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12 hours ago, Sammie said:

I lost my battle to my diet after he won. Cakes and ice cream to celebrate.  :13877886:

The Olympics have been terrible for my diet, I gave up completely. But the stress was so bad that I ended up losing weight. Only now I have to eat about twenty portions of fruits and veg a day for a few weeks to make up for the last few weeks... 

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2 hours ago, cinemacoconut said:



Koreans are bashing and writing death threats to innocent yuzu out of racism and jealousy on the olympics official instagram. This is unacceptable behavior from the host country. The more we stay silent the more they will fabricate lies about yuzu. Please help defend yuzu in the comment section to show that this hate message feast is not acceptable. Please take the time and write a nice comment for yuzu in the link above and show them that yuzu is loved all around the world.

No offense, but are you going to spam this in every thread now? It’s already been acknowledged and talked about in the gen thread

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The cat, who has several cushions, a fleece blanket and a bean bag in various places throughout the househas decided that the only acceptable place for a nap is on the computer keyboard which I am trying to use to sift out some information that I need for tomorrow   :sigh:

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Music from pre-Sochi days is coming up on Spotify and is making me remember how it felt not to be a Fanyu.

It was far easier to live liking small bands that would come near-ish me once in a blue moon and being resigned to never watch some others live (or even being able to own the cds) than waiting for Yuzu to skate in Canada so i can see him... And now not knowing when i will see him next... :13877886:

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Just now, robin said:


Is there any therapist among us that would lead a group therapy thread bc I really really need it :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:

That would only work  if we're 100% willing to be completely honest and share our feelings here. Otherwise is just a waste of time :13877886:

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12 hours ago, robin said:


Is there any therapist among us that would lead a group therapy thread bc I really really need it :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:


I'd be the kind of therapist that would fill everyone with hope and strenght for the future and then I'd go home and cry myself to sleep AHHAHAHAHA too soon, I'm at my second year of therapy and I still have bad crisises (but in the far future I do plan to undertake those studies... me and Yuzu both have a thing for phsychology, though I guess he's concentrated on athlete's phsychological preparation, while I'd rather work on children and teenager's phsycotherapeutic rehabilitation or something).

If there is one thing I've learned about myself that helps a little...


One thing is your passions, one thing is your life. For example, Yuzuru's win is amazing and his achievements can make us feel soooo good, but then it's important to remember at all times that we each have our own lives that we don't have to ignore... so, like. Avoiding 'losing' one's self in one's passions, accepting reality and stop one's self when you start seeing that it's becoming an obsession. Because even if it's a "good" obsession (because Yuzu is so perfect omg), it's still damaging when you drop everything else completely. I'm not sure if it's clear, and I know it isn't easy. I've spent all my youth losing myself in my obsessions, so now that I recognize the pattern, I work really hard to only take the good things out of my passions. 


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