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Just now, crazykuroneko said:

UGH Friday


This is why I'll always be glad by the fact he's living and training in Toronto


Right? I'm happy for him that he's able to behave so freely (and, let's face it, adorably) at competitions but some people seem to be confusing him with an idol and idol life is absolutely awful. I heard they're selling his photos alongside idols in Harajuku and that's... not great. I wonder if he realises how bad it will be when he moves back. I hope he never has to deal with that and I hope Friday doesn't do to him what they do to idols. 

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1 minute ago, Forcefield said:


It's nice seeing Yuzu so casual and I think he looks great - except this was probably shot candidly without permission plus I hate Friday! Ugh, they better not be messing with Yuzu! :smiley-angry020:

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Reminds me of that stupid girlfriend "scandal."





Japanese scandals are so funny sometimes, though. Man spotted on same street as female human who was several blocks away!

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3 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Right? I'm happy for him that he's able to behave so freely (and, let's face it, adorably) at competitions but some people seem to be confusing him with an idol and idol life is absolutely awful. I heard they're selling his photos alongside idols in Harajuku and that's... not great. I wonder if he realises how bad it will be when he moves back. I hope he never has to deal with that and I hope Friday doesn't do to him what they do to idols. 


/What do they do?/

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1 minute ago, katonice said:

Jeez, I hope they don't try to do anything funny especially this season (or ever really).


I don't think it would really matter in regards to his career but to whip up that kind of celebrity is not great. I'm sure everyone would prefer a life where they can step outside without being followed. I think he mentioned already that it's hard to freely roam about when he goes back home.

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6 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I don't think it would really matter in regards to his career but to whip up that kind of celebrity is not great. I'm sure everyone would prefer a life where they can step outside without being followed. I think he mentioned already that it's hard to freely roam about when he goes back home.

As long as they don't whip up anything that could be a distraction for the athletes, then they can be ignored.

But "just". Yes, it's really not nice to be followed around by paparazzi all the time.

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Actually, from giving the article a glance over, they seem to be saying exactly that even though there were many students and salarymen and such, nobody recognized him (or seemed to recognize him).


But I also generally know tabloids do generally sort of get permission, by announcing agencies of what they're going to publish. I think taking and publishing pictures of anyone without permission is illegal in Japan. That's why whenever you see random pictures of random people, more often than not, their faces are censored. I think a singer recently won a legal case on something like that. So tabloids do sort of get - albeit probably very reluctant - permission, I think... Although it is very weird... And then of course, there's the articles, which will always try to spin things in the worst ways, even when the pictures are completely innocent. (Being the fan of an idol whose reputation was at least partly destroyed by tabloids, I've tended to pay attention to the way they work, but some things still don't make sense to me.)


As for fans recognizing him... firstly, I think in Japan they'd mostly leave him alone. Japanese fans are scary in large numbers - well, all fans are scary in large numbers lol - but generally, day to day, they tend to respect other people's privacy. They might take pictures - iphone/sns era... - or share sightings, but generally won't approach the celebrity to bother them. On top of that, as someone who doesn't really even look properly at the faces of people who pass by me day to day, I probably wouldn't see him to have a chance to recognize him. And I don't think there are many who do look, especially in Japan. So spotting him would probably only be accidental. And what are the chances, really? That on a rare occasion when my eyes do pass over someone's face - or neck :P - it's Yuzu? However, if/when he goes back, it will probably get much harder, as people will be hungrier for glimpses of him and there'll be less of "he's an athlete, disturbing him is bad for everyone, so...". Although it seems there were rumors about Takahashi being gay in tabloids even when he was competing (accidentally stumbled upon someone saying there had been the other day), so... I guess Yuzu being a national treasure protects him from the more intrusive stuff - if we ignore the girlfriend thing - for now.

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Actually, regarding this article I'm more intrigued by the implication that he's done with 24HTV and has gone home for a while. IF true, I think that's good, that he gets to relax a bit, then probably go back to Toronto at the beginning of September and start getting ready for ACI. Oh and I also wonder if Shae-Lynn is still in Japan and why she was there in the first place... if maybe they're doing some local development of Seimei lol That'd be pretty awesome... Of course it could have been just a holiday for her, but the coincidence of her being in Japan exactly when Yuzu had gone back as well...

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1 hour ago, SparkleSalad said:


Friday magazine is awful. :(


ETA In general. This isn't so bad but yeah. 


More ETA He should ditch the cap disguise and work on hiding his neck somehow to avoid being spotted. 


I was looking at his cap and neck and thinking the same thing! :rofl:

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1 minute ago, KatjaThera said:

Actually, regarding this article I'm more intrigued by the implication that he's done with 24HTV and has gone home for a while. IF true, I think that's good, that he gets to relax a bit, then probably go back to Toronto at the beginning of September and start getting ready for ACI. Oh and I also wonder if Shae-Lynn is still in Japan and why she was there in the first place... if maybe they're doing some local development of Seimei lol That'd be pretty awesome... Of course it could have been just a holiday for her, but the coincidence of her being in Japan exactly when Yuzu had gone back as well...

Shae-Lynn is one of the cast of Friends on Ice, so most likely that's her priority to be there. But with the fact she visited Seimei shrine, I guess they're working on Seimei a little bit there

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1 minute ago, KatjaThera said:

Actually, regarding this article I'm more intrigued by the implication that he's done with 24HTV and has gone home for a while. IF true, I think that's good, that he gets to relax a bit, then probably go back to Toronto at the beginning of September and start getting ready for ACI. Oh and I also wonder if Shae-Lynn is still in Japan and why she was there in the first place... if maybe they're doing some local development of Seimei lol That'd be pretty awesome... Of course it could have been just a holiday for her, but the coincidence of her being in Japan exactly when Yuzu had gone back as well...

I was wondering that as well, then saw some Twitter posts of her at Wakaba's open practice, and apparently she's also participating in FOI happening this weekend. But it's great that she visited Seimei shrine. It sort of shows how much the program she made for Yuzu, and their relationship, means to her.

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