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The issue with Chopin and LGC is not in technical difficulty or music taste (although it may be a factor). The main thing with LGC is that the performance has to be at very high level, he needs to feel it and be able to enjoy it like at GPF and Worlds. When he is stressed or under the weather the performance suffers and loses a lot of its impact, a case in point WTT. That has never been a problem with Chopin which he skated while happy, tired, in pain and still managed to make it brilliant. 


I find it funny that this is the second time I am explaining the problems with LGC even though it is my favorite of the two and the program that got me interested in Yuzu in the first place :laughing:... I hate being a realistic person :slinkaway:

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1 minute ago, Neenah said:

The issue with Chopin and LGC is not in technical difficulty or music taste (although it may be a factor). The main thing with LGC is that the performance has to be at very high level, he needs to feel it and be able to enjoy it like at GPF and Worlds. When he is stressed or under the weather the performance suffers and loses a lot of its impact, a case in point WTT. That has never been a problem with Chopin which he skated while happy, tired, in pain and still managed to make it brilliant. 


I find it funny that this is the second time I am explaining the problems with LGC even though it is my favorite of the two and the program that got me interested in Yuzu in the first place :laughing:... I hate being a realistic person :slinkaway:


Yep, which makes it a perfect choice for this season. Chopin suits him very naturally, rather than getting into a character and performing for an audience it seems like Chopin helps him express himself in that moment. And since he's such a brilliant person (lol) the performance itself becomes brilliant- Chopin amplifies his brilliance.


Man I love LGC, too, it helped him mature and grow as a performer, but I'm happy he chose Chopin over it. It's gonna be great.

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6 minutes ago, Neenah said:

The issue with Chopin and LGC is not in technical difficulty or music taste (although it may be a factor). The main thing with LGC is that the performance has to be at very high level, he needs to feel it and be able to enjoy it like at GPF and Worlds. When he is stressed or under the weather the performance suffers and loses a lot of its impact, a case in point WTT. That has never been a problem with Chopin which he skated while happy, tired, in pain and still managed to make it brilliant. 


I find it funny that this is the second time I am explaining the problems with LGC even though it is my favorite of the two and the program that got me interested in Yuzu in the first place :laughing:... I hate being a realistic person :slinkaway:


No, it makes sense. The difficulty of LGC as you described is exactly why it's so amazing when done right. And I have huge, huge respect for Yuzu for doing something so difficult... pushing the boundaries not just technically, but artistically as well.

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2 時間前, Neenahさんが言いました:

The issue with Chopin and LGC is not in technical difficulty or music taste (although it may be a factor). The main thing with LGC is that the performance has to be at very high level, he needs to feel it and be able to enjoy it like at GPF and Worlds. When he is stressed or under the weather the performance suffers and loses a lot of its impact, a case in point WTT. That has never been a problem with Chopin which he skated while happy, tired, in pain and still managed to make it brilliant. 


I find it funny that this is the second time I am explaining the problems with LGC even though it is my favorite of the two and the program that got me interested in Yuzu in the first place :laughing:... I hate being a realistic person :slinkaway:


That's a very interesting and valid point. LGC is hands down his most outwardly charismatic program, beating out even PW, so it does require absolute confidence and not the sort that you can fake. It allows absolutely no room for insecurities. Someone else here was also perfectly on point, I feel, when they said LGC is a program one must only feel, not think, because there's simply no room for deliberation. (Or was that you as well?) And Hanyu, brilliant as he is, still has yet to learn the secret technique of effectively muting his big brain (all squished up in his very small head...real estate prices must be sky high in there for rather cramped spaces...or maybe it's not so much the size of the brain, but how much of it it's used...I dunno where I'm going with this so I'll just stop here).


By WTT, I think his problems with the program escalated due to a culmination of his incapability of nailing it all through the season, even when he was feeling like he finally could (like he said he did at World's but ultimately still flubbed). So, I'm guessing that's perhaps what he meant by Ballade being more comfortable then. Being a classical piano piece, though more orthodox, it also allows more freedom, thus giving him more room to breathe despite any insecurities he might be harboring. 


Of course, he might not want to let his feeling(s) dictate his performance of LGC, or any performances for the matter but I suppose next season isn't the time nor place for him to tackle this particular issue. Not when there are other more pressing issues that need his attention. Ones that would likely give him the key to the entire season if he manages to overcome them. Heck, if he manages to finally overcome these long-standing issues this season, he'll probably have more leverage to tackle this other one, as well as any other ones that may arise in the future, if he's thinking of sticking around a couple of seasons more. :o)

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1 hour ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


I dunno about that...has he ever done Toto's Africa?







XD Well, not all styles of music, but definitely more than most.


I do not ever want to see Yuzu do a tango. I feel it'd be the most awkward of awkwards ever and I'd die before I finish it.

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4 minutes ago, Forcefield said:


XD Well, not all styles of music, but definitely more than most.


I do not ever want to see Yuzu do a tango. I feel it'd be the most awkward of awkwards ever and I'd die before I finish it.


I kind of want him to do one in an EX so we can all enjoy a comedic program from him! Sorry, Yuzu! But I'm open to eating my words if you ever deliver a cracking Tango, though.


2 minutes ago, MrPudding said:




Unconfirmed rumour that people shouldn't get expectations up for yet. We'll know Finlandia Trophy entries after September 1st. His name wasn't in the list for Finlandia Trophy that the JSF released for Challenger series participations. 

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4 minutes ago, MrPudding said:



....that's a bit close to Rostelcom, no? Both locations and date wise. If he's definitely going to ACI, has he ever done 2 Senior B events in a row like this though? I thought his goal for this season was to stay healthy? o_O

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3 minutes ago, Xen said:

....that's a bit close to Rostelcom, no? Both locations and date wise. Has he ever done 2 Senior B events in a row like this though? I thought his goal for this season was to stay healthy? o_O


It's the 'Shoma Uno' method! A competition every 2-weeks to keep the competition rhythm on. It worked very well for Shoma!


1 minute ago, MrPudding said:

If he does enter.. how does it benefit him?


More chances to try 4Lz in competition?


Edit: I don't actually believe he'll do a second Challenger event, though, but we'll see soon enough. Who even began this rumour?

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4 minutes ago, xeyra said:


It's the 'Shoma Uno' method! A competition every 2-weeks to keep the competition rhythm on. It worked very well for Shoma!



More chances to try 4Lz in competition?


Edit: I don't actually believe he'll do a second Challenger event, though, but we'll see soon enough. Who even began this rumour?

...I have to ask, is PChan going to Finlandia? If yes- is it Yuzu trying to find a substitute for Skate Canada?

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