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Just now, OonsieHui said:


Thank you! :thanks: I think I see what you mean. :) Ironically, wouldn't these skaters probably be getting more money as competitive amateur skaters then professionals? Lol I shudder to think how much Yuzu earns from all his advertising contracts, books etc.:tumblr_m9gcttgdYF1qzckow:

I don't know, I think the better you did as an amateur, the more you will get paid as a professional skater since your competitive titles could raise the price you are paid per show, especially if you are also madly popular otherwise.


I think he should be fine even after his competitive amateur career ends. Think about it, he's an icon of the sport itself, and will probably stay relevant for quite a while. He might also have less restrictions afterwards. If you look at Mao, she still does advertisements and endorsement deals as well as professional shows. So Yuzu will likely go on the same path- I doubt ANA will drop him, neither will LOTTE (he can probably move chocolates by truckloads around Valentine's day) even when he turns pro. He's too photogenic to pass up for commercials. 

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On 10/10/2017 at 3:37 AM, OonsieHui said:

Hello everyone! I'm Hui! I'm finally plucking up my courage to unlurk! :10636614:


I've been here awhile, and I really like the atmosphere of this place! I might be a bit slow with knowing how things work, and might ask stupid questions, so I hope you're patient with me! :tumblr_m9gcrtET5W1qzckow:


Nice to meet all of you! 

A bit late, but welcome to the orbit! :satellite::satellite::satellite:

On 10/10/2017 at 3:51 AM, Floria said:

I am at work so I can't do a large report right now, but I think @kiches mentioned almost everything he did. He also made a gesture imitating Pooh ears as he noticed fans wearing Pooh headbands. He tried his best not to look upset about the result. I filmed almost everything from the medal ceremony except the medal ceremony itself since there is official footage of it. It is in this playlist starting from number 7.

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Am I the only one who kept looking at Brian and pooh? :rofl: They're my new favorite pairing...so adorable :embSwan:

On 10/10/2017 at 11:21 AM, Xen said:

I thought our hypothesis of why Yuzu always did his image training/warmup for a long time by the Kiss&Cry area, open to public view, was his silent way of fanservicing us, because he could not just run up and jog/warm up among the audience like the other skaters. 

Technically he can....but it's likely that he won't make it out in one piece :slinkaway:


38 minutes ago, Xen said:

If you look at Mao, she still does advertisements and endorsement deals as well as professional shows. So Yuzu will likely go on the same path- I doubt ANA will drop him, neither will LOTTE (he can probably move chocolates by truckloads around Valentine's day) even when he turns pro. He's too photogenic to pass up for commercials. 

This kind of reminds me of Yuna...she's retired for a while now but she's still dearly missed by her fans. She's also the ambassador of PyeongChang 2018...it's a pity that she's no longer very involved in the figure skating community. =S


On a side note, I kinda had a nightmare last night. 

It was the Grand Prix Final and the final podium was...

Gold - some unknown young kid

Silver - Yuzu :eek_new:

Bronze - Nathan


That unknown kid got 246 (crazy!!!) for his SP because he did multiple quints! :eek_new:


When I woke up, I felt so relieved that Yuzu is still the most awesome skater and probably always will... =)


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4 minutes ago, singcarcom said:


A bit late, but welcome to the orbit! :satellite::satellite::satellite:

Am I the only one who kept looking at Brian and pooh? :rofl: They're my new favorite pairing...so adorable :embSwan:

Technically he can....but it's likely that he won't make it out in one piece :slinkaway:


This kind of reminds me of Yuna...she's retired for a while now but she's still dearly missed by her fans. She's also the ambassador of PyeongChang 2018...it's a pity that she's no longer very involved in the figure skating community. =S


On a side note, I kinda had a nightmare last night. 

It was the Grand Prix Final and the final podium was...

Gold - some unknown young kid

Silver - Yuzu :eek_new:

Bronze - Nathan


That unknown kid got 246 (crazy!!!) for his SP because he did multiple quints! :eek_new:


When I woke up, I felt so relieved that Yuzu is still the most awesome skater and probably always will... =)


But then he would get 0 points because quints are not allowed in the SP :smiley-devil:

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28 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

Would you recommend Sportiva , for pics only because I can’t read Japanese . Thank you!

Okay, for you, I braved the possibility that my male coworkers would find me gawking at Yuzu (and discover that I'm human), and opened the magazine to check.

