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14 hours ago, ruruzest said:

So this morning I couldn't wait until second period to ask my student about the eluding picture with Yuzu. I think he looked a bit apprehensive to see me waiting outside of the classroom and gestured him ouside:snonegai:. I was all smiling to put him at ease :POOH:and asked if by chance his mom took picture by the phone but alas! They used a Canon camera! I was so disappointed I was quiet for a bit , but I was determined to have a glance of the said photo so I gave him my phone number which I never did before ( oh the thing I do to see Yuzu photo ) and told him if there was any slim chance to retrieve it  just send it to me . Now I think I was close to the point to harass the poor student ( sorry A.):headdesk:,so I released him back to the classroom so that he could sign yearbook.

so that was my sad story about Yuzu's photo. Btw, the clueless student still hasn't checked out Yuzu's programs on YouTube yet, yes I asked him :sadPooh:

One day in the future, he's going to find you, apologize for being ignorant and thank you for opening his eyes to the awesomeness of Yuzu. 

A former student came up to me Saturday at a baby shower, apologized for any misbehavior she may have exhibited in class and thanked me for assigning a project that still means a lot to her. 

Of course, I've also had s former student chastise me for giving him a C on a project. Poor thing. He was probably lucky to get a C. 

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1 hour ago, Hydroblade said:

used tissues you say...

you went there...


I honestly don't feel sorry for Javi. He's still among the top 6 skaters in the whole world, the best European skater in the world, and has been World Champion for two years in a row. Skating is his passion and he does what he loves for a living. This is already enough to make him the luckiest among many, so ruining his happiness because there is someone in the world who's better than him is just not wise. 


Kind of like Snow White's story. The Queen had power, had beauty, but because she was envious of Snow White who was the most beautiful in the kingdom, the Queen had to go ahead and ruin everything :laughing:

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54 minutes ago, AsteroidB-612 said:

Yeah I agree with this... Yuzu being seen as number 1 comes with a price. With great power comes great responsibility. If you think about the responsibility and pressure that comes with Yuzu being THE ONE that everyone chases and wants to climb over, you wouldn't feel so bad that Javi is not in that position. Plus, Javi is sort of in that position being the 2x WC and number 1 in SP, before his free skate this last worlds championship, and just even a bit of the taste of that pressure was enough to cause him a number of mistakes to not podium.


This is the amazing thing about Yuzu. He has the mentality to turn pressure into blessings, and make everyone else think it's easy doing what he is doing. :space:

Yeah, I have to agree with this as well - I imagine Javi doesn't feel sorry about it either as it takes the pressure off, in a lot of ways he's in a very lucky position of not having any real pressure to make a World, Olympic, or European Championship team - and he can usually count on coasting to an easy victory at Europeans as well.


Yuzu has been the one to chase since Sochi (maybe even since GPF 2013), but I think he really cemented that status with his performances after his Olympic title. For all the talk of Yuzu being inconsistent he manages at least one (if not more) absolute standout performance/competition a season whereas I don't think Javi has that same track record (opinions may vary on this). Yuzu's status was really set when he produced those two clean back to back competitions in 2015 at NHK Trophy and the GPF, and appeared to be on track to repeat the feat in Boston up until the FS. I think in a lot of people's minds Javi's two world championship titles were really two titles Yuzu lost and handed to him, versus a complete and confident victory (his first world title Javi was 2nd in both SP and FS, Boston he had a convincing FS but Yuzu had his disaster). Couple that with the fact that Yuzu tends to give off the image of a resilient fighter who at times has proven he can emerge from the ashes like a phoenix and you start to get people calling him a god and all other sorts of things. Frankly put, the way I see it is that Yuzu has been the one to set the bar and Javi is one of the ones that are reaching for that bar - but not necessarily one looking to constantly set that bar higher. I don't think Javi sees himself in that role either which is why, despite his 2 WC gold, fans and commentators don't really regard Javi the same way they do Yuzu.


On another note, I wasn't an avid skating fan until after Sochi, but Patrick was the clear leader/favorite in the Olympic cycle leading up to the Olympics in Sochi - for those that followed skating during this time do you feel that Patrick had the same amount of pressure? I know domestically he's never had any real competition in Canada so he's never had to worry about making the national team, but I sensed his pressure was on a different scale since he had settled on his 2 x 4T layout in the FS in the past and hadn't pushed forth technically until he returned to competition in a new quad frontier.

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I think Patrick was bearing a different kind of pressure going into Sochi. Canadian men have never won OGM even though there had been many strong skaters among them, including two two-time Olympic silver medalists and a four-time world champion who landed a quad in a competition for the first time in the history. Before Sochi all of these guys appeared in a TV program talking about how hard it was for them to compete for OGM in their second Olympics and how hard it was to overcome their loss, for Patrick who was going to compete at his second Olympics to win the OGM for the first time as a Canadian man (why did he have to hear such things before going to Olympics…not after coming back from it?) I think such situation would make it harder for a skater to fight through an Olympic season. I remember him saying sorry in kiss and cry after his FS.


Yuzu at that time was also bearing a huge pressure because to win the gold medal there was the reason he left his beloved home, and there were many people seeing him as their hope. Now the pressure on his shoulder is immeasurable. I’m not saying the pressure which was on Patrick is bigger than that on Yuzu now or vice versa, but being the dominant skater in domestic field doesn’t necessarily lessen the pressure on the skater's shoulder.

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7 minutes ago, sweetwater said:

I think Patrick was bearing a different kind of pressure going into Sochi. Canadian men have never won OGM even though there had been many strong skaters among them, including two two-time Olympic silver medalists and a four-time world champion who landed a quad in a competition for the first time in the history. Before Sochi all of these guys appeared in a TV program talking about how hard it was for them to compete for OGM in their second Olympics and how hard it was to overcome their loss, for Patrick who was going to compete at his second Olympics to win the OGM for the first time as a Canadian man (why did he have to hear such things before going to Olympics…not after coming back from it?) I think such situation would make it harder for a skater to fight through an Olympic season. I remember him saying sorry in kiss and cry after his FS.

Brian Orser was one of those predecessors- he has excellent reasons to tell Y to keep away from social media.

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I've read many articles that emphasise the Olympics is almost entirely a mental battle - all the athletes have the physical ability so the one who wins is the one who can withstand the nerves and perform with their usual ability. 


I worry a little about Yuzu's mental state since he's said himself (and Brian's said this too) that he's the type to get anxious and put a lot of pressure on himself, and skates more cleanly when he's calmer. He's great at 'chasing' (Worlds, WTT) but it's a different kind of pressure to hold a lead. I wonder if they're getting him to see a sports psychologist to give him some strategies to deal with nerves. A lot of Olympians (granted, summer Olympians) do that but there's a larger stigma around getting mental help in Asia so idk. Regardless, better for him to stay off social media despite it being hard for fans ; u ;

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5 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Regardless, better for him to stay off social media despite it being hard for fans ; u ;

Personally, i like it that he isn't present on social media. Otherwise it might be too much for me, also, my productivity would drop to 0%

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