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Wishing a very healthy, happy, successful and lucky New Year to Yuzu, each Satellite and all who love him. :loveshower::grouphug::SunFace:


May all Yuzu’s jumps and combos always behave well and perform all assigned duties perfectly:grouphug::cheer::clapping-smiley:


May all Yuzu’s goals, wishes and dreams come true in 2018!:7938863::tumblr_inline_nhkf04zUM41qid2nw::tumblr_inline_nhkezmeBaq1qid2nw:<3






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A bit late but Happy New Year, fellow satellites!:tumblr_inline_mp4i2vHXDy1qz4rgp:


2017 was the year of my Chinese zodiac, which according to superstition, could have been a year of back luck. However, 2017, especially the first half, turned out to be great for me. I finished my program in Japan and graduate school, found a good job and most importantly, discovered the Planet and all of you amazing people~


This is why I firmly believe 2018, which is his year, will be even better for Yuzu. He is much stronger and he will prove he is still the one the rest of the world has to beat in PyengChang.


May our King return shining and slaying soon! And wish 2018 a year of happiness and health for every one of you!:10815002:

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3 時間前, yuzuuuさんが言いました:

ehh not sure if this is too harsh but ehh they deserve it ^^;;



I was a little hm? at first myself but thinking harder on it, there's only space enough for 8 there (more would be crowded), with no more than two from a single sport represented on the artwork (with the rest completely unrepresented), so if Hanyu were in, either Uno or Miyahara would have had to go and they're both the reigning national champions so...


At this point, Hanyu's a given, so I don't think letting others shine for a bit is a bad thing, considering Hanyu is still in absentia rehabilitating. 


Methinks JOC considered the possibility of this outcome, probably even expecting the onslaught of snark from Hanyu's legion of fans, and calculated their actions accordingly, because I'm pretty sure they considered each person they put in there carefully. Those aren't a random bunch of winter athletes they picked. Sides, Hanyu's absence would definitely fuel tons of mentions of him in replies so it would be like he wasn't excluded at all, lol.


Seriously, though, it's not like Hanyu's hurting for encouragement, anyway. Dude's got plenty of it, "plenty" being a severe understatement. Like he could give truckloads of what he gets to others and still find himself buried in them. He's got his face all over Haneda and supermarkets now, thanks to the collective efforts of ANA and P&G. JWB, despite making blades for at least half the entire population of skaters in the world, are always very vocal and unabashed in their support of him. And these are just a few renowned establishments who very obviously threw their lot in with him. I'm not even going to talk about the kind the support he receives from fans. All in all, he can afford to miss being on a little tweet from JOC. >_< We know JOC fully supports the guy anyway. Plus, this will give his haters less ammunition against him. So I wouldn't say JOC deserve the roasting they seem to be getting. Hard to deny that it's nice to see ardent fans having his back at all times, though. (:


I like what @Nerdincool did, lol! It's very...fitting. That's the exact kind of image I have of him in my head heading into the PC Olympics.


Oh, and happy 2018! Not sure what it has in store for us but well, we'll find out soon enough.

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3 分, MrPuddingさんが言いました:


Blessing the thread with bb hanyu looking for gold :embSwan:


It is pretty amazing what a goofy-looking, gangly and overly-chatty lisper with too much energy and who always wants to prove himself can mature into. He's a great role model for awkward teens everywhere. xD

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4 hours ago, MrPudding said:



According to @yude at GS. JOC likely used the image of their "Symbol Athletes" for this Happy New Year card, which these Olympics include Satoko and Shoma, but not Yuzu (he was a "Symbol Athlete" back in 2014). It also doesn't include Sara Takanashi, Japan's ace in women's ski jumping.

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Just seeing the term 'Japan's ace'  made me smile since we don't usually use the term ace to describe the champion.... and it made me smile because while that makes Shoma Japan's ace, it must mean Yuzu is their wild joker card... capable of anything, unpredictable, and able to turn everything on its head. I like that :)

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1 時間前, xeyraさんが言いました:


According to @yude at GS. JOC likely used the image of their "Symbol Athletes" for this Happy New Year card, which these Olympics include Satoko and Shoma, but not Yuzu (he was a "Symbol Athlete" back in 2014). It also doesn't include Sara Takanashi, Japan's ace in women's ski jumping.


Really? Daaang, if this actually is the case, I wish I'd known. Would've saved myself the effort of all that hard thinking. xD 


This thing sounds familiar. Is it the one where partners of JOC are allowed to use images of certain athletes on their products for commercial purposes? Well, whatever it is, it sounds entirely plausible. Probable, even. Hard to imagine they wouldn't have taken into account the reaction, though, since that kind of information is pretty obscure, which means the general public wouldn't have known or thought of it, so they must've been bracing themselves either way. I hope they have anyway. Cos they would've be been silly not to.


Still, even if people did know about this "Symbol Athlete" thing, they might be curious as to why Hanyu isn't one this time around next, lol. I know I kind of am. Both him and Takanashi, in fact.


1 時間前, livさんが言いました:

Just seeing the term 'Japan's ace'  made me smile since we don't usually use the term ace to describe the champion.... and it made me smile because while that makes Shoma Japan's ace, it must mean Yuzu is their wild joker card... capable of anything, unpredictable, and able to turn everything on its head. I like that :)


"Ace" actually describes an athlete who has the potential to challenge for  victory, not a champion. It's basically like an ace, or a trump card, in a hand of cards. It doesn't guarantee a victory, no, but it significantly increases a player's chances of it. A baseball team usually has an ace, like Shohei Ohtani was for the Fighters before he moved to MLB. This probably applies to other team sports as well. Logically there can be more than one ace in a team but for some reason, if sports manga were to be believed, they usually only have one. Like, there can be a bunch of gifted players but only one of them gets to be the ace.


It's likely different for individual sports though so I think Japan legitimately has two aces in their male figure skating team this time. Then again, with Hanyu's prolonged absence from competition, he may as well be a wild card so you're right in that sense.


(I'm not too sure who was considered the ace among male figure skaters in TJ  back in 2014 though logically, it would've been Hanyu since the versus narrative after GPF was pretty much him against Chan. Takahashi's knee by then would've only allowed him to try to skate as well as he could to perhaps land on the podium if he were really lucky.)

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Good morning! 

(well not really, but I sort of just pried my eyes open)


Happy New Year everyone! I wish you all a great year, with lots of health primarily (yes, you too Yuzuru! *bops* ) and a lot of fun and happiness! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:



About the JOC - they were using symbol athletes, those were announced months ago, but the tweet failed to clarify so oops, fail social media team. Happy NY to them too! 

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