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1 hour ago, birnasan said:

New Shae-Lynn Bourne interview from the latest Quadruple Axel magazine, automatically translated with OCR and deepL. My OCR had to capture the text from a not-perfect screenshot, I just hope there are not too many mistakes in it. And as always, I don't speak Japanese and this is not a proper translation. 

There are some more details about Roncapu in this interview, so I really hope we will get a better translation soon. 


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Yuzuru Hanyu performed two competition programs at the Beijing Olympics: 'Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso' and 'Heaven and Earth'. We spoke to Shae-Lynn Bourne, who was involved in the choreography of both programs, about the creation of the short program and the significance of the quadruple Axel challenge.



Q: 今日はお時間をいただきありがとうございます。北京五輪での羽生結弦選手についてお話を聞かせてください。まず、大会全体を通してどのようにご覧になりましたか?

シェイ=リーン(以下、シェイ): まず今回は、私を含めた多くの人たちにとって、テレビ中継などを通して「外側から」見ることになった大会でした。アリーナにほとんど観客がいなかったという点でも、いつもと違ったオリンピックになりました。私も自宅のテレビで観戦していたのですが、とてもワクワクしながらも、緊張した思いで見ていました。

誰でも同じだと思いますが、自分が関わっている人には、ベストの演技をしてほしいと願うものですよね。ユッに関しては、私もみなさんと同じように、彼がここで新しいことにチャレンジするのだろうな、とわかっていました。トップに立つことももちろんですが、まだ誰も成し遂げたことのない、前人未到の領域に挑戦するということが、彼の究極の目標であるからです。その前奏曲として、全日本選手権で彼はすでに4A (4回転アクセル) に挑戦していたので、多くの人が今回のオリンピックではどうなるのか、期待をふくらませていたと思います。





Q: Thank you for your time today. Please tell us about Yuzuru Hanyu at the Beijing Olympics. First of all, how did you see the competition as a whole?

Shae: First of all, for many people, including myself, this was the first time that we watched the Olympic Games from the 'outside', through TV coverage and so on. It was also a different Olympics in that there were hardly any spectators in the arenas. I was also watching the competition on TV at home, and I was very excited but also nervous.

I think it's the same for everyone, you want the best performance from the people you are involved with. As for Yuzu, I knew, just like everyone else, that he would be challenging himself to do something new here. Because, of course, to be at the top is his ultimate goal, but also to challenge himself in unprecedented territory, which no one has achieved yet. He had already tried the 4A (quadruple Axel) at the Japanese Championships, so I think a lot of people were excited to see what he would do at the Olympics.

I was first of all greatly impressed by his courage to attempt something new. There was a tremendous risk that he might miss the podium if he failed. But for him, it was necessary to take that risk and try something new. He is already a two-time Olympic champion, so he doesn't have to prove that he can win. He has already achieved that.

For him, the challenge of this jump was the "medal". It was also proof of his strength. In the end he didn't get the result he wanted, but I think his courage in taking on this challenge has ignited excitement all over the world. He knew it was a risk, but he took the risk. I applaud him for his bravery and I am very happy that he challenged himself to achieve his goals.

He has once again taken figure skating to an even higher level. He has pushed the limits of other athletes with his exceptional ability and courage. And at the same time, he has also created emotion and excitement for those watching. I am sure that those who watched his performances were like, "What the hell is he going to do?". I am sure everyone was thrilled and on the edge of their seats. He added a vibrant thrill to the competition.



Q: フリーで4回転アクセルを跳ばずに完壁な演技でまとめるという選択肢は、羽生選手の頭にはなかったと思われますか?

シェイ: シーズンの初めから、彼はこのジャンプに挑むことに全力を注いでいました。今季のショートプログラムの振り付けのために彼と最初に言葉を交わしたとき、彼は自分が目指していることや夢について語ってくれました。それは幼いころからの夢であったのだと思います。彼はそのことにものすごくフォーカスしていて、畜める気はまったくなかったと思います。「とにかく全力で挑んで、そのときにできるベストを尽くす」。それが彼の目標であり、絶対にそれに挑むのです。

ー方で、彼に選択の余地があったか? と問われれば、それは常にあるものだと言えます。とくに、ショートプログラムを終えたあとで、選手にとっては戦略の見直しが必要になることはよくあります。このリスクを受け入れるべきか? 回避すべきか? ショートのあとで、あらゆる選択肢を検討することになるので、常にオプションは存在します。けれど、彼の場合、自分がやりたいことがあまりにもはっきりしていたと思います。「失うものなんてない。ならば、やらない手はない」。それが、私が彼のエネルギーから感じ取ったことでした。


Q: Do you think it never crossed Hanyu's mind that he had the option to give a perfect performance in the free skate without the quadruple Axel?

Shae: From the beginning of the season, he was committed to the challenge of this jump. When I first communicated with him for the choreography of this season's short program, he spoke to me about his goal or his dream. I think it has been his dream since he was a little boy. I think he was very focused on that and he had no intention of keeping things low. He would just "give it his all and do the best he could at that moment." That was his goal, and he absolutely went for it.

On the other hand, did he have a choice? I would say that there is always a choice. Especially after the short program, it is often necessary for the athletes to rethink their strategy. Should he be willing to take this risk? Should he avoid it? After the short program, you have to consider all the options, so there are always more options. But in his case, I think he was very specific about what he wanted to do. "I have nothing to lose now. Then there's no way I won't do it'". That's what I sensed from his energy.



Q: 羽生選手のオリンピック3連覇を期待していた人も多かったなかで、そのプレッシャーもあったのではないかと思います。

シェイ: それは本人に聞いてみないとわからないことですが、彼はすでにオリンピック優勝を達成しています。1度目なら、「ラッキーだった」と言う人がいるかもしれません。でも、4年後にふたたび同じことを成し遂げたら、そんなことを言う人はいません。連覇というのは、とても真似のできない偉業であって、それを否定できる人など誰一人としていないというレベルのものです。彼はそのために血の湾むような努力をし、それを手に入れた。そこには、身体的な能力や才能だけでなく、精神力も必要でした。そして、さらに4年を経た今回も、人々は彼が充分に頂点を狙える位置にいることをわかっていました。そのなかで、彼はきっと、自分にとっての「新たな金メダル」は何かを見いだしたのだと思います。それが4Aへの挑戦だったのです。


Q: Many people were expecting Hanyu to win his third consecutive Olympic title, so there must have been a lot of pressure on him.

Shae: You would have to ask him about that, but he's already won the Olympics. The first time, people might say, "Well, he had luck". But when he did it again four years later, no one could say that. Winning the Olympics again is a feat that cannot be denied by anyone. He worked bloody hard for it, and he got it. It required not only physical ability and talent, but also mental strength. And this time, after four more years, people knew that he was in a good enough position to reach the top. In the midst of all this, I am sure he must have realized what the "new gold medal" was for him. That was the challenge of 4A.



Q: 大会後、羽生選手は足首を捻挫していたことを明かしましたが、その不屈の精神はどこからくるのでしょう。

シェイ: フィギュアスケーターに限らず、アスリートは常に上を目指して練習を重ねます。でも、最終的に必要なもの、それは、精神力なのです。90%、いえ99%と言ってもいいかもしれない。「自分はやるんだ!」という強い意志。気持ちを惑わすような障壁やストレスが存在するなかで、持てるものを発揮すべきときに発揮する精神力が必要です。そもそも、競技に挑むという状況自体が、ものすごく厳しいことでもあります。そんななかにあって、リンクに降り立ったときの彼が、いつも完全に集中してゾーンに入っている姿をみなさんもご覧になっていると思います。それだけ彼は、強い精神力を持っている。




Q: After the competition, Hanyu revealed that he had injured his ankle, but where does his undying determination come from?

Shae: Athletes, not just figure skaters, are always training to get better. But in the end, what it all comes down to is mental strength. 90%, or maybe I should even say 99% of what it takes to be a good figure skater is mental strength. The strong determination of "I am going to do this!". The mental strength to show what you can do, when you need to do it, despite the stresses and obstacles that can distract your mind. To begin with, the situation of competing in a competition itself is extremely demanding. In such a situation, I am sure you have all seen how he is always completely focused and in the zone when he steps onto the ice rink. That is how strong he is mentally.

Learning the 4As is not only mentally demanding, but also physically demanding on the body.

It's a huge thing. The sheer amount of energy that it takes out of the body is unbelievable. He left the Olympics without a medal, but I think he took away with him from the Games the feeling that people are more proud of him than ever before. So he has lost nothing in life, but rather gained even more. And that includes his fans. That's how I feel.



Q: ショートプログラムでは、氷上にできた穴にエッジをとられ、ジャンプが抜けるという思わぬアクシデントがありました。

シェイ: もう心臓が止まりそうでした! それくらい、彼らしくない出来事でしたから。それと同時に、彼があそこに立つまでに、どれだけ努力を重ねていたかを見ていただけに、胸が痛みました。でも、何かアクシデントが起きたときは、そのことだけでなく、多くのことについて学びを得て成長できる、ということを私は実感しているので、「これが人生」という感じなのだと思います。


Q: In the short program, he had an unexpected accident when his edge got caught in a hole in the ice and he had to pull out of his jump.

Shae: It almost made my heart stop! It was such an uncharacteristic moment for him. At the same time, it was heartbreaking because we could see how hard he had worked towards that moment. But I think it's like 'this is life' because I have realized that when something unexpected happens, you learn and grow, not only about that, but about a lot of other things in life.



Q: あのあとの演技が、最初のミスなどすっかり忘れてしまうような素晴らしさだったのはさすがでした。

シェイ: そのとおりです。フィギュアスケートでいちばん難しい点であり、大きなチャレンジといえることがひとつあります。それは、失敗してもがっかりしたような表情など絶対に見せられない、ということです。アイスホッケーやアルペンスキーなどの競技では、「表情を美しく見せる」とか「感情表現を豊かにする」といった要素は必要ありませんが、フィギュアスケートの場合は、ミスをしたあとも、「すべて順調です」といった様子で演技の流れを保たなければ、「次の演技にシフトできていない」「プログラムを表現できていない」といった理由で、さらに減点されてしまう可能性すらあるのです。



Q: After that, his performance was so great that you completely forgot about the first mistake.

Shae: Exactly. This is one of the most difficult aspects of figure skating, and one of the biggest challenges. You can never look disappointed when you make a mistake. In ice hockey or alpine skiing, it is not necessary to have a beautiful facial expression or a deep emotional expression, but in figure skating, even after a mistake, you have to keep the flow of the performance and look like "everything is fine", otherwise you might be accused of "not shifting to the next element" or "not expressing the program" and get deducted even more points.

But he was perfect in this respect. This is also something you learn from your everyday training. There are always mistakes, including small ones, in daily practice, but the fact that he was able to perform like that in the real competition proves how much attention he pays to those details in his daily training.



Q: 昨シーズンの大会では、自身が6分間練習のときにつけた溝に、本番でハマってしまうということがありました。

シェイ: 起こりうることではあります。かつてコンパルソリーの種目があった時代などはとくに、滑走順が最後になってしまうと氷の状態は最悪でした。全員が同じパターンをなぞるので、同じところに溝が刻まれていって。なので、万が一、穴にはまってしまった場合にどうスルーするか、といったこともあらかじめ考えておいたりしていました(苦笑)。こればかりは自分ではどうしようもないことで、あるときは大丈夫でも、あるときは残念な結果になる。ユヅのケースはまさにそうだったわけですが、アンラッキーな出来事だったとしか言いようがないのです。

普段の彼にとって、あのジャンプ(4回転サルコウ) は、「寝ていてもできる」というくらい簡単に跳んでいるように見せられるジャンプです。ですから、あのアクシデントはつらかったでしょう。





Q: In a competition last season, it happened that he was stuck in a hole that he himself had created during the six-minute warm-up and got stuck in it during the actual competition.

Shae: It can happen at any time. In the past, especially in the days when we had the compulsories, if you were last in the starting order, the ice was in the worst condition. Everyone would skate the same pattern, so the same spots would be carved out. So we had to think beforehand about what we would do if we got stuck in a hole (laughs). This is something you can't control, sometimes it will be fine, but other times it will be unfortunate. This is exactly what happened in Yuzu's case, and I can only say that it was an unlucky incident.

Normally for him, that jump (the quadruple Salchow) is one that he can make look so easy that he could "do it in his sleep". So it must have been hard for him to have that accident.

But he performed the rest of the program to the best of his ability, as if he had made no such mistake.

When a mistake like that happens, there are a lot of thoughts going through a skater's head on the ice. The important thing there is to regain your composure and perform. There is still work to be done. He did it with grace. I thought it was particularly impressive how, when he finished his performance, he stood up straight and looked proud and noble. He never lost his champion-like elegance. I thought it was very professional.

In a way, I also found it amazing that this accident didn't detract from what a great skater he is. On the contrary, instead, his sportsmanship, grace and professionalism were highlighted even more. He continued to perform and jump a quadruple jump after that, and he never wavered in his determination to go for what he was aiming for.



Q: 競技者である以上、結果も追求するものだと思いますが、一方で今回の羽生選手のように、挑戦すること自体が、人々の心を動かすことにもなります。結果を出すことと、自分が追求するものに挑むこと、そのふたつはバランスをとれるものなのでしょうか?

シェイ: それぞれのアスリートにストーリーや軌跡があります。メダルを獲ること、表彰台に上がること、そしてそのために必要な能力を得ること。実現できるかは別として、それを目標とする人もいます。そしてその目標を目指して挑むこと自体が、ビクトリーである、という選手もいます。オリンピックに関していえば、出場できた時点で、それはとてつもなく大きな達成です。国を代表して参加する資格を得た時点で、大きなビクトリーだといえるでしょう。パーソナルベストを出しても、メダルには手が届かない選手もいる。でもそれが、その選手にとって人生で最高のパフォーマンスになったかもしれない。ストーリーはさまざまです。

ユヅの場合、彼には世界中にフォロワーがいて、彼らはみな、ユヅがたどってきた旅路を知っています。その過程で彼が何を達成してきたのかも。それは2つの金メダルです。しかもただの金メダルではなく、オリンピックの金メダルです! そのようにコンスタントに結果を出せる選手を、多くの人々が応援します。そして、そうした人たちはすでに彼の旅の一部となっていて、彼をフォローしながら、彼ら自身も成長してきているわけです。彼らにとっては、今回のオリンピックは、すでに、「勝てるのか?」というものではありませんでした。それはすでに成し遂げているので、今回は、「あのジャンプを成功させられるか?」というものになっていた。つまりは彼は、コンセプト自体を新しいものに変えてしまったのです。




Q: Of course, competitors must aim for results, but on the other hand, like Hanyu this time, the challenge itself can also be inspiring to people. Is it possible to find a balance between achieving results and challenging yourself with what you are aiming for?

Shae: Each athlete has his own story and journey. Winning a medal, getting on the podium and gaining the ability to do so. Some people make that their goal, whether they can achieve it or not. And some athletes say that the challenge of aiming for that goal is a victory in itself. As far as the Olympics are concerned, it is a tremendous achievement when you are able to compete there. When you qualify to represent your country, that's a big victory. Some athletes may achieve personal bests, without reaching a medal. But it could have been the best performance of that athlete's life. Stories are different.

In Yuzu's case, he has fans all over the world and they all know his journey. And what he has achieved on that journey. That is two gold medals. And not just any gold medals, but Olympic gold medals! Many people support such an athlete who can consistently deliver results like that. And those people have themselves become part of his journey already, following him and growing themselves. Therefore, this Olympics wasn't about "Can he win?" anymore. Because he had already done that, so this time it was, "Can he pull off that jump?". In other words, he had changed the concept itself into something new.

It was a risky challenge. It would have been great if he had succeeded, but it was also a big risk. But by taking on that challenge, he involved a huge number of his fans in the excitement of it with him. His fans felt the same sense of risk and excitement with him. And that is precisely the beauty and joy of sport. You never know what the result will be. You can predict it, but you don't know until you see the final result. But that's the real thrill of it all, and it's that kind of excitement that keeps everyone glued to their seats.

This year's men's singles was really worth watching in that sense. Yuzu took a big risk and tried something completely new. Not only that, he performed fantastic quadruple jumps and inspired other challengers from many different countries. I have heard many people around me saying that this men's singles was a great competition, with many athletes showing their best performances and pushing each other to the limit.



Q: 今季のショートプログラム『序奏とロンド·カプリチオーソ』の制作についてもうかがいたいと思います。羽生選手から振り付けについての打診があったのは、いつごろのことでしたか?

シェイ: ユヅからショートプログラムの振り付けについて手を貸してほしい、という連絡をもらったのは、昨年の10月の初旬です。私へのリクエストは、このプログラムに私らしいニュアンスを加えてほしい、というものでした。







Q: I would like to ask you about the work on this season's short program "Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso". When did Hanyu approach you about the choreography?

Shae: It was early October last year when Yuzu contacted me to help him with the choreography for the short program. He asked me to add my own nuances to the program.

He had already started creating the program with Jeff (Jeffrey Buttle), so I discussed many things with Jeff at that point. I wanted to be clear at the beginning that everyone involved in the program was on the same ground. Jeff was also very happy to collaborate with me.

Yuzu already had the idea for the overall story, and the worldview he wanted to express was clearly drawn in his mind. I then added the choreography to the program based on my own emotional response to the story.

When he spoke to me about the visions and feelings he receives from this music, I realized something again very clearly. That is, that the themes and emotions that we feel in his programs come from a very special place within Yuzu. When he performs from that special place, he is pure and goes straight into people's hearts and emotions. That was exactly what I felt he wanted to add to the program at that point in time. So I started the process by asking him what he thought.

Listening to him, ideas for the choreography immediately came to my mind. And when I stood on the ice, I could sense his feelings close to me, as if he were right next to me, even though he wasn't actually there.

This was followed by a two-week exchange of sending videos of my skating and explaining the meaning of the choreography. By the end of that process, he himself had reached a feeling of 'completion'. He felt that he was closer to what he was trying to express by skating and performing to this music.



Q: 羽生選手がこの曲で表現したかった世界観というのは、どのようなものだったのでしょう?

シェイ: 面白いと感じたのは、冒頭の部分です。彼は、何かこう、どんよりとした、暗くて冷たい、外の世界を想像していました。そこは視界もはっきりしていない、広大な大地のイメージです。


最初のジャンプを終えるところから、状況がシフトしていきます。彼はそこから、見え始めるのです。そうですね、スノードーム(※透明の液体に建物などのミニチュアや雪に見立てた白い粒が入った球体の玩具) を想像してもらえるとわかりやすいかもしれません。ドームを振る前は、なんの動きもなく、静止した世界がそこにありますよね。でも、振りだした途端にそこに動きが生まれる。雪が舞って、パッと明るくなる。





Q: What kind of worldview did Hanyu want to express with this program?

Shae: What I find interesting is the beginning. He was imagining some kind of dreary, dark, cold world. It's an image of a vast open land with no clear view.

When I stood on the rink imagining that world, I immediately had an idea of how I wanted to express it in my skating. I also intuitively sensed how he should move in order for the viewers to feel the 'coldness' of this world.

The scene begins to change from the point where the first jump is completed. He begins to see from there. Well, it might be easier to understand if you imagine a snow globe (*a ball-shaped toy with a transparent liquid filled with miniatures of buildings and other objects and white particles that look like snow). Before you shake it, there is no movement and the world is still. But as soon as you start shaking it, there is movement. Snow falls and the world suddenly becomes brighter.

In the same way, he also finds something there. Like light, but not just light, like a memory, like a moment... like a moment in his life so far. It could be fans, people close to him, himself with his coach. Those memories come back to him on the ice. And that joy fills him up. Until the next jump, these memories come back one after the other, and then they disappear.

In the final step scene, he no longer sees such lights, but he makes a decision. He strips away all those past moments and decides to live in the "now" moment. In the last steps, he bares his soul and lets it all come out of him. He goes on to pursue his future life, carrying with him all the good moments and all the bad moments of his past life. While carrying all the ups and downs of his life within himself, in the final steps, he will give everything he has inside of him.

That's the general idea. I'm sure if you asked him he would probably go into more detail, but I think you can get an idea of what this program means to him. I think he is probably at a point in his life where he is looking back at everything he has been through, the good times and the bad times, and looking back at his journey and his legacy.



Q: 素晴らしいお話です。演技の動画を見ながら解説していただいてもよろしいでしょうか。

シェイ: いいですね! 映像を見てみましょう。

スタートでは、彼はジャッジに背中を向けています。ターンするときは、それほど表現を意識するのではなく、よりインテンシティー(強さ、集中力) を感じさせています。









Q: This is a beautiful story. May I ask you to comment on it while watching the video of the performance?

Shae: Sounds great! Let's look at the video.

At the start, he has his back towards the judges. When he turns, he is not showing much expression, but rather intensity ("strength" or "concentration").

The moment he starts with his back turned towards you, turns around and puts his hands down, you can feel something very heavy, gravity. From there, he begins to step smoothly. The start is dark and heavy. He expresses this in the wide pose, with his arms spread as wide as he can. But here he is very quiet and doesn't express much emotion. That is the meaning behind this start.

(After the first jump) From this point on, he sees the lights, recalling his memories. Every time he sees a light, he reaches out to touch it, but when he does so, it disappears. Then the next memory appears and so on. This continues like flashes of light.

Then, in the last sequence, here he is completely alone, fighting to get all the highs and lows of his life, the happy times and the hard times, all of them out of him.

The music of the step sequence is very colorful. It expresses both chaos and beauty at the same time. Every detail is filled with power and fight, but also with grace. He approaches this sport with the utmost respect, always with a true spirit, never giving up in his efforts, even if there are holes in the ice, even if some part of his body is injured. Yes, he is a true athlete.

One problem that athletes face is the demanding physical requirements. But they can be mental as well as physical. So where on earth does an athlete get strength from in such tough times? He has faced all the obstacles he has met in his life, whether personal or external, and he has done his best to overcome them.

For me, this is what I would call 'art in competition' and I feel he himself is a synonym for it. He skates from a very deep part of himself, his soul. And he has an unparalleled sensitivity to music and his own unique style. He can express and perform the music so well because it comes from within. It is not something that can be taught. But when it is something that he has himself, it can be brought out of him. Anyway, it is something that he has inside himself.

When the moment to perform comes, he connects with that part of himself. Then, at the ending of this program, he lets it all come out of him, whatever is there. The physical strength, the emotions, the mentality, everything is drawn out of him and becomes one. Without ever giving up.



Q: これまでの長いキャリアを振り返って思いを馳せる、という壮大なテーマがあるのですね。

シェイ: そう、これまでのキャリア…… というか、その時々の瞬間、ですね。それらは過ぎ去ってしまったもので、思い出して振り返ることはできるけれど、それを抱え続けていくことはできない。なぜなら、私たちの人生は続いていき、次々に新しいことが目の前に現われるからです。そして、それがコンスタントに続いていきます。




Q: There is a grand theme of looking back and reminiscing about the long career up to now?

Shae: Yes, it's about his career so far... or rather, his moments in time. They have passed, and he can remember them and look back on them, but he cannot hold on to them. Because life goes on, and new things come along one after another. And this will go on continuously.

For example, one of the things that many athletes suffer from when they retire is that they suddenly wonder who they are. People remember them as "the guy who did this" or "him who did that," but in reality, that is just one chapter in the life of that athlete. Their life goes on after that. In life, the challenges, the goals, and the explorations go on forever. Time is so short. So how do they handle it and move on? How do they set the next goal and keep moving forward without letting themselves be stereotyped?

