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20 分ぐらい, yuzuthebest said:


Next is a big project of Lotte Xylitol 's 20th Anniversary !

Only 500 sets/boxes of 20 pcs of Xylitol gum (X mint)to be ordered

only at Lotte on-line shop at the price of ¥2,592(tax included). And

it will come with that newspaper'ads(dated May 17, 2017,

3 types in 1 set) as a free gift !

Deeply sorry but in fact just a few minutes ago when I was going to order it...I was shocked by the word,"SOLD OUT"....Incredible ...:8122879:

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2 時間前, kaeryth said:



After all this time Episode 2 of Kenji's room has been posted! :10636614:

Anyone can give bullet points? Seems he's professing his love of axels.


ETA: Seems like they're talking about jumps? Hopefully someone can translate :tumblr_inline_mg15qnUpxW1qdlkyg:



1 時間前, xeyra said:


Thanks for posting this! I don't understand a thing he says (I think I heard double axel somewhere, and flip and triple axel) so I hope someone gives the gist of it, but I want to say I love this hairstyle on him. He looks amazing here. 


...I could've sworn I've seen translations for these floating around tumblr somewhere when I was looking around to see if it's been done. think they were on yuzusorbet's blog...? 


But it really is kind of this uploader to share. It's nice to finally be able to see it on something as accessible as YT. ^v^

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2 hours ago, Dara said:

Pyeongchang Olympics will have flower ceremony after free programs (just like in Sochi), and medal ceremony will be held next day at Olympic Plaza.

To attend medal ceremony you'd need separate ticket (2000 won) to enter the Plaza. 

Olympic Plaza at this moment is still under construction (scheduled to be done by September), it's in ~28 km from Gangneung station




You have to travel that far away just to see the medal ceremony? I don't even know how I'm supposed to get between Gangneung and the sliding center in Pyeonchang. Never mind being able to find any lodging outside of Seoul. This whole Olympic has not been organized very well or convenient.

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5 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:



...I could've sworn I've seen translations for these floating around tumblr somewhere when I was looking around to see if it's been done. think they were on yuzusorbet's blog...? 


But it really is kind of this uploader to share. It's nice to finally be able to see it on something as accessible as YT. ^v^


Yuzusorbet has a summary of episode 1 and Yuzuland has translations for ep3-5. For some reason ep2 never surfaced until now. haha

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4 分ぐらい, kaeryth said:


Yuzusorbet has a summary of episode 1 and Yuzuland has translations for ep3-5. For some reason ep2 never surfaced until now. haha


Ohhh. So those are what I'd seen. I just did a cursory check and thought everything's up, lol. Sorry for the misinfo. Carry on.

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2 hours ago, kaeryth said:



After all this time Episode 2 of Kenji's room has been posted! :10636614:

Anyone can give bullet points? Seems he's professing his love of axels.


ETA: Seems like they're talking about jumps? Hopefully someone can translate :tumblr_inline_mg15qnUpxW1qdlkyg:


I'm working on a dot point translation like I did for Video 1, it's probably 80% done? So happy someone uploaded it ( :

They talk about axels for awhile and there's some technical stuff in there I don't 100% understand (and Yuzu talking fast and then mumbling/trailing off s i g h) but also some really interesting things about Junior Worlds and leading to his senior debut. Will do my best to get a rough translation done soon (and hoping someone properly translates lmao ;;; I don't have 100% confidence in my abilities)

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On 6/19/2017 at 1:47 PM, kaerb said:

I'm working on a dot point translation like I did for Video 1, it's probably 80% done? So happy someone uploaded it ( :

They talk about axels for awhile and there's some technical stuff in there I don't 100% understand (and Yuzu talking fast and then mumbling/trailing off s i g h) but also some really interesting things about Junior Worlds and leading to his senior debut. Will do my best to get a rough translation done soon (and hoping someone properly translates lmao ;;; I don't have 100% confidence in my abilities)


Thank you! :bow:

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42 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Ohhh. So those are what I'd seen. I just did a cursory check and thought everything's up, lol. Sorry for the misinfo. Carry on.


I remember someone roughly translating the key points to this back on GS. I know I copied and saved what I could find but it's on my external hard drive I think. I'll go digging for it later and share what I find. 

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On 6/19/2017 at 11:06 AM, yuzuthebest said:

<3<3 Messages from YUZU <3<3 (re: P&G)


:7562096:In English:

1) Each of your supports has impelled me to move


2) I will do the performance that gives HOPE to

    everyone who has always been supporting me.

3) Each of your voices that has been supporting me

    always strongly pushes my back to keep going ahead.

4) I can never find any appropriate word that can

    express all of my gratitude to you.  Mom, thank you.

5) I will only become stronger when you all yell for me.

6) Safe and sound I have received so many messages.

    All of your thoughts will never be in vain. With these 

    thoughts, I will continue doing my skating with all my 

    strength. Thank you very much indeed.

7) What I can do now, I will always do my best. And if

    possible, I want to get all done together with 

    everybody. Thank you for your constant support.

8) Mom, thank you for always keeping an eye on us.