I do not spot any posters. But about half the magazine is all Yuzu, with images from ACI2017, tons of UA Yuzu from TCC open media day, and plenty of FaOI photos, including a couple of nekoYuzu dancing his heart out, and the one where poohearsYuzu was handing a jacket to nekoJavi. The rest of the magazine has Shoma, but also tons of gorgeous photos of Marin, Mai,  Wakaba and Kaori from FaOI. Noto-san has amazing clear photos, and tons of photos of Yuzu's face.  The magazine itself is also pretty large (I would guess 11x9 or 14x11?), so the photos are quite huge.


I also got the ice jewels 2016-2017 photobook by Tanaka. Also very nice, beautiful photos, but a bit more densly packed than Sportiva. Has 2 photos of his gorgeous hydroblade from Notte Stellata.


Comparing the two, Ice Jewels has more MemeLord Yuzu photos, and Tanaka has a couple of photos where Yuzu is high-fiving and hugging Pooh. Noto-san on the other hand, in Sportiva, likes to use close-ups of Yuzu's face, especially smiling Yuzu. Pick your poison.


IMO, both are worth it. I bought Sportiva, a season calendar, and Ice jewels off of Amazon JP, with shipping and handling and customs taxes, wasn't too bad, got them in about 4 days after putting in my order (granted, I'm in next door China).


26 minutes ago, singcarcom said:

On a side note, I kinda had a nightmare last night. 

It was the Grand Prix Final and the final podium was...

Gold - some unknown young kid

Silver - Yuzu :eek_new:

Bronze - Nathan


That unknown kid got 246 (crazy!!!) for his SP because he did multiple quints! :eek_new:

 Well, considering that no guy has attempted quints yet, I imagine if that scenario were to happen, it would be after 2020, or 2022. o_O So were you dreaming that Yuzu would stay on top of the men's field even after 2022?

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10 minutes ago, Xen said:

Has 2 photos of his gorgeous hydroblade from Notte Stellata.


11 minutes ago, Xen said:

got them in about 4 days after putting in my order (granted, I'm in next door China).

I ordered the desk calendar, the wall calendar (this was a request from my mom hahahahaha) and Sportiva two days ago and i am getting all of that tomorrow :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

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19 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

But then he would get 0 points because quints are not allowed in the SP :smiley-devil:

He should get 0 points in FS as well right, since there are no assigned scores yet? All rules were forgotten in my dream :lol:


12 minutes ago, Xen said:

 Well, considering that no guy has attempted quints yet, I imagine if that scenario were to happen, it would be after 2020, or 2022. o_O So were you dreaming that Yuzu would stay on top of the men's field even after 2022?

I don't have such foresight but I would like that. =D

Don't ever want to see quints though....too scary to imagine...:slinkaway:

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14 minutes ago, Xen said:

Okay, for you, braved the possibility that my male coworkers would find me gawking at Yuzu (and discover that I'm human), and opened the magazine to check.

I do not spot any calenders. But about half the magazine is all Yuzu, with images from ACI2017, tons of UA Yuzu from TCC open media day, and plenty of FaOI photos, including a couple of nekoYuzu dancing his heart out, and the one where poohearsYuzu was handing a jacket to nekoJavi. The rest of the magazine has Shoma, but also tons of rogeous photos of Marin, Mai,  Wakaba and Kaori from FaOI. Noto-san has amazing clear photos, and tons of photos of Yuzu's face.  The magazine itself is also pretty large (I would guess 11x9 or 14x11?), so the photos are quite huge.


I also got the ice jewels 2016-2017 photobook by Tanaka. Also very nice, beautiful photos, but a bit more densly packed than Sportiva. Has 2 photos of his gorgeous hydroblade from Notte Stellata.


Comparing the two, Ice Jewels has more MemeLord Yuzu photos, and Tanaka has a couple of photos where Yuzu is high-fiving and hugging Pooh. Noto-san on the other hand, in Sportiva, likes to use close-ups of Yuzu's face, especially smiling Yuzu. Pick your poison.


IMO, both are worth it. I bought Sportiva, a season calendar, and Ice jewels off of Amazon JP, with shipping and handling and customs taxes, wasn't too bad, got them in about 4 days after putting in my order (granted, I'm in next door China).


 Well, considering that no guy has attempted quints yet, I imagine if that scenario were to happen, it would be after 2020, or 2022. o_O So were you dreaming that Yuzu would stay on top of the men's field even after 2022?

Thank you so much Xen ! For the detailed review ! Good thing I don’t have any expensive hobbies so I can focus on some important things like magazines :sadPooh:

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4 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

omg is this recent :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:

Yup, it's recently on my Twitter newsfeed.  Maybe we'll get the whole vid later.  I also see Shizuka.  


ETA:  Sorry I was assuming that your asking about the video, but if when it was filmed I'm not sure maybe during the ice shows since his hair is long-ish. :biggrin:

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