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4 minutes ago, wpisces said:

I read some parts from Zhenya interview and they asked her some ridiculous questions about Yuzu like how she met him. I can't get it. They compete in the same sport, of course they know each other and have some interactions. Media think there is something between two them or so ? :P:P

But there is something between Yuzu and


a certain Miss Nessie...

He's moving heaven and earth to woo her. :smiley-love017:

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24 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

It's OT, so under spoiler:

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Though this reminds me, on Monday, while waiting for the athletes return, one of the TV stations - NTV? - had a segment on top coaches and they discussed Brian and Eteri. I admit I don't follow Eteri or the ladies, but from the few things I've heard, I'm actually a bit 'offended' she and Brian are put in the same category ^_^;

I watched this thing yesterday as I heard they kinda compare "team Brian" and "team Eteri", but this wasn't that this program was about actually. More like talk about two foreign coaches with OG medalists vs. how is coaching done in Japan.

I got nothing new from that show tho, cause everything was based on "Team Brian" book (and editor of the book Noguchi was there too). But I think it was pretty interesting for general audience. 

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18 minutes ago, fireovertheice said:



So the conclusion for them is the same: "Hanyu is not rewarded enough for what he actually does on the ice" in comparison to the others, and very probably the introduction of the new system of scoring with a wider range of GOE is to reward the quality of skaters like him.

At the end they make some general statements about the result of SP and what to possibly expect for the FS and the attribution of the medals.

Let's hope that they spell it out to the judging panels then - because at the moment there seems to be nothing stopping them from throwing the 3 marks currently available at whoever politics/personal preferences/minds blinded by quads lead them to....

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8 minutes ago, wpisces said:

I read some parts from Zhenya interview and they asked her some ridiculous questions about Yuzu like how she met him. I can't get it. They compete in the same sport, of course they know each other and have some interactions. Media think there is something between them two or so ? :P:P


Is this Russian media asking these questions? I'm surprised they ask so much about Yuzu from a different discipline ie a men's singles skater.


If Yuzu is lucky, the press asks about Javi while mostly stick Shoma and Nathan questions in and Yuzu brings up Boyang himself. But at least they're relevant competitors. Well, I guess they can ask about friends too.

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1 minute ago, Sombreuil said:

Let's hope that they spell it out to the judging panels then - because at the moment there seems to be nothing stopping them from throwing the 3 marks currently available at whoever politics/personal preferences/minds blinded by quads lead them to....


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2 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

Let's hope that they spell it out to the judging panels then - because at the moment there seems to be nothing stopping them from throwing the 3 marks currently available at whoever politics/personal preferences/minds blinded by quads lead them to....


I think such things will be a lot more glaring with a wider range. I have hope.

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Okay, found an interview with Zhenya on tumblr. Seems a more lighthearted interview and questions about love life and friends so a little more relaxed. Yuzu mentioned.





Everyone knows that Yuzuru Hanyu is your friend. Tell us please how did you meet Yuzuru? And another one: so many fans are waiting for your double act on the gala skate, when can we expect it?


Double gala performance? How could it be? I think it is not the question for us, it is not truly possible, I guess, considering the circumstances *smiles*. And as for our first meeting… I’ve met him the same way as other guys from other countries – in international competition. I watch figure skating since I was a child and before the meeting I knew already who he is, I saw his performances on the TV when I was not able yet to compete on the same level. I’m checking on his career for a long time.


So you can’t remember how it was? Did he introduce himself first or it was you?


I can’t remember, to be honest, this was years ago.


Well, fans will never know how you met him…


Let it be a secret *confusedly smiles*.

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33 minutes ago, Arwen said:

I believe they were asked about Yuzu-Zhenia collab at press-conference? If it's so, I suppose that was a polite way to point out that there will be none.


LMAO that person who asked that question was so ridiculous, so that was just a way to try and stop that talk. Zhenya was like "I was asked the same question at the same place at press-conference last year after WC, and I was at loss what to say exactly like I am now".

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To add more context the question was: "Zhenya, in one of your latest interviews you said that exhibition dance with Hanyu is impossible, that the matter is not even discussed. But you have so many Japanese fans and such things give much joy to them, so maybe you can reconsider it and do some miniature EX [number] together? Not dancing as couple but anything together"


I just can't with it :headdesk:

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26 minutes ago, wpisces said:

I read some parts from Zhenya interview and they asked her some ridiculous questions about Yuzu like how she met him. I can't get it. They compete in the same sport, of course they know each other and have some interactions. Media think there is something between them two or so ? :P:P



They were the king and queen for the last 2 years of competitive figure skating and they took like heaps of photos together and both like anime and stuff so the media wnts to ship them or something haha. I wonder if they even knw the others number. Probably not. 


I dnt wnt yuzu to go to russia for an EX. 

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17 минут назад, Hanmgse сказал:

I approve if Misha is the choreographer :pouty:

I approve if it's Misha and Yuzu collab :pouty:

I actually don't see Yuzu and Med in a show number together - they're too different skaters in terms of flow (only in some silly comedy maybe), Yuzu and some Japanese lady I can imagine

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1 час назад, MrPudding сказал:

I really want to buy the ice jewel special edition but I feel like I should wait for the rest of the bundles to come out and just buy them all at once cause shipping fee is not cheap.. :facepalm:

And I really want to buy ones that are MOSTLY yuzu so that I don't overspend my money :59227c768286a__s:

So far does anyone have any suggestion which ones are the must buy?

I totally agree with @Floria about Memorial and Sportiva, also would like to add In Rock magazine https://www.amazon.co.jp/フィギュア・スケーターズ9-FIGURE-SKATERS-Vol-9【表紙-羽生結弦選手】/dp/B079VRTWN1/ref=pd_sim_14_6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=CAXVBGEYQX12WDAJHF8H they're really big - every page is like a poster size

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