This short program comes from such a place for him. It is a deeper, more meaningful place in his heart. When you watch him, you can see that he is improving, maturing, and consistently growing each and every year. You can really feel it by watching him perform and skate.



Q: そうした感情を表現するために羽生選手が選んだのが、この曲だったわけですね。

シェイ: そうですね。私が知るかぎり、彼はいつも自分で曲を選んでいますから。いつでも彼は、自分が何を望んでいるかを理解しています。多少の編曲やアレンジを加えることはありますが、彼は自分が表現したいものが何か、自分がつながれる曲は何か、じっくり時間をとって感じるようにしているのです。そうやって彼自身が、自分の声に従う機会を、自分自身に与えることができていることを、嬉しく思います。


Q: So this music was chosen by Hanyu to express these emotions.

Shae: Yes, I think that's right. As far as I know, he always chooses the music himself. He always knows what he wants. He may make some arrangements, but he takes the time to feel what he wants to express, what music he can connect to. I am glad that he is able to give himself the opportunity to follow his own inner voice in this way.



Q: この曲は、もとはバイオリン曲ですが、羽生選手らしいピアノ曲にアレンジされていますね。

シェイ: たしか、日本のアーティストの演奏でしたよね? 見事に「ユヅの曲」になっていますよね。まさに彼のシグネチャーという感じです。


Q: This piece is originally a violin piece, but it has been arranged as a piano piece, which is typical of Hanyu.

Shae: I think it was performed by a Japanese artist. It's a perfect "Yuzu music", isn't it? It is really a signature piece of his.



Q: こういったピアノ曲の曲調は、羽生選手にとって、よりご自身を表現できるものなのでしょうか?

シェイ: それは、このようなクラシックの曲が持つ特徴でもありますね。基本的には、どのような曲であっても表現することはできますが、クラシック音楽では、より自身を夢の世界へと誘うことができます。なぜなら、たとえば映画の主題歌のような特定のストーリーが伴っているわけではないからです。自分だけの独自の解釈で表現することができますし、貝見る人たちも、先入観を持っていません。それがクラシック曲で演じることの醍醐味だといえるでしょうね。自分が思い描くとおり、望んだとおりに、感じたいままに使いこなすことができるのです。


Q: Do these piano pieces allow Hanyu to express himself in a more personal way?

Shae: Well, it is one of the characteristics of classical musics such as this one. Basically, any music can be expressed, but classical music can take you more into a world of your own dreams. This is because it is not attached to a specific story, like, for example, a theme music of a movie. It can be expressed in your own unique interpretation, and the people who see it do not have any preconceived ideas about it. I guess you could say that this is the best thing about performing to classical music. You can use it exactly as you envision it, exactly as you want it, exactly as you feel it.



Q: 振り付けは、スムーズに行なわれましたか?

シェイ: オンラィンで振り付けるなかで、かなり多くの時間、彼が滑っているところを見ました。私が送ったビデオを見ながら彼が振りを覚えて、実際に氷の上で滑り、その様子を私はライブで見るという形です。練習風景を撮影したものを見るよりも、その場で調整したりできるので、感覚的には、日本で彼と一緒にリンクにいるような感じでした(笑)。


Q: Did the choreography go smoothly?

Shae: While we were choreographing online, I spent quite a lot of time watching him skate. He learned the choreography by watching the videos I sent him, and then he actually skated on the ice, and I watched it live. It was more like being at the rink with him in Japan, because I could make the adjustments right then and there, rather than watching a video of him practicing (laughs).



Q: いつもはゼロから振り付けされるところを、今回のように土台があって、そこに加えていく、という作業はまた違うものだったのでしょうか?

シェイ: たしかに新たな体験ではありました。ただ、ハードルの高い挑戦、というものではありませんでした。今回のような振り付けに関しては、新しい体験ではありましたが、とても面白いものでした。最初にユヅが、ジェフと私に「これまでずっと一緒にやってきた二人がコラボすることに、僕はとてもワクワクする」と言ってくれたのがとても素敵でしたね。二人はナイスなチームになる、と。そしてユヅ自身も、彼のパフォーマンスに私たち二人がつぃている、という感覚を得ていたのだろうと思います。それは実際、とてもいい選択だったと思います。彼を裏で支えている人の存在を感じることができる。私たちがコラボすることで、そのサポート体制がより強力であると、彼は感じることができたと思うので、その意味でも大きかったように思います。私たちがチームになることで、より多くのエネルギーが彼に注がれた、といった感じでしょうか。


Q: Was it a different process this time, with the foundation already being there, and then adding to it, as opposed to your usual choreography, which is usually done from zero?

Shae: Indeed, it was a new experience. However, it was not really a hurdle. For choreographing like this, it was a new experience, but a very interesting one. It was lovely when Yuzu first said to Jeff and me, "I'm very excited about this collaboration between you two, who have both been working with me for so long". He said that the two of us would make a good team. And I think Yuzu himself liked the feeling that we were both part of this performance. I think that was actually a very good choice. You can feel the presence of the people who are supporting him behind the scenes in his performance. I think our collaboration was significant in that sense, because he could feel that he had an even stronger support system. I think by us being a team, more energy was poured into him.



Q: 素晴らしいチームです。一方、フリープログラムも五輪に向けてブラッシュアップされたのですか?

シェイ: いえ、こちらは手を加えていません。ショートのほうに注力したのと、彼自身、フリーについては、もっともっとやりたいのは山々だけれど、4Aにかける時間を必要としていると。それが彼が最もフォーカスしたい部分でしたから。彼はできるかぎりの時間を、4Aに費やしたいと考えていました。まったく新しい挑戦でしたから、ベストな練習法を模索したり、すべてのことに時間がかかるわけです。なのでフリーのブラッシュアップは行なわず、振り付けについてはショートに専念しました。


Q: You are a great team. Meanwhile, have you also brushed up his free program for the Olympics?

Shae: No, this one has not been reworked. We focused on the short program and he himself said that he wanted to work on the free program a lot more, but he also needed time for the 4A. That was what he wanted to focus on the most. He wanted to spend as much time as possible on 4A. It was a completely new challenge, so it takes time to find the best practices and everything. So we didn't do a brush-up of the free program, but concentrated on the short program in terms of choreography.



Q: 今回、羽生選手は4回転アクセルの挑戦も含めて、9歳のときの自分についての話をよくされていました。フリーのラストのポーズは、9歳のときに滑ったプログラムのラストと同じで、演技が終わった瞬間、その当時の自分の姿に思いを馳せていたと。

シェイ: ラストのポーズは、彼自身が望んだものです。両手を天に伸ばして、足を地面につけるポーズ、これは、ひとつには「天と地」を表わしています。それが子どものころとリンクしていたという詳細までは私に話していなかったかもしれませんが、あれがとても大事な瞬間を象徴したものであったのは確かで、彼が初期のころの経験を思い起こして難らせたものではないかと思います。彼のなかには、特別な意味を持った瞬問、思い出のモーメント、といったようなものがいくつかあって、それを難らせることは、自分に強さを与えたり、自分自身の人生に入り込むことで、ブレードや氷、そして自分自身とつながっていくための手段であったりするのです。また、そうすることで心を乱すような下界の雑音をシャットアウトすることもできる。そのための彼独自の方法でもあります。そして、これもまた、彼の魂を表現する手段のひとつでもありますね。彼にとって、当時を魅らせることが、とても資意味のあることだったのだと思いますね。幼かったころの自分、そのとき描いていた夢、達成したこと、そして当時の夢をかなえたいまの自分、そうしたここまでの旅路を全部つなぐ作業であり、エンディングにあのポーズを用いたことで、あのプログラムを締めくくった瞬間を、より意味のあるものにしているのだと思います。

(9歳のときの演技映像を見ながら)あきらかに、この当時から才能が証明されていますね…。とはいえ、いかに彼に才能があったとしても、それだけでは、彼が成し遂げたものは実現できませんでした。それを考えると、本当に素晴らしいキャリアを築いたのだと、あらためて思いますね…… (しみじみと)。


Q: This time, Hanyu talked a lot about himself as a nine-year-old, in addition to his challenge of the quadruple Axel. He said that his final pose in the free program was the same as the last pose of the program he skated when he was 9 years old, and that the moment he finished his performance, he was thinking back to the image of himself at that time.

Shae: The last pose was his own wish. A pose in which his hands are outstretched to the heavens and his feet are on the ground, representing, 'Heaven and Earth', as one might expect. He may not have told me the details of how it was linked to his childhood, but I am sure that it symbolised a very important moment. There are some moments in his life that have a special meaning to him, moments to remember, and connecting to them is a way to give himself strength and find the connection with the blade, the ice and himself by stepping into his own story and his own life. Doing so also allows him to shut out the noises of the everyday world that can disturb the mind. It is also his unique way of doing so. And this is also a way of expressing his spirit, isn't it? I think it was very meaningful for him to look back to those times. I think it's a process of connecting his childhood self, the dreams he had then, the things he achieved, and the person he is now, having fulfilled those dreams back then, all the way to this point in his journey, and the use of that pose for the ending makes the moment when he concluded that program even more meaningful.

(Looking at a video of his performance when he was nine years old) Obviously, his talent was evident even back then... Nevertheless, however talented he was, that alone could not have achieved what he did. When you think about it, I think again that he has created a really great career.. (sighs).



Q: 結果的に、多くの人が今回の五輪で羽生選手の挑戦や演技を見て心を動かされ、素晴らしいギフトを受け取ったわけですね。

シェイ: まさにそのとおりでしょうね。彼のスケートには本当に偽りがありません。エレメンツのひとつひとつを彼は丁寧に扱い、意味のあるものとして自分を注ぎ込んでいます。だからこそ、彼の演技を見た人たちは、生涯忘れられない思い出をもらってリンクを後にすることができる。人の記憶に残るパフォーマンスーーそれができるのは彼の能力の証でもあります。彼のことを崇め、慕う人は世界中に数多くいて、彼らもまた、彼の旅路の一部なのですよね。彼が努力する姿や、己を注入する姿、一人の人間としての心のつながり。そういったものでファンを満たすことができるというのは本当に美しいことです。それによって彼は、フィギュアスケートというこの競技自体もいろいろな意味で大いに高めてくれました。彼のおかげで、フィギュアスケートのファン数も飛躍的に増えました。




Q: In the end, many people were moved by Hanyu's challenge and performance at the Olympics this time, like they received a wonderful gift.

Shae: I suppose that's exactly what it is. There is really no pretence in his skating. Every single element is handled with care by him and he pours himself into it with meaning. That's why people who see him perform can leave the rink with memories that will last a lifetime. A performance that people will remember - it's a testament to his ability to do that. There are many people around the world who respect and admire him, and they are part of his journey, too. The way he works hard, the way he can infuse himself, the connection with his heart as a human being. It's really beautiful that he can satisfy his fans with those things. In doing so, he has also greatly improved this sport of figure skating itself in many ways. Thanks to him, the number of fans of figure skating has increased dramatically.

What makes me happy is that I have the opportunity to work with him. Every time I have the opportunity, I am always very grateful. It has been a very enriching and incredible experience to get to know him and connect with him as a person. And then to be able to see him give form to his own expression and to share it with the world. And then I really like the way he connects with the audience. I think every time he offers some sort of gift to the people watching. That makes the competition itself more vibrant. More and more people are coming and joining the figure skating family.

But the more he gives, the more he actually receives himself. This Olympics symbolizes that, doesn't it? It was not just about winning the gold medal, but about the effort he put in and how valuable all that he gave has been. Because this was something unforgettable.



Q: 素晴らしいお話をありがとうございました。最後に羽生選手へのエールと、ファンの方々へのメッセージをお願いします。

シェイ: ハイ、ユヅ! あなた自身もわかっているとは思いますが、あなたは本当に、世界にインスピレーションを与えてくれる存在だと、伝えたいです。私はあなたが、そしてあなたが挑んでいることすべてが、大好きです。こうして知り合えたこと、そして一緒に取り組んだすべての機会に感謝しています。私は毎回、あなたがリンクに立つたび、私たちに見せてくれる魂の輝きに、そして私たちに与えてくれるものに、感謝しています。それから、スケート界の限界を押し上げてくれてありがとう。毎回、ワクワクするような素晴らしいショーを見せてくれてありがとう。あなたのレガシーは、永遠に輝き続けます。あなたと出会えたことを、本当に嬉しく思います。

そしてユヅのファンのみなさん、いつも温かいサポートをありがとうございます。いつもリンクに投げてくれるプーさんも! 彼を見て、支えて、深い愛を注いでくれてありがとうございます。みなさんの存在なくして、スケート界はありえません。スケートをサポートしてくれて、ユヅを応援してくれて、この競技を、このような感謝に満ちたものにしてくださって、心の底からお礼を申し上げたいです。


Q: Thank you very much for this wonderful conversation. Finally, please give a message to Hanyu and to his fans.

Shae: Hi Yuzu! I know you know this yourself, but I want to tell you that you are truly an inspiration to the whole world. I love you and everything you are challenging. Thank you for allowing me to get to know you in this way and for all the opportunities we have had to work together. I am grateful for the light of your soul and for what you show us and give us every time you step on the ice rink. And also, thank you for pushing the boundaries of the skating world. Thank you for the exciting and amazing performances you present to us every time. Your legacy will shine on forever. I am so happy to know you.

And thank you to all Yuzu fans for your warm support. And for always throwing the Poohs on the rink!  Thank you for watching him, supporting him and giving him your deep love. Without you all, there would be no skating world. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting skating, for cheering for Yuzu and for making this competition such a gratifying experience.


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


Thank you so much for this translation. It sounds really good considering it's an automated translation. It's amazing what modern technology is capable of nowadays.


I'm so happy that Shae-Lynn has been working together with Yuzu for such a long time. On top of the absolute masterpieces they created together, Shae-Lynn seems to really understand him as a person, an artist, and an athlete. It's obvious how much she appreciates Yuzu and everything he has contributed to the sport of figure skating. :tumblr_m9gcraReGL1qzckow:

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2 hours ago, birnasan said:

New Shae-Lynn Bourne interview from the latest Quadruple Axel magazine, automatically translated with OCR and deepL. My OCR had to capture the text from a not-perfect screenshot, I just hope there are not too many mistakes in it. And as always, I don't speak Japanese and this is not a proper translation. 

There are some more details about Roncapu in this interview, so I really hope we will get a better translation soon. 


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Yuzuru Hanyu performed two competition programs at the Beijing Olympics: 'Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso' and 'Heaven and Earth'. We spoke to Shae-Lynn Bourne, who was involved in the choreography of both programs, about the creation of the short program and the significance of the quadruple Axel challenge.



Q: 今日はお時間をいただきありがとうございます。北京五輪での羽生結弦選手についてお話を聞かせてください。まず、大会全体を通してどのようにご覧になりましたか?

シェイ=リーン(以下、シェイ): まず今回は、私を含めた多くの人たちにとって、テレビ中継などを通して「外側から」見ることになった大会でした。アリーナにほとんど観客がいなかったという点でも、いつもと違ったオリンピックになりました。私も自宅のテレビで観戦していたのですが、とてもワクワクしながらも、緊張した思いで見ていました。

誰でも同じだと思いますが、自分が関わっている人には、ベストの演技をしてほしいと願うものですよね。ユッに関しては、私もみなさんと同じように、彼がここで新しいことにチャレンジするのだろうな、とわかっていました。トップに立つことももちろんですが、まだ誰も成し遂げたことのない、前人未到の領域に挑戦するということが、彼の究極の目標であるからです。その前奏曲として、全日本選手権で彼はすでに4A (4回転アクセル) に挑戦していたので、多くの人が今回のオリンピックではどうなるのか、期待をふくらませていたと思います。





Q: Thank you for your time today. Please tell us about Yuzuru Hanyu at the Beijing Olympics. First of all, how did you see the competition as a whole?

Shae: First of all, for many people, including myself, this was the first time that we watched the Olympic Games from the 'outside', through TV coverage and so on. It was also a different Olympics in that there were hardly any spectators in the arenas. I was also watching the competition on TV at home, and I was very excited but also nervous.

I think it's the same for everyone, you want the best performance from the people you are involved with. As for Yuzu, I knew, just like everyone else, that he would be challenging himself to do something new here. Because, of course, to be at the top is his ultimate goal, but also to challenge himself in unprecedented territory, which no one has achieved yet. He had already tried the 4A (quadruple Axel) at the Japanese Championships, so I think a lot of people were excited to see what he would do at the Olympics.

I was first of all greatly impressed by his courage to attempt something new. There was a tremendous risk that he might miss the podium if he failed. But for him, it was necessary to take that risk and try something new. He is already a two-time Olympic champion, so he doesn't have to prove that he can win. He has already achieved that.

For him, the challenge of this jump was the "medal". It was also proof of his strength. In the end he didn't get the result he wanted, but I think his courage in taking on this challenge has ignited excitement all over the world. He knew it was a risk, but he took the risk. I applaud him for his bravery and I am very happy that he challenged himself to achieve his goals.

He has once again taken figure skating to an even higher level. He has pushed the limits of other athletes with his exceptional ability and courage. And at the same time, he has also created emotion and excitement for those watching. I am sure that those who watched his performances were like, "What the hell is he going to do?". I am sure everyone was thrilled and on the edge of their seats. He added a vibrant thrill to the competition.



Q: フリーで4回転アクセルを跳ばずに完壁な演技でまとめるという選択肢は、羽生選手の頭にはなかったと思われますか?

シェイ: シーズンの初めから、彼はこのジャンプに挑むことに全力を注いでいました。今季のショートプログラムの振り付けのために彼と最初に言葉を交わしたとき、彼は自分が目指していることや夢について語ってくれました。それは幼いころからの夢であったのだと思います。彼はそのことにものすごくフォーカスしていて、畜める気はまったくなかったと思います。「とにかく全力で挑んで、そのときにできるベストを尽くす」。それが彼の目標であり、絶対にそれに挑むのです。

ー方で、彼に選択の余地があったか? と問われれば、それは常にあるものだと言えます。とくに、ショートプログラムを終えたあとで、選手にとっては戦略の見直しが必要になることはよくあります。このリスクを受け入れるべきか? 回避すべきか? ショートのあとで、あらゆる選択肢を検討することになるので、常にオプションは存在します。けれど、彼の場合、自分がやりたいことがあまりにもはっきりしていたと思います。「失うものなんてない。ならば、やらない手はない」。それが、私が彼のエネルギーから感じ取ったことでした。


Q: Do you think it never crossed Hanyu's mind that he had the option to give a perfect performance in the free skate without the quadruple Axel?

Shae: From the beginning of the season, he was committed to the challenge of this jump. When I first communicated with him for the choreography of this season's short program, he spoke to me about his goal or his dream. I think it has been his dream since he was a little boy. I think he was very focused on that and he had no intention of keeping things low. He would just "give it his all and do the best he could at that moment." That was his goal, and he absolutely went for it.

On the other hand, did he have a choice? I would say that there is always a choice. Especially after the short program, it is often necessary for the athletes to rethink their strategy. Should he be willing to take this risk? Should he avoid it? After the short program, you have to consider all the options, so there are always more options. But in his case, I think he was very specific about what he wanted to do. "I have nothing to lose now. Then there's no way I won't do it'". That's what I sensed from his energy.



Q: 羽生選手のオリンピック3連覇を期待していた人も多かったなかで、そのプレッシャーもあったのではないかと思います。

シェイ: それは本人に聞いてみないとわからないことですが、彼はすでにオリンピック優勝を達成しています。1度目なら、「ラッキーだった」と言う人がいるかもしれません。でも、4年後にふたたび同じことを成し遂げたら、そんなことを言う人はいません。連覇というのは、とても真似のできない偉業であって、それを否定できる人など誰一人としていないというレベルのものです。彼はそのために血の湾むような努力をし、それを手に入れた。そこには、身体的な能力や才能だけでなく、精神力も必要でした。そして、さらに4年を経た今回も、人々は彼が充分に頂点を狙える位置にいることをわかっていました。そのなかで、彼はきっと、自分にとっての「新たな金メダル」は何かを見いだしたのだと思います。それが4Aへの挑戦だったのです。


Q: Many people were expecting Hanyu to win his third consecutive Olympic title, so there must have been a lot of pressure on him.

Shae: You would have to ask him about that, but he's already won the Olympics. The first time, people might say, "Well, he had luck". But when he did it again four years later, no one could say that. Winning the Olympics again is a feat that cannot be denied by anyone. He worked bloody hard for it, and he got it. It required not only physical ability and talent, but also mental strength. And this time, after four more years, people knew that he was in a good enough position to reach the top. In the midst of all this, I am sure he must have realized what the "new gold medal" was for him. That was the challenge of 4A.



Q: 大会後、羽生選手は足首を捻挫していたことを明かしましたが、その不屈の精神はどこからくるのでしょう。

シェイ: フィギュアスケーターに限らず、アスリートは常に上を目指して練習を重ねます。でも、最終的に必要なもの、それは、精神力なのです。90%、いえ99%と言ってもいいかもしれない。「自分はやるんだ!」という強い意志。気持ちを惑わすような障壁やストレスが存在するなかで、持てるものを発揮すべきときに発揮する精神力が必要です。そもそも、競技に挑むという状況自体が、ものすごく厳しいことでもあります。そんななかにあって、リンクに降り立ったときの彼が、いつも完全に集中してゾーンに入っている姿をみなさんもご覧になっていると思います。それだけ彼は、強い精神力を持っている。




Q: After the competition, Hanyu revealed that he had injured his ankle, but where does his undying determination come from?

Shae: Athletes, not just figure skaters, are always training to get better. But in the end, what it all comes down to is mental strength. 90%, or maybe I should even say 99% of what it takes to be a good figure skater is mental strength. The strong determination of "I am going to do this!". The mental strength to show what you can do, when you need to do it, despite the stresses and obstacles that can distract your mind. To begin with, the situation of competing in a competition itself is extremely demanding. In such a situation, I am sure you have all seen how he is always completely focused and in the zone when he steps onto the ice rink. That is how strong he is mentally.

Learning the 4As is not only mentally demanding, but also physically demanding on the body.

It's a huge thing. The sheer amount of energy that it takes out of the body is unbelievable. He left the Olympics without a medal, but I think he took away with him from the Games the feeling that people are more proud of him than ever before. So he has lost nothing in life, but rather gained even more. And that includes his fans. That's how I feel.



Q: ショートプログラムでは、氷上にできた穴にエッジをとられ、ジャンプが抜けるという思わぬアクシデントがありました。

シェイ: もう心臓が止まりそうでした! それくらい、彼らしくない出来事でしたから。それと同時に、彼があそこに立つまでに、どれだけ努力を重ねていたかを見ていただけに、胸が痛みました。でも、何かアクシデントが起きたときは、そのことだけでなく、多くのことについて学びを得て成長できる、ということを私は実感しているので、「これが人生」という感じなのだと思います。


Q: In the short program, he had an unexpected accident when his edge got caught in a hole in the ice and he had to pull out of his jump.

Shae: It almost made my heart stop! It was such an uncharacteristic moment for him. At the same time, it was heartbreaking because we could see how hard he had worked towards that moment. But I think it's like 'this is life' because I have realized that when something unexpected happens, you learn and grow, not only about that, but about a lot of other things in life.



Q: あのあとの演技が、最初のミスなどすっかり忘れてしまうような素晴らしさだったのはさすがでした。

シェイ: そのとおりです。フィギュアスケートでいちばん難しい点であり、大きなチャレンジといえることがひとつあります。それは、失敗してもがっかりしたような表情など絶対に見せられない、ということです。アイスホッケーやアルペンスキーなどの競技では、「表情を美しく見せる」とか「感情表現を豊かにする」といった要素は必要ありませんが、フィギュアスケートの場合は、ミスをしたあとも、「すべて順調です」といった様子で演技の流れを保たなければ、「次の演技にシフトできていない」「プログラムを表現できていない」といった理由で、さらに減点されてしまう可能性すらあるのです。



Q: After that, his performance was so great that you completely forgot about the first mistake.

