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3 hours ago, Valkyria said:


Same here. And considering I'm busy in the mornings, by the time I come to check the Planet there'll be around 50 pages to go through, at least. Well, nobody said being a Yuzu fan would be easy :rofl:


And omg those gymnasts. It's funny how the boobskirt generates such opposite opinions around here but outside they're digging it though missing the boobskirt itself. Shame.

And there will be another round of debate and layout talk. Can't wait for that.:knc_brian1:

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8 hours ago, Yolo3a said:

I also realised something.

The year before sochi 2014, the competition that was held at Sochi was the gpf, and Yuzu had silver. And the next year he came and won it.

The event in PC before Olympics 2018 was 4CC and Yuzu again won silver. (Touchwood for Gold next year:bow:)


So it could be that Zuzu got silver in 4cc was all according to plan??:stars:



(Edit: I am moving to dangerous areas of superstition/off season craziness)

Hahaha you are not the only one to realize this. Mr. Hanyu the superstitious boy himself also pointed this out in an interview after his 4CC silver~


I think most of the time superstition works because of self-fulfilling prophecy, so seeing that Yuzu himself believe that this will work in his favor makes me more confident in him achieving his goal‼:knc_yuzu2:


P.s. new Yuzu shot at TCC omg‼ rain on the desert~~

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2 hours ago, MrPudding said:



Is it just me who finds it amusing that both girls just automatically laugh and emphasize that he's still single?

It's as if they're all advertising him out for something...

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16 hours ago, Yolo3a said:

I was watching Yuzuru's entire Olympics season and I stumbled upon Chasing Olympics Gold of Patrick Chan. Brian is in it, and some glimpse of Yuzu. It's simultaneously so funny and sarcastic and sad in retrospect.


the pressure is so real though. Good luck Yuzu!!

so tough ><

Poor Brian

Mr. 3A?:knc_brian1:

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Anyone here watched Vincent zhou's new FS? I didn't really follow him but his videos popped up in my YouTube recommendation and I watched.... kind of disappointed though... :slinkaway:reminded me so much of 2012 yuzu, but he is still young and hope that was just a not-yet-well-unpolished programme


ETA: Jason's new FS music suits him well~


ETA2: suddenly realize this should not be posted here :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid: 

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