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20 hours ago, micaelis said:

I think many of us are trying to get a handle on the significance of Prologue and Gift.  True, we know that Yuzu is transforming the possibilities in terms of structure and technology that these exhibitions encompass but for us the question remains what is the significance of these shows for Yuzu.  I think I might have the answer.  Looking back at a competitive career that is basically unmatched by any other male skater these shows are a symbolic 'victory lap'.  He's simultaneously embracing new possibilities as well as putting the past behind him and embracing a future in which ice shows can be serious statement as well as skating spectacle.  I can't wait until he starts bringing others into his shows.  There will have been nothing like those in the past.

I don't know if they can be called a 'victory lap', although I understand why it might look that way.


To me, these shows are uniquely Yuzu things. It's something that no one has ever done before and maybe no one will be able to do again. It's Yuzu's own artistic expression, his alone. It can't be compared to others, to what has come before, at all. And while they're definitely a triumph of his skill and creativity, they're not triumphs, per se. 


If there's anyone he could possibly be compared to, anyone who's had this kindof impact in the past, it's maybe - maybe - Sonja Henie. Has any other skater held the public's interest so intently, or answered it so well? I think only Yuzu.


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Wow all these ads for GIFT:smiley-love017:

Only 6 days left:panic:


1 hour ago, gapil27 said:

So GIFT is totally different from Ciontu & Prologue, since he's not doing Q&A session. On that note, when is that snowglobe news coming? I'm so impatient :10636614:

Also, what is everyone getting from NS? Please share :)



Here a fanedit, while we wait for the details of the snow globe❄❄




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19 minutes ago, Anni said:

Hopefully Yuzu can rest well after NS.:smiley-angelic001:



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I have some concerns, since Ilia will also participate, that the topic "4A" will come up again.:sad4:



Wouldn't he be degrading himself to be in SOI with Instagram boy? I'm deeply puzzled by this decision. I also find it the news a bit unnecessarily distracting right before GIFT. It's not like NS whose timing cannot be altered plus with all of the positive energy ...


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