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1 hour ago, kaerb said:

I'm referring to the sound that rings out at 1:44 (you can hear more clearly in his comp music). It sounds like a mix of something that sounds like bells/xylophone/chimes on top of some sort of synthesiser perhaps? I can't really hear a koto sound, but the notes have an echo-y/resonant quality that could be a really heavily plucked string? It just evokes the sense of prayer bells or something to me, even if that may not make sense. Is that the koto playing at 2:51 though? 


(maybe we should take this to the music thread lol sorry, I'm just curious)


I asked about this in the music section ages ago because I’m curious, too! It’s a really Japanese sounding synthy thing that’s used a lot in Japanese movie soundtracks and makes me feel really nostalgic. The live orchestration they did when he was injured didn’t have the same ethereal quality but it was played on a synth. I’m nerdy enough about it to want to know the exact machine etc. because I’m in love with the sound so much. 

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1 hour ago, OhYuzu said:

I'm still 30 pages behind the chat. but I saw everyone is talking about Yuzuki <3 I can't resist  :biggrin:




I literally searched Yuzuki Hanyu and this popped out :xD:

Can you believe this happened in one show?  From Yuzuki to Yuzuru real fast. 

Am I allowed to post this?? 

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These twin gifs killed me then made me a zombie!! If he do that now, there would be zombie Apocalypse!! 


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1 hour ago, freeyafanfan said:

I miss yuzuki lol, can we see him again next year at some ice show? :P

If Yuzu wins the Olympics, Tohoku on Ice can be resurrected and maybe Yuzuki will be invited!! :smiley-happy085:

1 hour ago, katonice said:

To those interested, there will be another chance to purchase tickets to 4CC 2018 on 7th Dec.



45 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

I have a funny feeling the next batch of tickets will sell like that toothbrush.. :peekapooh:

It's on December 7th!!!:tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:. Maybe... Maybe.... 

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hace 7 minutos , PapiandPooh421 said:

If Yuzu wins the Olympics, Tohoku on Ice can be resurrected and maybe Yuzuki will be invited!! :smiley-happy085:


It's on December 7th!!!:tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:. Maybe... Maybe.... 

Why I have that strange but strong feeling that he may go to 4CC this time :slinkaway:

Actually this isn't even related to NHK, I had this feeling ever since they started selling tickets.

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