Shae: Exactly. This is one of the most difficult aspects of figure skating, and one of the biggest challenges. You can never look disappointed when you make a mistake. In ice hockey or alpine skiing, it is not necessary to have a beautiful facial expression or a deep emotional expression, but in figure skating, even after a mistake, you have to keep the flow of the performance and look like "everything is fine", otherwise you might be accused of "not shifting to the next element" or "not expressing the program" and get deducted even more points.

But he was perfect in this respect. This is also something you learn from your everyday training. There are always mistakes, including small ones, in daily practice, but the fact that he was able to perform like that in the real competition proves how much attention he pays to those details in his daily training.



Q: 昨シーズンの大会では、自身が6分間練習のときにつけた溝に、本番でハマってしまうということがありました。

シェイ: 起こりうることではあります。かつてコンパルソリーの種目があった時代などはとくに、滑走順が最後になってしまうと氷の状態は最悪でした。全員が同じパターンをなぞるので、同じところに溝が刻まれていって。なので、万が一、穴にはまってしまった場合にどうスルーするか、といったこともあらかじめ考えておいたりしていました(苦笑)。こればかりは自分ではどうしようもないことで、あるときは大丈夫でも、あるときは残念な結果になる。ユヅのケースはまさにそうだったわけですが、アンラッキーな出来事だったとしか言いようがないのです。

普段の彼にとって、あのジャンプ(4回転サルコウ) は、「寝ていてもできる」というくらい簡単に跳んでいるように見せられるジャンプです。ですから、あのアクシデントはつらかったでしょう。





Q: In a competition last season, it happened that he was stuck in a hole that he himself had created during the six-minute warm-up and got stuck in it during the actual competition.

Shae: It can happen at any time. In the past, especially in the days when we had the compulsories, if you were last in the starting order, the ice was in the worst condition. Everyone would skate the same pattern, so the same spots would be carved out. So we had to think beforehand about what we would do if we got stuck in a hole (laughs). This is something you can't control, sometimes it will be fine, but other times it will be unfortunate. This is exactly what happened in Yuzu's case, and I can only say that it was an unlucky incident.

Normally for him, that jump (the quadruple Salchow) is one that he can make look so easy that he could "do it in his sleep". So it must have been hard for him to have that accident.

But he performed the rest of the program to the best of his ability, as if he had made no such mistake.

When a mistake like that happens, there are a lot of thoughts going through a skater's head on the ice. The important thing there is to regain your composure and perform. There is still work to be done. He did it with grace. I thought it was particularly impressive how, when he finished his performance, he stood up straight and looked proud and noble. He never lost his champion-like elegance. I thought it was very professional.

In a way, I also found it amazing that this accident didn't detract from what a great skater he is. On the contrary, instead, his sportsmanship, grace and professionalism were highlighted even more. He continued to perform and jump a quadruple jump after that, and he never wavered in his determination to go for what he was aiming for.



Q: 競技者である以上、結果も追求するものだと思いますが、一方で今回の羽生選手のように、挑戦すること自体が、人々の心を動かすことにもなります。結果を出すことと、自分が追求するものに挑むこと、そのふたつはバランスをとれるものなのでしょうか?

シェイ: それぞれのアスリートにストーリーや軌跡があります。メダルを獲ること、表彰台に上がること、そしてそのために必要な能力を得ること。実現できるかは別として、それを目標とする人もいます。そしてその目標を目指して挑むこと自体が、ビクトリーである、という選手もいます。オリンピックに関していえば、出場できた時点で、それはとてつもなく大きな達成です。国を代表して参加する資格を得た時点で、大きなビクトリーだといえるでしょう。パーソナルベストを出しても、メダルには手が届かない選手もいる。でもそれが、その選手にとって人生で最高のパフォーマンスになったかもしれない。ストーリーはさまざまです。

ユヅの場合、彼には世界中にフォロワーがいて、彼らはみな、ユヅがたどってきた旅路を知っています。その過程で彼が何を達成してきたのかも。それは2つの金メダルです。しかもただの金メダルではなく、オリンピックの金メダルです! そのようにコンスタントに結果を出せる選手を、多くの人々が応援します。そして、そうした人たちはすでに彼の旅の一部となっていて、彼をフォローしながら、彼ら自身も成長してきているわけです。彼らにとっては、今回のオリンピックは、すでに、「勝てるのか?」というものではありませんでした。それはすでに成し遂げているので、今回は、「あのジャンプを成功させられるか?」というものになっていた。つまりは彼は、コンセプト自体を新しいものに変えてしまったのです。




Q: Of course, competitors must aim for results, but on the other hand, like Hanyu this time, the challenge itself can also be inspiring to people. Is it possible to find a balance between achieving results and challenging yourself with what you are aiming for?

Shae: Each athlete has his own story and journey. Winning a medal, getting on the podium and gaining the ability to do so. Some people make that their goal, whether they can achieve it or not. And some athletes say that the challenge of aiming for that goal is a victory in itself. As far as the Olympics are concerned, it is a tremendous achievement when you are able to compete there. When you qualify to represent your country, that's a big victory. Some athletes may achieve personal bests, without reaching a medal. But it could have been the best performance of that athlete's life. Stories are different.

In Yuzu's case, he has fans all over the world and they all know his journey. And what he has achieved on that journey. That is two gold medals. And not just any gold medals, but Olympic gold medals! Many people support such an athlete who can consistently deliver results like that. And those people have themselves become part of his journey already, following him and growing themselves. Therefore, this Olympics wasn't about "Can he win?" anymore. Because he had already done that, so this time it was, "Can he pull off that jump?". In other words, he had changed the concept itself into something new.

It was a risky challenge. It would have been great if he had succeeded, but it was also a big risk. But by taking on that challenge, he involved a huge number of his fans in the excitement of it with him. His fans felt the same sense of risk and excitement with him. And that is precisely the beauty and joy of sport. You never know what the result will be. You can predict it, but you don't know until you see the final result. But that's the real thrill of it all, and it's that kind of excitement that keeps everyone glued to their seats.

This year's men's singles was really worth watching in that sense. Yuzu took a big risk and tried something completely new. Not only that, he performed fantastic quadruple jumps and inspired other challengers from many different countries. I have heard many people around me saying that this men's singles was a great competition, with many athletes showing their best performances and pushing each other to the limit.



Q: 今季のショートプログラム『序奏とロンド·カプリチオーソ』の制作についてもうかがいたいと思います。羽生選手から振り付けについての打診があったのは、いつごろのことでしたか?

シェイ: ユヅからショートプログラムの振り付けについて手を貸してほしい、という連絡をもらったのは、昨年の10月の初旬です。私へのリクエストは、このプログラムに私らしいニュアンスを加えてほしい、というものでした。







Q: I would like to ask you about the work on this season's short program "Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso". When did Hanyu approach you about the choreography?

Shae: It was early October last year when Yuzu contacted me to help him with the choreography for the short program. He asked me to add my own nuances to the program.

He had already started creating the program with Jeff (Jeffrey Buttle), so I discussed many things with Jeff at that point. I wanted to be clear at the beginning that everyone involved in the program was on the same ground. Jeff was also very happy to collaborate with me.

Yuzu already had the idea for the overall story, and the worldview he wanted to express was clearly drawn in his mind. I then added the choreography to the program based on my own emotional response to the story.

When he spoke to me about the visions and feelings he receives from this music, I realized something again very clearly. That is, that the themes and emotions that we feel in his programs come from a very special place within Yuzu. When he performs from that special place, he is pure and goes straight into people's hearts and emotions. That was exactly what I felt he wanted to add to the program at that point in time. So I started the process by asking him what he thought.

Listening to him, ideas for the choreography immediately came to my mind. And when I stood on the ice, I could sense his feelings close to me, as if he were right next to me, even though he wasn't actually there.

This was followed by a two-week exchange of sending videos of my skating and explaining the meaning of the choreography. By the end of that process, he himself had reached a feeling of 'completion'. He felt that he was closer to what he was trying to express by skating and performing to this music.



Q: 羽生選手がこの曲で表現したかった世界観というのは、どのようなものだったのでしょう?

シェイ: 面白いと感じたのは、冒頭の部分です。彼は、何かこう、どんよりとした、暗くて冷たい、外の世界を想像していました。そこは視界もはっきりしていない、広大な大地のイメージです。


最初のジャンプを終えるところから、状況がシフトしていきます。彼はそこから、見え始めるのです。そうですね、スノードーム(※透明の液体に建物などのミニチュアや雪に見立てた白い粒が入った球体の玩具) を想像してもらえるとわかりやすいかもしれません。ドームを振る前は、なんの動きもなく、静止した世界がそこにありますよね。でも、振りだした途端にそこに動きが生まれる。雪が舞って、パッと明るくなる。





Q: What kind of worldview did Hanyu want to express with this program?

Shae: What I find interesting is the beginning. He was imagining some kind of dreary, dark, cold world. It's an image of a vast open land with no clear view.

When I stood on the rink imagining that world, I immediately had an idea of how I wanted to express it in my skating. I also intuitively sensed how he should move in order for the viewers to feel the 'coldness' of this world.

The scene begins to change from the point where the first jump is completed. He begins to see from there. Well, it might be easier to understand if you imagine a snow globe (*a ball-shaped toy with a transparent liquid filled with miniatures of buildings and other objects and white particles that look like snow). Before you shake it, there is no movement and the world is still. But as soon as you start shaking it, there is movement. Snow falls and the world suddenly becomes brighter.

In the same way, he also finds something there. Like light, but not just light, like a memory, like a moment... like a moment in his life so far. It could be fans, people close to him, himself with his coach. Those memories come back to him on the ice. And that joy fills him up. Until the next jump, these memories come back one after the other, and then they disappear.

In the final step scene, he no longer sees such lights, but he makes a decision. He strips away all those past moments and decides to live in the "now" moment. In the last steps, he bares his soul and lets it all come out of him. He goes on to pursue his future life, carrying with him all the good moments and all the bad moments of his past life. While carrying all the ups and downs of his life within himself, in the final steps, he will give everything he has inside of him.

That's the general idea. I'm sure if you asked him he would probably go into more detail, but I think you can get an idea of what this program means to him. I think he is probably at a point in his life where he is looking back at everything he has been through, the good times and the bad times, and looking back at his journey and his legacy.



Q: 素晴らしいお話です。演技の動画を見ながら解説していただいてもよろしいでしょうか。

シェイ: いいですね! 映像を見てみましょう。

スタートでは、彼はジャッジに背中を向けています。ターンするときは、それほど表現を意識するのではなく、よりインテンシティー(強さ、集中力) を感じさせています。









Q: This is a beautiful story. May I ask you to comment on it while watching the video of the performance?

Shae: Sounds great! Let's look at the video.

At the start, he has his back towards the judges. When he turns, he is not showing much expression, but rather intensity ("strength" or "concentration").

The moment he starts with his back turned towards you, turns around and puts his hands down, you can feel something very heavy, gravity. From there, he begins to step smoothly. The start is dark and heavy. He expresses this in the wide pose, with his arms spread as wide as he can. But here he is very quiet and doesn't express much emotion. That is the meaning behind this start.

(After the first jump) From this point on, he sees the lights, recalling his memories. Every time he sees a light, he reaches out to touch it, but when he does so, it disappears. Then the next memory appears and so on. This continues like flashes of light.

Then, in the last sequence, here he is completely alone, fighting to get all the highs and lows of his life, the happy times and the hard times, all of them out of him.

The music of the step sequence is very colorful. It expresses both chaos and beauty at the same time. Every detail is filled with power and fight, but also with grace. He approaches this sport with the utmost respect, always with a true spirit, never giving up in his efforts, even if there are holes in the ice, even if some part of his body is injured. Yes, he is a true athlete.

One problem that athletes face is the demanding physical requirements. But they can be mental as well as physical. So where on earth does an athlete get strength from in such tough times? He has faced all the obstacles he has met in his life, whether personal or external, and he has done his best to overcome them.

For me, this is what I would call 'art in competition' and I feel he himself is a synonym for it. He skates from a very deep part of himself, his soul. And he has an unparalleled sensitivity to music and his own unique style. He can express and perform the music so well because it comes from within. It is not something that can be taught. But when it is something that he has himself, it can be brought out of him. Anyway, it is something that he has inside himself.

When the moment to perform comes, he connects with that part of himself. Then, at the ending of this program, he lets it all come out of him, whatever is there. The physical strength, the emotions, the mentality, everything is drawn out of him and becomes one. Without ever giving up.



Q: これまでの長いキャリアを振り返って思いを馳せる、という壮大なテーマがあるのですね。

シェイ: そう、これまでのキャリア…… というか、その時々の瞬間、ですね。それらは過ぎ去ってしまったもので、思い出して振り返ることはできるけれど、それを抱え続けていくことはできない。なぜなら、私たちの人生は続いていき、次々に新しいことが目の前に現われるからです。そして、それがコンスタントに続いていきます。




Q: There is a grand theme of looking back and reminiscing about the long career up to now?

Shae: Yes, it's about his career so far... or rather, his moments in time. They have passed, and he can remember them and look back on them, but he cannot hold on to them. Because life goes on, and new things come along one after another. And this will go on continuously.

For example, one of the things that many athletes suffer from when they retire is that they suddenly wonder who they are. People remember them as "the guy who did this" or "him who did that," but in reality, that is just one chapter in the life of that athlete. Their life goes on after that. In life, the challenges, the goals, and the explorations go on forever. Time is so short. So how do they handle it and move on? How do they set the next goal and keep moving forward without letting themselves be stereotyped?

This short program comes from such a place for him. It is a deeper, more meaningful place in his heart. When you watch him, you can see that he is improving, maturing, and consistently growing each and every year. You can really feel it by watching him perform and skate.



Q: そうした感情を表現するために羽生選手が選んだのが、この曲だったわけですね。

シェイ: そうですね。私が知るかぎり、彼はいつも自分で曲を選んでいますから。いつでも彼は、自分が何を望んでいるかを理解しています。多少の編曲やアレンジを加えることはありますが、彼は自分が表現したいものが何か、自分がつながれる曲は何か、じっくり時間をとって感じるようにしているのです。そうやって彼自身が、自分の声に従う機会を、自分自身に与えることができていることを、嬉しく思います。


Q: So this music was chosen by Hanyu to express these emotions.

Shae: Yes, I think that's right. As far as I know, he always chooses the music himself. He always knows what he wants. He may make some arrangements, but he takes the time to feel what he wants to express, what music he can connect to. I am glad that he is able to give himself the opportunity to follow his own inner voice in this way.



Q: この曲は、もとはバイオリン曲ですが、羽生選手らしいピアノ曲にアレンジされていますね。

シェイ: たしか、日本のアーティストの演奏でしたよね? 見事に「ユヅの曲」になっていますよね。まさに彼のシグネチャーという感じです。


Q: This piece is originally a violin piece, but it has been arranged as a piano piece, which is typical of Hanyu.

Shae: I think it was performed by a Japanese artist. It's a perfect "Yuzu music", isn't it? It is really a signature piece of his.



Q: こういったピアノ曲の曲調は、羽生選手にとって、よりご自身を表現できるものなのでしょうか?

シェイ: それは、このようなクラシックの曲が持つ特徴でもありますね。基本的には、どのような曲であっても表現することはできますが、クラシック音楽では、より自身を夢の世界へと誘うことができます。なぜなら、たとえば映画の主題歌のような特定のストーリーが伴っているわけではないからです。自分だけの独自の解釈で表現することができますし、貝見る人たちも、先入観を持っていません。それがクラシック曲で演じることの醍醐味だといえるでしょうね。自分が思い描くとおり、望んだとおりに、感じたいままに使いこなすことができるのです。


Q: Do these piano pieces allow Hanyu to express himself in a more personal way?

Shae: Well, it is one of the characteristics of classical musics such as this one. Basically, any music can be expressed, but classical music can take you more into a world of your own dreams. This is because it is not attached to a specific story, like, for example, a theme music of a movie. It can be expressed in your own unique interpretation, and the people who see it do not have any preconceived ideas about it. I guess you could say that this is the best thing about performing to classical music. You can use it exactly as you envision it, exactly as you want it, exactly as you feel it.



Q: 振り付けは、スムーズに行なわれましたか?

シェイ: オンラィンで振り付けるなかで、かなり多くの時間、彼が滑っているところを見ました。私が送ったビデオを見ながら彼が振りを覚えて、実際に氷の上で滑り、その様子を私はライブで見るという形です。練習風景を撮影したものを見るよりも、その場で調整したりできるので、感覚的には、日本で彼と一緒にリンクにいるような感じでした(笑)。


Q: Did the choreography go smoothly?

Shae: While we were choreographing online, I spent quite a lot of time watching him skate. He learned the choreography by watching the videos I sent him, and then he actually skated on the ice, and I watched it live. It was more like being at the rink with him in Japan, because I could make the adjustments right then and there, rather than watching a video of him practicing (laughs).



Q: いつもはゼロから振り付けされるところを、今回のように土台があって、そこに加えていく、という作業はまた違うものだったのでしょうか?

シェイ: たしかに新たな体験ではありました。ただ、ハードルの高い挑戦、というものではありませんでした。今回のような振り付けに関しては、新しい体験ではありましたが、とても面白いものでした。最初にユヅが、ジェフと私に「これまでずっと一緒にやってきた二人がコラボすることに、僕はとてもワクワクする」と言ってくれたのがとても素敵でしたね。二人はナイスなチームになる、と。そしてユヅ自身も、彼のパフォーマンスに私たち二人がつぃている、という感覚を得ていたのだろうと思います。それは実際、とてもいい選択だったと思います。彼を裏で支えている人の存在を感じることができる。私たちがコラボすることで、そのサポート体制がより強力であると、彼は感じることができたと思うので、その意味でも大きかったように思います。私たちがチームになることで、より多くのエネルギーが彼に注がれた、といった感じでしょうか。


Q: Was it a different process this time, with the foundation already being there, and then adding to it, as opposed to your usual choreography, which is usually done from zero?

Shae: Indeed, it was a new experience. However, it was not really a hurdle. For choreographing like this, it was a new experience, but a very interesting one. It was lovely when Yuzu first said to Jeff and me, "I'm very excited about this collaboration between you two, who have both been working with me for so long". He said that the two of us would make a good team. And I think Yuzu himself liked the feeling that we were both part of this performance. I think that was actually a very good choice. You can feel the presence of the people who are supporting him behind the scenes in his performance. I think our collaboration was significant in that sense, because he could feel that he had an even stronger support system. I think by us being a team, more energy was poured into him.



Q: 素晴らしいチームです。一方、フリープログラムも五輪に向けてブラッシュアップされたのですか?

シェイ: いえ、こちらは手を加えていません。ショートのほうに注力したのと、彼自身、フリーについては、もっともっとやりたいのは山々だけれど、4Aにかける時間を必要としていると。それが彼が最もフォーカスしたい部分でしたから。彼はできるかぎりの時間を、4Aに費やしたいと考えていました。まったく新しい挑戦でしたから、ベストな練習法を模索したり、すべてのことに時間がかかるわけです。なのでフリーのブラッシュアップは行なわず、振り付けについてはショートに専念しました。


Q: You are a great team. Meanwhile, have you also brushed up his free program for the Olympics?

Shae: No, this one has not been reworked. We focused on the short program and he himself said that he wanted to work on the free program a lot more, but he also needed time for the 4A. That was what he wanted to focus on the most. He wanted to spend as much time as possible on 4A. It was a completely new challenge, so it takes time to find the best practices and everything. So we didn't do a brush-up of the free program, but concentrated on the short program in terms of choreography.



Q: 今回、羽生選手は4回転アクセルの挑戦も含めて、9歳のときの自分についての話をよくされていました。フリーのラストのポーズは、9歳のときに滑ったプログラムのラストと同じで、演技が終わった瞬間、その当時の自分の姿に思いを馳せていたと。

シェイ: ラストのポーズは、彼自身が望んだものです。両手を天に伸ばして、足を地面につけるポーズ、これは、ひとつには「天と地」を表わしています。それが子どものころとリンクしていたという詳細までは私に話していなかったかもしれませんが、あれがとても大事な瞬間を象徴したものであったのは確かで、彼が初期のころの経験を思い起こして難らせたものではないかと思います。彼のなかには、特別な意味を持った瞬問、思い出のモーメント、といったようなものがいくつかあって、それを難らせることは、自分に強さを与えたり、自分自身の人生に入り込むことで、ブレードや氷、そして自分自身とつながっていくための手段であったりするのです。また、そうすることで心を乱すような下界の雑音をシャットアウトすることもできる。そのための彼独自の方法でもあります。そして、これもまた、彼の魂を表現する手段のひとつでもありますね。彼にとって、当時を魅らせることが、とても資意味のあることだったのだと思いますね。幼かったころの自分、そのとき描いていた夢、達成したこと、そして当時の夢をかなえたいまの自分、そうしたここまでの旅路を全部つなぐ作業であり、エンディングにあのポーズを用いたことで、あのプログラムを締めくくった瞬間を、より意味のあるものにしているのだと思います。

(9歳のときの演技映像を見ながら)あきらかに、この当時から才能が証明されていますね…。とはいえ、いかに彼に才能があったとしても、それだけでは、彼が成し遂げたものは実現できませんでした。それを考えると、本当に素晴らしいキャリアを築いたのだと、あらためて思いますね…… (しみじみと)。


Q: This time, Hanyu talked a lot about himself as a nine-year-old, in addition to his challenge of the quadruple Axel. He said that his final pose in the free program was the same as the last pose of the program he skated when he was 9 years old, and that the moment he finished his performance, he was thinking back to the image of himself at that time.

Shae: The last pose was his own wish. A pose in which his hands are outstretched to the heavens and his feet are on the ground, representing, 'Heaven and Earth', as one might expect. He may not have told me the details of how it was linked to his childhood, but I am sure that it symbolised a very important moment. There are some moments in his life that have a special meaning to him, moments to remember, and connecting to them is a way to give himself strength and find the connection with the blade, the ice and himself by stepping into his own story and his own life. Doing so also allows him to shut out the noises of the everyday world that can disturb the mind. It is also his unique way of doing so. And this is also a way of expressing his spirit, isn't it? I think it was very meaningful for him to look back to those times. I think it's a process of connecting his childhood self, the dreams he had then, the things he achieved, and the person he is now, having fulfilled those dreams back then, all the way to this point in his journey, and the use of that pose for the ending makes the moment when he concluded that program even more meaningful.

(Looking at a video of his performance when he was nine years old) Obviously, his talent was evident even back then... Nevertheless, however talented he was, that alone could not have achieved what he did. When you think about it, I think again that he has created a really great career.. (sighs).



Q: 結果的に、多くの人が今回の五輪で羽生選手の挑戦や演技を見て心を動かされ、素晴らしいギフトを受け取ったわけですね。

シェイ: まさにそのとおりでしょうね。彼のスケートには本当に偽りがありません。エレメンツのひとつひとつを彼は丁寧に扱い、意味のあるものとして自分を注ぎ込んでいます。だからこそ、彼の演技を見た人たちは、生涯忘れられない思い出をもらってリンクを後にすることができる。人の記憶に残るパフォーマンスーーそれができるのは彼の能力の証でもあります。彼のことを崇め、慕う人は世界中に数多くいて、彼らもまた、彼の旅路の一部なのですよね。彼が努力する姿や、己を注入する姿、一人の人間としての心のつながり。そういったものでファンを満たすことができるというのは本当に美しいことです。それによって彼は、フィギュアスケートというこの競技自体もいろいろな意味で大いに高めてくれました。彼のおかげで、フィギュアスケートのファン数も飛躍的に増えました。




Q: In the end, many people were moved by Hanyu's challenge and performance at the Olympics this time, like they received a wonderful gift.

