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Guest Mary_kyo
  On 2/11/2022 at 6:17 PM, Hanmgse said:

there isn't an emphasis like in the 6.0 system but skating clean still affect marks, I mean it has to since falls do disrupt the flow of the program. Whether Nathan or Yuma were overscored in PCS the point is they delivered solid performances, that's it. We all know had Yuzu skated clean he would have been in the podium too (not first unfortunately).


There is a rule for this and @ fsjudge did apply PCS cap on Yuzu's PCS. Nathan and Yuma delivered solid performances, so they should get the BV and proportional GOE. Should it be reflected in their PCS? Nope. There is a rule book to score. PCS is NOT based on BV and mere clean skates.

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  On 2/11/2022 at 2:24 PM, Antheia said:

may I ask if the source is accurate--is yuzu's score underscored so much :O  😭😭


I have few issue with this re-scoring:

1. The account claims to be a judge but there is no proof of that and I have an issue with trusting people online who claim credentials without proving it

2. There is no mention of what is the source used when scoring. They say "what happened on ice", but were they there in person or did they watch it on video? if it was a video, then which video? from the the ones I watched it is impossible to see some of the elements to judge them accurately. So how did they do it?

3. I think that the PC scores are low. I am not a NC fan and really hate his skating, yet I know that he is a mid 8 skater for most of his components (except TR). We may describe his SS as bad and his programs as empty but that is compared to the scores he is getting not that there are really zero content, performance or skill there. 


How I see it, there is a clear bias in this scoring and I don't like that. Especially since they claim impartiality.


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  On 2/11/2022 at 6:17 PM, LaCarmi said:


Welcome! Oh the joy of discovering Yuzuru! I remember those moments... I'm kind of jealous... you have 10+ years of greatness to catch up to so you will get that feeling of seeing his performances for the first time! And then re-watch them and re-watch them again. And knowing his story! Please learn his story :D


Sorry if I say this but they wanted to prop FS in the US with NC, but someone discovered Yuzu instead. Good job ISU, seriously...  Anyway, welcome again :D :D 


Thanks all for the welcome!
Honestly I’ve been researching Yuzu so much these past few days..this man is so respectful and I love how he is such an uplifting and kind person on and off the ice. He seems to be harsh towards himself only but is so encouraging to others, and when I read about how he had a lonely childhood the. moved to Toronto with just his mom and was also training alone recently due to the pandemic...😭😭😭. He honestly inspires me to work hard too and focus on being the best version of myself instead of worry about things like what my classmates think of me etc etc.


How are you real, Yuzuru? I’m honestly in awe of his talents and his persona, like how is he so amazing, graceful, and ethereally beautiful? Is he a literal angel descended from the heavens? I’m sure he was born with a lot of talents and natural gifts but no way he doesn’t work harder than everybody else on top of that 😭


also lol yes they tried to get me with NC during the hype for the team event here in the US...but whoops I became a yuzu fan instead :P 

also as an aside, not sure if this was mentioned, but during the flower ceremony lol that was such an awkward podium with the three winners vs in 2018 when yuzuru was 1st and everybody looked a lot more tight and friendly (not sure if this was due to pandemic related rules, but I also noticed in the winners lounge the second and third place winners didn’t really know what to say to nc lmao) wishful thinking me was thinking “haha they know who the true king here is and it ain’t nc”

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  On 2/11/2022 at 6:59 PM, Neenah said:

I have few issue with this re-scoring:

1. The account claims to be a judge but there is no proof of that and I have an issue with trusting people online who claim credentials without proving it

2. There is no mention of what is the source used when scoring. They say "what happened on ice", but were they there in person or did they watch it on video? if it was a video, then which video? from the the ones I watched it is impossible to see some of the elements to judge them accurately. So how did they do it?

3. I think that the PC scores are low. I am not a NC fan and really hate his skating, yet I know that he is a mid 8 skater for most of his components (except TR). We may describe his SS as bad and his programs as empty but that is compared to the scores he is getting not that there are really zero content, performance or skill there. 


How I see it, there is a clear bias in this scoring and I don't like that. Especially since they claim impartiality.



I share your feelings, this person seems very biased so I don't think is a good source to discuss scoring. 

