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11 minutes ago, xeyra said:


Dick Button is also a bit contraditory in terms of what he appreciates in Figure Skating since he also praised Nathan's 6-quad FS to high heavens even though he has said on multiple occasions he hates the way the present state of multi-quad FS has gone. :laughing:


I think it's normal to say that it's great what Nathan did with the quads but also to say that it's not only about that. I perceived from D.B. that he's for both, jumps and artistry so what Nathan does is mostly jumps and not that much artistry.

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12 minutes ago, Floria said:


I am starting to  feel like all the 3xOGM talk is diminishing his actual achievement. 2XOGM would have been extremely difficult even with Yuzu being at 100%, with stable Lo and Lz.  Anyone remember that in an off- season interview he said:  "I want to work hard, putting my entire  life and existence at stake"? And this is what he actually did. 


I hear what you're saying. He just got the OGM a day or 2 ago so let's hold the horses for a bit and enjoy it. Though, yeh , Yuzu said the 3 years so we gotta expect him to say something about the 4th. But i don't think we'll stop blubbering about the future anyway. :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid: 


OW and i think whenever you walk around and see people suddenly smiling with almost tears in their eyes, most likely they are Yuzu's fans thinking about the 2nd consecutive OGM. I guarantee that i'm one of them. 

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hace 2 minutos , SparkleSalad said:


I don't think anyone is serious. :P I myself can't get over this achievement. I really still can't believe any of it is real. We're just terrified he'll leave us forever and want him to stay for eternity. 

Of course, so do I, but  certain media keeps saying  that now he needs 3xOGM to be considered GOAT *sigh*. But ok, those are the same people as always, I don't care actually. 

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2 minutes ago, Floria said:

Of course, so do I, but  certain media keeps saying  that now he needs 3xOGM to be considered GOAT *sigh*. But ok, those are the same people as always, I don't care actually. 



There'll always be media to stir up stuff in order to sell more papers/ articles and get the money.

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That Yuzu managed to win a second OGM in this age of quads is nothing short of astonishing. Dick Button's back-to-back wins are in no way comparable to what Yuzu has done. Not even close.


And what makes it even more unreal is that he did it with such a serious injury. I'm still in shock over that.









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Just now, GreatLakesGal said:

That Yuzu managed to win a second OGM in this age of quads is nothing short of astonishing. Dick Button's back-to-back wins are in no way comparable to what Yuzu has done. Not even close.


And what makes it even more unreal is that he did it with such a serious injury. I'm still in shock over that.


This is part of the reason I am going 'lalalalalalala' while stuffing my ears when people are still even as much as questioning whether Zu is GOAT.

I don't know how people can be deliberately dumb sometimes. 

For us, it's clear. Adjusting the inflation of talents (a.k.a the deep of the fields in men's FS) and the technical difficulties (jumps and precise requirements of other elements), how can they even compare what Zu has achieved with the past achievements??

"When it was Dick Button, every competition he enters everybody knows he was going to win". For me, that means the field was not as deep as today's.

"Others had won more WCs". Again, with the same depth of field and height of tech difficulties? No.


But as @meoima said several pages ago, if Yuzu had been a north american or european, there would have been a bazillion headlines essentially screaming "TRUE G.O.A.T.: YUZURU HANYU OF USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (for example) running for daaaaays, now. I just can't with these people.


I should take some chill pills and ignore the largely western-centric, past-clinging media and 'FS personalities'.

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12 minutes ago, GreatLakesGal said:

That Yuzu managed to win a second OGM in this age of quads is nothing short of astonishing. Dick Button's back-to-back wins are in no way comparable to what Yuzu has done. Not even close.


And what makes it even more unreal is that he did it with such a serious injury. I'm still in shock over that.










True, we can't compare different times and requirements as well as the state of health of an athlete during at the time of the wins. I don't think it's actually comparing is what we do regarding Yuzu and Dick. It is a statement that he is 2 consecutive times OGM and the rest is not comparable. The FS was much more "easy" different by requirements 5 years ago what's to say 66 years ago. It's just like with gymnastics, the champions of the past are legends but the elements are not to be compared with the present required ones. 

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Its okay guys, facts are facts, they cant be changed. Some people hate the fact that Yuzuru is G.O.A.T. But if this weren't solid rock hard truth they wouldn't be so pressed about it. :clap: To me their desperate attempts at salt and hate just proves that this fact is more true than ever.


Edit to add: The fact that people are even arguing about whether Yuzu is G.O.A.T already proves how worthy he is of this title. Nobody argues over whether Tom, Dick or Harry is G.O.A.T, simply because the answer is obviously no and there's nothing to argue about. 

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