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8 hours ago, Melodie said:

Mettre à jour: 


More pics:


E5qU1tRVoAIY9ke? Format = jpg & name = 900x900


Credit: @taedonyzlove  on Twitter 


Link to purchase the magazine:  https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0988Y39LW/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_apa_glt_i_8EE8GZJP45WB6Q7TTM07


(currently out of stock for sasuga Hanyuconomy !!)


PS: Is this the first time he's done new photoshoots for Kose ???




What news, I am learning and reading the FANYUS with you  :thankssign: and July 13 is a date that I will not forget, personally !!!! NO, he did other sessions for Kosé Sekkisei



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12 hours ago, hananistellata said:

This is Tanabata in Japan, I hope people can party at festivals while being wary of COVID. Sometimes I wonder if Yuzuru celebrates Tanabata on July 7 and August 6-8, but it is most likely the latter since he is from Sendai. I heard that Sendai Tanabata festival is the most popular in Japan, if I have the chance I might also attend the festival someday. Hope Yuzuru can safely celebrate Tanabata with his family this year. :tumblr_inline_mto5i9TIpx1qid2nw: 


Learn more about the Tanabata festival:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanabata


I discover this festival, which I did not know !!!!! and I saw on Wiki that there is indeed one in Sendai : will Yuzu and his family celebrate it? and here is a photo (which I saw on Wiki) : "handwritten wishes for a good future of the earth and a thank you note" 


90px-Tanzaku.jpg          220px-Sendai_Tanabata_2005.jpg  Sendai 2005    



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happy tanabata.
has anybody written their wishes for the stars?

@Yuzuwinnie I've read thet tanabata festival in sendai is celebrated in agust to match (edit)the old chinese calendar  an older calendar then the chines one .. guess many messages over there will be hang wishing yuzu happiness and success <3 (I will hang mine for sure)


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:wave:  Gaia, I think this year at this festival there will be a lot of wishes written for health / protection / the future? and have escaped in the universe admiring a starry sky  :hairflip:  and of course in Sendai, there will be messages for Yuzu and I read that you are going : SUPER  :peace2:(I do not know this old Chinese calendar, that you appreciate seeing that you put a heart  :heartpound: ) OK, you will put  a message : but you know how to write in Japanese? where will you do it in Italian? and here is a festival of wheels of all kinds and there is my frenchy Kevin who did it without hands : eh not bad  :animated-smileys-character-075: and Yuzu with Rika at the end 



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6 minutes ago, Yuzuwinnie said:

I read that you are going

Unfortunately I am not phisically going,:sad-smiley-046:
I just ment I will join the tradition and write my wish and hang it to a tree . I'll use deepl to translate from italian to japaneese (or I'll ask a friend to do so) and will do my best to copy the translated text (thought I should write the italian version aswell just in case stars might misunderstand me LOL )

https://www.sendaitanabata.com/en  here the english site for tanabata in sendai (apparently I was wrong about the calendar stuff. 7 july according to the chinese calendar, august according to amore ancient one)

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23 minutes ago, gaia said:

Unfortunately, I am not going there physically, : sad-smiley-046:
I just said that I will join the tradition and write my wish and hang it on a tree. I will use deepl to translate from Italian to Japanese (or I will ask a friend to do it) and do my best to copy the translated text (I thought I should write the Italian version as well just in case stars might misunderstand me LOL)

https://www.sendaitanabata.com/en   here the english site for tanabata at sendai (apparently I was wrong on the calendar stuff. July 7th according to Chinese calendar, August according to a plus former)



OK, too bad indeed  : sadPooh:  and, therefore, you will do it in Italy (good idea for me to do it in France) and you will write what you have on your heart. 

I went to see your link and it is interesting to read  :headdesk:    and on the map of Sendai, there is no marked "location of the Hanyu house" = in a dream  :coolio: and for the rest, everyone can be wrong and there is a French saying which says : "it is the one who does nothing, who does not make mistakes" 

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11 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

The accident that's seared into.my brain is the one from the Jr. Pairs practice( or warm up) at Canadian Nationals last year. The guy tosses his partner up for a twist and then trips and falls flat on his face. She finishes her twist and he's not there to catch her - he's still scrambling to his feet - and this tiny, fragile little four-foot-nothing 13 year old girl goes pancaking flat onto the ice, dropping like a stone from six feet up onto the ice, barely managing to break her fall.  In my lifeguarding days, that would have been a showstopper: clear the pool, everyone out, all hands on deck, 3 lifeguards to get her immobilized onto the spine board, call an ambulance, send her off to the ER, the whole nine yards. 


Instead, her partner picks her up, sets her back on her feet, they go over and get examined by their coaches and whatever so-called medical staff happened to be on that day, and she goes back out to skate their SP...with a broken kneecap and wrist but somehow miraculously not concussion. And then Ted B praised her bravery. Instead of using the opportunity to call for better injury protocols. 


