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Yuzu doesn’t take anything for granted. In my religion, the Bible says all sins are based upon pridefullness. Yuzu certainly doesn’t have that problem no matter what beliefs he holds. He is kind to everyone and doesn’t place himself above others. He is a wonderful role model for my 13 year old son.

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Yuzu’s motto of lets do our best inspires my son to play Chopin and other clssical music that he plays. yuzu is inspiring my boy to learn Japanese and even starting calculus beginning just before he turned 12. I can’t tell you all the ways that Yuzu has helped my child, including in his happy, upbeat personality. Thank you, Yuzu!!! You are inspiring my child to do his best!!!

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6 hours ago, Muffinator said:

It’s amazing that the trains are accommodating Yuzu’s shows. Who else would have this cooperation? Yet dear Yuzu is still worried about his reception. That displays a true humility and caring.

Yup, the only train with more people wanting to board is probably the Hogwarts Express

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Something I know:

1. There are two types of Japanese sim cards, data only and with SMS/call function. The former one is most common for travellers but they are useless for lottery.

2. It is possible for a foreigner to have a tixplus account without Japanese phone number, but it's not feasible to use a foreign number to register Japanese lottery systems.

3. There are some ways for foreigners to apply for sim cards with call functions, but those sim cards cannot be used outside Japan. So for major lottery systems, you will have to go to Japan to register for the lottery systems before joining the lottery. 


The whole lottery thing is very complicated and I spent weeks and months doing research. If you have also done some research but still have questions, I take DMs with a cap screen of your yuzu youtube membership page. Thank you.


ETA: if you don't know how to insert cap screen, copy-paste of yuzu's first member-only message is also accepted. 


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1 hour ago, SaluYuzu said:

Curious to know why there hasn't been any big sponsorship from UA. The image of Yuzu practicing in his UA black is iconic ...


Same reason why Disney doesn’t sponsor Yuzu for all the exposure Winnie the Pooh gets. Why pay for the cow when you can get the milk for free? Disney and UA are getting the benefits of Hanyuconomy without having to pay for it.

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1 hour ago, Geo1 said:


Same reason why Disney doesn’t sponsor Yuzu for all the exposure Winnie the Pooh gets. Why pay for the cow when you can get the milk for free? Disney and UA are getting the benefits of Hanyuconomy without having to pay for it.


Could be. Or when you represent a clothing brand, you are required to wear that brand. (Mai Mihara is sponsored by UA, this is the IG post https://www.instagram.com/p/CT3uXJhpTJ1/) Yuzu has only UA shirts. His pants, jackets, sneakers and backpacks are all from different brands. Maybe Yuzu likes to have an autonomy regarding his clothing. We will never know the right answer.


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