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Afaik copyright isn't an issue with music used in skating bc the music is not used for profit. The reason Yuzu seeked permission for H&L was to respect Hisaishi's original intentions as the music editor explained in this inerview.


From what I got this is not an issue with non-contemporary music (eg. the cut of Ballade) but it's proper etiquette to seek permission from contemporary composers.

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2 hours ago, MrPudding said:


I love how Yuzu got fanboys in China. Too bad pooh is banned:rofl:

You know, I was just at the official disney store in Shanghai this past saturday, and located plenty of Poohs...I fact I have a plush pooh toy dangling off my skating bag. =D

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One of the problems in fashion is that people don't have copyright for their clothes designs. But it's also what allows companies like Zara and H&M to have runway looks for a fraction of the prize in just a few months time. Same thing with dance routines, I've heard some horror stories but there's usually nothing the choreographer can do. 


But maybe there's a copyright expert who knows more? 

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Good to know my Copyright and Designs Law subject is stalking me, even on Planet Hanyu :crazyshit:


I'm still a law student and I can only speak to how Australian law works but China is party to a couple of intl treaties around copyright so there are probably some similarities. Assuming he's basically doing exact copies of the music cuts + costumes, yes, he's in breach of copyright by performing the musical work in public and probably copying dramatic work (choreography). Clothing designs are protectable only if you register the designs (under the Aus system) and they also have to be substantially similar. Here, not a problem since it's a literal copy but very unlikely they'll be able to claim copyright in eg. watercolour gradient effect which is why you can generally get away with 'XX-inspired' costumes. 


The bigger issue is...it's simply not worth bringing a case. You'd need to prove some sort of commercial loss to recover damages, which will be negligible in what I assume is a local competition (with peanuts in prize money and/or media coverage). You'd have to engage a lawyer to bring the case in the Chinese system or at least pay so a judgment in a Japanese court can be enforced in China. Their lawyer's fee will probably be several times whatever damages they might get. 


Is it unethical? Yes, and technically infringement in principle but it's very unlikely any legal action will actually be taken which I suppose is a calculated risk on the skater's end


(also yes, technically skating/competition music is not-for-profit - though surely media coverage/prize money/sponsorship are commercial profits of some sort? Might be something for me to ask my teacher about actually, that's an interesting point)


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We have a professional relationship with all the skaters we coach, but they all have their own respective needs. {Javier lives alone and has to do everything himself, including housework, so there is a need to support him. Mainly with resting and recovery.} As for Yuzuru, in terms of recovery, he has been doing very well this year. On very important days, for example, today is probably going to be intense. It’s necessary to work on recovery when he goes back home after this ends. Not only massages and acupuncture, but also always taking an icepack along with him. Especially for this season, he understands very well the importance of resting and recovery. Most skaters feel guilty about rest. Javier’s probably different.


Notice that once again Brian brings up Javi's chronic housekeeping challenges. Are there no cleaning services to be had in Toronto? :laughing:


And "Most skaters feel guilty about rest. Javier’s probably different."  :rofl:


Brian is known for having a wicked sense of humor and it's easy to see why. That was awesome.

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Considering that Yuzu said that he wanted to try various styles of music, i wonder if when (and if) these changes are implemented, he will stay because to me it seems to go against what he feels is his ideal skate.

For the time being, however, i am grateful that i have the opportunity to watch him compete live under this systenm, as flawed as it might be in the judging.

I agree that something should be done about the quads, mainly for the safety of the skaters, but i don't think this is the way to go.

:sadPooh: what happens when a sport dies?

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Honestly, what they need to do is to judge FAIRLY and CORRECTLY. The system isn't unusable, it can work, actually, imo the only big thing it needs atm rly is for PCS to be scaled to match. ISU just needs to actually USE it properly instead of giving everyone dilly-dally scores :animated-smileys-angry-028:

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18 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Considering that Yuzu said that he wanted to try various styles of music, i wonder if when (and if) these changes are implemented, he will stay because to me it seems to go against what he feels is his ideal skate.

For the time being, however, i am grateful that i have the opportunity to watch him compete live under this systenm, as flawed as it might be in the judging.

I agree that something should be done about the quads, mainly for the safety of the skaters, but i don't think this is the way to go.

:sadPooh: what happens when a sport dies?

I have a feeling that Yuzu will bring all the fans to professional skating competition and say goodbye to ... wait does ISU also control that?

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