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12 hours ago, Anni said:

"But I'm sure that I couldn't have made it this far on my own. I think the strength of the people who support me, and the amount of their love, is what has made Yuzuru Hanyu what he is.”

For a performer such as Yuzu, this is very true. If his skating didn't strike a chord in people's hearts and resonate with the audience, it wouldn't matter how good a skater he is. He is able to draw a response from people and that makes all the difference.



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1 hour ago, DancingFeather said:

I want to see him SKATE. Happily, handsomely, heavenly skate.

Me too... BUT:

1. He needs media appearances to build his brand and stay in the spotlight, as he is no longer in the competition circuit (and also for fun, ofc, finally).

2. In this season, in November and December alone, he has already skated for about 2.5 hours. Comparing this to last year, I feel I may be getting greedy, wanting even more from him 😅


Edit: 3. And I like his voice, so... I won't complain.

Edit II: ...and his smile. And his way of thinking. And... well, you know.

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20 hours ago, isabelfm said:

Faoi created a weibo acc

......not to get ahead of myself but we might get a yuzu x xinyu/shiyue reunion next year :dancingpooh:

edit: totally forgot about the covid situation in china, idk if it's just the mainland or if Hong Kong is also in lock down but hopefully it'll get better


To be honest, I wonder if Yuzu will even stay with FaOI, now that he does his own solo ice shows. If he does stay, it would of course be wonderful to see a Yuzu x Shiyue/Xinyu reunion in China! Perhaps Yuzu and Xinyu could even perform together. How amazing would that be! :dancingpooh:


If FaOI should not have Yuzu anymore, I doubt their chances for success in China. I've already seen many C-Fanyus saying that they only want to see Yuzu and would prefer him doing solo ice shows in China. I hope that he will eventually have ice shows outside of Japan, preferably a world tour. :cheer:


Covid is unfortunately a very big problem in China right now with a huge wave rolling over the country. Let's hope it'll get better in the next couple of months. :smiley-angelic001:


15 hours ago, gapil27 said:

You know what Pro Yuzu is sure something else. He's like ehhh I got a bit of a time now, let's do stuff I guess. Just look at the appearances. It can be said that it's his GIFT for his fans for persevering during the long drought of his amateur days :20111123175639e73:





Yes, it's like he's trying to catch up and do everything that he couldn't do when he was still competing. And instead of getting a couple of drops of water once in a while, we're being thrown into a lake. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp: :animated-smileys-holidays-water-025:


15 hours ago, Sammie-s said:

GIFT new sponsor Phiten. My wing necklace just arrived few days ago. I am proud to support Yuzu sponsor. 


I look forward to the day when Yuzu has more sponsors than the ISU... Wait, could it be that this is already the case? :coffeebath:

Enjoy your new necklace! :angel3-smiley:


13 hours ago, Hanmgse said:

So many appereances :img_21: Yuzuru is feeding us well


We're enjoying a delicious feast every day! :drinkeat:

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13 hours ago, Anni said:

Asahi Shimbun GIFT interview part 3 is online

"But I'm sure that I couldn't have made it this far on my own. I think the strength of the people who support me, and the amount of their love, is what has made Yuzuru Hanyu what he is.”




More translations and interview video here ⬇️




I'm kind of sad to hear that he is always afraid, but its also understandable. It's such a huge pressure to perform alone in front of so many people (and on the ice, a slippery, tricky surface where everyone will see a mistake)....I kind of hope its more nervous energy then fear and that the experience of skating in front of his fans gives him energy and happiness.

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1 hour ago, nekodearu said:

Me too... BUT:

1. He needs media appearances to build his brand and stay in the spotlight, as he is no longer in the competition circuit (and also for fun, ofc, finally).

2. In this season, in November and December alone, he has already skated for about 2.5 hours. Comparing this to last year, I feel I may be getting greedy, wanting even more from him 😅


Edit: 3. And I like his voice, so... I won't complain.

Edit II: ...and his smile. And his way of thinking. And... well, you know.

:iagree:  Yuzu is also in the enviable position of having a multitude of talents, even though he himself made the comment that he is not confident about things other than skating. 

The reality for any sport person is that a a career with high demands on physicality will one day have to end. Yuzu is demonstrating his intelligence and versatility outside of the sporting / performing sphere, as well as keeping a high profile as he starts the journey of establishing hie professional brand. Compered with many people who have gained fame though sporting prowess Yuzu stands out for being articulate, eloquent and an intellectual. Hopefully the finest figure skating that we know and love will continue for years to come. Following that, it would be really wonderful to see Yuzu doing lots of other different things. Yuzu may well be exploring this as well with a long term view. Big brains need to be fed and enjoy being nurtured and feasting on novel experiences and ideas. Good for Yuzu. 

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3 hours ago, Yuzurella said:

To be honest, I wonder if Yuzu will even stay with FaOI, now that he does his own solo ice shows. If he does stay, it would of course be wonderful to see a Yuzu x Shiyue/Xinyu reunion in China! Perhaps Yuzu and Xinyu could even perform together. How amazing would that be! :dancingpooh:

Fret not! Yuzu said he will still do ice shows after this. Of course I forget when did he say that (and which interview) but I remember this specifically because I was chuckling to myself reading Yuzu assuring people (and organizers) he will still do ice shows despite his massive success lol

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36 minutes ago, gapil27 said:

Fret not! Yuzu said he will still do ice shows after this. Of course I forget when did he say that (and which interview) but I remember this specifically because I was chuckling to myself reading Yuzu assuring people (and organizers) he will still do ice shows despite his massive success lol

Yes!! i remember reading that but don't know which interview it was, the only reason i brought up Faoi is because of that. He genuinely looks happy performing with other skaters at Faoi, i also think he probably doesn't want to isolate himself too much from the rest of the FS community..anyway as long as he is happy i'm happy (even if i have to sit thru 2 hours of faoi to watch yuzu for about 6 minutes total lolol)

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4 hours ago, Anni said:

Some infos about the special program "Nenichi" on 25th december

...over 150 hours interviews and 184 performances.👀0:)






I'm looking forward to all the Yuzu contents, which we get in the next days.:tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg:

' "Views on Marriage" ' ?!


Anyone looking at Yuzu must surely realize by now that it's Ice-chan or nobody, for him... :59227c768286a__s:

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