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9 hours ago, OonsieHui said:

This is really random and out of no where and probably fueled by being practically drunk off a marathon of Yuzu youtube videos, but


GODDMAN IT I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE HIM LAND THAT 4A!!!!!!!tumblr_nshuh3k97E1ucdevdo5_500.gif

just realized the Japanese in the back saying Yuzu dominated Juniors in 2010...can't wait for this to happen to senior...but it might be the last season...still r*** after that is actually great...sad though...

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9 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Yup! XD They'd make really cute and difficult to read post-its, though. :) Cute for origami, too, maybe.

:laughing: you learn something new every day! Now I have about 2-3 of these from the last two jars of gum...

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39 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

I want to teleport to Japan... though I guess some of these will still be there in three-four weeks... the big question is, though... where at Shibuya Station? lol (and t least it's not my nemesis, Shinjuku)


Selfie is only until 22nd of October butnot sure about Shibuya. 


And what is this cryptic Tweet?



Hanyu and Hanyu-sensei and Prince in Shibuya? Is the giant Prince wall back?


ETA Goddamn Shinjuku. Have you played the ShinjukuDungeon mobile game? It's a pretty accurate simulation of how messed that place is.


ETA2. (It seems they mean actual Prince and probably the shogi player Habu whose name shares the same kanji with Hanyu)

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So much happening. Ah!


I just find all these posters on broadcasting stations, rails, magazines and the books plus media coverage on THE YUZURU HANYU so cool and fascinating because he isn't managed by an agency (which is a different story from a sponsor and a few commercial contracts). They and the media and all those photographers probably have a lot of free reign with Yuzu's image and Yuzu might actually be missing out on a lot of money (maybe some people respectfully contacts him first, though not all), but this is when you know someone is a real phenom and not just pushed, hyped or propagated (gorioshi). All of these are up and happening and he's filling bookstores because people know him and want more on him. A real superstar and legend. :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:

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13 minutes ago, SSS said:

I need news...need health body report...even if it is rumor from pink forum I could never find out...

So I finally went to watch ACI FS again after LIVE...so shiny...3.0 costume..


So badly need. I'll worry so much if he ACI's his FS again, even if Brian says "Oh well, it's just the second pancake."

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49 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


So badly need. I'll worry so much if he ACI's his FS again, even if Brian says "Oh well, it's just the second pancake."

I only worry about first jump and second half back to back jumps >< Johnny was right about we can tell if he is on from first jump...

back to back == no mistake allowed ><

14 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


What rumour? like a recent one? 

no rumor...I am saying if no news, give me a rumour...I miss him so much...

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