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Good evening / Hello ALL the fanyus: to keep this Monday waiting.....  :fingerscrossed:   and the Eric Bompart trophy (which sells SUPERB cashmere) has been active from 2004/2015 (link posted by Annie on NDDP  :heartpound: ) and now named " French trophy or French internationals 




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8 hours ago, Sun_Rise said:


I am very much impressed by this and that Mikiyawa is really using big words here.


It's not that Yuzu is just nice or kind to people. That's not enough for him. He most likely does it naturally, but the effect is that he is empowering people. It's not that they're only affected by his charm (which, I am sure, is also part of the package!), but he seems to be giving them wings, sharing his own light, the thrive to be something more, to mobilise something in them they were maybe not aware of. No wonder they're talking about meeting Yuzu as about a life changing experience. 


I agree. Yuzu doesn't just have the courage, inspiration, vision, drive, and perseverance to be the best he can be and bring out the best in himself. He inspires other people to be the best they can be and bring out the best in themselves.

If you look at all the artists and other professionals Yuzu has worked with, many of them said something along the lines of Yuzu inspiring them to become better versions of themselves. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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On 7/16/2022 at 8:15 PM, Anabel said:

I almost missed it :facepalm: The heat got me groggy, damn summer...


I saw that Spain has been suffering through heatwaves with temperatures of over 40 degrees this summer. I can't imagine what this must feel like. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

Please take good care of yourself! :201111231756430f6:

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@Sun_Rise @Yuzurella

Both of you have. correctly quoted exactly what so many people say after they have met Yuzu. Yuzu is a modern day muse and people have quite an epiphany sort of experience, as he inspires them. 


Very recently I heard a speech and one the things this wise person said is that everyone through their words has the power to nurture or destroy and that people should try to approach everything that they encounter in life with kindness and act through kindness.

Yuzu behaves in this way instinctively, reaching out to people with a generous heart.

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I've experienced 'the  Yuzu effect' myself and watched it happen to all kinds of other people who encounter Yuzu, and I want to say this:


I don't think it's something he is consciously doing (trying to inspire/empower people (well, mybe it is now, but not when he started)). I think it's something that happens to everyone around him simply because his own fire burns so bright. He's so positively convinced of his own abilty to make his goals happen, that it burns away all uncertainty. And when someone has that kind of light within them, it can't help but positively impact everyone who comes near. 


That effect  makes it seem totally silly to doubt yourself. Like, if 4A is within Yuzu's reach, then one's own personal goals are surely also within reach if we put in our efforts too. He makes me think that way.

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1 hour ago, Yuzurella said:


I agree. Yuzu doesn't just have the courage, inspiration, vision, drive, and perseverance to be the best he can be and bring out the best in himself. He inspires other people to be the best they can be and bring out the best in themselves.

If you look at all the artists and other professionals Yuzu has worked with, many of them said something along the lines of Yuzu inspiring them to become better versions of themselves. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


I have always (silently) called Yuzu "Yuzu-the Guru" for this reason.


He leads by his light, positivity and inner groundedness.  He is deeply connected with the divine realm, and he channels the qualities of an angel. 

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Don’t know if this has been shared yet! 

edit: ah @Sun_Rise not this acc particularly, twitter users in general… I see a lot on youtube thumbnails as well, they always remove his chin pouch :(  

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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