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On NDP on Shizuoka last performance:




Edit: Also, I remember someone asking about if Yuzu really did say he preferred performing in ice shows, and when, so I guess someone found a interview from 2013:


Since young is not that he “preferred” but he always acknowledged that he could perform freely on those. On competitions he was there to win, I believe it was a mindset thing.  


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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7 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

Please post on this thread if you see any that don't play!


Thanks for the tip. Alas, I did not make notes of the vids not playing - but I will do so in the future.



5 hours ago, Melodie said:

"Darn" is the only word needed . . . . .


Ever since I watched "Raison" (what overwhelming and superb skating!) I was wondering about the lyrics. I think I have read a translation (don't remember where) but still I don't fully understand the overall meaning of the song. 

Could anybody explain it to me, please ?

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16 時間前, Xiupiaさんが言いました:

I love this artist, and they made a little panel from the Shizuoka scene from yesterday hehe



For the ones out of the loop, reposting (some satellites already posted it couple of pages ago) 






Such a high-speed "come-over-here" gesture :tumblr_m9gcv6So5s1qzckow: So cute and funny.


(As you might know, Japanese gesture of this is different from that in some other counties, with your palm down) 

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With some of the matters that have emerged of late, specifically Yuzu's great sensitivity to music, I think we might see evolving the next stage in Yuzu's development in figure-skating - Yuzu the choreographer, initially for himself but eventually for others, particularly for those needing programs for galas and ice shows and not competition.  It is there that Yuzu could become a very potent influence in the development of figure-skating and its expressive potential.  Particularly if he is producing ice shows he could be the major shaper of the overall choreography of the show.  If this is to be it can't come along soon enough for me.

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Not sure if anyone has had this discussion yet (I've not seen it on any thread though sometimes I miss stuff!)

Yuzuru rolls up his white sleeve at the end of Raison, the side signifying a pure heart, loneliness is the winner?

When he leaves the ice after NdP he rolls up the purple sleeve, signifying loneliness, the pure heart is the winner?

My initial thoughts - this conflict he has had in recent months, years even, between remaining in competition (loneliness?), and freedom (a pure heart?)

He chooses loneliness when he rolls up the white sleeve as the purple remains in it's normal state.

He chooses freedom/a pure heart when he rolls up the purple sleeve and the pure heart remains in full....

Was his rolling up of his purple sleeve as he left his last performance as Hanyu-senshu ("let my poor soul just fly away from the miseries of this earth" "dance once last time for me")  yet another big hint? (he gave us loads....how didn't we see?)

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