It's got to be one of the few high risk sports where there's so little regard for safety. And where being downright foolhardy is considered a good thing.



Yet, hockey players are protected. The ISU should implement safety protocols.  Period.  Ted can really be an idiot.

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22 hours ago, gaia said:

I confess I sometimes scream (little squeaks mainly, not proper screaming all the time) while watching videos :rolleyes:

I squeak and scream too:yahoo: Of course I try to refrain and stick to the silent screaming and pooh-squeezing at night, don't wanna wake up my neighbours :laughing: But if it's an ok hour, then yep, I also scream loudly. I mean, if people can scream for football all the time, why shouldn't I when my fave skater does well?:tumblr_inline_mqt4graWWO1qz4rgp:


6 hours ago, Yuzurella said:


Looking forward to seeing Yuzu skate again! I wonder what he'll perform. Perhaps a new program? :puddingpooh:

can you repost this in the DOI thread?:7938863:

As for new program, I feel lik mos of us are persuaded he'll have a new SP, so it would be funny if he trolled us all and recycling LMEY in the end:smiley-laughing021: and what if it's Ballade 5.0?

With oly season, ice show is a good opportunity to test a brand new program. So, if no new SP at DOI, then it's likely he's keeping old SP.

There's also the chance of a new EX for the season, since his last one was HYK (Masquerande and KuriMemo were for FaOI only)...



re: the Frau magazine pics

ngl, I was both endeared and entertained at Zu swimming in that extra large outfit... if the upper part was cute, I'm a bit more :huh: at the baggy trousers and white shoes. It looks as if he just got up early in the morning and he stepped out in his garden in his oversized paijamas... :P (I kinda expect him to sit down at a wooden table under a tree and have breakfast with bread&honey and strawberries, as birds chirp and a gentle wind rustles through the leaves... very bucolic)

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1 hour ago, LadyLou said:

As for new program, I feel lik mos of us are persuaded he'll have a new SP, so it would be funny if he trolled us all and recycling LMEY in the end:smiley-laughing021: and what if it's Ballade 5.0?

With oly season, ice show is a good opportunity to test a brand new program. So, if no new SP at DOI, then it's likely he's keeping old SP.

There's also the chance of a new EX for the season, since his last one was HYK (Masquerande and KuriMemo were for FaOI only)...

Since he said it's a SP that "only he can skate" I think it's definitely going to be a new one or as you said, possibly ballade 5.0 :coolio:

But I also like the idea of a new ex!! So excited to see what he'll skate :heart:

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6 hours ago, LadyLou said:

I squeak and scream too:yahoo: Of course I try to refrain and stick to the silent screaming and pooh-squeezing at night, don't wanna wake up my neighbours :laughing: But if it's an ok hour, then yep, I also scream loudly. I mean, if people can scream for football all the time, why shouldn't I when my fave skater does well?:tumblr_inline_mqt4graWWO1qz4rgp:


can you repost this in the DOI thread?:7938863:

As for new program, I feel lik mos of us are persuaded he'll have a new SP, so it would be funny if he trolled us all and recycling LMEY in the end:smiley-laughing021: and what if it's Ballade 5.0?

With oly season, ice show is a good opportunity to test a brand new program. So, if no new SP at DOI, then it's likely he's keeping old SP.

There's also the chance of a new EX for the season, since his last one was HYK (Masquerande and KuriMemo were for FaOI only)...


I just posted it in the DOI thread. :tumblr_inline_n18qraikFP1qid2nw:


I do scream like crazy for Yuzu when it's a reasonable hour. And I also scream for my favorite football team. :68468287:


When I was watching Pyeongchang Olympics, men's skating was always in the middle of the night and it was such a torture that I had to be quiet and do silent screaming and cheering. :grin:

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1 hour ago, rockstaryuzu said:

Exactly. Normalize screaming for Yuzu the way rugby fans scream during the Six Nations. LOL

cars went around honking through the city yesterday after Italy won Euros semifinal (and they had celebrated that way even after the previous match). It went on for at least one hour:laughing: Me occasionally letting out a couple screams  is pretty tame in comparison :P


3 hours ago, hananistellata said:

Why isn't the Yuzuru At A Glance topic not being updated anymore? Just curious. 

possibly and simply because the people handling it have not been active on this forum recently


afaik Gladi hasn't posted anything on her tumblr or YT channel for a couple years.

Dasani is still active on twitter (aaaand apparently their twitter account is "temporarily restricted":shocked: as far as i can tell their video links are still up though, so at least it shouldn't be another instance of copyright claim)

if someone wants to keep working on the thread, they could ask them for permission first, I guess?

It takes lots of effort and time to keep all the other threads running. IMO with Upcoming events in homepage + calendar + compilations + News thread routinely updated it's still possible to keep posted about what Yuzu does, though it might not be as immediate...




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