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hace 4 minutos , ralucutzagy said:

Idk why all those horrendous  golden frills :13877886:... why not just white like the other guy ... white looks so great on him ... <3

The costume is an eyesore of course, but his movements reminded me of Swan  :smiley-love017:

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13 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:

Idk why all those horrendous  golden frills :13877886:... why not just white like the other guy ... white looks so great on him ... <3

Gold looks good on him (hi, gold medal) but the design of the frills is just so off. I have to scroll up to see the photo post by @moonkat to erase the memory. LOL. 


11 minutes ago, Floria said:

I remember someone on Twitter said that although Yuzuru doesn't have any public SNS account he let us know that he is ok by the means of other people Instagram posts. I wonder if those two pictures published three days ago almost at the same time have something to do with this. I mean there was some r***t talk recently, that interview with Brian saying he didn't know anything about Yuzu's future plans, Raf mentioning 4A...And almost immediately after that we get Yuzu at TCC :).


Probably it is just my wishful thinking, but there are a few more examples that may prove this theory.



While i love the idea of SNS accounts, I think it's more healthy for him to stay away from it. I don't know what is wrong with people's mentality nowadays but many just cannot post normal comments on SNS post :dry:

I do wonder for his friends who posted photos of him on SNS, do they have to ask him for permission to release the photos? 

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hace 2 minutos , yumeaki said:

While i love the idea of SNS accounts, I think it's more healthy for him to stay away from it. I don't know what is wrong with people's mentality nowadays but many just cannot post normal comments on SNS post :dry:

I do wonder for his friends who posted photos of him on SNS, do they have to ask him for permission to release the photos? 

Yes, you just have to visit Javi's instagram to get the idea :facepalm:. iirc Brian doesn't approve SNS accounts for his skaters and he is probably right, especially in Yuzuru's case.


I hope they got his permission. Also I am sure TCC has some very strict rules about publishing private photos and videos. 

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10 minutes ago, yumeaki said:

While i love the idea of SNS accounts, I think it's more healthy for him to stay away from it. I don't know what is wrong with people's mentality nowadays but many just cannot post normal comments on SNS post :dry:

I do wonder for his friends who posted photos of him on SNS, do they have to ask him for permission to release the photos? 


It's definitely better to not be involved if you want to keep a healthy mindset. The comments are... a far cry from sanity most times. 


Idk wether he would want to be asked or not (obviously since i don't know him lmao) but as a person that doesn't use SNS much (if at all, i haven't posted any pictures since 2016 and exclusively use twitter lol) i would definitely want to know when things get posted of me. Then again he's a public figure so maybe he doesn't care? Or it might make him care even more since he wouldn't want people to post controversial things/pictures about him. We'll never know, but i'm grateful that people in his vicinity give us updates of him every now and then, hopefully they're consensual.

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4 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:

OMG! :laughing: The horrendous costume! But his dance movements are so beautiful! :tumblr_inline_mzx8t1Yuvn1r8msi5:


I find it pretty funny that he  seems absolutely unfazed by whatever he is offered to wear either on set or on the ice. Crazy frills,  forms,colors,gradient  and sparkles-he just goes with it    like no biggie.  Free and natural.:)  While in real life anything apart dark training gear or t-shirt and jeans  is not even taken into consideration.

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2 minutes ago, MrPudding said:



Honestly, Yuzu has some of the best costumes i've ever seen in figure skating, most are absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous, especially lately. Although he's had some... less than beautiful ones as well lmao still can't stand most of his earlier costumes, they just looked like loose rags on him lmao...  So i definitely share that sentiment.


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43 minutes ago, tafattsbarn said:

Idk wether he would want to be asked or not (obviously since i don't know him lmao) but as a person that doesn't use SNS much (if at all, i haven't posted any pictures since 2016 and exclusively use twitter lol) i would definitely want to know when things get posted of me. Then again he's a public figure so maybe he doesn't care? Or it might make him care even more since he wouldn't want people to post controversial things/pictures about him. We'll never know, but i'm grateful that people in his vicinity give us updates of him every now and then, hopefully they're consensual.

I do use SNS regularly and some even unlocked but if i know a friend who do not use any SNS or never post their face on public SNS, I will ask if they are OK for me to post photos with them in my unlocked account. For those who always post own photos on their public SNS, no permission ask! 

But yes, it's a delight seeing his photos pop up at times when you least expect that. 


24 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


I can totally see why he would like that. Totally his style.

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English sub of a feature on the return of Kohei Uchimura (he suffered a partial tear on his left ankle ligament during the Gymnastic World Championships October of last year and was out of competition for 3 months... sounds familiar?). He talked about getting motivation by watching Yuzu... "... For the first competition of his return to be the Olympics is unfathomable. There's not much to say about Hanyu-kun. In one word I can only say he's amazing."




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55 minutes ago, Floria said:

I remember someone on Twitter said that although Yuzuru doesn't have any public SNS account he let us know that he is ok by the means of other people Instagram posts. I wonder if those two pictures published three days ago almost at the same time have something to do with this. I mean there was some r***t talk recently, that interview with Brian saying he didn't know anything about Yuzu's future plans, Raf mentioning 4A...And almost immediately after that we get Yuzu at TCC :).


Probably it is just my wishful thinking, but there are a few more examples that may prove this theory.




Maybe the harness guy from TCC read about Raf mentioning the 4a and was like :3: 'bruh I've been training with this guy the loch ness' [Insert TCC pic with Yuzu and Gogolev] :laughing:


Anyway, what I'm waiting for is him bringing the PC Gold at TCC and taking pictures with everyone there. :pouty:

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hace 1 minuto , Anya said:

Maybe the harness guy from TCC read about Raf mentioning the 4a and was like :3: 'bruh I've been training with this guy the loch ness' [Insert TCC pic with Yuzu and Gogolev] :laughing:

The caption already said a lot! :laughing:

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27 minutes ago, Floria said:


It is said in the post that the grandparents are especially happy to hear Yuzu saying that this is the only the beginning of his life and he will work hard to become someone who fits (the status of) a gold medalist. 

I assume this is the grandparents relating this conversation to the shop owner? 

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3 minutes ago, Pamigena said:


The question is, does Yuzu get underscored because the judges keep getting hit in the head by Poohs, or do the judges get hit in the head by Poohs because they keep underscoring Yuzu :tumblr_inline_mn41rcGFcT1qz4rgp:

The first one implies judges either turn stupid or get angry because of getting hit by Poohs while the second one implies either "Yuzu-defense-squad" or "crazy fanyus", so, i'd pick the first one. :muahaha: 

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