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2 minutes ago, Xen said:

  I think it's time to unleash the feral swans on JSF :devilYuzu:

I think i should make more swans then. Invade Japan, make them rain on the judges, inundate the JSF's offices...

Someone should arrange them outside the venue spelling "Submit to the Pooh Overlord"

You know, just innocent and not threatening stuff :rofl:

/s in case anyone thought i was being serious. But we totally need more swans in Japan.A token of appreciation from overseas fans.

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18 minutes ago, Xen said:

So long as the rule is evenly applied, I guess we can live with it.  I think it's time to unleash the feral swans on JSF :devilYuzu:

Honestly, JSF needs Yuzu more than he needs them. Much as I like Japanese men's skating, I don't see any japanese male skater dominating the junior ranks the way Yuzu and Shoma did. 

 Good think I didn't put money on that yet, I'll just live with my ice jewels and Yuzu bios. Wonder if ANA will do anything extra this season with their planes? 

So glad to know Yuzu is overseas, doesn't follow social media etc, this would be hard to bear. 



I don't understand the logic of JSF.  Shoma is great, but why is the JSF acting as if Shoma and Yuzu cannot co-exist? Figure skating is so popular in Japan right now and I think Yuzu has some credit for that. In fact, I would argue that Yuzu is helping to sustain the popularity of figure skating worldwide. 


It's sad, cos Yuzu is one of the most patriotic Japanese I've seen. A part of me would prefer if he chooses to settle in a country where he won't need to deal with so much media drama, but I know Yuzu will definitely go back to Japan because that's the only place he thinks of as home.

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1 minute ago, singcarcom said:


I don't understand the logic of JSF.  Shoma is great, but why is the JSF acting as if Shoma and Yuzu cannot co-exist? Figure skating is so popular in Japan right now and I think Yuzu has some credit for that. In fact, I would argue that Yuzu is helping to sustain the popularity of figure skating worldwide. 


It's sad, cos Yuzu is one of the most patriotic Japanese I've seen. A part of me would prefer if he chooses to settle in a country where he won't need to deal with so much media drama, but I know Yuzu will definitely go back to Japan because that's the only place he thinks of as a home.

I think they're just resigned to Yuzu R******g. But it's probably some sense of "fairness" which goes along the lines of "Yuzu has a lot of sponsors he doesn't need to hog up more space, but other budding skaters who will be with us for another 4-5 years, they need more visibility to help their financial stability, so we need magazines to promote them more."  Realistically, they're right in that Yuzu has a LOT of visibility, and other Japanese skaters do need more sponsors. However it ultimately comes out as "unfair."


The media drama will die down once he decides to R**** but that might be a while since JSF doesn't have many new male skaters to promote yet. 

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10 minutes ago, Xen said:

I think they're just resigned to Yuzu R******g. But it's probably some sense of "fairness" which goes along the lines of "Yuzu has a lot of sponsors he doesn't need to hog up more space, but other budding skaters who will be with us for another 4-5 years, they need more visibility to help their financial stability, so we need magazines to promote them more."  Realistically, they're right in that Yuzu has a LOT of visibility, and other Japanese skaters do need more sponsors. However it ultimately comes out as "unfair."


The media drama will die down once he decides to R**** but that might be a while since JSF doesn't have many new male skaters to promote yet. 

I do not wish for Yuzuru to continue to WC 2019. All these disgusting tricks from JSF aka Nagoya side. they want to be famous and more control, they have it. Yuzuru doesn't have to stay and endure their game. He can retire safely in shows. He can tour around the world and let the storm at home for JSF.

Let the rest to enjoy the media pressure and attack. I assure you, it is not nice up there on that seat. JSF is NO MATCH to USFA. They want to be Japanese No 1 to get attacked by USFA and Skate Canada, deal with it.

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21 minutes ago, Xen said:

I think they're just resigned to Yuzu R******g. But it's probably some sense of "fairness" which goes along the lines of "Yuzu has a lot of sponsors he doesn't need to hog up more space, but other budding skaters who will be with us for another 4-5 years, they need more visibility to help their financial stability, so we need magazines to promote them more."  Realistically, they're right in that Yuzu has a LOT of visibility, and other Japanese skaters do need more sponsors. However it ultimately comes out as "unfair."