Shae: I suppose that's exactly what it is. There is really no pretence in his skating. Every single element is handled with care by him and he pours himself into it with meaning. That's why people who see him perform can leave the rink with memories that will last a lifetime. A performance that people will remember - it's a testament to his ability to do that. There are many people around the world who respect and admire him, and they are part of his journey, too. The way he works hard, the way he can infuse himself, the connection with his heart as a human being. It's really beautiful that he can satisfy his fans with those things. In doing so, he has also greatly improved this sport of figure skating itself in many ways. Thanks to him, the number of fans of figure skating has increased dramatically.

What makes me happy is that I have the opportunity to work with him. Every time I have the opportunity, I am always very grateful. It has been a very enriching and incredible experience to get to know him and connect with him as a person. And then to be able to see him give form to his own expression and to share it with the world. And then I really like the way he connects with the audience. I think every time he offers some sort of gift to the people watching. That makes the competition itself more vibrant. More and more people are coming and joining the figure skating family.

But the more he gives, the more he actually receives himself. This Olympics symbolizes that, doesn't it? It was not just about winning the gold medal, but about the effort he put in and how valuable all that he gave has been. Because this was something unforgettable.



Q: 素晴らしいお話をありがとうございました。最後に羽生選手へのエールと、ファンの方々へのメッセージをお願いします。

シェイ: ハイ、ユヅ! あなた自身もわかっているとは思いますが、あなたは本当に、世界にインスピレーションを与えてくれる存在だと、伝えたいです。私はあなたが、そしてあなたが挑んでいることすべてが、大好きです。こうして知り合えたこと、そして一緒に取り組んだすべての機会に感謝しています。私は毎回、あなたがリンクに立つたび、私たちに見せてくれる魂の輝きに、そして私たちに与えてくれるものに、感謝しています。それから、スケート界の限界を押し上げてくれてありがとう。毎回、ワクワクするような素晴らしいショーを見せてくれてありがとう。あなたのレガシーは、永遠に輝き続けます。あなたと出会えたことを、本当に嬉しく思います。

そしてユヅのファンのみなさん、いつも温かいサポートをありがとうございます。いつもリンクに投げてくれるプーさんも! 彼を見て、支えて、深い愛を注いでくれてありがとうございます。みなさんの存在なくして、スケート界はありえません。スケートをサポートしてくれて、ユヅを応援してくれて、この競技を、このような感謝に満ちたものにしてくださって、心の底からお礼を申し上げたいです。


Q: Thank you very much for this wonderful conversation. Finally, please give a message to Hanyu and to his fans.

Shae: Hi Yuzu! I know you know this yourself, but I want to tell you that you are truly an inspiration to the whole world. I love you and everything you are challenging. Thank you for allowing me to get to know you in this way and for all the opportunities we have had to work together. I am grateful for the light of your soul and for what you show us and give us every time you step on the ice rink. And also, thank you for pushing the boundaries of the skating world. Thank you for the exciting and amazing performances you present to us every time. Your legacy will shine on forever. I am so happy to know you.

And thank you to all Yuzu fans for your warm support. And for always throwing the Poohs on the rink!  Thank you for watching him, supporting him and giving him your deep love. Without you all, there would be no skating world. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting skating, for cheering for Yuzu and for making this competition such a gratifying experience.


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].


Thank you so much, this interview is simply beautiful and full of love and respect. Shae-Lynn seems to be a wonderful person and I am only happy that Yuzuru has this kind of person working with him. 


Also - I guess I'm not the only one replaying Rondo Capriccioso now. 

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Thank you very much birnasan for the translation of Shae-Lynn's interview. It is propbably the best interview about Yuzu & Rondo and TTCT I have seen so far.

I was totally fascinated about Shae-Lynn's story about Yuzuru's story about the Rondo and TTCT and what they mean to him. They were so beautiful stories demonstrating how deep and intensive experience skating is to him. I think that's why we have irrevocably fallen for him and his skating:heartpound:

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3 hours ago, birnasan said:

New Shae-Lynn Bourne interview from the latest Quadruple Axel magazine, automatically translated with OCR and deepL. My OCR had to capture the text from a not-perfect screenshot, I just hope there are not too many mistakes in it. And as always, I don't speak Japanese and this is not a proper translation. 

There are some more details about Roncapu in this interview, so I really hope we will get a better translation soon. 


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Yuzuru Hanyu performed two competition programs at the Beijing Olympics: 'Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso' and 'Heaven and Earth'. We spoke to Shae-Lynn Bourne, who was involved in the choreography of both programs, about the creation of the short program and the significance of the quadruple Axel challenge.



Q: 今日はお時間をいただきありがとうございます。北京五輪での羽生結弦選手についてお話を聞かせてください。まず、大会全体を通してどのようにご覧になりましたか?

シェイ=リーン(以下、シェイ): まず今回は、私を含めた多くの人たちにとって、テレビ中継などを通して「外側から」見ることになった大会でした。アリーナにほとんど観客がいなかったという点でも、いつもと違ったオリンピックになりました。私も自宅のテレビで観戦していたのですが、とてもワクワクしながらも、緊張した思いで見ていました。

誰でも同じだと思いますが、自分が関わっている人には、ベストの演技をしてほしいと願うものですよね。ユッに関しては、私もみなさんと同じように、彼がここで新しいことにチャレンジするのだろうな、とわかっていました。トップに立つことももちろんですが、まだ誰も成し遂げたことのない、前人未到の領域に挑戦するということが、彼の究極の目標であるからです。その前奏曲として、全日本選手権で彼はすでに4A (4回転アクセル) に挑戦していたので、多くの人が今回のオリンピックではどうなるのか、期待をふくらませていたと思います。





Q: Thank you for your time today. Please tell us about Yuzuru Hanyu at the Beijing Olympics. First of all, how did you see the competition as a whole?

Shae: First of all, for many people, including myself, this was the first time that we watched the Olympic Games from the 'outside', through TV coverage and so on. It was also a different Olympics in that there were hardly any spectators in the arenas. I was also watching the competition on TV at home, and I was very excited but also nervous.

I think it's the same for everyone, you want the best performance from the people you are involved with. As for Yuzu, I knew, just like everyone else, that he would be challenging himself to do something new here. Because, of course, to be at the top is his ultimate goal, but also to challenge himself in unprecedented territory, which no one has achieved yet. He had already tried the 4A (quadruple Axel) at the Japanese Championships, so I think a lot of people were excited to see what he would do at the Olympics.

I was first of all greatly impressed by his courage to attempt something new. There was a tremendous risk that he might miss the podium if he failed. But for him, it was necessary to take that risk and try something new. He is already a two-time Olympic champion, so he doesn't have to prove that he can win. He has already achieved that.

For him, the challenge of this jump was the "medal". It was also proof of his strength. In the end he didn't get the result he wanted, but I think his courage in taking on this challenge has ignited excitement all over the world. He knew it was a risk, but he took the risk. I applaud him for his bravery and I am very happy that he challenged himself to achieve his goals.

He has once again taken figure skating to an even higher level. He has pushed the limits of other athletes with his exceptional ability and courage. And at the same time, he has also created emotion and excitement for those watching. I am sure that those who watched his performances were like, "What the hell is he going to do?". I am sure everyone was thrilled and on the edge of their seats. He added a vibrant thrill to the competition.



Q: フリーで4回転アクセルを跳ばずに完壁な演技でまとめるという選択肢は、羽生選手の頭にはなかったと思われますか?

シェイ: シーズンの初めから、彼はこのジャンプに挑むことに全力を注いでいました。今季のショートプログラムの振り付けのために彼と最初に言葉を交わしたとき、彼は自分が目指していることや夢について語ってくれました。それは幼いころからの夢であったのだと思います。彼はそのことにものすごくフォーカスしていて、畜める気はまったくなかったと思います。「とにかく全力で挑んで、そのときにできるベストを尽くす」。それが彼の目標であり、絶対にそれに挑むのです。

ー方で、彼に選択の余地があったか? と問われれば、それは常にあるものだと言えます。とくに、ショートプログラムを終えたあとで、選手にとっては戦略の見直しが必要になることはよくあります。このリスクを受け入れるべきか? 回避すべきか? ショートのあとで、あらゆる選択肢を検討することになるので、常にオプションは存在します。けれど、彼の場合、自分がやりたいことがあまりにもはっきりしていたと思います。「失うものなんてない。ならば、やらない手はない」。それが、私が彼のエネルギーから感じ取ったことでした。


Q: Do you think it never crossed Hanyu's mind that he had the option to give a perfect performance in the free skate without the quadruple Axel?

Shae: From the beginning of the season, he was committed to the challenge of this jump. When I first communicated with him for the choreography of this season's short program, he spoke to me about his goal or his dream. I think it has been his dream since he was a little boy. I think he was very focused on that and he had no intention of keeping things low. He would just "give it his all and do the best he could at that moment." That was his goal, and he absolutely went for it.

On the other hand, did he have a choice? I would say that there is always a choice. Especially after the short program, it is often necessary for the athletes to rethink their strategy. Should he be willing to take this risk? Should he avoid it? After the short program, you have to consider all the options, so there are always more options. But in his case, I think he was very specific about what he wanted to do. "I have nothing to lose now. Then there's no way I won't do it'". That's what I sensed from his energy.



Q: 羽生選手のオリンピック3連覇を期待していた人も多かったなかで、そのプレッシャーもあったのではないかと思います。

シェイ: それは本人に聞いてみないとわからないことですが、彼はすでにオリンピック優勝を達成しています。1度目なら、「ラッキーだった」と言う人がいるかもしれません。でも、4年後にふたたび同じことを成し遂げたら、そんなことを言う人はいません。連覇というのは、とても真似のできない偉業であって、それを否定できる人など誰一人としていないというレベルのものです。彼はそのために血の湾むような努力をし、それを手に入れた。そこには、身体的な能力や才能だけでなく、精神力も必要でした。そして、さらに4年を経た今回も、人々は彼が充分に頂点を狙える位置にいることをわかっていました。そのなかで、彼はきっと、自分にとっての「新たな金メダル」は何かを見いだしたのだと思います。それが4Aへの挑戦だったのです。


Q: Many people were expecting Hanyu to win his third consecutive Olympic title, so there must have been a lot of pressure on him.

Shae: You would have to ask him about that, but he's already won the Olympics. The first time, people might say, "Well, he had luck". But when he did it again four years later, no one could say that. Winning the Olympics again is a feat that cannot be denied by anyone. He worked bloody hard for it, and he got it. It required not only physical ability and talent, but also mental strength. And this time, after four more years, people knew that he was in a good enough position to reach the top. In the midst of all this, I am sure he must have realized what the "new gold medal" was for him. That was the challenge of 4A.



Q: 大会後、羽生選手は足首を捻挫していたことを明かしましたが、その不屈の精神はどこからくるのでしょう。

シェイ: フィギュアスケーターに限らず、アスリートは常に上を目指して練習を重ねます。でも、最終的に必要なもの、それは、精神力なのです。90%、いえ99%と言ってもいいかもしれない。「自分はやるんだ!」という強い意志。気持ちを惑わすような障壁やストレスが存在するなかで、持てるものを発揮すべきときに発揮する精神力が必要です。そもそも、競技に挑むという状況自体が、ものすごく厳しいことでもあります。そんななかにあって、リンクに降り立ったときの彼が、いつも完全に集中してゾーンに入っている姿をみなさんもご覧になっていると思います。それだけ彼は、強い精神力を持っている。




Q: After the competition, Hanyu revealed that he had injured his ankle, but where does his undying determination come from?

Shae: Athletes, not just figure skaters, are always training to get better. But in the end, what it all comes down to is mental strength. 90%, or maybe I should even say 99% of what it takes to be a good figure skater is mental strength. The strong determination of "I am going to do this!". The mental strength to show what you can do, when you need to do it, despite the stresses and obstacles that can distract your mind. To begin with, the situation of competing in a competition itself is extremely demanding. In such a situation, I am sure you have all seen how he is always completely focused and in the zone when he steps onto the ice rink. That is how strong he is mentally.

Learning the 4As is not only mentally demanding, but also physically demanding on the body.

It's a huge thing. The sheer amount of energy that it takes out of the body is unbelievable. He left the Olympics without a medal, but I think he took away with him from the Games the feeling that people are more proud of him than ever before. So he has lost nothing in life, but rather gained even more. And that includes his fans. That's how I feel.



Q: ショートプログラムでは、氷上にできた穴にエッジをとられ、ジャンプが抜けるという思わぬアクシデントがありました。

シェイ: もう心臓が止まりそうでした! それくらい、彼らしくない出来事でしたから。それと同時に、彼があそこに立つまでに、どれだけ努力を重ねていたかを見ていただけに、胸が痛みました。でも、何かアクシデントが起きたときは、そのことだけでなく、多くのことについて学びを得て成長できる、ということを私は実感しているので、「これが人生」という感じなのだと思います。


Q: In the short program, he had an unexpected accident when his edge got caught in a hole in the ice and he had to pull out of his jump.

Shae: It almost made my heart stop! It was such an uncharacteristic moment for him. At the same time, it was heartbreaking because we could see how hard he had worked towards that moment. But I think it's like 'this is life' because I have realized that when something unexpected happens, you learn and grow, not only about that, but about a lot of other things in life.



Q: あのあとの演技が、最初のミスなどすっかり忘れてしまうような素晴らしさだったのはさすがでした。

シェイ: そのとおりです。フィギュアスケートでいちばん難しい点であり、大きなチャレンジといえることがひとつあります。それは、失敗してもがっかりしたような表情など絶対に見せられない、ということです。アイスホッケーやアルペンスキーなどの競技では、「表情を美しく見せる」とか「感情表現を豊かにする」といった要素は必要ありませんが、フィギュアスケートの場合は、ミスをしたあとも、「すべて順調です」といった様子で演技の流れを保たなければ、「次の演技にシフトできていない」「プログラムを表現できていない」といった理由で、さらに減点されてしまう可能性すらあるのです。



Q: After that, his performance was so great that you completely forgot about the first mistake.

Shae: Exactly. This is one of the most difficult aspects of figure skating, and one of the biggest challenges. You can never look disappointed when you make a mistake. In ice hockey or alpine skiing, it is not necessary to have a beautiful facial expression or a deep emotional expression, but in figure skating, even after a mistake, you have to keep the flow of the performance and look like "everything is fine", otherwise you might be accused of "not shifting to the next element" or "not expressing the program" and get deducted even more points.

But he was perfect in this respect. This is also something you learn from your everyday training. There are always mistakes, including small ones, in daily practice, but the fact that he was able to perform like that in the real competition proves how much attention he pays to those details in his daily training.



Q: 昨シーズンの大会では、自身が6分間練習のときにつけた溝に、本番でハマってしまうということがありました。

シェイ: 起こりうることではあります。かつてコンパルソリーの種目があった時代などはとくに、滑走順が最後になってしまうと氷の状態は最悪でした。全員が同じパターンをなぞるので、同じところに溝が刻まれていって。なので、万が一、穴にはまってしまった場合にどうスルーするか、といったこともあらかじめ考えておいたりしていました(苦笑)。こればかりは自分ではどうしようもないことで、あるときは大丈夫でも、あるときは残念な結果になる。ユヅのケースはまさにそうだったわけですが、アンラッキーな出来事だったとしか言いようがないのです。

普段の彼にとって、あのジャンプ(4回転サルコウ) は、「寝ていてもできる」というくらい簡単に跳んでいるように見せられるジャンプです。ですから、あのアクシデントはつらかったでしょう。





Q: In a competition last season, it happened that he was stuck in a hole that he himself had created during the six-minute warm-up and got stuck in it during the actual competition.

Shae: It can happen at any time. In the past, especially in the days when we had the compulsories, if you were last in the starting order, the ice was in the worst condition. Everyone would skate the same pattern, so the same spots would be carved out. So we had to think beforehand about what we would do if we got stuck in a hole (laughs). This is something you can't control, sometimes it will be fine, but other times it will be unfortunate. This is exactly what happened in Yuzu's case, and I can only say that it was an unlucky incident.

Normally for him, that jump (the quadruple Salchow) is one that he can make look so easy that he could "do it in his sleep". So it must have been hard for him to have that accident.

But he performed the rest of the program to the best of his ability, as if he had made no such mistake.

When a mistake like that happens, there are a lot of thoughts going through a skater's head on the ice. The important thing there is to regain your composure and perform. There is still work to be done. He did it with grace. I thought it was particularly impressive how, when he finished his performance, he stood up straight and looked proud and noble. He never lost his champion-like elegance. I thought it was very professional.

In a way, I also found it amazing that this accident didn't detract from what a great skater he is. On the contrary, instead, his sportsmanship, grace and professionalism were highlighted even more. He continued to perform and jump a quadruple jump after that, and he never wavered in his determination to go for what he was aiming for.



Q: 競技者である以上、結果も追求するものだと思いますが、一方で今回の羽生選手のように、挑戦すること自体が、人々の心を動かすことにもなります。結果を出すことと、自分が追求するものに挑むこと、そのふたつはバランスをとれるものなのでしょうか?

シェイ: それぞれのアスリートにストーリーや軌跡があります。メダルを獲ること、表彰台に上がること、そしてそのために必要な能力を得ること。実現できるかは別として、それを目標とする人もいます。そしてその目標を目指して挑むこと自体が、ビクトリーである、という選手もいます。オリンピックに関していえば、出場できた時点で、それはとてつもなく大きな達成です。国を代表して参加する資格を得た時点で、大きなビクトリーだといえるでしょう。パーソナルベストを出しても、メダルには手が届かない選手もいる。でもそれが、その選手にとって人生で最高のパフォーマンスになったかもしれない。ストーリーはさまざまです。

ユヅの場合、彼には世界中にフォロワーがいて、彼らはみな、ユヅがたどってきた旅路を知っています。その過程で彼が何を達成してきたのかも。それは2つの金メダルです。しかもただの金メダルではなく、オリンピックの金メダルです! そのようにコンスタントに結果を出せる選手を、多くの人々が応援します。そして、そうした人たちはすでに彼の旅の一部となっていて、彼をフォローしながら、彼ら自身も成長してきているわけです。彼らにとっては、今回のオリンピックは、すでに、「勝てるのか?」というものではありませんでした。それはすでに成し遂げているので、今回は、「あのジャンプを成功させられるか?」というものになっていた。つまりは彼は、コンセプト自体を新しいものに変えてしまったのです。




Q: Of course, competitors must aim for results, but on the other hand, like Hanyu this time, the challenge itself can also be inspiring to people. Is it possible to find a balance between achieving results and challenging yourself with what you are aiming for?

Shae: Each athlete has his own story and journey. Winning a medal, getting on the podium and gaining the ability to do so. Some people make that their goal, whether they can achieve it or not. And some athletes say that the challenge of aiming for that goal is a victory in itself. As far as the Olympics are concerned, it is a tremendous achievement when you are able to compete there. When you qualify to represent your country, that's a big victory. Some athletes may achieve personal bests, without reaching a medal. But it could have been the best performance of that athlete's life. Stories are different.

In Yuzu's case, he has fans all over the world and they all know his journey. And what he has achieved on that journey. That is two gold medals. And not just any gold medals, but Olympic gold medals! Many people support such an athlete who can consistently deliver results like that. And those people have themselves become part of his journey already, following him and growing themselves. Therefore, this Olympics wasn't about "Can he win?" anymore. Because he had already done that, so this time it was, "Can he pull off that jump?". In other words, he had changed the concept itself into something new.

It was a risky challenge. It would have been great if he had succeeded, but it was also a big risk. But by taking on that challenge, he involved a huge number of his fans in the excitement of it with him. His fans felt the same sense of risk and excitement with him. And that is precisely the beauty and joy of sport. You never know what the result will be. You can predict it, but you don't know until you see the final result. But that's the real thrill of it all, and it's that kind of excitement that keeps everyone glued to their seats.

This year's men's singles was really worth watching in that sense. Yuzu took a big risk and tried something completely new. Not only that, he performed fantastic quadruple jumps and inspired other challengers from many different countries. I have heard many people around me saying that this men's singles was a great competition, with many athletes showing their best performances and pushing each other to the limit.



Q: 今季のショートプログラム『序奏とロンド·カプリチオーソ』の制作についてもうかがいたいと思います。羽生選手から振り付けについての打診があったのは、いつごろのことでしたか?

シェイ: ユヅからショートプログラムの振り付けについて手を貸してほしい、という連絡をもらったのは、昨年の10月の初旬です。私へのリクエストは、このプログラムに私らしいニュアンスを加えてほしい、というものでした。







Q: I would like to ask you about the work on this season's short program "Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso". When did Hanyu approach you about the choreography?

Shae: It was early October last year when Yuzu contacted me to help him with the choreography for the short program. He asked me to add my own nuances to the program.

He had already started creating the program with Jeff (Jeffrey Buttle), so I discussed many things with Jeff at that point. I wanted to be clear at the beginning that everyone involved in the program was on the same ground. Jeff was also very happy to collaborate with me.

Yuzu already had the idea for the overall story, and the worldview he wanted to express was clearly drawn in his mind. I then added the choreography to the program based on my own emotional response to the story.

When he spoke to me about the visions and feelings he receives from this music, I realized something again very clearly. That is, that the themes and emotions that we feel in his programs come from a very special place within Yuzu. When he performs from that special place, he is pure and goes straight into people's hearts and emotions. That was exactly what I felt he wanted to add to the program at that point in time. So I started the process by asking him what he thought.

Listening to him, ideas for the choreography immediately came to my mind. And when I stood on the ice, I could sense his feelings close to me, as if he were right next to me, even though he wasn't actually there.

This was followed by a two-week exchange of sending videos of my skating and explaining the meaning of the choreography. By the end of that process, he himself had reached a feeling of 'completion'. He felt that he was closer to what he was trying to express by skating and performing to this music.



Q: 羽生選手がこの曲で表現したかった世界観というのは、どのようなものだったのでしょう?

シェイ: 面白いと感じたのは、冒頭の部分です。彼は、何かこう、どんよりとした、暗くて冷たい、外の世界を想像していました。そこは視界もはっきりしていない、広大な大地のイメージです。


最初のジャンプを終えるところから、状況がシフトしていきます。彼はそこから、見え始めるのです。そうですね、スノードーム(※透明の液体に建物などのミニチュアや雪に見立てた白い粒が入った球体の玩具) を想像してもらえるとわかりやすいかもしれません。ドームを振る前は、なんの動きもなく、静止した世界がそこにありますよね。でも、振りだした途端にそこに動きが生まれる。雪が舞って、パッと明るくなる。





Q: What kind of worldview did Hanyu want to express with this program?

Shae: What I find interesting is the beginning. He was imagining some kind of dreary, dark, cold world. It's an image of a vast open land with no clear view.

When I stood on the rink imagining that world, I immediately had an idea of how I wanted to express it in my skating. I also intuitively sensed how he should move in order for the viewers to feel the 'coldness' of this world.

The scene begins to change from the point where the first jump is completed. He begins to see from there. Well, it might be easier to understand if you imagine a snow globe (*a ball-shaped toy with a transparent liquid filled with miniatures of buildings and other objects and white particles that look like snow). Before you shake it, there is no movement and the world is still. But as soon as you start shaking it, there is movement. Snow falls and the world suddenly becomes brighter.

