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8 hours ago, Geo1 said:

Ghislain reste en contact avec Yuzu. Plus récemment, il a contacté Yuzu immédiatement après le tremblement de terre du 16 mars 2022 pour lui demander comment Yuzu et sa famille s'en sortaient et il a été rassuré que tout le monde allait bien.

MERCI Ghislain d'avoir pris des nouvelles de Yuzu et sa famille et de nous rassurez aussi ( je n'ai pas traduit puisse que Ghislain est du Québec ) 

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3 hours ago, Saawa said:

:7562096:Aujourd'hui est le 10e anniversaire de cette performance phénoménale qui est devenue un tournant dans la carrière de Yuzu:7562096: :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw :


Depuis lors, Yuzu a progressivement commencé à gagner de plus en plus de fans et à construire lentement mais sûrement son héritage.
10 ans plus tard, le nombre de ses fans est sans précédent dans l'histoire du patinage artistique masculin.
Mais Yuzu n'a pas seulement enchanté nous - les gens "ordinaires". Il y a beaucoup d'artistes célèbres, d'athlètes d'élite et d'autres qui sont ses fans, s'inspirent de lui et ont un grand respect pour lui. 
Dans ce fil séparé, j'ai essayé de faire une grande compilation de divers professionnels louant et jaillissant des capacités, du talent et de la personnalité de Yuzu au cours des 10 dernières années, le mentionnant de manière positive ou déclarant simplement qu'ils sont ses fans.
Merci à tous les fans d'ici et d'ailleurs qui ont posté les sources originales ! J'espère que j'ai tout crédité correctement.
  • 15 danseurs
  • 20 chanteurs/groupes
  • 24 autres musiciens
  • 29 comédiens
  • 19+ producteurs de films/tv, romanciers, peintres et autres
  • 70+ athlètes d'élite
  • 80+ hommages de petits patineurs (costumes et/ou programmes)
En plus de cela, Yuzu est fréquemment présenté dans les manuels scolaires ou le matériel d'étude au Japon - une grande compilation ici :
Je suis juste... si heureux qu'il y ait tant de personnes différentes qui aiment et apprécient autant Yuzu  :cœur:.
Parfois, il y a des ennemis qui prétendent que Yuzu n'a de fans qu'à cause de son apparence et essaient d'inventer toutes les mauvaises raisons pour lesquelles il est aimé. Mais non.
Ne vous laissez pas affecter par ces âmes amères.



Ah OUI cette performance restera dans mon :heartpound: , car c'est la 1ère que j'ai vu sur youtube et j'ai fait WOOOOO ( je m'y revois encore ) et entendre les commentaires de Annick : " mais il est formidable ce jeune patineur ( pas très connu à l'époque ) et c'est juste un kid et dit à la fin : " il a TOUT donné et est épuisé et cette émotion " et j'avoue encore que j'ai une petite larme en l'admirant :sadPooh:   et aussi :iagree: avec M Ambesi 

Et la liste des fans qui se sont inspirés de lui :rubeye: , il peut en être fier :clapclap4:   

Just now, Yuzuwinnie said:



Ah OUI cette performance reste dans mon  :heartpound: , car c'est la 1ère que j'ai vu sur youtube et j'ai fait WOOOOO ( je m'y revois encore ) et entender les commentaires de Annick : " mais il est formidable ce jeune patineur (pas très connu à l'époque) et c'est juste un kid et dit à la fin : "il a TOUT donné et est épuisé et cette émotion" et j'avoue encore que j'ai une petite larme en l'admirant  :tristePooh:   et aussi  :Je suis d'accord: avec M Ambesi 

Et la liste des fans qui se sont inspirés de lui  :rubeye: , il peut en être fier :clapclap4:   


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1 minute ago, Yuzuwinnie said:



Ah YES this performance remains in my  :heartpound: , because it's the first one I've seen on youtube and I went WOOOOO (I can still see myself there) and heard Annick's comments: "but he's great this young skater (not well known at the time) and he's just a kid and says at the end: "he gave EVERYTHING and is exhausted and this emotion" and I still admit that I have a little tear admiring him  :sadPooh:   and also  :I am okay: with M Ambesi 

And the list of fans who were inspired by him  :rubeye: , he can be proud  of it: clapclap4:   



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6 hours ago, Henni147 said:


Très grand Oui à tout dans ce post !


Oui à s'inspirer de la nature. La Terre Mère est la plus grande artiste de tous les temps et la meilleure enseignante que nous puissions trouver.

Oui à essayer différents styles de danse (peut-être même faire un voyage dans le pays d'origine et apprendre la danse des indigènes).