The media drama will die down once he decides to R**** but that might be a while since JSF doesn't have many new male skaters to promote yet. 


Yeah I think they are being real mindful of the possibility of Yuzuru retiring, if not at the end of this season (which I do not think will happen) then maybe next season. Yuzuru is a big star and hugely popular with big sponsors and a lot of media attention, he also pulls big audiences. Whenever he does retire, it's bound to be a big blow to the JSF because he's going to leave a huge hole, even if he goes pro and is still doing skating things that can be covered and keep money coming in to the sport in Japan. It'd maybe be better to encourage more evenly distributed coverage between Yuzu and Shoma than to seem to be avoiding covering Yuzu in favour of Shoma but I think they feel like they need to build up Shoma because whenever Yuzuru does inevitably stop competing it's going to leave a hell of a vacuum.


that said i can't honestly say why media coverage/telling magazines to be less yuzu-centric is that big of a deal. lesening the media pressure on him could work out as a positive thing. God knows Yuzuru has enough pressure.

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3 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


Yeah I think they are being real mindful of the possibility of Yuzuru retiring, if not at the end of this season (which I do not think will happen) then maybe next season. Yuzuru is a big star and hugely popular with big sponsors and a lot of media attention, he also pulls big audiences. Whenever he does retire, it's bound to be a big blow to the JSF because he's going to leave a huge hole, even if he goes pro and is still doing skating things that can be covered and keep money coming in to the sport in Japan. It'd maybe be better to encourage more evenly distributed coverage between Yuzu and Shoma than to seem to be avoiding covering Yuzu in favour of Shoma but I think they feel like they need to build up Shoma because whenever Yuzuru does inevitably stop competing it's going to leave a hell of a vacuum.

Russian fed has a huge slump of men after Plushenko. JSF will be the same after Yuzuru. Their men will be down for a long time as long as Yuzuru retires. They can not pull it up. There is up and there is down for everything. They should be happy they have many talented young ladies right now who can carry the touch. Girls always attach more attention anyway. Had Yuzuru been a girl, he would have like double the attention and love he is getting now. 

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I thought the figure skating magazine boon happened because of Yuzu? People and the media can push but in the end its still demand then supply instead of the other way around. Shoma is great and all but if Yuzu retires I don't think he can sustain interest like Yuzu has. Instead the love will turn back to ladies skaters with Marin Honda as the one top media and interest wise as Yuzu has been imo. (Sad for the other ladies, but that's how I see it.) With Marin already heading in that beloved darling direction despite her fresh senior debut JSF doesn't need to worry and shouldn't be so hard on Shoma and Yuzu now tbh.

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5 minutes ago, meoima said:

Russian fed has a huge slump of men after Plushenko. JSF will be the same after Yuzuru. Their men will be down for a long time as long as Yuzuru retires. They can not pull it up. There is up and there is down for everything. They should be happy they have many talented young ladies right now. 


Yeah there's really not much they can do about the slump that is bound to happen when Yuzuru retires. Shoma might be able to carry the mantle for a while since he is medal potential, but if he doesn't straighten out his technique i do really fear that he will suffer an injury or the judges will start coming down on him. Who knows how he will fair when the ISU starts implementing changes to scoring... And right now there's no one who comes close to touching Yuzuru's overall talent, impact and star potential. JSF is really, really, going to miss Yuzu when he's gone.

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3 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


Yeah there's really not much they can do about the slump that is bound to happen when Yuzuru retires. Shoma might be able to carry the mantle for a while since he is medal potential, but if he doesn't straighten out his technique i do really fear that he will suffer an injury or the judges will start coming down on him. Who knows how he will fair when the ISU starts implementing changes to scoring... And right now there's no one who comes close to touching Yuzuru's overall talent, impact and star potential. JSF is really, really, going to miss Yuzu when he's gone.

I doubt that JSF is going to miss Yuzuru. They have Marin Honda and many talented young girls who will do the jobs. Which is fine anyway.

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18 minutes ago, meoima said:

He can tour around the world and let the storm at home for JSF.