In the same way, he also finds something there. Like light, but not just light, like a memory, like a moment... like a moment in his life so far. It could be fans, people close to him, himself with his coach. Those memories come back to him on the ice. And that joy fills him up. Until the next jump, these memories come back one after the other, and then they disappear.

In the final step scene, he no longer sees such lights, but he makes a decision. He strips away all those past moments and decides to live in the "now" moment. In the last steps, he bares his soul and lets it all come out of him. He goes on to pursue his future life, carrying with him all the good moments and all the bad moments of his past life. While carrying all the ups and downs of his life within himself, in the final steps, he will give everything he has inside of him.

That's the general idea. I'm sure if you asked him he would probably go into more detail, but I think you can get an idea of what this program means to him. I think he is probably at a point in his life where he is looking back at everything he has been through, the good times and the bad times, and looking back at his journey and his legacy.



Q: 素晴らしいお話です。演技の動画を見ながら解説していただいてもよろしいでしょうか。

シェイ: いいですね! 映像を見てみましょう。

スタートでは、彼はジャッジに背中を向けています。ターンするときは、それほど表現を意識するのではなく、よりインテンシティー(強さ、集中力) を感じさせています。









Q: This is a beautiful story. May I ask you to comment on it while watching the video of the performance?

Shae: Sounds great! Let's look at the video.

At the start, he has his back towards the judges. When he turns, he is not showing much expression, but rather intensity ("strength" or "concentration").

The moment he starts with his back turned towards you, turns around and puts his hands down, you can feel something very heavy, gravity. From there, he begins to step smoothly. The start is dark and heavy. He expresses this in the wide pose, with his arms spread as wide as he can. But here he is very quiet and doesn't express much emotion. That is the meaning behind this start.

(After the first jump) From this point on, he sees the lights, recalling his memories. Every time he sees a light, he reaches out to touch it, but when he does so, it disappears. Then the next memory appears and so on. This continues like flashes of light.

Then, in the last sequence, here he is completely alone, fighting to get all the highs and lows of his life, the happy times and the hard times, all of them out of him.

The music of the step sequence is very colorful. It expresses both chaos and beauty at the same time. Every detail is filled with power and fight, but also with grace. He approaches this sport with the utmost respect, always with a true spirit, never giving up in his efforts, even if there are holes in the ice, even if some part of his body is injured. Yes, he is a true athlete.

One problem that athletes face is the demanding physical requirements. But they can be mental as well as physical. So where on earth does an athlete get strength from in such tough times? He has faced all the obstacles he has met in his life, whether personal or external, and he has done his best to overcome them.

For me, this is what I would call 'art in competition' and I feel he himself is a synonym for it. He skates from a very deep part of himself, his soul. And he has an unparalleled sensitivity to music and his own unique style. He can express and perform the music so well because it comes from within. It is not something that can be taught. But when it is something that he has himself, it can be brought out of him. Anyway, it is something that he has inside himself.

When the moment to perform comes, he connects with that part of himself. Then, at the ending of this program, he lets it all come out of him, whatever is there. The physical strength, the emotions, the mentality, everything is drawn out of him and becomes one. Without ever giving up.



Q: これまでの長いキャリアを振り返って思いを馳せる、という壮大なテーマがあるのですね。

シェイ: そう、これまでのキャリア…… というか、その時々の瞬間、ですね。それらは過ぎ去ってしまったもので、思い出して振り返ることはできるけれど、それを抱え続けていくことはできない。なぜなら、私たちの人生は続いていき、次々に新しいことが目の前に現われるからです。そして、それがコンスタントに続いていきます。




Q: There is a grand theme of looking back and reminiscing about the long career up to now?

Shae: Yes, it's about his career so far... or rather, his moments in time. They have passed, and he can remember them and look back on them, but he cannot hold on to them. Because life goes on, and new things come along one after another. And this will go on continuously.

For example, one of the things that many athletes suffer from when they retire is that they suddenly wonder who they are. People remember them as "the guy who did this" or "him who did that," but in reality, that is just one chapter in the life of that athlete. Their life goes on after that. In life, the challenges, the goals, and the explorations go on forever. Time is so short. So how do they handle it and move on? How do they set the next goal and keep moving forward without letting themselves be stereotyped?

This short program comes from such a place for him. It is a deeper, more meaningful place in his heart. When you watch him, you can see that he is improving, maturing, and consistently growing each and every year. You can really feel it by watching him perform and skate.



Q: そうした感情を表現するために羽生選手が選んだのが、この曲だったわけですね。

シェイ: そうですね。私が知るかぎり、彼はいつも自分で曲を選んでいますから。いつでも彼は、自分が何を望んでいるかを理解しています。多少の編曲やアレンジを加えることはありますが、彼は自分が表現したいものが何か、自分がつながれる曲は何か、じっくり時間をとって感じるようにしているのです。そうやって彼自身が、自分の声に従う機会を、自分自身に与えることができていることを、嬉しく思います。


Q: So this music was chosen by Hanyu to express these emotions.

Shae: Yes, I think that's right. As far as I know, he always chooses the music himself. He always knows what he wants. He may make some arrangements, but he takes the time to feel what he wants to express, what music he can connect to. I am glad that he is able to give himself the opportunity to follow his own inner voice in this way.



Q: この曲は、もとはバイオリン曲ですが、羽生選手らしいピアノ曲にアレンジされていますね。

シェイ: たしか、日本のアーティストの演奏でしたよね? 見事に「ユヅの曲」になっていますよね。まさに彼のシグネチャーという感じです。


Q: This piece is originally a violin piece, but it has been arranged as a piano piece, which is typical of Hanyu.

Shae: I think it was performed by a Japanese artist. It's a perfect "Yuzu music", isn't it? It is really a signature piece of his.



Q: こういったピアノ曲の曲調は、羽生選手にとって、よりご自身を表現できるものなのでしょうか?

シェイ: それは、このようなクラシックの曲が持つ特徴でもありますね。基本的には、どのような曲であっても表現することはできますが、クラシック音楽では、より自身を夢の世界へと誘うことができます。なぜなら、たとえば映画の主題歌のような特定のストーリーが伴っているわけではないからです。自分だけの独自の解釈で表現することができますし、貝見る人たちも、先入観を持っていません。それがクラシック曲で演じることの醍醐味だといえるでしょうね。自分が思い描くとおり、望んだとおりに、感じたいままに使いこなすことができるのです。


Q: Do these piano pieces allow Hanyu to express himself in a more personal way?

Shae: Well, it is one of the characteristics of classical musics such as this one. Basically, any music can be expressed, but classical music can take you more into a world of your own dreams. This is because it is not attached to a specific story, like, for example, a theme music of a movie. It can be expressed in your own unique interpretation, and the people who see it do not have any preconceived ideas about it. I guess you could say that this is the best thing about performing to classical music. You can use it exactly as you envision it, exactly as you want it, exactly as you feel it.



Q: 振り付けは、スムーズに行なわれましたか?

シェイ: オンラィンで振り付けるなかで、かなり多くの時間、彼が滑っているところを見ました。私が送ったビデオを見ながら彼が振りを覚えて、実際に氷の上で滑り、その様子を私はライブで見るという形です。練習風景を撮影したものを見るよりも、その場で調整したりできるので、感覚的には、日本で彼と一緒にリンクにいるような感じでした(笑)。


Q: Did the choreography go smoothly?

Shae: While we were choreographing online, I spent quite a lot of time watching him skate. He learned the choreography by watching the videos I sent him, and then he actually skated on the ice, and I watched it live. It was more like being at the rink with him in Japan, because I could make the adjustments right then and there, rather than watching a video of him practicing (laughs).



Q: いつもはゼロから振り付けされるところを、今回のように土台があって、そこに加えていく、という作業はまた違うものだったのでしょうか?

シェイ: たしかに新たな体験ではありました。ただ、ハードルの高い挑戦、というものではありませんでした。今回のような振り付けに関しては、新しい体験ではありましたが、とても面白いものでした。最初にユヅが、ジェフと私に「これまでずっと一緒にやってきた二人がコラボすることに、僕はとてもワクワクする」と言ってくれたのがとても素敵でしたね。二人はナイスなチームになる、と。そしてユヅ自身も、彼のパフォーマンスに私たち二人がつぃている、という感覚を得ていたのだろうと思います。それは実際、とてもいい選択だったと思います。彼を裏で支えている人の存在を感じることができる。私たちがコラボすることで、そのサポート体制がより強力であると、彼は感じることができたと思うので、その意味でも大きかったように思います。私たちがチームになることで、より多くのエネルギーが彼に注がれた、といった感じでしょうか。


Q: Was it a different process this time, with the foundation already being there, and then adding to it, as opposed to your usual choreography, which is usually done from zero?

Shae: Indeed, it was a new experience. However, it was not really a hurdle. For choreographing like this, it was a new experience, but a very interesting one. It was lovely when Yuzu first said to Jeff and me, "I'm very excited about this collaboration between you two, who have both been working with me for so long". He said that the two of us would make a good team. And I think Yuzu himself liked the feeling that we were both part of this performance. I think that was actually a very good choice. You can feel the presence of the people who are supporting him behind the scenes in his performance. I think our collaboration was significant in that sense, because he could feel that he had an even stronger support system. I think by us being a team, more energy was poured into him.



Q: 素晴らしいチームです。一方、フリープログラムも五輪に向けてブラッシュアップされたのですか?

シェイ: いえ、こちらは手を加えていません。ショートのほうに注力したのと、彼自身、フリーについては、もっともっとやりたいのは山々だけれど、4Aにかける時間を必要としていると。それが彼が最もフォーカスしたい部分でしたから。彼はできるかぎりの時間を、4Aに費やしたいと考えていました。まったく新しい挑戦でしたから、ベストな練習法を模索したり、すべてのことに時間がかかるわけです。なのでフリーのブラッシュアップは行なわず、振り付けについてはショートに専念しました。


Q: You are a great team. Meanwhile, have you also brushed up his free program for the Olympics?

Shae: No, this one has not been reworked. We focused on the short program and he himself said that he wanted to work on the free program a lot more, but he also needed time for the 4A. That was what he wanted to focus on the most. He wanted to spend as much time as possible on 4A. It was a completely new challenge, so it takes time to find the best practices and everything. So we didn't do a brush-up of the free program, but concentrated on the short program in terms of choreography.



Q: 今回、羽生選手は4回転アクセルの挑戦も含めて、9歳のときの自分についての話をよくされていました。フリーのラストのポーズは、9歳のときに滑ったプログラムのラストと同じで、演技が終わった瞬間、その当時の自分の姿に思いを馳せていたと。

シェイ: ラストのポーズは、彼自身が望んだものです。両手を天に伸ばして、足を地面につけるポーズ、これは、ひとつには「天と地」を表わしています。それが子どものころとリンクしていたという詳細までは私に話していなかったかもしれませんが、あれがとても大事な瞬間を象徴したものであったのは確かで、彼が初期のころの経験を思い起こして難らせたものではないかと思います。彼のなかには、特別な意味を持った瞬問、思い出のモーメント、といったようなものがいくつかあって、それを難らせることは、自分に強さを与えたり、自分自身の人生に入り込むことで、ブレードや氷、そして自分自身とつながっていくための手段であったりするのです。また、そうすることで心を乱すような下界の雑音をシャットアウトすることもできる。そのための彼独自の方法でもあります。そして、これもまた、彼の魂を表現する手段のひとつでもありますね。彼にとって、当時を魅らせることが、とても資意味のあることだったのだと思いますね。幼かったころの自分、そのとき描いていた夢、達成したこと、そして当時の夢をかなえたいまの自分、そうしたここまでの旅路を全部つなぐ作業であり、エンディングにあのポーズを用いたことで、あのプログラムを締めくくった瞬間を、より意味のあるものにしているのだと思います。

(9歳のときの演技映像を見ながら)あきらかに、この当時から才能が証明されていますね…。とはいえ、いかに彼に才能があったとしても、それだけでは、彼が成し遂げたものは実現できませんでした。それを考えると、本当に素晴らしいキャリアを築いたのだと、あらためて思いますね…… (しみじみと)。


Q: This time, Hanyu talked a lot about himself as a nine-year-old, in addition to his challenge of the quadruple Axel. He said that his final pose in the free program was the same as the last pose of the program he skated when he was 9 years old, and that the moment he finished his performance, he was thinking back to the image of himself at that time.

Shae: The last pose was his own wish. A pose in which his hands are outstretched to the heavens and his feet are on the ground, representing, 'Heaven and Earth', as one might expect. He may not have told me the details of how it was linked to his childhood, but I am sure that it symbolised a very important moment. There are some moments in his life that have a special meaning to him, moments to remember, and connecting to them is a way to give himself strength and find the connection with the blade, the ice and himself by stepping into his own story and his own life. Doing so also allows him to shut out the noises of the everyday world that can disturb the mind. It is also his unique way of doing so. And this is also a way of expressing his spirit, isn't it? I think it was very meaningful for him to look back to those times. I think it's a process of connecting his childhood self, the dreams he had then, the things he achieved, and the person he is now, having fulfilled those dreams back then, all the way to this point in his journey, and the use of that pose for the ending makes the moment when he concluded that program even more meaningful.

(Looking at a video of his performance when he was nine years old) Obviously, his talent was evident even back then... Nevertheless, however talented he was, that alone could not have achieved what he did. When you think about it, I think again that he has created a really great career.. (sighs).



Q: 結果的に、多くの人が今回の五輪で羽生選手の挑戦や演技を見て心を動かされ、素晴らしいギフトを受け取ったわけですね。

シェイ: まさにそのとおりでしょうね。彼のスケートには本当に偽りがありません。エレメンツのひとつひとつを彼は丁寧に扱い、意味のあるものとして自分を注ぎ込んでいます。だからこそ、彼の演技を見た人たちは、生涯忘れられない思い出をもらってリンクを後にすることができる。人の記憶に残るパフォーマンスーーそれができるのは彼の能力の証でもあります。彼のことを崇め、慕う人は世界中に数多くいて、彼らもまた、彼の旅路の一部なのですよね。彼が努力する姿や、己を注入する姿、一人の人間としての心のつながり。そういったものでファンを満たすことができるというのは本当に美しいことです。それによって彼は、フィギュアスケートというこの競技自体もいろいろな意味で大いに高めてくれました。彼のおかげで、フィギュアスケートのファン数も飛躍的に増えました。




Q: In the end, many people were moved by Hanyu's challenge and performance at the Olympics this time, like they received a wonderful gift.

Shae: I suppose that's exactly what it is. There is really no pretence in his skating. Every single element is handled with care by him and he pours himself into it with meaning. That's why people who see him perform can leave the rink with memories that will last a lifetime. A performance that people will remember - it's a testament to his ability to do that. There are many people around the world who respect and admire him, and they are part of his journey, too. The way he works hard, the way he can infuse himself, the connection with his heart as a human being. It's really beautiful that he can satisfy his fans with those things. In doing so, he has also greatly improved this sport of figure skating itself in many ways. Thanks to him, the number of fans of figure skating has increased dramatically.

What makes me happy is that I have the opportunity to work with him. Every time I have the opportunity, I am always very grateful. It has been a very enriching and incredible experience to get to know him and connect with him as a person. And then to be able to see him give form to his own expression and to share it with the world. And then I really like the way he connects with the audience. I think every time he offers some sort of gift to the people watching. That makes the competition itself more vibrant. More and more people are coming and joining the figure skating family.

But the more he gives, the more he actually receives himself. This Olympics symbolizes that, doesn't it? It was not just about winning the gold medal, but about the effort he put in and how valuable all that he gave has been. Because this was something unforgettable.



Q: 素晴らしいお話をありがとうございました。最後に羽生選手へのエールと、ファンの方々へのメッセージをお願いします。

シェイ: ハイ、ユヅ! あなた自身もわかっているとは思いますが、あなたは本当に、世界にインスピレーションを与えてくれる存在だと、伝えたいです。私はあなたが、そしてあなたが挑んでいることすべてが、大好きです。こうして知り合えたこと、そして一緒に取り組んだすべての機会に感謝しています。私は毎回、あなたがリンクに立つたび、私たちに見せてくれる魂の輝きに、そして私たちに与えてくれるものに、感謝しています。それから、スケート界の限界を押し上げてくれてありがとう。毎回、ワクワクするような素晴らしいショーを見せてくれてありがとう。あなたのレガシーは、永遠に輝き続けます。あなたと出会えたことを、本当に嬉しく思います。

そしてユヅのファンのみなさん、いつも温かいサポートをありがとうございます。いつもリンクに投げてくれるプーさんも! 彼を見て、支えて、深い愛を注いでくれてありがとうございます。みなさんの存在なくして、スケート界はありえません。スケートをサポートしてくれて、ユヅを応援してくれて、この競技を、このような感謝に満ちたものにしてくださって、心の底からお礼を申し上げたいです。


Q: Thank you very much for this wonderful conversation. Finally, please give a message to Hanyu and to his fans.

Shae: Hi Yuzu! I know you know this yourself, but I want to tell you that you are truly an inspiration to the whole world. I love you and everything you are challenging. Thank you for allowing me to get to know you in this way and for all the opportunities we have had to work together. I am grateful for the light of your soul and for what you show us and give us every time you step on the ice rink. And also, thank you for pushing the boundaries of the skating world. Thank you for the exciting and amazing performances you present to us every time. Your legacy will shine on forever. I am so happy to know you.

And thank you to all Yuzu fans for your warm support. And for always throwing the Poohs on the rink!  Thank you for watching him, supporting him and giving him your deep love. Without you all, there would be no skating world. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting skating, for cheering for Yuzu and for making this competition such a gratifying experience.


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

What an interesting and wonderful thing to read this afternoon! Thank you so much. I've been thinking a lot about Yuzu and his connection to music lately and formulating a post in my head and some of Shae-Lynn's comments really added to the things I've been pondering. And yes I immediately went and watched Rondo!

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Hace 3 horas, birnasan said:

New Shae-Lynn Bourne interview from the latest Quadruple Axel magazine, automatically translated with OCR and deepL. My OCR had to capture the text from a not-perfect screenshot, I just hope there are not too many mistakes in it. And as always, I don't speak Japanese and this is not a proper translation. 

There are some more details about Roncapu in this interview, so I really hope we will get a better translation soon. 


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Yuzuru Hanyu performed two competition programs at the Beijing Olympics: 'Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso' and 'Heaven and Earth'. We spoke to Shae-Lynn Bourne, who was involved in the choreography of both programs, about the creation of the short program and the significance of the quadruple Axel challenge.



Q: 今日はお時間をいただきありがとうございます。北京五輪での羽生結弦選手についてお話を聞かせてください。まず、大会全体を通してどのようにご覧になりましたか?

シェイ=リーン(以下、シェイ): まず今回は、私を含めた多くの人たちにとって、テレビ中継などを通して「外側から」見ることになった大会でした。アリーナにほとんど観客がいなかったという点でも、いつもと違ったオリンピックになりました。私も自宅のテレビで観戦していたのですが、とてもワクワクしながらも、緊張した思いで見ていました。

誰でも同じだと思いますが、自分が関わっている人には、ベストの演技をしてほしいと願うものですよね。ユッに関しては、私もみなさんと同じように、彼がここで新しいことにチャレンジするのだろうな、とわかっていました。トップに立つことももちろんですが、まだ誰も成し遂げたことのない、前人未到の領域に挑戦するということが、彼の究極の目標であるからです。その前奏曲として、全日本選手権で彼はすでに4A (4回転アクセル) に挑戦していたので、多くの人が今回のオリンピックではどうなるのか、期待をふくらませていたと思います。





Q: Thank you for your time today. Please tell us about Yuzuru Hanyu at the Beijing Olympics. First of all, how did you see the competition as a whole?

Shae: First of all, for many people, including myself, this was the first time that we watched the Olympic Games from the 'outside', through TV coverage and so on. It was also a different Olympics in that there were hardly any spectators in the arenas. I was also watching the competition on TV at home, and I was very excited but also nervous.

I think it's the same for everyone, you want the best performance from the people you are involved with. As for Yuzu, I knew, just like everyone else, that he would be challenging himself to do something new here. Because, of course, to be at the top is his ultimate goal, but also to challenge himself in unprecedented territory, which no one has achieved yet. He had already tried the 4A (quadruple Axel) at the Japanese Championships, so I think a lot of people were excited to see what he would do at the Olympics.

I was first of all greatly impressed by his courage to attempt something new. There was a tremendous risk that he might miss the podium if he failed. But for him, it was necessary to take that risk and try something new. He is already a two-time Olympic champion, so he doesn't have to prove that he can win. He has already achieved that.

For him, the challenge of this jump was the "medal". It was also proof of his strength. In the end he didn't get the result he wanted, but I think his courage in taking on this challenge has ignited excitement all over the world. He knew it was a risk, but he took the risk. I applaud him for his bravery and I am very happy that he challenged himself to achieve his goals.

He has once again taken figure skating to an even higher level. He has pushed the limits of other athletes with his exceptional ability and courage. And at the same time, he has also created emotion and excitement for those watching. I am sure that those who watched his performances were like, "What the hell is he going to do?". I am sure everyone was thrilled and on the edge of their seats. He added a vibrant thrill to the competition.



Q: フリーで4回転アクセルを跳ばずに完壁な演技でまとめるという選択肢は、羽生選手の頭にはなかったと思われますか?

シェイ: シーズンの初めから、彼はこのジャンプに挑むことに全力を注いでいました。今季のショートプログラムの振り付けのために彼と最初に言葉を交わしたとき、彼は自分が目指していることや夢について語ってくれました。それは幼いころからの夢であったのだと思います。彼はそのことにものすごくフォーカスしていて、畜める気はまったくなかったと思います。「とにかく全力で挑んで、そのときにできるベストを尽くす」。それが彼の目標であり、絶対にそれに挑むのです。

ー方で、彼に選択の余地があったか? と問われれば、それは常にあるものだと言えます。とくに、ショートプログラムを終えたあとで、選手にとっては戦略の見直しが必要になることはよくあります。このリスクを受け入れるべきか? 回避すべきか? ショートのあとで、あらゆる選択肢を検討することになるので、常にオプションは存在します。けれど、彼の場合、自分がやりたいことがあまりにもはっきりしていたと思います。「失うものなんてない。ならば、やらない手はない」。それが、私が彼のエネルギーから感じ取ったことでした。


Q: Do you think it never crossed Hanyu's mind that he had the option to give a perfect performance in the free skate without the quadruple Axel?

Shae: From the beginning of the season, he was committed to the challenge of this jump. When I first communicated with him for the choreography of this season's short program, he spoke to me about his goal or his dream. I think it has been his dream since he was a little boy. I think he was very focused on that and he had no intention of keeping things low. He would just "give it his all and do the best he could at that moment." That was his goal, and he absolutely went for it.

On the other hand, did he have a choice? I would say that there is always a choice. Especially after the short program, it is often necessary for the athletes to rethink their strategy. Should he be willing to take this risk? Should he avoid it? After the short program, you have to consider all the options, so there are always more options. But in his case, I think he was very specific about what he wanted to do. "I have nothing to lose now. Then there's no way I won't do it'". That's what I sensed from his energy.



