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5 minutes ago, singermelodie1 said:

Does he like rides?:peekapooh: And it would be cool to see cute pictures of him there.:pouty:

It is a very gentle ride and with Pooh greeting him everywhere , I don’t think he can refuse ! 

And imagine the bear hug he’ll get from Pooh ( the character in Disneyland ) I’m sure we’ll get lots of  crinkled smiles  :xD:

im not sure about the roller coaster rides though ( he’s already living one !)

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1 hour ago, ruruzest said:

It is a very gentle ride and with Pooh greeting him everywhere , I don’t think he can refuse ! 

And imagine the bear hug he’ll get from Pooh ( the character in Disneyland ) I’m sure we’ll get lots of  crinkled smiles  :xD:

im not sure about the roller coaster rides though ( he’s already living one !)

Can Yuzuru become official ambassor of pooh already please? Come on disney!!

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1 hour ago, Hanmgse said:

Can Yuzuru become official ambassor of pooh already please? Come on disney!!


Not happening. Disney has had let's say experiences, with figure skating, so not happening. 


Even for Yuzuru. Which is a darn shame. But he can come to England and enjoy the Ashdown Forest and home of Pooh :biggrin:

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6 minutes ago, singermelodie1 said:

experiences? I'm intrigued


Well, remember Nancy Kerrigan? Of the Nancy and Tonya Harding story? Well she was, once upon a time, sponsored by Disney. That didn't turn out well. Not to make it long but click or here, with more details. You don't do that at an actual Disney World parade! So yeah, that didn't turn out so well. Not touching skating with a ten foot pole. Unfortunately but there we go. Yuzuru or not, bad experiences are bad experiences.

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2 minutes ago, robin said:

We've been getting so many new members (25 today alone) and I just want to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to delurk or at least introduce yourself pls :peek:

Ofc you're welcome to keep on lurking but it's so much more fun on this side, just saying


In any case, welcome to the planet everyone!!! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

Just want to say that I love the stickers so much:peekapooh:number two reason why I joined:pouty:

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10 hours ago, xeyra said:

The Road to the Gold Medal NHK feature (originally broadcast on 26 Feb) has been subbed. I'm not sure if it has been posted here yet:



This video plus some others I've seen recently (some of the fan-made music vids) have helped crystallize some thoughts I've been having about exactly what is the particular magic that Yuzu has.  No other person I've greatly admired in my life has grabbed me in the particular ways that Yuzu has.  There have been a few political figures over the years who have elicited from me both admiration and respect.  Saint John Paul II had a significant impact on me as far as some philosophical and theological matters were concerned, but none have elicited from me the feelings of love (in a non-sexual way) that Yuzu has had.  I've been looking for some word or words that perfectly express what it is about him that so grabs me and I think the word has finally come. 


Yuzu has come to be what he is for me because of his sheer Nobility.  To be truly noble is to have certain heroic traits and to also show a depth of relating oneself to the world with a purity of ambition, an ambition that is not selfish but seeks instead to extend the art of figure-skating and not simply to win (winning just means the quest is succeeding).  Most of all, though, are the things I was noticing while watching a number of music vids of Yuzu today.  What I saw, apart from the glorious stuff he was doing on the ice, were also glimpses of him visiting schools, senior citizen centers and engaging in public events where he wore no costume or skates but was doing what he felt were his duty (and doing it willingly) because of his public stature.  There is a term for this - noblesse oblige.  It's an old term, French, but it is primarily a product of the Age of Chivalry.  It refers to the obligations that nobility entails, that require one to act with those of a lesser status in a way that is benevolent and giving.  That's what really came together for me as I was watching this video. 


Yuzu is anxious to be as perfect a skater as he can be but he also realizes that in doing so and succeeding on the scale he does means that he owes something to those who watch him, who cheer him, and who also ache when he aches and smile when he smiles.  He recognizes that he has to give something back to all those who give so much to him. 


I think that element has been there all along but that it really came fully to the surface on that afternoon back in March of 2011 when a young, terrified Yuzu fled from an ice rink that was heaving and cracking all around him and then suffered with so many others as Japan experienced one of the worst natural disasters in its very long history.  Yuzu realized that many people were perishing even as he fled the rink and suffered with his parents through the long three days in the evacuation center until they could return to their home.  In the days and weeks that followed he saw the results of that event as Japan tried to count its dead and organize the recovery.  If you've seen any of the images of what remained after the waters of the tsunamis receded, you would know because what you see are essentially instantly-created landfills that stretch for mile upon mile.  Japan had not seen such widespread devastation since World War II.  He almost left skating then but was persuaded to persevere.  He said later that he dedicated his skating at Sochi to the people who had suffered.  Most importantly, though, is that because of what happened then he realized that his life, his skating, if they were to have any true value must be one in which he gave as much as he received.  


That, then, is the Yuzu I see.  He is not a knight in shining armor but he is a knight on shining skates and a knight whose fair damsel is the public that so loves him.  They love him and he is quite aware that true-love is a two-way street.  Most of all he shows his nobility by being as genuine as any person can be.  All of us have seen his tears on so many occasions, most often when he is overcome by joy.  Tears of joy are a true rarity amongst human beings because occasions of joy are generally less frequent than occasions of sorrow.  Yuzu's tears of joy, then, are his way of trying to match our cheers with his tears.  It's a mark of his success over the years that we have seen them so often.

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