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13 minutes ago, xeyra said:


One of his 4Ts came after a layback ina bauer. LOL


I love that he's just playing with entries now wtf this kid :laughing: (hopefully HOPEFULLY this means 4T is going to be as stable as 3A??)


Also addendum to his speech from 1:45: "I'll carefully hold onto the painful things and fun things, one by one, in my heart. I skated with the thought that I could bring even a little bit of happiness to everyone. For the Olympics and this season, I want to do my best with all my strength. Thank you very much for today."

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3 minutes ago, kaerb said:

I love that he's just playing with entries now wtf this kid :laughing: (hopefully HOPEFULLY this means 4T is going to be as stable as 3A??)


I think it's already very close to being that stable! I mean, he wouldn't be playing with all these entrances if that weren't the case... plus I'm thinking he's securing it psychologically as well, teaching his body and his muscles to perform a perfect 4T in any situation, however, whenever. 

(I think he might be the first skater ever whose comfort jump is a quadruple... but this isn't really surprising :10636614:)

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5 minutes ago, kaerb said:

I love that he's just playing with entries now wtf this kid :laughing: (hopefully HOPEFULLY this means 4T is going to be as stable as 3A??)

 his 4T is already real close to being as stable as his 3A. Yuzu has two best friends - 4T and 3A

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2 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:

 his 4T is already real close to being as stable as his 3A. Yuzu has two best friends - 4T and 3A

That's true. I'm glad that the fact he's trying a bunch of different entries to it - implies he's at an even higher level of comfort with it than last season. Now to get that 4S locked down properly and he'll have a good base to start building everything else ; u ;  

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Why must these things always happen when I'm crazy busy?? Can't wait to get home and catch up on everything! Thanks everyone for sharing!


As for forum reputation, isn't that something that likely propagated from GS? I remember in the early days of the forum hearing something that GS people were trying to discredit PH. Or maybe I'm remembering wrong. Every place has its good parts and bad parts. But I don't think people here are particularly rude to anyone. Especially compared to other places, not just in FS. (I was recently looking over archived pages on a Formula 1 forum and some of the stuff there was just... :headdesk:)

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7 часов назад, b138oo сказал:

I think the thing that will be hard for Coach Yuzu in the future is his experience as a very talented skater. He has everything as a skater, both the artistic and the tech parts, but it would be hard to expect that from other skaters. I am afraid he would be frustrated if his students couldn't reach his super high quality expectation, because not all top athletes are geniuses and a complete package. Yuzu needs to compromise and as we all can see, he's not very good at that (which is also why Brian keeps losing his hair). Also, Yuzu's technique is so good, his jumps, especially, are so smooth. To build the smooth technique, an athlete needs a good foundation. It will be harder to correct the bad technique than building a good technique from scratch and Yuzu is very critical about good technique. So, I think if he's ever be a coach, he better coaches the athletes from the very beginning not trying to bash anyone, but I don't think shoma's UR jumps technique could be saved even by Coach Yuzu and I could imagine Coach Yuzu's disapproving look every time he sees that considering how little he cheats on his jumps. 

I agree that's it much better to work with skaters who has good foundation and right technique. But as talanted as Yuzu is he surely knows how hard and how many years he worked to build up all the elements to high level and stable them even from good foundation. And about compromises I think with age you're more ready for compromises than when you are young (but of course it's all just theories)

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