    (=my elder sister and me)

9) With the clothes being washed everyday (by my Mom),

    today is again another day that I want to do my best.

10)To me, 365 days are my Mother's Day.

     Thank you, as always.



:7562096:In Japanese:

1) 声援の一つ一つが僕の進化の原動力です。

2) いつも応援してくださる皆さんの希望となれる


3) 応援して下さる一人一人の声が僕の背中を


4) 言葉にできないくらい感謝しています。


5) みなさんのエールで僕は強くなれます。

6) たくさんのメッセージ、ちゃんと届きました。



7) 常に今、自分のできる最高を。



8) お母さん、いつも僕たちを見守ってくれて


9) 毎日洗濯してくれた服のおかげで







:7562096:Twitters with Yuzu's pictures & his handwritten messages:
1) https://t.co/gfocF1fbOn(The lower one)
2) https://t.co/8pXxszu0q5(The lower one)
3) https://t.co/sMxEOcafxn
4) https://t.co/sUmmjhGCXG
5) https://t.co/byHd0P73Or
6) https://t.co/9MIxpPgHia
7) https://t.co/0buH163E8e
8) https://t.co/QvKHMxVGe6
9) https://t.co/gfocF1fbOn(The upper one)

10)https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?      fbid=256106198204267&set=pcb.1918748

241706306&type=3(The 1st one on the left)




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5 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

I was ready to start crying about off season but hey guess what we still have two more streaming parties!

Both full of fluff!!

I feel like we're being spoiled.

Sappy post ahead:

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I want to use this post too to thank all of you! I couldn't join you guys for the Skater's Recollections streaming party but i am happy to see that you all had a lot of fun and enjoyed watching his journey from bb mushroom to World Champion x2.


I am very emotional these days so i think it's just the salt trying to get our of my system.


Seeing how we have been enjoying the streaming parties, the reports and all that... If i had any doubts about the Planet, now i can be 1000000% sure that it was the best decision we could make. I don't think that it would have been possible to do things like these on the other place, and i am really pleased to see how the community has been growing and bonding during the short time we've been orbiting this planet. I love that even if this thread grows to an amazing rate, everything is still more manageable, and that you can talk about many things at once. I hope we can have something for everyone here, and that no matter what part of Yuzuru Hanyu you like, you find a place and a group of people who want to discuss it with you.

I want to thank all the lurkers too, those who are registered and those who are not. You're still important to this community. And those who aren't registered i hope one day you can join us and shitpost comment on morning tv shows for three hours while we wait for 20 seconds of Yuzu.


Finally, although off season isn't officially here until those two events are over (at least for me), i am looking forward to cheering for him on the next season with all of you. He will need all our support next season and for those of us who can not make it to the competitions, we can still support him from here.

From the look of it, we will enjoy this season a lot, because we're all here and we will be able to give him our support plus emotional support among us, as this season is going to be a stressful one lol.

So, everyone...




Arigatou gozaimashita! as well to you @Hydroblade and to everyone of the Admins and Mods who are making this place possible. I don't think I've hung out in any other forum as much as I have here. Really, thank you so much for what all you guys have been and are doing :pbow::pbow::pbow:

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On 6/19/2017 at 10:19 AM, Dara said:

Pyeongchang Olympics will have flower ceremony after free programs (just like in Sochi), and medal ceremony will be held next day at Olympic Plaza.

To attend medal ceremony you'd need separate ticket (2000 won) to enter the Plaza. 

Olympic Plaza at this moment is still under construction (scheduled to be done by September), it's in ~28 km from Gangneung station





Well, I for one am infuriated.  That's two extra days I gotta stay in town or near town or wherever for these festivities.  I wanted to travel to Japan or Hong Kong after the men's was over. And I was not looking to try to camp out in the bitter cold to get a decent view (because you KNOW that's what's going to happen with it being so close to Japan) :hachimaki::hachimaki::hachimaki:

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Okay, since I already almost finished the Ep 2 translation of Kenji's Room, I went ahead and finished it so I can sleep well at night :10636614:

  • I was really inspired by Yuzu's account about how he vowed not to make excuses for his poor performances and his observation that strong athletes don't give excuses. Really #lifelessonsfromyuzu but it's something I also want to take on board
  • I'm pretty sure Kenji shares my sentiments because his periodic, vaguely shell-shocked 'へンやん!' summarises my feelings perfectly (like literally it means 'that's weird' in Kansai-ben but also kind of translates into: 'wtf is this kid/wtf are you' and I agree) :Poohgaveup: 
  • I'm still blown away by how Yuzu's been set on his Olympic goals for so long, and also the extent of his determination (and confidence) - he emphasises himself that it wasn't a 'I can get a gold medal' but 'I will get a gold medal' and he put in the hard yards and overcame a heightened amount of hardship to get there. I just hope he doesn't have any regrets after Pyeongchang ;;;; /touch wood for no injuries
  • He kind of gets tired here so there were swathes of conversation where he rolled his words together and then just like...stopped making noises at the end of his words LOL I still can't quite catch some of it so I'm sorry for that!
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