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The what-ifs game is never credible or valid, period. It all depends on how well skaters perform on the day. If they didn't win bc they were held down, that's another matter. But saying 'if this skater didn't mess up the Lutz' or 'if that skater didn't fall' they would have won is really stupid and frankly ignorant. They made mistakes that cost them the gold/a medal. What if Yuzu didn't botch his SP at 4CC? What if the CoD was solved by GPF? what if he never got injured before Worlds '16? He could've snatched all golds all season!!

(See how ridiculous that sounds?)

My thoughts exactly. The only thing that counts in competition is what you actually do on the ice, not what you could have done. Pointing out trends in how subjective scores are given (be it GOEs or PCs) is one thing, but if someone flubbed a 3F they flubbed a 3F. End of discussion.


But whatever: people will be people and there's always going to be somebody trying to excuse their fave. It's the double standard that bugs me.

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The main reason why this season Yuzuru has lower PCS than he should is because:

- His programs are not well-liked by the judges. Again, thanks to the like of many stupid comments from the so-called "experts" like TSL that "Hanyu's programs are empty". And the music choice for LP is not in the face for them.

- The bad LP at Boston harmed Yuzuru's image worse than it should be.

- He didn't have any clean performance since Boston. And only by Helsinki he manages to get good LP.


This win at Helsinki means a lot. So his programs were not liked, his image wasn't favored, he still won.


The importance of a well-liked program means a lot. I think that's why he repeatedly talks about improving his programs.

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Speaking of well liked program, I had a dream that Yuzu is bringing back Seimei as his warhorse to the Olympic season, press meeting and everything. And I woke up and immediately logged in to planethanyu to see it's true and I didn't knew if I was excited or scared..

This is how this guy controls us. We don't even have dreams of our own now.

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He won't bring Seimei. For sure. He will have something general media and casual viewers can relate to.


Yup. I know people have plenty of good ideas but it's the Olympics for one, and then there's feedback from H&L for another. Think more classical and conventional. He's not going to risk it now.

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Valkyria said:
OmNom said:
The what-ifs game is never credible or valid, period. It all depends on how well skaters perform on the day. If they didn't win bc they were held down, that's another matter. But saying 'if this skater didn't mess up the Lutz' or 'if that skater didn't fall' they would have won is really stupid and frankly ignorant. They made mistakes that cost them the gold/a medal. What if Yuzu didn't botch his SP at 4CC? What if the CoD was solved by GPF? what if he never got injured before Worlds '16? He could've snatched all golds all season!!

(See how ridiculous that sounds?)

My thoughts exactly. The only thing that counts in competition is what you actually do on the ice, not what you could have done. Pointing out trends in how subjective scores are given (be it GOEs or PCs) is one thing, but if someone flubbed a 3F they flubbed a 3F[/]. End of discussion.


But whatever: people will be people and there's always going to be somebody trying to excuse their fave. It's the double standard that bugs me.


:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: 

"Oh Hanyu lost the gold at 4CC bc his mistakes were too costly/ he had a 'bad day' so accept that as a fact and shut up. But if at Helsinki the Lutz wasn't flubbed we could have had a different podium! Would you just think about that! Imagine what almost could have been!"

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: 

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Yatagarasu said:
Yup. I know people have plenty of good ideas but it's the Olympics for one, and then there's feedback from H&L for another. Think more classical and conventional. He's not going to risk it now.


Prokofiev's RnJ for SP and Tchaikovsky RnJ for LP :P 

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You're right! whoops, I think I forgot to put a score in when I was calculating:

14-15 PCS Average is 88 so he was actually +1.24.


2016-17 I typo'd I was supposed to write 92.6 but this is also wrong because I made a mistake on the gpf score (I also included WTT)

LP average: so it actually comes to 92.08 (-1.7)


*goes to edit the OP*

Thanks for pointing is out!


Also, welp that means this season is the only one where he had a pcs dip


No problem, I got cross-eyed too when I look at protocols and scores and doing all the math and stats for his scores. So I feel your pain :space:


I think 2015/16, due to NHK and GPF, it is just a given that his average PCS is going to be higher than 16/17 season. But his average performance this season imo is better than he has ever been in his entire senior season :D

Anyway, this site is my go-to for the summary of his TES and PCS, (and protocols). You can check this one for reference instead of going through each protocols, it is easier :love:



Omg I wish I knew about this before XD


Also if anyone was wondering, the final piece of the puzzle...

