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3 minutes ago, tsubasanoyume said:

Thank you for today's YuzuSkatingParty! :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:  It was really interesting and inspiring! 


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I feel uncertainty about my next skating season and that still I can do less than others, but after all that Hanyu's words I feel passion again and I will do my best to get my loop finaly. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:



Go for it! May Yuzu's inspiration and our support help you achieve it :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg::7938863:


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1 hour ago, Perelandra said:

Thank you for the Skating party. 

It was an excellent recap of the evolution and development of Yuzu's beautiful jumps and jumping technique and how gorgeous his spins are

I almost missed it :facepalm: The heat got me groggy, damn summer...

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This account has been going through some older Yuzu interviews, I’m sharing here because I don’t remember if Aoi Hono I has it verbatim (I think it does, but just in case):



10 years ago~

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There has always been so many beautiful things written about Yuzuru. Some have been directly inspired by working with him, others have received inspiration by following his career, like the LinkedIn article shared by @Yuzuwinnie

There is also a book, 強く美しく鍛える30のメソッド (translation: 'Strongly, beautifully, 30 methods to train’), written by Akira Kikuchi (Yuzu's trainer/therapist) that also has a lot of heartwarming and very emotional moments where Kikuchi-san shares his experience working with Yuzu. This twitter post shares links to a fan made translation of the book:


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1 hour ago, tsubasanoyume said:

Thank you for today's YuzuSkatingParty! :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:  It was really interesting and inspiring! 


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I feel uncertainty about my next skating season and that still I can do less than others, but after all that Hanyu's words I feel passion again and I will do my best to get my loop finaly. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


Go Loop

"Yuzu the Force"

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45 minutes ago, YuDai said:

Tsukiyomi translated most of the Yuzuru parts from Miyakawa's twicast:

I find it quite interesting, especially the parts related to Raison.

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Also, I just love it when people are gushing over Yuzuru :68468287:



Highjacking your post a little Yudai :wink2: I don't remember if anyone shared this here (if someone has, let me know!)






Shame that the camerawork on Kobe and Shizuoka didn't capture more, according to fans in attendance there were plenty of details likes these, but FaOI always provides these nice interactions between performers and Yuzu always puts 110% into it! No wonder he collects these musicians like cards LOL




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Something "Notre Dame de Paris" in the morning :heart:

...while we're always still waiting for the assignments :facepalm:



This fan suffers from an eye disease and may not be able to watch the show again. Fan report from FaOI in the Yomiuri Shimbun issue from 14th July).:tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:





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On 6/30/2022 at 1:49 PM, ZuCritter said:

With deep apologies to Japanese fanyus, I hope that both Finland an “TBD” agree to host the event only if they get Yuzu (as Finland reportedly did in 2018). Make ISU and JSF confront the reality: He’s way bigger than the sport. (I’m not bitter, no, I’m not.)



IMO Espoo would be perfect for various reasons. And I still cling to this hope. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Are there enough seats though? We know fron FAOI what arenas Yuzu can fill ... 🐐 BTW, I would gladly join the group of fanyus who wants to organise a private Europe tour for Yuzu. He may also be interested to come back once more to the home country of the other back-to-back Olympic Champion - a country that used to have lots of medalists until some decades ago ... ⛸🥇🥈🥉


And maybe in a distant future after his career end he could find joy in the thought of saying farewell to JSF, living here quietly and making German figure skating great again ... :bye-smiley:


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14 hours ago, YuDai said:

Tsukiyomi translated most of the Yuzuru parts from Miyakawa's twicast:

I find it quite interesting, especially the parts related to Raison.

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Also, I just love it when people are gushing over Yuzuru :68468287:



I am very much impressed by this and that Mikiyawa is really using big words here.


It's not that Yuzu is just nice or kind to people. That's not enough for him. He most likely does it naturally, but the effect is that he is empowering people. It's not that they're only affected by his charm (which, I am sure, is also part of the package!), but he seems to be giving them wings, sharing his own light, the thrive to be something more, to mobilise something in them they were maybe not aware of. No wonder they're talking about meeting Yuzu as about a life changing experience. 

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