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my opinion on that judge (I do not think they are real judge):

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  On 2/10/2022 at 3:51 PM, Yuzurella said:


I'm glad that Plush always supports Yuzu and encourages him. :tumblr_inline_mqt4graWWO1qz4rgp:




Hm ... I listened to the video twice but didn't hear him say that Yuzu didn't complete the 4A. At least not in the clip above. Maybe it was only a typo? He said in the beginning that, unfortunately, the 4S didn't happen/work (не получился) in Yuzu's SP this time but Yuzu wanted to show us the beautiful skating he is capable of. (Roughly summarized.) I haven't scrolled to the last page here, so this might already have been discussed meanwhile. In this case: Sorry for the repetition!

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  On 2/11/2022 at 7:10 PM, Hanmgse said:

I share your feelings, this person seems very biased so I don't think is a good source to discuss scoring. 



  On 2/11/2022 at 7:14 PM, Saawa said:

my opinion on that judge (I do not think they are real judge):

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They indeed don't seem to be a real judge. It was already suspicious that they would mention they were Ukrainian when there is a handful of Ukrainian ISU judges out there. I personally would have left my nationality out of it.


I already mentioned this before, but I wish they would have started off with rescoring several skaters and not just Yuzu first. It just gives people fuel to throw at them and consider them biased which they most likely are. The last set of scoring was a bit overkill but the previous ones were more in line with what I thought to be honest. if it would remain a neutral, I couldn't care less whether they are an ISU judge or not, this would be the same as any of our members on PH rescoring Yuzu's skates. 


Fact us, they are most likely going through skates in slow motion, getting replays and that to me proves the point that AI is NEEDED, desperately. This was what I commented about when the account first appeared and got bullied by a smart ass :68468287:

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  On 2/10/2022 at 6:26 PM, liv said:

Yuzu. What guts. He didn't play it safe, didn't pop it into a single or double or whatever you'd pop a 4a into... he went for the biggest jump of them all, on the biggest world stage, knowing all the things that could happen if he fell. He has said before he's weak, but he's so much the opposite.


So many times I've heard about skater x (like Plushenko/Yagudin/Chan) who could do this (insert difficult quad here) in practice, but you never saw it in competition. They were never brave enough to throw it into a major competition and played it (relatively) safe because they wanted the win. Yuzu could have taken that route and, judging by last night, he would've been on the podium too (but obviously not gold, that was preordained) but the 4A was the 1 childhood goal he hadn't achieved. He's so close to it, that was the best attempt yet. Selfishly, I want him to keep trying it because I want him to get that last goal for himself.  After the competition he's obviously drained and emotionally exhausted, but with time and reflection I wonder what his inner self will tell him about that 4A. If he truly feels (and not just heat of the moment) he has no more to give to it, then that's fine. He has put his body and mind through so much and i am ever so grateful for being able to witness his career.


Exactly. After feeling sad and miserable for the last 3 days I have now come to the conclusion that 4th is the best place under the present circumstances. It's just coming to my mind that the number 4 is in it, just like in his extraordinary jump. He is off podium, but the FIRST off podium. This way, as others have already said, he was spared the nasty press conference. He didn't have to stand beside NC when he got all the praise. It's so much Yuzu-like to have pursued his main goal 4A - which will last. Commentators have admitted that only a tiny bit was missing and that this jump should be worth 18 points or so. I am selfish, too, and would love to see Yuzu going on competing as long as he himself ENJOYS it - after resting properly and taking care of his ankle. We can only guess how much Yuzu has been torturing himself training the 4A during the last weeks before the Olys and how much his ankle has suffered from it. So it's amazing how beautifully Yuzu skated here. I'm also relieved that asthma didn't strike this time. I remember feeling lost and empty 4 years ago when I had just discovered Yuzu and feared he would retire. I feel only pride and thankfulness this time. :heartpound: And I can only admire his way of communicating with the media: Turning away to hide his emotions and appearing composed and friendly in front of the cameras - the perfect way of dealing with the situation. :grouphug: Yuzu getting support from everywhere is heartwarming and nobody should mix it up with pitying him. What we saw of him recently is not a man whose time is over. In this respect I think he could really feel like the other back-to-back Olympic Champion, Kati Witt, who challenged the Olympics a third time after a pause ... :animated-smileys-hello-22:

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