Combined score averages and trends:


2010-11: 214.61

2011-12: 238.87 (+24.3)

2012-13: 257.25 (+17.38)

2013-14: 273.95 (+17.70)

2014-15: 267.01 (-6.95)

2015-16: 295.18 (+28.17)

2016-17: 289.75 (-5.42)


I think both 2014-15 AND 2015-16 should be counted as outliers :laugh: IA that while the trend might go down for the 16-17 season it's more because 15-16 had some extremely high scores that mess with the average, his scores were fairly stable this season. The points difference between the highest and lowest combined score for 2015-16 is 70.89 points while the difference for 16-17 season is 61.02 (which is still pretty big but it's also Autumn classic vs Worlds)

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liha said:
Specs said:
lynne001 said:
Today's TV show about Yuzuru. [170506 THE★LEGEND]




http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5l5ya ... gend_sport

I made a quick translation of this, other will no doubt do a more accurate job later.


Showing clips of commentary from Spain, Russia and Italy after his LP performance.

Spain "His Majesty Hanyu" Russia "Pooh Rain and 90% of pooh bears are at his house" Italy "Planet Hanyu" of course.

At the unveiling ceremony, some fans attending traveled from the States and China to see him.


Oda discusses Yuzu's popularity at shows. "Usually, gifts are put in the hallway temporarily, but in Hanyu's case it doesn't fit, so it's put in a separate room."

Oda also talks about how commentators coined the expression "doing an Oda". "I think my name was mentioned because the skater in question jumped too much." (explanation that jumping the same kind of jump too many times causes the jump to have 0 points attached)

"I'm like, wait, how many times have I jumped so far? I get flustered! I get flustered..."

Oda and Hanyu are best friends, about what Hanyu's really like, Oda said, "He's such a gentleman! When ladies leave he holds the door for them, or pulls out a chair for them, he's really kind to women."

"He doesn't like to eat much. He doesn't eat much, when eating a meal he often says, oh I'm full. I've never seen him eat fried food. He says it's too heavy on his stomach."


The last clip is Rafael Arutyunyan asking Hanyu for an autograph and Hanyu being surprised.


Thank you! :pbow: 


Thank you :clap: :love: 

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He won't bring Seimei. For sure. He will have something general media and casual viewers can relate to.


Also, replicating something that has been perfected before is not an easy feat. He'll always have to chase after that elusive perfect performance, or be haunted forever by its ghost. Our boy is much more clever than that!

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mcq said:
Yatagarasu said:
Yup. I know people have plenty of good ideas but it's the Olympics for one, and then there's feedback from H&L for another. Think more classical and conventional. He's not going to risk it now.


Prokofiev's RnJ for SP and Tchaikovsky RnJ for LP :s_tongue



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My thoughts exactly. The only thing that counts in competition is what you actually do on the ice, not what you could have done. Pointing out trends in how subjective scores are given (be it GOEs or PCs) is one thing, but if someone flubbed a 3F they flubbed a 3F. End of discussion.


But whatever: people will be people and there's always going to be somebody trying to excuse their fave. It's the double standard that bugs me.


And it completely undermines what has been done on ice. THAT Worlds FS wasn't enough for them? He scaled a very high wall and threw down the gauntlet. The main contenders had the door wide open and a big bowl of candy by the foyer. It's not Yuzuru's fault that they didn't pickup the gauntlet. Only Boyang did, but alas his PCS is not at that level yet. That's why I think Boyang Jin has a big chance to podium at Pyeongchang.

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Specs said:
lynne001 said:
Today's TV show about Yuzuru. [170506 THE★LEGEND]




http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5l5ya ... gend_sport

I made a quick translation of this, others will no doubt do a more accurate job later.


Showing clips of commentary from Spain, Russia and Italy after his LP performance.

Spain "His Majesty Hanyu" Russia "Pooh Rain and 90% of pooh bears are at his house" Italy "Planet Hanyu" of course.

At the Sendai Monument unveiling ceremony, some fans attending traveled from the States and China to see him.


Oda discusses Yuzu's popularity at shows. "Usually, gifts are put in the hallway temporarily, but in Hanyu's case it doesn't fit, so it's put in a separate room."

Oda also talks about how commentators coined the expression "doing an Oda". "I think my name was mentioned because the skater in question jumped too much." (explanation that jumping the same kind of jump too many times causes the jump to have 0 points attached)

"I'm like, wait, how many times have I jumped so far? I get flustered! I get flustered..."

Oda and Hanyu are best friends, about what Hanyu's really like, Oda said, "He's such a gentleman! When ladies leave he holds the door for them, or pulls out a chair for them, he's really kind to women."

"He doesn't like to eat much. He doesn't eat much, when eating a meal he often says, oh I'm full. I've never seen him eat fried food. He says it's too heavy on his stomach."


The last clip is Rafael Arutyunyan asking Hanyu for an autograph and Hanyu being surprised.


Thank you! :love: 

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