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:meditationf: trying to keep calm :meditationf:


Dear Yuzu, you have given us a lot of happiness through competing already. I'm sure that, whatever your decision may be, to continue competing or not, we will continue to get only happiness from your skating. May you be happy with the decision you have made, which I'm sure was decided through a lot of deep thinking taking into account all factors. :7938863:


We will always support you. Fly, Yuzu!!! :tumblr_inline_mto5i9TIpx1qid2nw:

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50 minutes ago, Floria said:

Looks like reposting from the previous source.

All the these media outlets are not providing any additional information. Just repeating the same that the unethical Nikkan Sports published. This is looking very similar to when the Japanese Skating Federation updated Yuzu's profile on its website. All media outlets took that short statement (the same that Yuzu had last year) and made headlines with it, without any additional information or checking the sources. Just one online sports newspaper tried to get more info from the JSF, and their answer was quite vague from what I understood. Yuzu decided to hold this press conference to avoid more speculation. Even if info was leaked, it doesn't replace the depth of what he will tell us and the opportunity of Q&A where he is in command of the answers.

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Hi, what a time for a first post... but I've been a silent observer for more than 8 years now. 

I just wanted to pitch in an idea, or more or less my first reaction when I read the title of the original announcement (not the ones from the news articles).


My first reaction was: "oh, so he's going to announce that he's married now. How nice." And then I started seeing all the other theories that go in a complete different direction and at first was very confused! 


But no matter what he decides to announce I will continue to support him (most probably quite silently again)

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Good morning everyone :wave:
What a restless night....my heart beats twice as fast and I'm not really emotionally ready for the press conference.:drama:



3 hours ago, lajoitko said:

Editing the whole post, because Lae posted possible livestreams in one post. Disclaimer: we will see if they are showing the press conference only when the time comes. All of these are working without VPN.



Once again editing with qq-stream



Thank you for posting these live links.

Here another link


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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4 minutes ago, Anni said:

Good morning everyone :wave:
What a restless night....my heart beats twice as fast and I'm not really emotionally ready for the press conference.:drama:



Thank you for posting these live links.

Here another link


Thanks for compiling. Here is another list (and are repeated). The Olympic channel while also show the press conference:


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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