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4 minutes ago, Xen said:

The red version might be very interesting....red piping instead of green or purple, and a light top. Now if they could copy some of those gold sequins embroidery over too...


I would love that red lace decoration being copied as well!! It's just so elegant and PERFECT nefuehfGNRIIUFNS


2 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I wonder if he will choose red because flag/nationalism (and blood of his opponents.) I am going with red because of new skate guards. He doesn't seem to make any meaningless decisions. It will be so pretty. 


So not only the flag of Japan, but also the flag of South Korea: blue and red. The colors of his skate guards. The colors of his programs. Everything fits. 

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hace 15 minutos , Xen said:

If he's always known that Seimei was going to be his 18 Oly war program, does that make the 15' GPF a test run?

He decided it after WR-breaking perfomances, not from the beginning.

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3 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

My only disappoinment for repeat SEIMEI is no NDP boobskirt hybrid. I got really attached to that image.


aiya image of this pink boobskirt thingy shows up in my head again :slinkaway:

11 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


Or that first picture version, are you kidding me?! I would DIE for a white, gold and red costume :003:

OMG YES! that will be godly :10742290::goe:

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12 minutes ago, Xen said:

The red version might be very interesting....red piping instead of green or purple, and a light top. Now if they could copy some of those gold sequins embroidery over too...


Gold embroidery will be so, so exquisite :tumblr_inline_mjgka6fYNw1qz4rgp: But I worry that Brian will stop him from adding that :tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow:Wasn't it Brian who told Yuna not to wear anything gold on the Olympic ice? (She'd had a golden ring as her lucky charm for a long time and lost it before Olys. When she went to find a new one, Brian talked her into getting a silver ring instead...)

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8 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I wonder if he will choose red because flag/nationalism (and blood of his opponents.) I am going with red because of new skate guards. He doesn't seem to make any meaningless decisions. It will be so pretty. 


Black and red. The guards have black too. I want an all black Seimei costume, with blood red accents. He would look so intimidating like that. also hot. Gimme.

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1 hour ago, yuzuuu said:

if you meant the one I said. A commentator said in WC2017 medal ceremony that yuzu had not have a great performance like this since Sochi. 


that was b.esp. i roll my eyes so hard every time.

like nooooo in the the seasons after sochi he's not had a great performance at all....

b.esp uncles should know better considering how much they usually gush but they seemed to lose interest in yuzu last season. they were too busy being dazzled by Shoma's thighs or something :laughing:

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Just now, PomeloPooh said:


Gold embroidery will be so, so exquisite :tumblr_inline_mjgka6fYNw1qz4rgp: But I worry that Brian will stop him from adding that :tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow:Wasn't it Brian who told Yuna not to wear anything gold on the Olympic ice? (She'd had a golden ring as her lucky charm for a long time and lost it before Olys. When she went to find a new one, Brian talked into getting a silver ring instead...)


Red and silver is my favourite. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: I had the most beautiul red Japanese folding fan as a child with flecks of silver leaf all over it and it's been my favourite combination since (along with lapis/gold which covers Chopin.)

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1 minute ago, Yatagarasu said:


Black and red. The guards have black too. I want an all black Seimei costume, with blood red accents. He would look so intimidating like that. also hot. Gimme.


I won't deny, I'd like that. Like, a lot. Thing is, I'm not sure Seimei's character really fits with black? Maybe some Black will fit Chopin better. 

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2 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:


Black and red. The guards have black too. I want an all black Seimei costume, with blood red accents. He would look so intimidating like that. also hot. Gimme.


I've been craving something all black with red sparkle since the talk about a Black Swan program. You have my vote. we'll die a happy death

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