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After reading the translation of the pamphlet that @birnasan shared with us, I was wondering how involved Yuzu is in the production of FaOI. I know that the translation is automatic and that Birnasan always warns not to take it as a 100% correct translation (thanks for that <3) According to the translation, his implication is almost total, right? But perhaps those of you who have been following Yuzu for a longer time have a clearer and more accurate idea about it.


On the other hand, I have read a tweet in which it was asked if the Real Face choreography really belongs to Yuzu or if we have simply taken it for granted... It has made me doubt about it... :confused:

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  On 6/4/2022 at 10:39 AM, Anabel said:

After reading the translation of the pamphlet that @birnasan shared with us, I was wondering how involved Yuzu is in the production of FaOI. I know that the translation is automatic and that Birnasan always warns not to take it as a 100% correct translation (thanks for that <3) According to the translation, his implication is almost total, right?



My impression while working on the translations was that he was speaking about his own parts in the shows, his own programs, costumes etc, and not so much about the whole FaOI production. But I think he is probably at least a little bit involved in everything and his suggestions will be heard. 

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Thank you for all the posts and translations! It is really nice to have a place where I can come back in the evening after work and recuperate everything I lost during the day. And I totally forgot about the skating party which I'm joining now 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Nagoya Day 2: I'm afraid I tend to belong to the embarrassed party. :embSwan: But I admire Yuzuru's confidence and it's so good to see him happy! What I want to say: I am delighted that the audience finally screamed collectively again :confused0066::bunny-smiley:! It's been two long years. Yuzu flirting (or whatever to call it) and audience reacting properly is much more fun than the decent applause. He has everyone in the palm of his hand. The screams from the audience just feel so right and better than my lonely one in front of the screen.

I am confident that Pooh rain will happen again. We are going to produce a real yellow-reddish cloudburst and a screaming storm, right?

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  On 6/4/2022 at 6:56 PM, DancingFeather said:

Nagoya Day 2: I'm afraid I tend to belong to the embarrassed party. :embSwan: But I admire Yuzuru's confidence and it's so good to see him happy! What I want to say: I am delighted that the audience finally screamed collectively again :confused0066::bunny-smiley:! It's been two long years. Yuzu flirting (or whatever to call it) and audience reacting properly is much more fun than the decent applause. He has everyone in the palm of his hand. The screams from the audience just feel so right and better than my lonely one in front of the screen.

I am confident that Pooh rain will happen again. We are going to produce a real yellow-reddish cloudburst and a screaming storm, right?



:animated-smileys-hello-22:what did you mean re the "embarrassed party"? Just curious, maybe I've missed something.


Totally agree re Yuzu having the audience in the palm of his hands! And boy does he deserve it.


I was watching the end of the final and saw him stay a bit longer than the others to say a last goodbye and I don't know if that was planned or if he just loves the audience so much that he just went along with what felt right to him. Either way.. what a treat it all must have been for anyone in the crowd (yes I'm jealous).



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  On 6/5/2022 at 10:06 AM, TokyoDream said:


:animated-smileys-hello-22:what did you mean re the "embarrassed party"? Just curious, maybe I've missed something.


Totally agree re Yuzu having the audience in the palm of his hands! And boy does he deserve it.


I was watching the end of the final and saw him stay a bit longer than the others to say a last goodbye and I don't know if that was planned or if he just loves the audience so much that he just went along with what felt right to him. Either way.. what a treat it all must have been for anyone in the crowd (yes I'm jealous).




I think @DancingFeather is referring to how cheesy all these moves are. I honestly am on the same boat. There is a term in Spanish for it: “vergüenza ajena”. It’s feeling embarrassed for someone else’s actions. It can be negative and in a funny way at the same time. With Yuzu I’m definitely more inclined towards the funny side of it. It’s just all very… extra :giggle:

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  On 6/5/2022 at 11:21 AM, Whoopiewoop said:

I think @DancingFeather is referring to how cheesy all these moves are. I honestly am on the same boat. There is a term in Spanish for it: “vergüenza ajena”. It’s feeling embarrassed for someone else’s actions. It can be negative and in a funny way at the same time. With Yuzu I’m definitely more inclined towards the funny side of it. It’s just all very… extra :giggle:


You know this term!! :rofl3:

I feel more "vergüenza ajena" with Blinding lights but in a funny way :8788161:

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