Yes to visiting art museums too.


My suggestion specifically for Yuzu would also be:

This latest Olympic cycle was all about looking back at his life and skating career so far. It would be a very nice bridge to take the next cycle for a look into the future. Take a pen and a piece of paper and brainstorm, write

- all the things you plan or want to do

- your predictions for the next few years about yourself

- the things you are most afraid of

- the things you expect the most


And then build your programs around those topics. Programs that help you overcome your fears, fulfill some of your wishes, and be "ahead of your life" (on a meta level).


:wave: ALL the fanyu and with Henni, you have written great ideas and excellent suggestions for Yuzu and for me, to go to Paris to the Louvre Museum (and see the Mona Lisa which is a jewel of humanity) and visit all sectors (paintings / sculptures / antiquity / Egypt / Greek / ship models / pottery / heritage of ancient sovereigns etc.... (I stayed there for 5 hours and haven't seen everything) and to visit castles of the Loire and those of the department of the Dordogne and nature question, there are a lot of them and multiples of all kinds and to see animals in the meadows and I discover the "human library" too :surprised_pikachu: 


The world is so vast and different and rewarding too and the idea of skating on a frozen lake (I can't remember who wrote it) would be a MUST and filmed, of course 

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hi all!

late with this post (been busy with offline life). i have managed to attend worlds'22! 

despite the obvious sadness of Yuzuru not being able to attend, i still managed to enjoy the event despite everything. it was my first ever live FS event, and not having a sharp eye for technical details turned out to be an advantage this time (LOL) 


one of the highlights was meeting fellow fanyus. thank you all so much, it's been a joy.

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I haven't caught up on the thread yet, but I need to say something... Olys was horrible, yes. Yuzu was devastated, yes. We all were. But we must not forget something as important as that everything happened without an audience. If there had been an audience the feeling would have been very different. The audience would have stood up and applauded those two wonderful programs for minutes. In addition to an incessant rain of Poohs. I hope that Yuzu is aware that there are two judges looking at the rink, the ISU and the public. And the public knows how to appreciate art without bias.


Sorry if it's a bit out of the conversation, but I'm feeling pretty frustrated right now about Yuzu's future. The uncertainty kills me...

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On 3/25/2022 at 7:29 PM, TokyoDream said:

Wasn't Anabel supposed to be in Montpellier? We haven't heard from her in a few days so I'm a bit concerned (I'm sure she's fine and she just happens to have a life unlike me 🤣)

I just read this! I didn't take my laptop with me, but the trip was also bumpy. After SP I had to return to Barcelona for work reasons. I went back to Montpellier the next day, Friday afternoon, to be able to be at the FS on Saturday. Because of that and the accumulated fatigue (more than 1000km by car in 3 days...) I couldn't meet the other fanyus who were there :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

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37 minutes ago, Anabel said:

I just read this! I didn't take my laptop with me, but the trip was also bumpy. After SP I had to return to Barcelona for work reasons. I went back to Montpellier the next day, Friday afternoon, to be able to be at the FS on Saturday. Because of that and the accumulated fatigue (more than 1000km by car in 3 days...) I couldn't meet the other fanyus who were there :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

Oh wow! You went back home and came back for the FS! That's nuts (and dedication!!). Sorry you couldn't meet the other Fanyus :(

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1 hour ago, Anabel said:

I just read this! I didn't take my laptop with me, but the trip was also bumpy. After SP I had to return to Barcelona for work reasons. I went back to Montpellier the next day, Friday afternoon, to be able to be at the FS on Saturday. Because of that and the accumulated fatigue (more than 1000km by car in 3 days...) I couldn't meet the other fanyus who were there :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

I was wondering why we didn't see you. Goodness, that's a lot! Watching competitions live makes for a busy day to begin with but add in work obligations and that's even worse!

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Hello, just popping in for an inquiry! :8122685:


For competition videos, do ya'll prefer all the events uploaded (mens, womens, pairs, etc.) or only the singles events (mens and womens) plus maybe the gala if it's possible?


(Edit: This is a questions for Worlds videos at the moment since I was gonna do pairs and Ice Dance but wasn't sure... )

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Hace 4 horas, Anabel said:

I just read this! I didn't take my laptop with me, but the trip was also bumpy. After SP I had to return to Barcelona for work reasons. I went back to Montpellier the next day, Friday afternoon, to be able to be at the FS on Saturday. Because of that and the accumulated fatigue (more than 1000km by car in 3 days...) I couldn't meet the other fanyus who were there :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

I hope you had a good time and enjoyed yourself anyway. 

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