Q: 羽生選手のオリンピック3連覇を期待していた人も多かったなかで、そのプレッシャーもあったのではないかと思います。

シェイ: それは本人に聞いてみないとわからないことですが、彼はすでにオリンピック優勝を達成しています。1度目なら、「ラッキーだった」と言う人がいるかもしれません。でも、4年後にふたたび同じことを成し遂げたら、そんなことを言う人はいません。連覇というのは、とても真似のできない偉業であって、それを否定できる人など誰一人としていないというレベルのものです。彼はそのために血の湾むような努力をし、それを手に入れた。そこには、身体的な能力や才能だけでなく、精神力も必要でした。そして、さらに4年を経た今回も、人々は彼が充分に頂点を狙える位置にいることをわかっていました。そのなかで、彼はきっと、自分にとっての「新たな金メダル」は何かを見いだしたのだと思います。それが4Aへの挑戦だったのです。


Q: Many people were expecting Hanyu to win his third consecutive Olympic title, so there must have been a lot of pressure on him.

Shae: You would have to ask him about that, but he's already won the Olympics. The first time, people might say, "Well, he had luck". But when he did it again four years later, no one could say that. Winning the Olympics again is a feat that cannot be denied by anyone. He worked bloody hard for it, and he got it. It required not only physical ability and talent, but also mental strength. And this time, after four more years, people knew that he was in a good enough position to reach the top. In the midst of all this, I am sure he must have realized what the "new gold medal" was for him. That was the challenge of 4A.



Q: 大会後、羽生選手は足首を捻挫していたことを明かしましたが、その不屈の精神はどこからくるのでしょう。

シェイ: フィギュアスケーターに限らず、アスリートは常に上を目指して練習を重ねます。でも、最終的に必要なもの、それは、精神力なのです。90%、いえ99%と言ってもいいかもしれない。「自分はやるんだ!」という強い意志。気持ちを惑わすような障壁やストレスが存在するなかで、持てるものを発揮すべきときに発揮する精神力が必要です。そもそも、競技に挑むという状況自体が、ものすごく厳しいことでもあります。そんななかにあって、リンクに降り立ったときの彼が、いつも完全に集中してゾーンに入っている姿をみなさんもご覧になっていると思います。それだけ彼は、強い精神力を持っている。




Q: After the competition, Hanyu revealed that he had injured his ankle, but where does his undying determination come from?

Shae: Athletes, not just figure skaters, are always training to get better. But in the end, what it all comes down to is mental strength. 90%, or maybe I should even say 99% of what it takes to be a good figure skater is mental strength. The strong determination of "I am going to do this!". The mental strength to show what you can do, when you need to do it, despite the stresses and obstacles that can distract your mind. To begin with, the situation of competing in a competition itself is extremely demanding. In such a situation, I am sure you have all seen how he is always completely focused and in the zone when he steps onto the ice rink. That is how strong he is mentally.

Learning the 4As is not only mentally demanding, but also physically demanding on the body.

It's a huge thing. The sheer amount of energy that it takes out of the body is unbelievable. He left the Olympics without a medal, but I think he took away with him from the Games the feeling that people are more proud of him than ever before. So he has lost nothing in life, but rather gained even more. And that includes his fans. That's how I feel.



Q: ショートプログラムでは、氷上にできた穴にエッジをとられ、ジャンプが抜けるという思わぬアクシデントがありました。

シェイ: もう心臓が止まりそうでした! それくらい、彼らしくない出来事でしたから。それと同時に、彼があそこに立つまでに、どれだけ努力を重ねていたかを見ていただけに、胸が痛みました。でも、何かアクシデントが起きたときは、そのことだけでなく、多くのことについて学びを得て成長できる、ということを私は実感しているので、「これが人生」という感じなのだと思います。


Q: In the short program, he had an unexpected accident when his edge got caught in a hole in the ice and he had to pull out of his jump.

Shae: It almost made my heart stop! It was such an uncharacteristic moment for him. At the same time, it was heartbreaking because we could see how hard he had worked towards that moment. But I think it's like 'this is life' because I have realized that when something unexpected happens, you learn and grow, not only about that, but about a lot of other things in life.



Q: あのあとの演技が、最初のミスなどすっかり忘れてしまうような素晴らしさだったのはさすがでした。

シェイ: そのとおりです。フィギュアスケートでいちばん難しい点であり、大きなチャレンジといえることがひとつあります。それは、失敗してもがっかりしたような表情など絶対に見せられない、ということです。アイスホッケーやアルペンスキーなどの競技では、「表情を美しく見せる」とか「感情表現を豊かにする」といった要素は必要ありませんが、フィギュアスケートの場合は、ミスをしたあとも、「すべて順調です」といった様子で演技の流れを保たなければ、「次の演技にシフトできていない」「プログラムを表現できていない」といった理由で、さらに減点されてしまう可能性すらあるのです。



Q: After that, his performance was so great that you completely forgot about the first mistake.

Shae: Exactly. This is one of the most difficult aspects of figure skating, and one of the biggest challenges. You can never look disappointed when you make a mistake. In ice hockey or alpine skiing, it is not necessary to have a beautiful facial expression or a deep emotional expression, but in figure skating, even after a mistake, you have to keep the flow of the performance and look like "everything is fine", otherwise you might be accused of "not shifting to the next element" or "not expressing the program" and get deducted even more points.

But he was perfect in this respect. This is also something you learn from your everyday training. There are always mistakes, including small ones, in daily practice, but the fact that he was able to perform like that in the real competition proves how much attention he pays to those details in his daily training.



Q: 昨シーズンの大会では、自身が6分間練習のときにつけた溝に、本番でハマってしまうということがありました。

シェイ: 起こりうることではあります。かつてコンパルソリーの種目があった時代などはとくに、滑走順が最後になってしまうと氷の状態は最悪でした。全員が同じパターンをなぞるので、同じところに溝が刻まれていって。なので、万が一、穴にはまってしまった場合にどうスルーするか、といったこともあらかじめ考えておいたりしていました(苦笑)。こればかりは自分ではどうしようもないことで、あるときは大丈夫でも、あるときは残念な結果になる。ユヅのケースはまさにそうだったわけですが、アンラッキーな出来事だったとしか言いようがないのです。

普段の彼にとって、あのジャンプ(4回転サルコウ) は、「寝ていてもできる」というくらい簡単に跳んでいるように見せられるジャンプです。ですから、あのアクシデントはつらかったでしょう。





Q: In a competition last season, it happened that he was stuck in a hole that he himself had created during the six-minute warm-up and got stuck in it during the actual competition.

Shae: It can happen at any time. In the past, especially in the days when we had the compulsories, if you were last in the starting order, the ice was in the worst condition. Everyone would skate the same pattern, so the same spots would be carved out. So we had to think beforehand about what we would do if we got stuck in a hole (laughs). This is something you can't control, sometimes it will be fine, but other times it will be unfortunate. This is exactly what happened in Yuzu's case, and I can only say that it was an unlucky incident.

Normally for him, that jump (the quadruple Salchow) is one that he can make look so easy that he could "do it in his sleep". So it must have been hard for him to have that accident.

But he performed the rest of the program to the best of his ability, as if he had made no such mistake.

When a mistake like that happens, there are a lot of thoughts going through a skater's head on the ice. The important thing there is to regain your composure and perform. There is still work to be done. He did it with grace. I thought it was particularly impressive how, when he finished his performance, he stood up straight and looked proud and noble. He never lost his champion-like elegance. I thought it was very professional.

In a way, I also found it amazing that this accident didn't detract from what a great skater he is. On the contrary, instead, his sportsmanship, grace and professionalism were highlighted even more. He continued to perform and jump a quadruple jump after that, and he never wavered in his determination to go for what he was aiming for.



Q: 競技者である以上、結果も追求するものだと思いますが、一方で今回の羽生選手のように、挑戦すること自体が、人々の心を動かすことにもなります。結果を出すことと、自分が追求するものに挑むこと、そのふたつはバランスをとれるものなのでしょうか?

シェイ: それぞれのアスリートにストーリーや軌跡があります。メダルを獲ること、表彰台に上がること、そしてそのために必要な能力を得ること。実現できるかは別として、それを目標とする人もいます。そしてその目標を目指して挑むこと自体が、ビクトリーである、という選手もいます。オリンピックに関していえば、出場できた時点で、それはとてつもなく大きな達成です。国を代表して参加する資格を得た時点で、大きなビクトリーだといえるでしょう。パーソナルベストを出しても、メダルには手が届かない選手もいる。でもそれが、その選手にとって人生で最高のパフォーマンスになったかもしれない。ストーリーはさまざまです。

ユヅの場合、彼には世界中にフォロワーがいて、彼らはみな、ユヅがたどってきた旅路を知っています。その過程で彼が何を達成してきたのかも。それは2つの金メダルです。しかもただの金メダルではなく、オリンピックの金メダルです! そのようにコンスタントに結果を出せる選手を、多くの人々が応援します。そして、そうした人たちはすでに彼の旅の一部となっていて、彼をフォローしながら、彼ら自身も成長してきているわけです。彼らにとっては、今回のオリンピックは、すでに、「勝てるのか?」というものではありませんでした。それはすでに成し遂げているので、今回は、「あのジャンプを成功させられるか?」というものになっていた。つまりは彼は、コンセプト自体を新しいものに変えてしまったのです。




Q: Of course, competitors must aim for results, but on the other hand, like Hanyu this time, the challenge itself can also be inspiring to people. Is it possible to find a balance between achieving results and challenging yourself with what you are aiming for?

Shae: Each athlete has his own story and journey. Winning a medal, getting on the podium and gaining the ability to do so. Some people make that their goal, whether they can achieve it or not. And some athletes say that the challenge of aiming for that goal is a victory in itself. As far as the Olympics are concerned, it is a tremendous achievement when you are able to compete there. When you qualify to represent your country, that's a big victory. Some athletes may achieve personal bests, without reaching a medal. But it could have been the best performance of that athlete's life. Stories are different.

In Yuzu's case, he has fans all over the world and they all know his journey. And what he has achieved on that journey. That is two gold medals. And not just any gold medals, but Olympic gold medals! Many people support such an athlete who can consistently deliver results like that. And those people have themselves become part of his journey already, following him and growing themselves. Therefore, this Olympics wasn't about "Can he win?" anymore. Because he had already done that, so this time it was, "Can he pull off that jump?". In other words, he had changed the concept itself into something new.

It was a risky challenge. It would have been great if he had succeeded, but it was also a big risk. But by taking on that challenge, he involved a huge number of his fans in the excitement of it with him. His fans felt the same sense of risk and excitement with him. And that is precisely the beauty and joy of sport. You never know what the result will be. You can predict it, but you don't know until you see the final result. But that's the real thrill of it all, and it's that kind of excitement that keeps everyone glued to their seats.

This year's men's singles was really worth watching in that sense. Yuzu took a big risk and tried something completely new. Not only that, he performed fantastic quadruple jumps and inspired other challengers from many different countries. I have heard many people around me saying that this men's singles was a great competition, with many athletes showing their best performances and pushing each other to the limit.



Q: 今季のショートプログラム『序奏とロンド·カプリチオーソ』の制作についてもうかがいたいと思います。羽生選手から振り付けについての打診があったのは、いつごろのことでしたか?

シェイ: ユヅからショートプログラムの振り付けについて手を貸してほしい、という連絡をもらったのは、昨年の10月の初旬です。私へのリクエストは、このプログラムに私らしいニュアンスを加えてほしい、というものでした。







Q: I would like to ask you about the work on this season's short program "Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso". When did Hanyu approach you about the choreography?

Shae: It was early October last year when Yuzu contacted me to help him with the choreography for the short program. He asked me to add my own nuances to the program.

He had already started creating the program with Jeff (Jeffrey Buttle), so I discussed many things with Jeff at that point. I wanted to be clear at the beginning that everyone involved in the program was on the same ground. Jeff was also very happy to collaborate with me.

Yuzu already had the idea for the overall story, and the worldview he wanted to express was clearly drawn in his mind. I then added the choreography to the program based on my own emotional response to the story.

When he spoke to me about the visions and feelings he receives from this music, I realized something again very clearly. That is, that the themes and emotions that we feel in his programs come from a very special place within Yuzu. When he performs from that special place, he is pure and goes straight into people's hearts and emotions. That was exactly what I felt he wanted to add to the program at that point in time. So I started the process by asking him what he thought.

Listening to him, ideas for the choreography immediately came to my mind. And when I stood on the ice, I could sense his feelings close to me, as if he were right next to me, even though he wasn't actually there.

This was followed by a two-week exchange of sending videos of my skating and explaining the meaning of the choreography. By the end of that process, he himself had reached a feeling of 'completion'. He felt that he was closer to what he was trying to express by skating and performing to this music.



Q: 羽生選手がこの曲で表現したかった世界観というのは、どのようなものだったのでしょう?

シェイ: 面白いと感じたのは、冒頭の部分です。彼は、何かこう、どんよりとした、暗くて冷たい、外の世界を想像していました。そこは視界もはっきりしていない、広大な大地のイメージです。


最初のジャンプを終えるところから、状況がシフトしていきます。彼はそこから、見え始めるのです。そうですね、スノードーム(※透明の液体に建物などのミニチュアや雪に見立てた白い粒が入った球体の玩具) を想像してもらえるとわかりやすいかもしれません。ドームを振る前は、なんの動きもなく、静止した世界がそこにありますよね。でも、振りだした途端にそこに動きが生まれる。雪が舞って、パッと明るくなる。





Q: What kind of worldview did Hanyu want to express with this program?

Shae: What I find interesting is the beginning. He was imagining some kind of dreary, dark, cold world. It's an image of a vast open land with no clear view.

When I stood on the rink imagining that world, I immediately had an idea of how I wanted to express it in my skating. I also intuitively sensed how he should move in order for the viewers to feel the 'coldness' of this world.

The scene begins to change from the point where the first jump is completed. He begins to see from there. Well, it might be easier to understand if you imagine a snow globe (*a ball-shaped toy with a transparent liquid filled with miniatures of buildings and other objects and white particles that look like snow). Before you shake it, there is no movement and the world is still. But as soon as you start shaking it, there is movement. Snow falls and the world suddenly becomes brighter.

In the same way, he also finds something there. Like light, but not just light, like a memory, like a moment... like a moment in his life so far. It could be fans, people close to him, himself with his coach. Those memories come back to him on the ice. And that joy fills him up. Until the next jump, these memories come back one after the other, and then they disappear.

In the final step scene, he no longer sees such lights, but he makes a decision. He strips away all those past moments and decides to live in the "now" moment. In the last steps, he bares his soul and lets it all come out of him. He goes on to pursue his future life, carrying with him all the good moments and all the bad moments of his past life. While carrying all the ups and downs of his life within himself, in the final steps, he will give everything he has inside of him.

That's the general idea. I'm sure if you asked him he would probably go into more detail, but I think you can get an idea of what this program means to him. I think he is probably at a point in his life where he is looking back at everything he has been through, the good times and the bad times, and looking back at his journey and his legacy.



Q: 素晴らしいお話です。演技の動画を見ながら解説していただいてもよろしいでしょうか。

シェイ: いいですね! 映像を見てみましょう。

スタートでは、彼はジャッジに背中を向けています。ターンするときは、それほど表現を意識するのではなく、よりインテンシティー(強さ、集中力) を感じさせています。









Q: This is a beautiful story. May I ask you to comment on it while watching the video of the performance?

Shae: Sounds great! Let's look at the video.

At the start, he has his back towards the judges. When he turns, he is not showing much expression, but rather intensity ("strength" or "concentration").

The moment he starts with his back turned towards you, turns around and puts his hands down, you can feel something very heavy, gravity. From there, he begins to step smoothly. The start is dark and heavy. He expresses this in the wide pose, with his arms spread as wide as he can. But here he is very quiet and doesn't express much emotion. That is the meaning behind this start.

(After the first jump) From this point on, he sees the lights, recalling his memories. Every time he sees a light, he reaches out to touch it, but when he does so, it disappears. Then the next memory appears and so on. This continues like flashes of light.

Then, in the last sequence, here he is completely alone, fighting to get all the highs and lows of his life, the happy times and the hard times, all of them out of him.

The music of the step sequence is very colorful. It expresses both chaos and beauty at the same time. Every detail is filled with power and fight, but also with grace. He approaches this sport with the utmost respect, always with a true spirit, never giving up in his efforts, even if there are holes in the ice, even if some part of his body is injured. Yes, he is a true athlete.

One problem that athletes face is the demanding physical requirements. But they can be mental as well as physical. So where on earth does an athlete get strength from in such tough times? He has faced all the obstacles he has met in his life, whether personal or external, and he has done his best to overcome them.

For me, this is what I would call 'art in competition' and I feel he himself is a synonym for it. He skates from a very deep part of himself, his soul. And he has an unparalleled sensitivity to music and his own unique style. He can express and perform the music so well because it comes from within. It is not something that can be taught. But when it is something that he has himself, it can be brought out of him. Anyway, it is something that he has inside himself.

When the moment to perform comes, he connects with that part of himself. Then, at the ending of this program, he lets it all come out of him, whatever is there. The physical strength, the emotions, the mentality, everything is drawn out of him and becomes one. Without ever giving up.



Q: これまでの長いキャリアを振り返って思いを馳せる、という壮大なテーマがあるのですね。

シェイ: そう、これまでのキャリア…… というか、その時々の瞬間、ですね。それらは過ぎ去ってしまったもので、思い出して振り返ることはできるけれど、それを抱え続けていくことはできない。なぜなら、私たちの人生は続いていき、次々に新しいことが目の前に現われるからです。そして、それがコンスタントに続いていきます。




Q: There is a grand theme of looking back and reminiscing about the long career up to now?

Shae: Yes, it's about his career so far... or rather, his moments in time. They have passed, and he can remember them and look back on them, but he cannot hold on to them. Because life goes on, and new things come along one after another. And this will go on continuously.

For example, one of the things that many athletes suffer from when they retire is that they suddenly wonder who they are. People remember them as "the guy who did this" or "him who did that," but in reality, that is just one chapter in the life of that athlete. Their life goes on after that. In life, the challenges, the goals, and the explorations go on forever. Time is so short. So how do they handle it and move on? How do they set the next goal and keep moving forward without letting themselves be stereotyped?

This short program comes from such a place for him. It is a deeper, more meaningful place in his heart. When you watch him, you can see that he is improving, maturing, and consistently growing each and every year. You can really feel it by watching him perform and skate.



Q: そうした感情を表現するために羽生選手が選んだのが、この曲だったわけですね。

シェイ: そうですね。私が知るかぎり、彼はいつも自分で曲を選んでいますから。いつでも彼は、自分が何を望んでいるかを理解しています。多少の編曲やアレンジを加えることはありますが、彼は自分が表現したいものが何か、自分がつながれる曲は何か、じっくり時間をとって感じるようにしているのです。そうやって彼自身が、自分の声に従う機会を、自分自身に与えることができていることを、嬉しく思います。


Q: So this music was chosen by Hanyu to express these emotions.

Shae: Yes, I think that's right. As far as I know, he always chooses the music himself. He always knows what he wants. He may make some arrangements, but he takes the time to feel what he wants to express, what music he can connect to. I am glad that he is able to give himself the opportunity to follow his own inner voice in this way.



Q: この曲は、もとはバイオリン曲ですが、羽生選手らしいピアノ曲にアレンジされていますね。

シェイ: たしか、日本のアーティストの演奏でしたよね? 見事に「ユヅの曲」になっていますよね。まさに彼のシグネチャーという感じです。


Q: This piece is originally a violin piece, but it has been arranged as a piano piece, which is typical of Hanyu.

Shae: I think it was performed by a Japanese artist. It's a perfect "Yuzu music", isn't it? It is really a signature piece of his.



Q: こういったピアノ曲の曲調は、羽生選手にとって、よりご自身を表現できるものなのでしょうか?

シェイ: それは、このようなクラシックの曲が持つ特徴でもありますね。基本的には、どのような曲であっても表現することはできますが、クラシック音楽では、より自身を夢の世界へと誘うことができます。なぜなら、たとえば映画の主題歌のような特定のストーリーが伴っているわけではないからです。自分だけの独自の解釈で表現することができますし、貝見る人たちも、先入観を持っていません。それがクラシック曲で演じることの醍醐味だといえるでしょうね。自分が思い描くとおり、望んだとおりに、感じたいままに使いこなすことができるのです。


Q: Do these piano pieces allow Hanyu to express himself in a more personal way?

Shae: Well, it is one of the characteristics of classical musics such as this one. Basically, any music can be expressed, but classical music can take you more into a world of your own dreams. This is because it is not attached to a specific story, like, for example, a theme music of a movie. It can be expressed in your own unique interpretation, and the people who see it do not have any preconceived ideas about it. I guess you could say that this is the best thing about performing to classical music. You can use it exactly as you envision it, exactly as you want it, exactly as you feel it.



Q: 振り付けは、スムーズに行なわれましたか?

シェイ: オンラィンで振り付けるなかで、かなり多くの時間、彼が滑っているところを見ました。私が送ったビデオを見ながら彼が振りを覚えて、実際に氷の上で滑り、その様子を私はライブで見るという形です。練習風景を撮影したものを見るよりも、その場で調整したりできるので、感覚的には、日本で彼と一緒にリンクにいるような感じでした(笑)。


Q: Did the choreography go smoothly?

Shae: While we were choreographing online, I spent quite a lot of time watching him skate. He learned the choreography by watching the videos I sent him, and then he actually skated on the ice, and I watched it live. It was more like being at the rink with him in Japan, because I could make the adjustments right then and there, rather than watching a video of him practicing (laughs).



Q: いつもはゼロから振り付けされるところを、今回のように土台があって、そこに加えていく、という作業はまた違うものだったのでしょうか?

シェイ: たしかに新たな体験ではありました。ただ、ハードルの高い挑戦、というものではありませんでした。今回のような振り付けに関しては、新しい体験ではありましたが、とても面白いものでした。最初にユヅが、ジェフと私に「これまでずっと一緒にやってきた二人がコラボすることに、僕はとてもワクワクする」と言ってくれたのがとても素敵でしたね。二人はナイスなチームになる、と。そしてユヅ自身も、彼のパフォーマンスに私たち二人がつぃている、という感覚を得ていたのだろうと思います。それは実際、とてもいい選択だったと思います。彼を裏で支えている人の存在を感じることができる。私たちがコラボすることで、そのサポート体制がより強力であると、彼は感じることができたと思うので、その意味でも大きかったように思います。私たちがチームになることで、より多くのエネルギーが彼に注がれた、といった感じでしょうか。


Q: Was it a different process this time, with the foundation already being there, and then adding to it, as opposed to your usual choreography, which is usually done from zero?

Shae: Indeed, it was a new experience. However, it was not really a hurdle. For choreographing like this, it was a new experience, but a very interesting one. It was lovely when Yuzu first said to Jeff and me, "I'm very excited about this collaboration between you two, who have both been working with me for so long". He said that the two of us would make a good team. And I think Yuzu himself liked the feeling that we were both part of this performance. I think that was actually a very good choice. You can feel the presence of the people who are supporting him behind the scenes in his performance. I think our collaboration was significant in that sense, because he could feel that he had an even stronger support system. I think by us being a team, more energy was poured into him.



Q: 素晴らしいチームです。一方、フリープログラムも五輪に向けてブラッシュアップされたのですか?

シェイ: いえ、こちらは手を加えていません。ショートのほうに注力したのと、彼自身、フリーについては、もっともっとやりたいのは山々だけれど、4Aにかける時間を必要としていると。それが彼が最もフォーカスしたい部分でしたから。彼はできるかぎりの時間を、4Aに費やしたいと考えていました。まったく新しい挑戦でしたから、ベストな練習法を模索したり、すべてのことに時間がかかるわけです。なのでフリーのブラッシュアップは行なわず、振り付けについてはショートに専念しました。


Q: You are a great team. Meanwhile, have you also brushed up his free program for the Olympics?

