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3 minutes ago, Smultron said:

Okay, hopefully it will work again soon! I was worried it was something serious, phew :tumblr_inline_mqt4gi2T9v1qz4rgp:

I was like.."I can't access my home, what's going on?" :laughing: 


hahah sorry you had to go through such a horrible experience!!!


You guys can always reach us on our twitter if you can't access PH, btw

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9 hours ago, LadyLou said:

Anyway dropping by because I tripped into this video about the Hana wa Saku special exhibition Yuzu skated with Honda, Akiko and Shizuka.

Partial translation by yuzusorbet here :tumblr_inline_np9uqfin9j1qid2nw_75sq:

It’s from last year but I don’t think I’ve seen it posted here, and If it’s been already shared then it’s always a pleasure to re-watch some good content :tumblr_inline_mqt4graWWO1qz4rgp:including (in no particular order)

  • hydroblade without hands :popcorn:
  • beautiful lines
  • ultra-brief snippets of other skaters
  • spread eagle-3A- spread eagle-3A-spread eagle (no I haven’t typed that wrong, he did a double sandwich :tumblr_inline_ncmifkFYMt1rpglid:)
  • Yuzu among kids :10636614:
  • beautiful lines
  • fall on 3A (during late night training?)
  • Yuzu telling girl how to hand him out a flower (he’s picky about that too):dancingpooh:
  • more beautiful lines:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:
  • cute interactions (among others: Plushenko, Mao, Shizuka, Akiko, Nanami Abe)

and of course more serious bits about the earthquake and Hana wa Saku EX.



Well, this really got to me. Tears just rolled down my face.  It's like his mission in life is to spread joy and hope everywhere he goes. 

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1 hour ago, Yuazz said:

I have this problem too since yesterday morning, it's been 1 day.. I wonder if this site under maintenance. But I just clear cache and data from my browser and finally now I can access this forum.

I panicked at first. I wondered if I was going to hyperventilate. Then, I turned my phone off/on and all was well. :smile:

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7 hours ago, Plumqueen said:

I panicked at first. I wondered if I was going to hyperventilate. Then, I turned my phone off/on and all was well. :smile:

It's been happening to me as well. For a couple of days now.

I just thought it was my phone, then happened on my laptop too.

Glad to know nothing's broken.

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I also have problem today can't access it when typing the url www.planethanyu.com :tumblr_inline_mjgka3OTeG1qz4rgp:

This site can’t provide a secure connection

www.planethanyu.com uses an unsupported protocol.


it says that :slinkaway: but when I googled planethanyu and opened a certain topic or open something like https://planethanyu.com/topic/3-general-yuzuru-chat/?page=330 it opens just fine :laughing:


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1 hour ago, freeyafanfan said:

I also have problem today can't access it when typing the url www.planethanyu.com :tumblr_inline_mjgka3OTeG1qz4rgp:

This site can’t provide a secure connection

www.planethanyu.com uses an unsupported protocol.




Me too! I almost got a heart attack :crazyshit:

I just kept refreshing the page and thankfully it worked..

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35 minutes ago, katonice said:


What were they laughing at?

Makes me want to laugh with them too. 

I actually DID laugh when I saw this!!

Watch Boyang - a skater goes past and he laughs harder - watch Yuzu - he laughs as the skater goes past, so I think they were laughing at another skater's antics @katonice - only a guess though! :laughing:

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