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22 minutes ago, kiches said:

Actually I was at Skate Canada and I think one of the volunteers urged him to sign those autographs since many of the other skaters signed, and there were some young children there. I don't think he was initially planning to give any autographs and he may have felt obligated to in this case, I remember thinking it was odd that he signed anything at all. This is what I heard from some fans sitting closer by the Kiss & Cry where he signed. It's pretty rare for him to give autographs so I can't help but feel like he was pressured to in this situation. At ACI he didn't even give an autograph to the little girl who stuck her card out (although he did give her a flower from his bouquet).

I'm still hoping I can get his autograph someday though. I hope I can be there during one of those rare times that he actually decides to give them out :tumblr_inline_mg16hfnAAr1qdlkyg:

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1 minute ago, katonice said:

I'm still hoping I can get his autograph someday though. I hope I can be there during one of those rare times that he actually decides to give them out :tumblr_inline_mg16hfnAAr1qdlkyg:

Yeah I think you just have to read the situation and whether it's appropriate or not to ask, and that pretty much goes for any skater or any celebrity as well.  Although I can imagine him signing things much more freely after he r****s. 



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34 minutes ago, kiches said:

Actually I was at Skate Canada and I think one of the volunteers urged him to sign those autographs since many of the other skaters signed, and there were some young children there. I don't think he was initially planning to give any autographs and he may have felt obligated to in this case, I remember thinking it was odd that he signed anything at all. This is what I heard from some fans sitting closer by the Kiss & Cry where he signed. It's pretty rare for him to give autographs so I can't help but feel like he was pressured to in this situation. At ACI he didn't even give an autograph to the little girl who stuck her card out (although he did give her a flower from his bouquet).


:ohno: Ugh, that's...sad.   Let's be thankful Yuzu is so extra.  We may not get the autographs, but he compensates it with all the fanservice. :laughing: 

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7 minutes ago, kiches said:

Yeah I think you just have to read the situation and whether it's appropriate or not to ask, and that pretty much goes for any skater or any celebrity as well.  Although I can imagine him signing things much more freely after he r****s. 



Maybe I can ask him to sign my Aoi Honoo books. That would be amazing. 

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6 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:


(It is an illuuuuusion. He has a very long torso and normal legs.)

It's actually true because my brother has a similar body type (he has a long torso as well and broad shoulders for his height - I always joke that he should be like 10cm taller if you only look at his upper body but his shins disappoint :xD:).

But yes, I noticed this in Asaichi when he was wearing normal pants (albeit a long shirt...) and Yuzu even explained himself that his limbs seem longer because he always wears high-waisted pants and has the skates to add height. His proportions are still good though. 

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4 hours ago, Xen said:

Watching this discussion about autographs, I feel like by the end of the year, we'll manage to have every top 6 guy's autograph covered minus Yuzu's...cause we're all too chicken to approach him. Probably for the best, since it sounds like we'll sponatenously implode once we reach within a 2 meter radius of him. 

I should go get Boyang's, since we're in the same country and everything. This May there was a commercial show at an ice rink in my city, but I was on a trip that day. so Almost everyone at my rink (except me) got pictures with Boyang. And a lot of skaters were just staying around later to sign stuff, including Sui and Han, one guy even got his shirt signed by every skater there (Boyang, Shen/Zhao, Sui/Han etc)...:sorrow:

It's always people you're not too invested in where you can act normally. I'm usually pretty chill about approaching 'famous' people and try to be very calm and treat them like any other human, but even I was shocked at how nervous I became when I had the opportunity to talk to a blogger I really admire - your mind kind of goes blank hahahaha

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1 hour ago, kaerb said:

It's always people you're not too invested in where you can act normally. I'm usually pretty chill about approaching 'famous' people and try to be very calm and treat them like any other human, but even I was shocked at how nervous I became when I had the opportunity to talk to a blogger I really admire - your mind kind of goes blank hahahaha


Yeah, I kind of stopped giving a hoot once I passed the ripe old age of about 13 but really I'd rather just write a letter and leave them alone, though I'd feel bad about even taking their precious reading time. :laughing:


(This discussion has alerted me to the fact that I may well be a bit a lot overly sensitive. :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:)

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4 minutes ago, Anony said:

Speaking of which, does anyone have the time for 24 Hrs TV? It's not on the calendar, so sorry If someone mentioned it already :tumblr_inline_mm2wb3v3qq1qz4rgp:


It's 26th-27th Japan time but I can't find anything about start time. I'm not sure if they will announce the schedule/running order until it starts. I'm imagining a mezamashi situation but x24 which would = :13877886:

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