Shae: No, this one has not been reworked. We focused on the short program and he himself said that he wanted to work on the free program a lot more, but he also needed time for the 4A. That was what he wanted to focus on the most. He wanted to spend as much time as possible on 4A. It was a completely new challenge, so it takes time to find the best practices and everything. So we didn't do a brush-up of the free program, but concentrated on the short program in terms of choreography.



Q: 今回、羽生選手は4回転アクセルの挑戦も含めて、9歳のときの自分についての話をよくされていました。フリーのラストのポーズは、9歳のときに滑ったプログラムのラストと同じで、演技が終わった瞬間、その当時の自分の姿に思いを馳せていたと。

シェイ: ラストのポーズは、彼自身が望んだものです。両手を天に伸ばして、足を地面につけるポーズ、これは、ひとつには「天と地」を表わしています。それが子どものころとリンクしていたという詳細までは私に話していなかったかもしれませんが、あれがとても大事な瞬間を象徴したものであったのは確かで、彼が初期のころの経験を思い起こして難らせたものではないかと思います。彼のなかには、特別な意味を持った瞬問、思い出のモーメント、といったようなものがいくつかあって、それを難らせることは、自分に強さを与えたり、自分自身の人生に入り込むことで、ブレードや氷、そして自分自身とつながっていくための手段であったりするのです。また、そうすることで心を乱すような下界の雑音をシャットアウトすることもできる。そのための彼独自の方法でもあります。そして、これもまた、彼の魂を表現する手段のひとつでもありますね。彼にとって、当時を魅らせることが、とても資意味のあることだったのだと思いますね。幼かったころの自分、そのとき描いていた夢、達成したこと、そして当時の夢をかなえたいまの自分、そうしたここまでの旅路を全部つなぐ作業であり、エンディングにあのポーズを用いたことで、あのプログラムを締めくくった瞬間を、より意味のあるものにしているのだと思います。

(9歳のときの演技映像を見ながら)あきらかに、この当時から才能が証明されていますね…。とはいえ、いかに彼に才能があったとしても、それだけでは、彼が成し遂げたものは実現できませんでした。それを考えると、本当に素晴らしいキャリアを築いたのだと、あらためて思いますね…… (しみじみと)。


Q: This time, Hanyu talked a lot about himself as a nine-year-old, in addition to his challenge of the quadruple Axel. He said that his final pose in the free program was the same as the last pose of the program he skated when he was 9 years old, and that the moment he finished his performance, he was thinking back to the image of himself at that time.

Shae: The last pose was his own wish. A pose in which his hands are outstretched to the heavens and his feet are on the ground, representing, 'Heaven and Earth', as one might expect. He may not have told me the details of how it was linked to his childhood, but I am sure that it symbolised a very important moment. There are some moments in his life that have a special meaning to him, moments to remember, and connecting to them is a way to give himself strength and find the connection with the blade, the ice and himself by stepping into his own story and his own life. Doing so also allows him to shut out the noises of the everyday world that can disturb the mind. It is also his unique way of doing so. And this is also a way of expressing his spirit, isn't it? I think it was very meaningful for him to look back to those times. I think it's a process of connecting his childhood self, the dreams he had then, the things he achieved, and the person he is now, having fulfilled those dreams back then, all the way to this point in his journey, and the use of that pose for the ending makes the moment when he concluded that program even more meaningful.

(Looking at a video of his performance when he was nine years old) Obviously, his talent was evident even back then... Nevertheless, however talented he was, that alone could not have achieved what he did. When you think about it, I think again that he has created a really great career.. (sighs).



Q: 結果的に、多くの人が今回の五輪で羽生選手の挑戦や演技を見て心を動かされ、素晴らしいギフトを受け取ったわけですね。

シェイ: まさにそのとおりでしょうね。彼のスケートには本当に偽りがありません。エレメンツのひとつひとつを彼は丁寧に扱い、意味のあるものとして自分を注ぎ込んでいます。だからこそ、彼の演技を見た人たちは、生涯忘れられない思い出をもらってリンクを後にすることができる。人の記憶に残るパフォーマンスーーそれができるのは彼の能力の証でもあります。彼のことを崇め、慕う人は世界中に数多くいて、彼らもまた、彼の旅路の一部なのですよね。彼が努力する姿や、己を注入する姿、一人の人間としての心のつながり。そういったものでファンを満たすことができるというのは本当に美しいことです。それによって彼は、フィギュアスケートというこの競技自体もいろいろな意味で大いに高めてくれました。彼のおかげで、フィギュアスケートのファン数も飛躍的に増えました。




Q: In the end, many people were moved by Hanyu's challenge and performance at the Olympics this time, like they received a wonderful gift.

Shae: I suppose that's exactly what it is. There is really no pretence in his skating. Every single element is handled with care by him and he pours himself into it with meaning. That's why people who see him perform can leave the rink with memories that will last a lifetime. A performance that people will remember - it's a testament to his ability to do that. There are many people around the world who respect and admire him, and they are part of his journey, too. The way he works hard, the way he can infuse himself, the connection with his heart as a human being. It's really beautiful that he can satisfy his fans with those things. In doing so, he has also greatly improved this sport of figure skating itself in many ways. Thanks to him, the number of fans of figure skating has increased dramatically.

What makes me happy is that I have the opportunity to work with him. Every time I have the opportunity, I am always very grateful. It has been a very enriching and incredible experience to get to know him and connect with him as a person. And then to be able to see him give form to his own expression and to share it with the world. And then I really like the way he connects with the audience. I think every time he offers some sort of gift to the people watching. That makes the competition itself more vibrant. More and more people are coming and joining the figure skating family.

But the more he gives, the more he actually receives himself. This Olympics symbolizes that, doesn't it? It was not just about winning the gold medal, but about the effort he put in and how valuable all that he gave has been. Because this was something unforgettable.



Q: 素晴らしいお話をありがとうございました。最後に羽生選手へのエールと、ファンの方々へのメッセージをお願いします。

シェイ: ハイ、ユヅ! あなた自身もわかっているとは思いますが、あなたは本当に、世界にインスピレーションを与えてくれる存在だと、伝えたいです。私はあなたが、そしてあなたが挑んでいることすべてが、大好きです。こうして知り合えたこと、そして一緒に取り組んだすべての機会に感謝しています。私は毎回、あなたがリンクに立つたび、私たちに見せてくれる魂の輝きに、そして私たちに与えてくれるものに、感謝しています。それから、スケート界の限界を押し上げてくれてありがとう。毎回、ワクワクするような素晴らしいショーを見せてくれてありがとう。あなたのレガシーは、永遠に輝き続けます。あなたと出会えたことを、本当に嬉しく思います。

そしてユヅのファンのみなさん、いつも温かいサポートをありがとうございます。いつもリンクに投げてくれるプーさんも! 彼を見て、支えて、深い愛を注いでくれてありがとうございます。みなさんの存在なくして、スケート界はありえません。スケートをサポートしてくれて、ユヅを応援してくれて、この競技を、このような感謝に満ちたものにしてくださって、心の底からお礼を申し上げたいです。


Q: Thank you very much for this wonderful conversation. Finally, please give a message to Hanyu and to his fans.

Shae: Hi Yuzu! I know you know this yourself, but I want to tell you that you are truly an inspiration to the whole world. I love you and everything you are challenging. Thank you for allowing me to get to know you in this way and for all the opportunities we have had to work together. I am grateful for the light of your soul and for what you show us and give us every time you step on the ice rink. And also, thank you for pushing the boundaries of the skating world. Thank you for the exciting and amazing performances you present to us every time. Your legacy will shine on forever. I am so happy to know you.

And thank you to all Yuzu fans for your warm support. And for always throwing the Poohs on the rink!  Thank you for watching him, supporting him and giving him your deep love. Without you all, there would be no skating world. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting skating, for cheering for Yuzu and for making this competition such a gratifying experience.


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

Thank you so much for the translation! It’s an amazing, insightful interview.  

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ugly midnight bawling because of Shae-Lynn's interview:sadPooh: the good kind of bawling thankfully, tho Beijing will always bring mixed feelings and a (big) part of bitterness and heartbreak.

thank you @birnasan for bringing the interview, the translation really does look pretty good (prely form a "what I can understand form it POV of course, i cna't really say anyhting about accuracy), tho I'm sure fantranslators will be working on it in the following days:tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:

I'm so moved by Shae's word, and by how she talks about her work with Yuzuru and the way they collaborate. Also, how she fully supports his choices! As we know, not many have understood what Yuzu was goign for and why, so it's always good to know that people close to him were "in his corner".

Truly, the latest interviews by Jeff, Ghislain and now Shae... I'm so thankful Yuzuru could meet such people and not only build a long and productive professional relationship with them (that gave him many achievements and us so many great, iconic, mindblowing programs), but also build a deeper personal connection based on understanding and respect and kindness, too.

Also interesting to know a little bit of the behind the scene choreo work this past season, I thought Yuzuru had only been exchanging vids, !but apparently he got some live sessions with Shae! Also, whoa so Rondo was still in the making in early October:tumblr_inline_n2pjd9sspI1qdlkyg: well, maybe not surprising, since he had Kyozuka do a brand new arrangement for him. Really so much work went into Rondo, I'm always moved by Yuzuru's utter dedication to his programs...


Then, Shae's words about Yuzuru's skating, his lack of pretense... it reminds me of that famous post-PC press con about his skating being "truth". The feel of "sincerity" is something that I really associate with Yuzuru's skating, and a big reason why I find it so mesmerizing and able to have me in a spell, no matter what he's skating to. He pulls you in his world and make you look into his soul and, translating feelings into movements on the ice, he reaches out to you and allows you to look into your own soul too, :tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow:


3 hours ago, birnasan said:

And then I really like the way he connects with the audience. I think every time he offers some sort of gift to the people watching. That makes the competition itself more vibrant. More and more people are coming and joining the figure skating family.

I also appreciate that Shae-Lynn noted this. It's nice that someone can spell out how Yuzuru bringing in new fans is a good thing for the sport as a whole (and also, ho Yuzu was and still is a good thing for the sport as a whole). Now, if only ISU and JSF could just stop wasting the incredible luck they got...


44 minutes ago, YuDai said:

Speaking of Yuzu and music, I'd love to see him perform to an intense song where he could really let it rip. Something along the lines of Hysteria by Muse (I mean, he's already sort of performed to Muse, right?)

do you mean the PyeongChang practice fanvid?

I feel like Masquerade is pretty intense as a piece on its own, for the undelying grief and anger in it, and it drained Yuzuru emotionally a lot perform to it, you rarely even see him that exhausted after his multiquad programs anymore.

But I would love to see him skating to Muse for real, even if it were the overused Exogenesis (overused in FS, as a Muse song). If a fanvid where he wasn't even actually skating to music can be so breathtaking, how would a real program look? :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

Also would love for him to skate to Queen once (I remember when we wondered which LMEY we were getting LOL). I guess The show must go on lends itself quite well to a fs program (has been used quite a lot I think in FS Queen madleys too)




daily iconic yuzumoments polls!

It looks like the most chaotic moments are also the most beloved (baldzuru aside, I guess:laughing:)...BUT WHY IS "DON'T WANT TO WATCH THIS" LOSING AGAIN?:curse::shame:

I'm also mourning the loss of the NHK crown moment, but twirling Swanyu with golden streamers was such a strong opponent, I'm just sad that they had to meet this elary in the polls... draws can be so cruel:YuzuPoohSad:


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17 hours ago, birnasan said:

New Shae-Lynn Bourne interview from the latest Quadruple Axel magazine, automatically translated with OCR and deepL. My OCR had to capture the text from a not-perfect screenshot, I just hope there are not too many mistakes in it. And as always, I don't speak Japanese and this is not a proper translation. 

There are some more details about Roncapu in this interview, so I really hope we will get a better translation soon. 


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Yuzuru Hanyu performed two competition programs at the Beijing Olympics: 'Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso' and 'Heaven and Earth'. We spoke to Shae-Lynn Bourne, who was involved in the choreography of both programs, about the creation of the short program and the significance of the quadruple Axel challenge.



Q: 今日はお時間をいただきありがとうございます。北京五輪での羽生結弦選手についてお話を聞かせてください。まず、大会全体を通してどのようにご覧になりましたか?

シェイ=リーン(以下、シェイ): まず今回は、私を含めた多くの人たちにとって、テレビ中継などを通して「外側から」見ることになった大会でした。アリーナにほとんど観客がいなかったという点でも、いつもと違ったオリンピックになりました。私も自宅のテレビで観戦していたのですが、とてもワクワクしながらも、緊張した思いで見ていました。

誰でも同じだと思いますが、自分が関わっている人には、ベストの演技をしてほしいと願うものですよね。ユッに関しては、私もみなさんと同じように、彼がここで新しいことにチャレンジするのだろうな、とわかっていました。トップに立つことももちろんですが、まだ誰も成し遂げたことのない、前人未到の領域に挑戦するということが、彼の究極の目標であるからです。その前奏曲として、全日本選手権で彼はすでに4A (4回転アクセル) に挑戦していたので、多くの人が今回のオリンピックではどうなるのか、期待をふくらませていたと思います。





Q: Thank you for your time today. Please tell us about Yuzuru Hanyu at the Beijing Olympics. First of all, how did you see the competition as a whole?

Shae: First of all, for many people, including myself, this was the first time that we watched the Olympic Games from the 'outside', through TV coverage and so on. It was also a different Olympics in that there were hardly any spectators in the arenas. I was also watching the competition on TV at home, and I was very excited but also nervous.

I think it's the same for everyone, you want the best performance from the people you are involved with. As for Yuzu, I knew, just like everyone else, that he would be challenging himself to do something new here. Because, of course, to be at the top is his ultimate goal, but also to challenge himself in unprecedented territory, which no one has achieved yet. He had already tried the 4A (quadruple Axel) at the Japanese Championships, so I think a lot of people were excited to see what he would do at the Olympics.

I was first of all greatly impressed by his courage to attempt something new. There was a tremendous risk that he might miss the podium if he failed. But for him, it was necessary to take that risk and try something new. He is already a two-time Olympic champion, so he doesn't have to prove that he can win. He has already achieved that.

For him, the challenge of this jump was the "medal". It was also proof of his strength. In the end he didn't get the result he wanted, but I think his courage in taking on this challenge has ignited excitement all over the world. He knew it was a risk, but he took the risk. I applaud him for his bravery and I am very happy that he challenged himself to achieve his goals.

He has once again taken figure skating to an even higher level. He has pushed the limits of other athletes with his exceptional ability and courage. And at the same time, he has also created emotion and excitement for those watching. I am sure that those who watched his performances were like, "What the hell is he going to do?". I am sure everyone was thrilled and on the edge of their seats. He added a vibrant thrill to the competition.



Q: フリーで4回転アクセルを跳ばずに完壁な演技でまとめるという選択肢は、羽生選手の頭にはなかったと思われますか?

シェイ: シーズンの初めから、彼はこのジャンプに挑むことに全力を注いでいました。今季のショートプログラムの振り付けのために彼と最初に言葉を交わしたとき、彼は自分が目指していることや夢について語ってくれました。それは幼いころからの夢であったのだと思います。彼はそのことにものすごくフォーカスしていて、畜める気はまったくなかったと思います。「とにかく全力で挑んで、そのときにできるベストを尽くす」。それが彼の目標であり、絶対にそれに挑むのです。

ー方で、彼に選択の余地があったか? と問われれば、それは常にあるものだと言えます。とくに、ショートプログラムを終えたあとで、選手にとっては戦略の見直しが必要になることはよくあります。このリスクを受け入れるべきか? 回避すべきか? ショートのあとで、あらゆる選択肢を検討することになるので、常にオプションは存在します。けれど、彼の場合、自分がやりたいことがあまりにもはっきりしていたと思います。「失うものなんてない。ならば、やらない手はない」。それが、私が彼のエネルギーから感じ取ったことでした。


Q: Do you think it never crossed Hanyu's mind that he had the option to give a perfect performance in the free skate without the quadruple Axel?

Shae: From the beginning of the season, he was committed to the challenge of this jump. When I first communicated with him for the choreography of this season's short program, he spoke to me about his goal or his dream. I think it has been his dream since he was a little boy. I think he was very focused on that and he had no intention of keeping things low. He would just "give it his all and do the best he could at that moment." That was his goal, and he absolutely went for it.

On the other hand, did he have a choice? I would say that there is always a choice. Especially after the short program, it is often necessary for the athletes to rethink their strategy. Should he be willing to take this risk? Should he avoid it? After the short program, you have to consider all the options, so there are always more options. But in his case, I think he was very specific about what he wanted to do. "I have nothing to lose now. Then there's no way I won't do it'". That's what I sensed from his energy.



Q: 羽生選手のオリンピック3連覇を期待していた人も多かったなかで、そのプレッシャーもあったのではないかと思います。

シェイ: それは本人に聞いてみないとわからないことですが、彼はすでにオリンピック優勝を達成しています。1度目なら、「ラッキーだった」と言う人がいるかもしれません。でも、4年後にふたたび同じことを成し遂げたら、そんなことを言う人はいません。連覇というのは、とても真似のできない偉業であって、それを否定できる人など誰一人としていないというレベルのものです。彼はそのために血の湾むような努力をし、それを手に入れた。そこには、身体的な能力や才能だけでなく、精神力も必要でした。そして、さらに4年を経た今回も、人々は彼が充分に頂点を狙える位置にいることをわかっていました。そのなかで、彼はきっと、自分にとっての「新たな金メダル」は何かを見いだしたのだと思います。それが4Aへの挑戦だったのです。


Q: Many people were expecting Hanyu to win his third consecutive Olympic title, so there must have been a lot of pressure on him.

Shae: You would have to ask him about that, but he's already won the Olympics. The first time, people might say, "Well, he had luck". But when he did it again four years later, no one could say that. Winning the Olympics again is a feat that cannot be denied by anyone. He worked bloody hard for it, and he got it. It required not only physical ability and talent, but also mental strength. And this time, after four more years, people knew that he was in a good enough position to reach the top. In the midst of all this, I am sure he must have realized what the "new gold medal" was for him. That was the challenge of 4A.



Q: 大会後、羽生選手は足首を捻挫していたことを明かしましたが、その不屈の精神はどこからくるのでしょう。

シェイ: フィギュアスケーターに限らず、アスリートは常に上を目指して練習を重ねます。でも、最終的に必要なもの、それは、精神力なのです。90%、いえ99%と言ってもいいかもしれない。「自分はやるんだ!」という強い意志。気持ちを惑わすような障壁やストレスが存在するなかで、持てるものを発揮すべきときに発揮する精神力が必要です。そもそも、競技に挑むという状況自体が、ものすごく厳しいことでもあります。そんななかにあって、リンクに降り立ったときの彼が、いつも完全に集中してゾーンに入っている姿をみなさんもご覧になっていると思います。それだけ彼は、強い精神力を持っている。




Q: After the competition, Hanyu revealed that he had injured his ankle, but where does his undying determination come from?

Shae: Athletes, not just figure skaters, are always training to get better. But in the end, what it all comes down to is mental strength. 90%, or maybe I should even say 99% of what it takes to be a good figure skater is mental strength. The strong determination of "I am going to do this!". The mental strength to show what you can do, when you need to do it, despite the stresses and obstacles that can distract your mind. To begin with, the situation of competing in a competition itself is extremely demanding. In such a situation, I am sure you have all seen how he is always completely focused and in the zone when he steps onto the ice rink. That is how strong he is mentally.

Learning the 4As is not only mentally demanding, but also physically demanding on the body.

It's a huge thing. The sheer amount of energy that it takes out of the body is unbelievable. He left the Olympics without a medal, but I think he took away with him from the Games the feeling that people are more proud of him than ever before. So he has lost nothing in life, but rather gained even more. And that includes his fans. That's how I feel.



Q: ショートプログラムでは、氷上にできた穴にエッジをとられ、ジャンプが抜けるという思わぬアクシデントがありました。

シェイ: もう心臓が止まりそうでした! それくらい、彼らしくない出来事でしたから。それと同時に、彼があそこに立つまでに、どれだけ努力を重ねていたかを見ていただけに、胸が痛みました。でも、何かアクシデントが起きたときは、そのことだけでなく、多くのことについて学びを得て成長できる、ということを私は実感しているので、「これが人生」という感じなのだと思います。


Q: In the short program, he had an unexpected accident when his edge got caught in a hole in the ice and he had to pull out of his jump.

Shae: It almost made my heart stop! It was such an uncharacteristic moment for him. At the same time, it was heartbreaking because we could see how hard he had worked towards that moment. But I think it's like 'this is life' because I have realized that when something unexpected happens, you learn and grow, not only about that, but about a lot of other things in life.



Q: あのあとの演技が、最初のミスなどすっかり忘れてしまうような素晴らしさだったのはさすがでした。

シェイ: そのとおりです。フィギュアスケートでいちばん難しい点であり、大きなチャレンジといえることがひとつあります。それは、失敗してもがっかりしたような表情など絶対に見せられない、ということです。アイスホッケーやアルペンスキーなどの競技では、「表情を美しく見せる」とか「感情表現を豊かにする」といった要素は必要ありませんが、フィギュアスケートの場合は、ミスをしたあとも、「すべて順調です」といった様子で演技の流れを保たなければ、「次の演技にシフトできていない」「プログラムを表現できていない」といった理由で、さらに減点されてしまう可能性すらあるのです。



Q: After that, his performance was so great that you completely forgot about the first mistake.

Shae: Exactly. This is one of the most difficult aspects of figure skating, and one of the biggest challenges. You can never look disappointed when you make a mistake. In ice hockey or alpine skiing, it is not necessary to have a beautiful facial expression or a deep emotional expression, but in figure skating, even after a mistake, you have to keep the flow of the performance and look like "everything is fine", otherwise you might be accused of "not shifting to the next element" or "not expressing the program" and get deducted even more points.

But he was perfect in this respect. This is also something you learn from your everyday training. There are always mistakes, including small ones, in daily practice, but the fact that he was able to perform like that in the real competition proves how much attention he pays to those details in his daily training.



Q: 昨シーズンの大会では、自身が6分間練習のときにつけた溝に、本番でハマってしまうということがありました。

シェイ: 起こりうることではあります。かつてコンパルソリーの種目があった時代などはとくに、滑走順が最後になってしまうと氷の状態は最悪でした。全員が同じパターンをなぞるので、同じところに溝が刻まれていって。なので、万が一、穴にはまってしまった場合にどうスルーするか、といったこともあらかじめ考えておいたりしていました(苦笑)。こればかりは自分ではどうしようもないことで、あるときは大丈夫でも、あるときは残念な結果になる。ユヅのケースはまさにそうだったわけですが、アンラッキーな出来事だったとしか言いようがないのです。

普段の彼にとって、あのジャンプ(4回転サルコウ) は、「寝ていてもできる」というくらい簡単に跳んでいるように見せられるジャンプです。ですから、あのアクシデントはつらかったでしょう。





Q: In a competition last season, it happened that he was stuck in a hole that he himself had created during the six-minute warm-up and got stuck in it during the actual competition.

Shae: It can happen at any time. In the past, especially in the days when we had the compulsories, if you were last in the starting order, the ice was in the worst condition. Everyone would skate the same pattern, so the same spots would be carved out. So we had to think beforehand about what we would do if we got stuck in a hole (laughs). This is something you can't control, sometimes it will be fine, but other times it will be unfortunate. This is exactly what happened in Yuzu's case, and I can only say that it was an unlucky incident.

Normally for him, that jump (the quadruple Salchow) is one that he can make look so easy that he could "do it in his sleep". So it must have been hard for him to have that accident.

But he performed the rest of the program to the best of his ability, as if he had made no such mistake.

