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8 minutes ago, Dara said:

Pyeongchang Olympics will have flower ceremony after free programs (just like in Sochi), and medal ceremony will be held next day at Olympic Plaza.

To attend medal ceremony you'd need separate ticket (2000 won) to enter the Plaza. 

Olympic Plaza at this moment is still under construction (scheduled to be done by September), it's in ~28 km from Gangneung station




arrh I hate that, come on,  medal ceremony in figure skating should be done on the ice and nowhere else, it's the place where we fight and perform to have a medal that we dreamt for it's the same feeling for any competition, Olympics shouldn't be an exception :yznotimpressed:  

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Playing Yuzu on us with the countdown? ;)


I completely understand being emotional about it all though. Still, for off season we now have here to at least keep ourselves busy and for that among other things



On 6/19/2017 at 9:32 AM, kiches said:

Among all the things we've been hearing about Fantasy on Ice in Niigata (cat ears, Pooh headbands, and tummy flashing) the one thing I wish to see the most is his speech on the final day, it sounds like it was really heartfelt. I probably wouldn't be able to understand it very well on my own but I feel like the impact it would have hearing it in his own voice would be incredibly moving (made my teary eyed just reading about it). 


Sadly I can't provide you with a broadcast, but as for understanding what he said, I made a translation of his final day last talk. It's in the Niigata FaOI thread, I think page 79. :)

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@Hydroblade Can't figure out a way to express how amazing I find you guys and this place are! Thank you so much

And... nice new avatar! I've always had a feeling that you were going to use this moment as an ava some day :biggrin: Now I have to train myself all over again to learn to move on every time I see your post instead of staring at smiling Yuzu for 5min...

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@Hydroblade your new ava confused me for a second Thank you for giving us this place to pour out our love for Yuzu and for our shenanigans (aka the viewing parties)
I am a lurker by nature and I never posted on gs, this is the first time I feel like joining in and posting. I think lots of people here used to be lurkers but now post frequently and that shows how awesome this place is :grouphug:


eta: this is now the Hydro fan club thread 

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<3<3 Messages from YUZU <3<3 (re: P&G)


:7562096:In English:

1) Each of your supports has impelled me to move


2) I will do the performance that gives HOPE to

    everyone who has always been supporting me.

3) Each of your voices that has been supporting me

    always strongly pushes my back to keep going ahead.

4) I can never find any appropriate word that can

    express all of my gratitude to you.  Mom, thank you.

5) I will only become stronger when you all yell for me.

6) Safe and sound I have received so many messages.

    All of your thoughts will never be in vain. With these 

    thoughts, I will continue doing my skating with all my 

    strength. Thank you very much indeed.

7) What I can do now, I will always do my best. And if

    possible, I want to get all done together with 

    everybody. Thank you for your constant support.

8) Mom, thank you for always keeping an eye on us.

    (=my elder sister and me)

9) With the clothes being washed everyday (by my Mom),

    today is again another day that I want to do my best.


:7562096:In Japanese:

1) 声援の一つ一つが僕の進化の原動力です。

2) いつも応援してくださる皆さんの希望となれる


3) 応援して下さる一人一人の声が僕の背中を


4) 言葉にできないくらい感謝しています。


5) みなさんのエールで僕は強くなれます。

6) たくさんのメッセージ、ちゃんと届きました。



7) 常に今、自分のできる最高を。



8) お母さん、いつも僕たちを見守ってくれて


9) 毎日洗濯してくれた服のおかげで




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11 minutes ago, kaeryth said:



After all this time Episode 2 of Kenji's room has been posted! :10636614:

Anyone can give bullet points? Seems he's professing his love of axels.



I'm sorry I can't give you anything on axels yet, I have to stop laughing about the first 30 seconds first:


Y: "Ever since I was a little kid I've been thinking that after I win olympic gold, I'll be asked to do interviews like this and I kept thinking about how I should answer..."


K: "In elementary school and such?"


Y: "Yes, elementary school, from very early on..."


K: "And the result (of your contemplations)?"


Y: "I didn't really come up with anything..."




I love when he's a bit dorkish!


Though, a bit more seriously, it's so amazing he really went and did it. Even if one allows for the part of luck that is always part of amazing successes, to me even more amazing is the sheer determination - on top of all the hard work - it must have taken to get that gold medal. 


I wonder how he feels, looking back, at the kid that was so sure he would get there some day.


(I so damned much wish I could interview him myself! ^^; )



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44 minutes ago, kaeryth said:



After all this time Episode 2 of Kenji's room has been posted! :10636614:

Anyone can give bullet points? Seems he's professing his love of axels.


ETA: Seems like they're talking about jumps? Hopefully someone can translate :tumblr_inline_mg15qnUpxW1qdlkyg:



Thanks for posting this! I don't understand a thing he says (I think I heard double axel somewhere, and flip and triple axel) so I hope someone gives the gist of it, but I want to say I love this hairstyle on him. He looks amazing here. 

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On 6/19/2017 at 11:24 AM, Floria said:

I guess this tweet contains the link to ask FujiTV for Niigata broadcast. Probably if there are enough people asking for it they'll show us something :bow:. Hope is the last to die.



Haha, in fact this is posted by me!!


Friends, don't hesitate to contact them in (plain) English!!!

But never say "Actually I live in ...., but I can see your program thanks to a pirate video stream!"

When you post to them, YOU LIVE IN JAPAN AND YOU CAN WATCH BS FUJI ON YOUR TV, okay?:68556365:

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3 minutes ago, xeyra said:


Thanks for posting this! I don't understand a thing he says (I think I heard double axel somewhere) so I hope someone gives the gist of it, but I want to say I love this hairstyle on him. He looks amazing here. 


Same. haha.. I know there parts where they talk about jumps (I seem to hear a lot of "suki" with axels). And then they talk about Shizuka and Yuzu mentions Yamato Tamura and Takeshi Honda - my guess would be skaters from Sendai. Also, that clip with Kanako where she ate something foreign and ended up getting a stomachache (Yuzu called her baka :rofl:)

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11 minutes ago, Floria said:

I guess this tweet contains the link to ask FujiTV for Niigata broadcast. Probably if there are enough people asking for it they'll show us something :bow:. Hope is the last to die.



Thank you for the link, I went and sent a message, too.


Also, I checked that it's possible to do this from outside Japan as well, so I would encourage everybody here to do the same.


The only a bit difficult thing is to find the appropriate program - sports, skating - which is way down the list. 

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Oh thank you Miyuki for valuable info!!

When you choose from a drop-down list, you can also choose the one on the top, which is「その他のご意見・ご感想」(other feedback).


And you might see a big red box first.  Just click X on the top right with no hesitation.  It just shows "We cannot respond to a question about our guests' private matters, etc. etc."

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