See, this is one of the reasons why sometimes i'm angry that i have a life to take care of (believe it or not!)+i don't have tons of money to spend and can't watch him skate live as much as i would want to. Somehow i don't think that Yuzu is going to go out of Japan frequently when he retires, and i will really miss watching him skate. Add to that how hard it is to get tickets for ice shows and if we get streams it might be harder to get them and watch him.


Unless he is considerate about his fans overseas but idk, i don't think he would do it :slinkaway: it has always been my impression since i started following him. I hope i'm wrong.

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9 時間前, Xenさんが言いました:

I think they're just resigned to Yuzu R******g. But it's probably some sense of "fairness" which goes along the lines of "Yuzu has a lot of sponsors he doesn't need to hog up more space, but other budding skaters who will be with us for another 4-5 years, they need more visibility to help their financial stability, so we need magazines to promote them more."  Realistically, they're right in that Yuzu has a LOT of visibility, and other Japanese skaters do need more sponsors. However it ultimately comes out as "unfair."


The media drama will die down once he decides to R**** but that might be a while since JSF doesn't have many new male skaters to promote yet. 


8 時間前, CupidsBowさんが言いました:


Yeah I think they are being real mindful of the possibility of Yuzuru retiring, if not at the end of this season (which I do not think will happen) then maybe next season. Yuzuru is a big star and hugely popular with big sponsors and a lot of media attention, he also pulls big audiences. Whenever he does retire, it's bound to be a big blow to the JSF because he's going to leave a huge hole, even if he goes pro and is still doing skating things that can be covered and keep money coming in to the sport in Japan. It'd maybe be better to encourage more evenly distributed coverage between Yuzu and Shoma than to seem to be avoiding covering Yuzu in favour of Shoma but I think they feel like they need to build up Shoma because whenever Yuzuru does inevitably stop competing it's going to leave a hell of a vacuum.


That sounds like a fair evaluation. Hanyu fans are legion. It's unlike anything the FS world has ever seen. On top of giving other skaters more visibility instead of getting eclipsed (and this being in Nagoya, I'm sure the want to raise Uno the rising star's one as much as they can), so they want to try curbing it a bit to give casual supporters or Nagoya ones a fair chance at getting tickets and cheering their favorites without being drowned out and other skaters not having to navigate a sea of poohs after Hanyu's skate. This will ultimately segue into a future where Hanyu is no longer competing.


This is probably new to them since there has never been someone like Hanyu. So whatever "games" they may be playing, this sounds like the ultimate goal and doesn't seem all that unreasonable to me. They didn't have to do this for Takahashi because Hanyu already proved to be a gigantic force before he retired. But the problem with phenomenons is, they only come once in a blue moon, so it'd be hard to adjust back to the norm after they've shone their light. The Hanyu era is like the bubble economy of figure skating. So either way, Hanyu will leave a gaping void that's never seen before and they have to get people to start getting used to that. Missing Hanyu or not, people have to move on.


And anyway, Hanyu himself might not be opposed to this as, as much as he appreciates his fans, he may feel a bit bad about overwhelming others with the very visible love his fans shower upon him. Not that this is the fault of the fans or Hanyu, seeing as this is a very natural occurrence when you've got a phenomenon like Hanyu out there, and fans have every right to be miffed at being thwarted from expressing their love, but I think organizers have a right to do what they feel is right by other skaters.


This might also create an illusion that he's simply one of the skaters instead of THE skater. That must bring back some nostalgic feelings for him. He seems more the type than the "without me, you people are nothing" sort. Guy's not a diva like that. He doesn't think he's the be all end all to skating, so he'd want others to shine as well, especially when many of them are the future. Guy may want to win and calls himself selfish because of that but at the end of the day, he's proven to be a person with a big heart and infinite wisdom. It's another big reason why he's so loved. ^^ I mean, I get that fans feel affronted on his behalf but he just doesn't strike me as the boycotting sort. It's just not who he is. So if he doesn't go to 2019 World's, it's not going to be because of this.


