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1 minute ago, lily said:

One thing that worries me is that he could get injured while practicing before the season even starts


I know, it's really a large risk. I suppose they're going for a go big or go home push for these Olympics, especially considering that potentially he may switch to academia after, but there's such a thing as too much as well and with his history of hip injuries, the landings, well, I'm hoping they have come up with a way to control that to some extent. 

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4 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


I know, it's really a large risk. I suppose they're going for a go big or go home push for these Olympics, especially considering that potentially he may switch to academia after, but there's such a thing as too much as well and with his history of hip injuries, the landings, well, I'm hoping they have come up with a way to control that to some extent. 

I know he may r**** after the olympics but even then, in my opinion, the risks of injury are not worth a medal (I honestly think the Olympics are overrated lmao):shrug:

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Just adding some perspectives into Yuzu's BV upgrade:

I think someone  has compiled a trend of his BV upgrade since his senior year before (couldn't remember where I saw this) and the most interesting thing I took from that was that besides the accident-laiden 14-15 season, Yuzu has upgraded his BV every year, with 16-17 season being the biggest jump in BV upgrade with 2 4Lo( this really shows his ambition and continuing thirst to evolve ), but amongst the upward trend, the last Olympic season was actually the season where he made the least upgrade...and now we are seeing the same strategy. 


So I think keeping the current small upgrade in BV in the SP is actually a very Yuzuru move, like some of you said, he is reaping what he sowed (with sweat and blood) for the past few years, treading on a path he has set for himself for a long time...and hopefully at the end of the road, there is that second Olympic Gold waiting for him.:0006::5918bdab25712_0006(1):

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Everyone's done a great job with the numbers, I'm just wondering about the intangibles of perception. Is repeating Chopin 3.0 with 4Lo, 3A, 4T-3T politicking-proof? I think it's open to commentators, rival feds, etc to create a narrative of "Where's the wow factor?"


If you ask me specifically how that impacts scoring, I couldn't tell you, but I believe it makes a difference. Frank Carroll and Joe Inman laid the foundation for Lysacek's gold with "Plushenko has no transitions." It's a season-long political campaign. Including the 4Lz demolishes the attack from "newer, fresher, younger, harder."

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1 hour ago, xeyra said:


Of course, any of these BV situations will pale in comparison to the 122 BV Nathan might have with a 7-quad offering, but I'm not sure it's a sure bet he could land that kind of layout cleanly with positive GOE. As for Shoma, his planned WTT layout was around 107 BV and with an added 4S or 4Lz might put him around 111 or close to 115 BV respectively (if he goes for that). I'm not sure if Boyang will go for something similar to his attempted 4CC layout or if he'd go even further and add two 4Lz alongside the 4Lo (and/or go for 6 quads). His BV either way might be between 111 to 116. If Javi goes for a 4Lo, his initial layout will be slightly lower than Yuzu's last season because Javi doesn't backload as much. Patrick will likely not change his FS BV much (but is adding a 4S to his SP). 


So all in all, Yuzu will very likely not be able to catch up in BV with the younger generation, but he can try and make the gap a bit shorter from his current 103+. 4Lz provides that and a lot of layout freedom too. So here's crossing our fingers it all works out for him this summer and further on to the Olympics.

Damn how do you even skate a program with 7 quads? Set up- quad- set up- quad- spin - set up -quad - choreo sequence - set up- quad x 2?  :ohno:

Well if 4Lz consistency is anything near Yuzu's 4Lo, I say bring it on baby :PurpleBanana:

This summer is gonna be a long intense ride   :hachimaki:

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1 hour ago, beki said:

Everyone's done a great job with the numbers, I'm just wondering about the intangibles of perception. Is repeating Chopin 3.0 with 4Lo, 3A, 4T-3T politicking-proof? I think it's open to commentators, rival feds, etc to create a narrative of "Where's the wow factor?"


If you ask me specifically how that impacts scoring, I couldn't tell you, but I believe it makes a difference. Frank Carroll and Joe Inman laid the foundation for Lysacek's gold with "Plushenko has no transitions." It's a season-long political campaign. Including the 4Lz demolishes the attack from "newer, fresher, younger, harder."


He might be dinged overall in both GOEs and PCS but there's only so low you can make him go with a clean performance before it becomes somewhat ridiculous. Of course, all of this means Yuzu must deliver, most of the time, because he's not only doing something he's done before, with some variation, but he's also using jumps he's done before. And hence lies the inherent risk in Chopin 3.0 to balance out some of its positives: can he be clean with this again and again? Also, this is not exactly the ladies division: will greater consistency increase his GOEs and PCS over time? Especially if others with higher BV also begin to be more consistent (Nathan could land 4Lz and 4F in his SP quite consistently by the end of the season, minus boot issues, and so could Shoma with his layout). But everything has risks.


Of course, if he does include the 4Lz at least in his FS, it might prevent those "newer, fresher, younger, harder" attacks you mention anyway. 


Edit: I just realized we're basically going in circles with all this since we keep making the same points others have made before. I just came across Pamigena's comment earlier that's basically saying what I did here. :laughing: :facepalm:

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6 hours ago, Étudeesque said:

Also I don't know if anyone has linked it yet but here is the original Chopin with the layout that seems to be pretty close to Chopin 3.0?


What do people think of it? Of course he falls here and does 3A as his first jump but it seems pretty similar to what he is planning...




I meant to comment earlier but yeah, I think this is the original version that's the prototype for Chopin 3.0. I think aside from the second half, the main difference for me is how he enters his first two spins, since he actually does some steps/choreography before going into the first spin, which matches the music more. However, I wonder if he's trying to change that a bit so the first half isn't an exact copy of this. Regardless, there's plenty of time still for modifications.

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45 minutes ago, xeyra said:

Edit: I just realized we're basically going in circles with all this since we keep making the same points others have made before. I just came across Pamigena's comment earlier that's basically saying what I did here. :laughing: :facepalm:


Let's hope it's not going to go on until August :rofl:

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