)

Source: Comparison image by me. [link=http://nickverrreos.blogspot.pt/2014/12/ice-stylefigure-skating-costumes-recap_21.html]Chopin 1.0[/link] | [link=http://www.isu.org/en/single-and-pair-skating-and-ice-dance/news/2015/12/gp-final-barcelona-day-1-senior]Chopin 2.0[/link]

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Is there more than one costume for the Final Time Traveler EX? I think I've read somewhere about a version 2 of it. I only know the blue one... :sad:



That's the first version (from summer ice shows). Blue version was the second one. I have no idea why he changed it :s_dunno

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I would like to see Yuzuru in red (like in that Ghana cm), and red is my favorite color, so :love:

Me too! I highly doubt he would choose this particular color for a competition costume, but a girl can dream, right? :angel2:


Who knows :laugh:


But, i hope, for the olympics, he is going to be the most sparkling disco ball on the ice with a lot of gold sparkles :cool:

That's for sure :smile:. I'd bet on something blue/dark blue and maybe black with one additional color. Just a gut feeling :)

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...okay, am I the only one who prefers Chopin 2.0? XDDD

Both are gorgeous, but I really dig the gold accents, the lighter blue and the gold belt (better contrast with the rest of the ensemble)


naaah, I think a lot of us prefer the second Chopin :wink: ( that's what I'm going to marry :rofl2: ) I love the gold details, and that must be the prettiest light blue in the whole world :love: I feel like it was somehow a bit spaklier than the first one also? maybe it's only me

I love the second Chopin shirt slightly more, though I would love it to be just the slightest less baggy.


But what makes Chopin 1.0 win for me is the belt. Really, that belt with those pants and those legs and that waistline make for a work of art to my eyes. The Chopin 2.0 belt doesn't have the same effect.


For comparison purposes:



(click for full size)


I see what you mean, a big reason why I love Chopin 2 more is mostly sentimental I think. That was the costume Yuzu wore when I first saw him live in Barcelona! I remember thinking the others were skating around and he seemed so weightless, like he was just floating on the ice effortlessly :love: You can't really forget moments like that, at least it stayed with me very vividly, costume and all :s_smile ( + the gold, THE GOLD!!!! :smile: )

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Nice to see so many people on the Chopin 2.0 squad #REPRESENT :grin:




(He still looks like a prince on the ice no matter what he wears, tho)


Wow he looks incredible!

(but I still wish the shirt's fabric material was a bit more similar to that of 1.0.. :silent: Here it looks so lax and sags a bit in minor places I wish it hadn't. I guess I just like proper lines a bit too much)

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(but I still wish the shirt's fabric material was a bit more similar to that of 1.0.. :silent: Here it looks so lax and sags a bit in minor places I wish it hadn't. I guess I just like proper lines a bit too much)

I see what you mean :think: The fabric's definitely a bit heavier and doesn't drape in the same way, but I think the gold cut-outs at the sides are what's contributing the most to changing the shape. It's never gonna fall in a straight line when it's got a triangle of different fabric and seams giving it more structure, hence the bunching.


Case in point (you can really see it when he's not in motion):



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(but I still wish the shirt's fabric material was a bit more similar to that of 1.0.. :silent: Here it looks so lax and sags a bit in minor places I wish it hadn't. I guess I just like proper lines a bit too much)

I see what you mean :think: The fabric's definitely a bit heavier and doesn't drape in the same way, but I think the gold cut-outs at the sides are what's contributing the most to changing the shape. It's never gonna fall in a straight line when it's got a triangle of different fabric and seams giving it more structure, hence the bunching.


Case in point (you can really see it when he's not in motion):




Wow your words make a lot of sense! I never knew how to properly express it, but I think you just gave a perfect description of the fabric situation and how the triangles give it more structure and contribute to a droopier shape

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