Wonder if they'll do the same for Nats. They should. So the rest of the field don't feel like nobodies and get a fair chance to shine. I mean they'll probably still get outshined but at least it won't be exacerbated by a crowd who's only there to see one person. Would not want them to be queuing up all night and then leave as soon as their favorites are done, and when the crowds are skewed towards one or two skaters, with one probably owning 2/3 of the crowd, it can get pretty disheartening.


At the end of the day, Hanyu really only wants to skate (edit: and win). He's probably not too concerned by anything else. It's how he's always done things.

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14 minutes ago, meoima said:

I doubt that JSF is going to miss Yuzuru. They have Marin Honda and many talented young girls who will do the jobs. Which is fine anyway.

I don't think Marin is going to quite fill that hole. Nationally yes, but Yuzu's international fame isn't quite matched by Marin. Especially since Marin will soon have Trusova, Kihara, You Young, Eun Soo, and Anna S. coming up. All these ladies with their quads and 3As will probably start eclipsing Marin, internationally at least.  Ladies field going towards 2022 will be a crowded hot mess. 

9 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Unless he is considerate about his fans overseas but idk, i don't think he would do it :slinkaway: it has always been my impression since i started following him. I hope i'm wrong.

That's the impression I get too. First place in his heart is the Japanese fan crowd, and I'm somewhat resigned that ACI 2017 might be the first, last and only time I'll see him live. 

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11 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:



That sounds like a fair evaluation. Hanyu fans are legion. It's unlike the FS world has ever seen. On top of giving other skaters more visibility instead of getting eclipsed (and this being in Nagoya, I'm sure the want to raise Uno the rising star's one as much as they can), so they want to try curbing it a bit to give casual supporters or Nagoya ones a fair chance at getting tickets and cheering their favorites without being drowned out and other skaters not having to navigate a sea of poohs after Hanyu's skate. This will ultimately segue into a future where Hanyu is no longer competing.


This is probably new to them since there has never been someone like Hanyu. So whatever "games" they may be playing, this sounds like the ultimate goaland doesn't seem all that unreasonable to me. They didn't have to do this for Takahashi because Hanyu already proved to be a gigantic force before he retired. But the problem with phenomenons are, they only come once in a blue moon, so it'd be hard to adjust back to the norm after they've shone their light. The Hanyu era is like the bubble economy of figure skating. So either way, Hanyu will leave a gaping hole that's never seen before and they have to get people to start getting used to that.


And anyway, Hanyu himself might not be opposed to this as, as much as he appreciates his fans, he may feel a bit bad about overwhelming others with the very visible love his fans shower upon him. Not that this the fault of the fans or Hanyu, seeing as this is a very natural occurrence when you've got a phenomenon like Hanyu out there, and fans have everything right to be miffed at being thwarted from expressing their love, but I think organizers have a right to do what they feel is right by other skaters.


This might also create an illusion that he's simply one of the skaters instead of THE skater. That must bring back some nostalgic feelings for him. He seems more the type than the "without me, you people are nothing" sort. Guy's not a diva like that. He doesn't think he's the be all end all to skating, so he'd want others to shine as well, especially when many of them are the future. Guy may want to win and calls himself selfish because of that but at the end of the day, he's proven to be a person with a big heart and infinite wisdom. It's another big reason why he's so loved. ^^


Wonder if they'll do the same for Nats. They should. So the rest of the field don't feel like nobodies and get a fair chance to shine. I mean they'll probably still get outshined but at least it won't be exacerbated by a crowd who's only there to see one person. Would not want them to be queuing up all night and then leave as soon as their favorites are done, and when the crowds are skewed towards one or two skaters, with one probably owning 2/3 of the crowd, it can get pretty disheartening.


At the end of the day, Hanyu really only wants to skate. He's probably not too concerned by anything else. It's how he's always done things.


I agree with all the things. I don't think Hanyu would care. And getting hit by Poohs, or having to skate around Poohs, if you skate after Hanyu can't be fun. I think it's being done as a courtesy because Pooh rain is biblical. And tbh the GPF venue doesn't look that great for hanging banners anyway. 


Also, as long as I can get FS tickets to NHK or GPF, I don't care about banners and Poohs and magazines. >_> #allaboutmeandmyneedyneeds 

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