When a mistake like that happens, there are a lot of thoughts going through a skater's head on the ice. The important thing there is to regain your composure and perform. There is still work to be done. He did it with grace. I thought it was particularly impressive how, when he finished his performance, he stood up straight and looked proud and noble. He never lost his champion-like elegance. I thought it was very professional.

In a way, I also found it amazing that this accident didn't detract from what a great skater he is. On the contrary, instead, his sportsmanship, grace and professionalism were highlighted even more. He continued to perform and jump a quadruple jump after that, and he never wavered in his determination to go for what he was aiming for.



Q: 競技者である以上、結果も追求するものだと思いますが、一方で今回の羽生選手のように、挑戦すること自体が、人々の心を動かすことにもなります。結果を出すことと、自分が追求するものに挑むこと、そのふたつはバランスをとれるものなのでしょうか?

シェイ: それぞれのアスリートにストーリーや軌跡があります。メダルを獲ること、表彰台に上がること、そしてそのために必要な能力を得ること。実現できるかは別として、それを目標とする人もいます。そしてその目標を目指して挑むこと自体が、ビクトリーである、という選手もいます。オリンピックに関していえば、出場できた時点で、それはとてつもなく大きな達成です。国を代表して参加する資格を得た時点で、大きなビクトリーだといえるでしょう。パーソナルベストを出しても、メダルには手が届かない選手もいる。でもそれが、その選手にとって人生で最高のパフォーマンスになったかもしれない。ストーリーはさまざまです。

ユヅの場合、彼には世界中にフォロワーがいて、彼らはみな、ユヅがたどってきた旅路を知っています。その過程で彼が何を達成してきたのかも。それは2つの金メダルです。しかもただの金メダルではなく、オリンピックの金メダルです! そのようにコンスタントに結果を出せる選手を、多くの人々が応援します。そして、そうした人たちはすでに彼の旅の一部となっていて、彼をフォローしながら、彼ら自身も成長してきているわけです。彼らにとっては、今回のオリンピックは、すでに、「勝てるのか?」というものではありませんでした。それはすでに成し遂げているので、今回は、「あのジャンプを成功させられるか?」というものになっていた。つまりは彼は、コンセプト自体を新しいものに変えてしまったのです。




Q: Of course, competitors must aim for results, but on the other hand, like Hanyu this time, the challenge itself can also be inspiring to people. Is it possible to find a balance between achieving results and challenging yourself with what you are aiming for?

Shae: Each athlete has his own story and journey. Winning a medal, getting on the podium and gaining the ability to do so. Some people make that their goal, whether they can achieve it or not. And some athletes say that the challenge of aiming for that goal is a victory in itself. As far as the Olympics are concerned, it is a tremendous achievement when you are able to compete there. When you qualify to represent your country, that's a big victory. Some athletes may achieve personal bests, without reaching a medal. But it could have been the best performance of that athlete's life. Stories are different.

In Yuzu's case, he has fans all over the world and they all know his journey. And what he has achieved on that journey. That is two gold medals. And not just any gold medals, but Olympic gold medals! Many people support such an athlete who can consistently deliver results like that. And those people have themselves become part of his journey already, following him and growing themselves. Therefore, this Olympics wasn't about "Can he win?" anymore. Because he had already done that, so this time it was, "Can he pull off that jump?". In other words, he had changed the concept itself into something new.

It was a risky challenge. It would have been great if he had succeeded, but it was also a big risk. But by taking on that challenge, he involved a huge number of his fans in the excitement of it with him. His fans felt the same sense of risk and excitement with him. And that is precisely the beauty and joy of sport. You never know what the result will be. You can predict it, but you don't know until you see the final result. But that's the real thrill of it all, and it's that kind of excitement that keeps everyone glued to their seats.

This year's men's singles was really worth watching in that sense. Yuzu took a big risk and tried something completely new. Not only that, he performed fantastic quadruple jumps and inspired other challengers from many different countries. I have heard many people around me saying that this men's singles was a great competition, with many athletes showing their best performances and pushing each other to the limit.



Q: 今季のショートプログラム『序奏とロンド·カプリチオーソ』の制作についてもうかがいたいと思います。羽生選手から振り付けについての打診があったのは、いつごろのことでしたか?

シェイ: ユヅからショートプログラムの振り付けについて手を貸してほしい、という連絡をもらったのは、昨年の10月の初旬です。私へのリクエストは、このプログラムに私らしいニュアンスを加えてほしい、というものでした。







Q: I would like to ask you about the work on this season's short program "Introduction et Rondo Capriccioso". When did Hanyu approach you about the choreography?

Shae: It was early October last year when Yuzu contacted me to help him with the choreography for the short program. He asked me to add my own nuances to the program.

He had already started creating the program with Jeff (Jeffrey Buttle), so I discussed many things with Jeff at that point. I wanted to be clear at the beginning that everyone involved in the program was on the same ground. Jeff was also very happy to collaborate with me.

Yuzu already had the idea for the overall story, and the worldview he wanted to express was clearly drawn in his mind. I then added the choreography to the program based on my own emotional response to the story.

When he spoke to me about the visions and feelings he receives from this music, I realized something again very clearly. That is, that the themes and emotions that we feel in his programs come from a very special place within Yuzu. When he performs from that special place, he is pure and goes straight into people's hearts and emotions. That was exactly what I felt he wanted to add to the program at that point in time. So I started the process by asking him what he thought.

Listening to him, ideas for the choreography immediately came to my mind. And when I stood on the ice, I could sense his feelings close to me, as if he were right next to me, even though he wasn't actually there.

This was followed by a two-week exchange of sending videos of my skating and explaining the meaning of the choreography. By the end of that process, he himself had reached a feeling of 'completion'. He felt that he was closer to what he was trying to express by skating and performing to this music.



Q: 羽生選手がこの曲で表現したかった世界観というのは、どのようなものだったのでしょう?

シェイ: 面白いと感じたのは、冒頭の部分です。彼は、何かこう、どんよりとした、暗くて冷たい、外の世界を想像していました。そこは視界もはっきりしていない、広大な大地のイメージです。


最初のジャンプを終えるところから、状況がシフトしていきます。彼はそこから、見え始めるのです。そうですね、スノードーム(※透明の液体に建物などのミニチュアや雪に見立てた白い粒が入った球体の玩具) を想像してもらえるとわかりやすいかもしれません。ドームを振る前は、なんの動きもなく、静止した世界がそこにありますよね。でも、振りだした途端にそこに動きが生まれる。雪が舞って、パッと明るくなる。





Q: What kind of worldview did Hanyu want to express with this program?

Shae: What I find interesting is the beginning. He was imagining some kind of dreary, dark, cold world. It's an image of a vast open land with no clear view.

When I stood on the rink imagining that world, I immediately had an idea of how I wanted to express it in my skating. I also intuitively sensed how he should move in order for the viewers to feel the 'coldness' of this world.

The scene begins to change from the point where the first jump is completed. He begins to see from there. Well, it might be easier to understand if you imagine a snow globe (*a ball-shaped toy with a transparent liquid filled with miniatures of buildings and other objects and white particles that look like snow). Before you shake it, there is no movement and the world is still. But as soon as you start shaking it, there is movement. Snow falls and the world suddenly becomes brighter.

In the same way, he also finds something there. Like light, but not just light, like a memory, like a moment... like a moment in his life so far. It could be fans, people close to him, himself with his coach. Those memories come back to him on the ice. And that joy fills him up. Until the next jump, these memories come back one after the other, and then they disappear.

In the final step scene, he no longer sees such lights, but he makes a decision. He strips away all those past moments and decides to live in the "now" moment. In the last steps, he bares his soul and lets it all come out of him. He goes on to pursue his future life, carrying with him all the good moments and all the bad moments of his past life. While carrying all the ups and downs of his life within himself, in the final steps, he will give everything he has inside of him.

That's the general idea. I'm sure if you asked him he would probably go into more detail, but I think you can get an idea of what this program means to him. I think he is probably at a point in his life where he is looking back at everything he has been through, the good times and the bad times, and looking back at his journey and his legacy.



Q: 素晴らしいお話です。演技の動画を見ながら解説していただいてもよろしいでしょうか。

シェイ: いいですね! 映像を見てみましょう。

スタートでは、彼はジャッジに背中を向けています。ターンするときは、それほど表現を意識するのではなく、よりインテンシティー(強さ、集中力) を感じさせています。









Q: This is a beautiful story. May I ask you to comment on it while watching the video of the performance?

Shae: Sounds great! Let's look at the video.

At the start, he has his back towards the judges. When he turns, he is not showing much expression, but rather intensity ("strength" or "concentration").

The moment he starts with his back turned towards you, turns around and puts his hands down, you can feel something very heavy, gravity. From there, he begins to step smoothly. The start is dark and heavy. He expresses this in the wide pose, with his arms spread as wide as he can. But here he is very quiet and doesn't express much emotion. That is the meaning behind this start.

(After the first jump) From this point on, he sees the lights, recalling his memories. Every time he sees a light, he reaches out to touch it, but when he does so, it disappears. Then the next memory appears and so on. This continues like flashes of light.

Then, in the last sequence, here he is completely alone, fighting to get all the highs and lows of his life, the happy times and the hard times, all of them out of him.

The music of the step sequence is very colorful. It expresses both chaos and beauty at the same time. Every detail is filled with power and fight, but also with grace. He approaches this sport with the utmost respect, always with a true spirit, never giving up in his efforts, even if there are holes in the ice, even if some part of his body is injured. Yes, he is a true athlete.

One problem that athletes face is the demanding physical requirements. But they can be mental as well as physical. So where on earth does an athlete get strength from in such tough times? He has faced all the obstacles he has met in his life, whether personal or external, and he has done his best to overcome them.

For me, this is what I would call 'art in competition' and I feel he himself is a synonym for it. He skates from a very deep part of himself, his soul. And he has an unparalleled sensitivity to music and his own unique style. He can express and perform the music so well because it comes from within. It is not something that can be taught. But when it is something that he has himself, it can be brought out of him. Anyway, it is something that he has inside himself.

When the moment to perform comes, he connects with that part of himself. Then, at the ending of this program, he lets it all come out of him, whatever is there. The physical strength, the emotions, the mentality, everything is drawn out of him and becomes one. Without ever giving up.



Q: これまでの長いキャリアを振り返って思いを馳せる、という壮大なテーマがあるのですね。

シェイ: そう、これまでのキャリア…… というか、その時々の瞬間、ですね。それらは過ぎ去ってしまったもので、思い出して振り返ることはできるけれど、それを抱え続けていくことはできない。なぜなら、私たちの人生は続いていき、次々に新しいことが目の前に現われるからです。そして、それがコンスタントに続いていきます。




Q: There is a grand theme of looking back and reminiscing about the long career up to now?

Shae: Yes, it's about his career so far... or rather, his moments in time. They have passed, and he can remember them and look back on them, but he cannot hold on to them. Because life goes on, and new things come along one after another. And this will go on continuously.

For example, one of the things that many athletes suffer from when they retire is that they suddenly wonder who they are. People remember them as "the guy who did this" or "him who did that," but in reality, that is just one chapter in the life of that athlete. Their life goes on after that. In life, the challenges, the goals, and the explorations go on forever. Time is so short. So how do they handle it and move on? How do they set the next goal and keep moving forward without letting themselves be stereotyped?

This short program comes from such a place for him. It is a deeper, more meaningful place in his heart. When you watch him, you can see that he is improving, maturing, and consistently growing each and every year. You can really feel it by watching him perform and skate.



Q: そうした感情を表現するために羽生選手が選んだのが、この曲だったわけですね。

シェイ: そうですね。私が知るかぎり、彼はいつも自分で曲を選んでいますから。いつでも彼は、自分が何を望んでいるかを理解しています。多少の編曲やアレンジを加えることはありますが、彼は自分が表現したいものが何か、自分がつながれる曲は何か、じっくり時間をとって感じるようにしているのです。そうやって彼自身が、自分の声に従う機会を、自分自身に与えることができていることを、嬉しく思います。


Q: So this music was chosen by Hanyu to express these emotions.

Shae: Yes, I think that's right. As far as I know, he always chooses the music himself. He always knows what he wants. He may make some arrangements, but he takes the time to feel what he wants to express, what music he can connect to. I am glad that he is able to give himself the opportunity to follow his own inner voice in this way.



Q: この曲は、もとはバイオリン曲ですが、羽生選手らしいピアノ曲にアレンジされていますね。

シェイ: たしか、日本のアーティストの演奏でしたよね? 見事に「ユヅの曲」になっていますよね。まさに彼のシグネチャーという感じです。


Q: This piece is originally a violin piece, but it has been arranged as a piano piece, which is typical of Hanyu.

Shae: I think it was performed by a Japanese artist. It's a perfect "Yuzu music", isn't it? It is really a signature piece of his.



Q: こういったピアノ曲の曲調は、羽生選手にとって、よりご自身を表現できるものなのでしょうか?

シェイ: それは、このようなクラシックの曲が持つ特徴でもありますね。基本的には、どのような曲であっても表現することはできますが、クラシック音楽では、より自身を夢の世界へと誘うことができます。なぜなら、たとえば映画の主題歌のような特定のストーリーが伴っているわけではないからです。自分だけの独自の解釈で表現することができますし、貝見る人たちも、先入観を持っていません。それがクラシック曲で演じることの醍醐味だといえるでしょうね。自分が思い描くとおり、望んだとおりに、感じたいままに使いこなすことができるのです。


Q: Do these piano pieces allow Hanyu to express himself in a more personal way?

Shae: Well, it is one of the characteristics of classical musics such as this one. Basically, any music can be expressed, but classical music can take you more into a world of your own dreams. This is because it is not attached to a specific story, like, for example, a theme music of a movie. It can be expressed in your own unique interpretation, and the people who see it do not have any preconceived ideas about it. I guess you could say that this is the best thing about performing to classical music. You can use it exactly as you envision it, exactly as you want it, exactly as you feel it.



Q: 振り付けは、スムーズに行なわれましたか?

シェイ: オンラィンで振り付けるなかで、かなり多くの時間、彼が滑っているところを見ました。私が送ったビデオを見ながら彼が振りを覚えて、実際に氷の上で滑り、その様子を私はライブで見るという形です。練習風景を撮影したものを見るよりも、その場で調整したりできるので、感覚的には、日本で彼と一緒にリンクにいるような感じでした(笑)。


Q: Did the choreography go smoothly?

Shae: While we were choreographing online, I spent quite a lot of time watching him skate. He learned the choreography by watching the videos I sent him, and then he actually skated on the ice, and I watched it live. It was more like being at the rink with him in Japan, because I could make the adjustments right then and there, rather than watching a video of him practicing (laughs).



Q: いつもはゼロから振り付けされるところを、今回のように土台があって、そこに加えていく、という作業はまた違うものだったのでしょうか?

シェイ: たしかに新たな体験ではありました。ただ、ハードルの高い挑戦、というものではありませんでした。今回のような振り付けに関しては、新しい体験ではありましたが、とても面白いものでした。最初にユヅが、ジェフと私に「これまでずっと一緒にやってきた二人がコラボすることに、僕はとてもワクワクする」と言ってくれたのがとても素敵でしたね。二人はナイスなチームになる、と。そしてユヅ自身も、彼のパフォーマンスに私たち二人がつぃている、という感覚を得ていたのだろうと思います。それは実際、とてもいい選択だったと思います。彼を裏で支えている人の存在を感じることができる。私たちがコラボすることで、そのサポート体制がより強力であると、彼は感じることができたと思うので、その意味でも大きかったように思います。私たちがチームになることで、より多くのエネルギーが彼に注がれた、といった感じでしょうか。


Q: Was it a different process this time, with the foundation already being there, and then adding to it, as opposed to your usual choreography, which is usually done from zero?

Shae: Indeed, it was a new experience. However, it was not really a hurdle. For choreographing like this, it was a new experience, but a very interesting one. It was lovely when Yuzu first said to Jeff and me, "I'm very excited about this collaboration between you two, who have both been working with me for so long". He said that the two of us would make a good team. And I think Yuzu himself liked the feeling that we were both part of this performance. I think that was actually a very good choice. You can feel the presence of the people who are supporting him behind the scenes in his performance. I think our collaboration was significant in that sense, because he could feel that he had an even stronger support system. I think by us being a team, more energy was poured into him.



Q: 素晴らしいチームです。一方、フリープログラムも五輪に向けてブラッシュアップされたのですか?

シェイ: いえ、こちらは手を加えていません。ショートのほうに注力したのと、彼自身、フリーについては、もっともっとやりたいのは山々だけれど、4Aにかける時間を必要としていると。それが彼が最もフォーカスしたい部分でしたから。彼はできるかぎりの時間を、4Aに費やしたいと考えていました。まったく新しい挑戦でしたから、ベストな練習法を模索したり、すべてのことに時間がかかるわけです。なのでフリーのブラッシュアップは行なわず、振り付けについてはショートに専念しました。


Q: You are a great team. Meanwhile, have you also brushed up his free program for the Olympics?

Shae: No, this one has not been reworked. We focused on the short program and he himself said that he wanted to work on the free program a lot more, but he also needed time for the 4A. That was what he wanted to focus on the most. He wanted to spend as much time as possible on 4A. It was a completely new challenge, so it takes time to find the best practices and everything. So we didn't do a brush-up of the free program, but concentrated on the short program in terms of choreography.



Q: 今回、羽生選手は4回転アクセルの挑戦も含めて、9歳のときの自分についての話をよくされていました。フリーのラストのポーズは、9歳のときに滑ったプログラムのラストと同じで、演技が終わった瞬間、その当時の自分の姿に思いを馳せていたと。

シェイ: ラストのポーズは、彼自身が望んだものです。両手を天に伸ばして、足を地面につけるポーズ、これは、ひとつには「天と地」を表わしています。それが子どものころとリンクしていたという詳細までは私に話していなかったかもしれませんが、あれがとても大事な瞬間を象徴したものであったのは確かで、彼が初期のころの経験を思い起こして難らせたものではないかと思います。彼のなかには、特別な意味を持った瞬問、思い出のモーメント、といったようなものがいくつかあって、それを難らせることは、自分に強さを与えたり、自分自身の人生に入り込むことで、ブレードや氷、そして自分自身とつながっていくための手段であったりするのです。また、そうすることで心を乱すような下界の雑音をシャットアウトすることもできる。そのための彼独自の方法でもあります。そして、これもまた、彼の魂を表現する手段のひとつでもありますね。彼にとって、当時を魅らせることが、とても資意味のあることだったのだと思いますね。幼かったころの自分、そのとき描いていた夢、達成したこと、そして当時の夢をかなえたいまの自分、そうしたここまでの旅路を全部つなぐ作業であり、エンディングにあのポーズを用いたことで、あのプログラムを締めくくった瞬間を、より意味のあるものにしているのだと思います。

(9歳のときの演技映像を見ながら)あきらかに、この当時から才能が証明されていますね…。とはいえ、いかに彼に才能があったとしても、それだけでは、彼が成し遂げたものは実現できませんでした。それを考えると、本当に素晴らしいキャリアを築いたのだと、あらためて思いますね…… (しみじみと)。


Q: This time, Hanyu talked a lot about himself as a nine-year-old, in addition to his challenge of the quadruple Axel. He said that his final pose in the free program was the same as the last pose of the program he skated when he was 9 years old, and that the moment he finished his performance, he was thinking back to the image of himself at that time.

Shae: The last pose was his own wish. A pose in which his hands are outstretched to the heavens and his feet are on the ground, representing, 'Heaven and Earth', as one might expect. He may not have told me the details of how it was linked to his childhood, but I am sure that it symbolised a very important moment. There are some moments in his life that have a special meaning to him, moments to remember, and connecting to them is a way to give himself strength and find the connection with the blade, the ice and himself by stepping into his own story and his own life. Doing so also allows him to shut out the noises of the everyday world that can disturb the mind. It is also his unique way of doing so. And this is also a way of expressing his spirit, isn't it? I think it was very meaningful for him to look back to those times. I think it's a process of connecting his childhood self, the dreams he had then, the things he achieved, and the person he is now, having fulfilled those dreams back then, all the way to this point in his journey, and the use of that pose for the ending makes the moment when he concluded that program even more meaningful.

(Looking at a video of his performance when he was nine years old) Obviously, his talent was evident even back then... Nevertheless, however talented he was, that alone could not have achieved what he did. When you think about it, I think again that he has created a really great career.. (sighs).



Q: 結果的に、多くの人が今回の五輪で羽生選手の挑戦や演技を見て心を動かされ、素晴らしいギフトを受け取ったわけですね。

シェイ: まさにそのとおりでしょうね。彼のスケートには本当に偽りがありません。エレメンツのひとつひとつを彼は丁寧に扱い、意味のあるものとして自分を注ぎ込んでいます。だからこそ、彼の演技を見た人たちは、生涯忘れられない思い出をもらってリンクを後にすることができる。人の記憶に残るパフォーマンスーーそれができるのは彼の能力の証でもあります。彼のことを崇め、慕う人は世界中に数多くいて、彼らもまた、彼の旅路の一部なのですよね。彼が努力する姿や、己を注入する姿、一人の人間としての心のつながり。そういったものでファンを満たすことができるというのは本当に美しいことです。それによって彼は、フィギュアスケートというこの競技自体もいろいろな意味で大いに高めてくれました。彼のおかげで、フィギュアスケートのファン数も飛躍的に増えました。




Q: In the end, many people were moved by Hanyu's challenge and performance at the Olympics this time, like they received a wonderful gift.

Shae: I suppose that's exactly what it is. There is really no pretence in his skating. Every single element is handled with care by him and he pours himself into it with meaning. That's why people who see him perform can leave the rink with memories that will last a lifetime. A performance that people will remember - it's a testament to his ability to do that. There are many people around the world who respect and admire him, and they are part of his journey, too. The way he works hard, the way he can infuse himself, the connection with his heart as a human being. It's really beautiful that he can satisfy his fans with those things. In doing so, he has also greatly improved this sport of figure skating itself in many ways. Thanks to him, the number of fans of figure skating has increased dramatically.

What makes me happy is that I have the opportunity to work with him. Every time I have the opportunity, I am always very grateful. It has been a very enriching and incredible experience to get to know him and connect with him as a person. And then to be able to see him give form to his own expression and to share it with the world. And then I really like the way he connects with the audience. I think every time he offers some sort of gift to the people watching. That makes the competition itself more vibrant. More and more people are coming and joining the figure skating family.

But the more he gives, the more he actually receives himself. This Olympics symbolizes that, doesn't it? It was not just about winning the gold medal, but about the effort he put in and how valuable all that he gave has been. Because this was something unforgettable.



Q: 素晴らしいお話をありがとうございました。最後に羽生選手へのエールと、ファンの方々へのメッセージをお願いします。

シェイ: ハイ、ユヅ! あなた自身もわかっているとは思いますが、あなたは本当に、世界にインスピレーションを与えてくれる存在だと、伝えたいです。私はあなたが、そしてあなたが挑んでいることすべてが、大好きです。こうして知り合えたこと、そして一緒に取り組んだすべての機会に感謝しています。私は毎回、あなたがリンクに立つたび、私たちに見せてくれる魂の輝きに、そして私たちに与えてくれるものに、感謝しています。それから、スケート界の限界を押し上げてくれてありがとう。毎回、ワクワクするような素晴らしいショーを見せてくれてありがとう。あなたのレガシーは、永遠に輝き続けます。あなたと出会えたことを、本当に嬉しく思います。

そしてユヅのファンのみなさん、いつも温かいサポートをありがとうございます。いつもリンクに投げてくれるプーさんも! 彼を見て、支えて、深い愛を注いでくれてありがとうございます。みなさんの存在なくして、スケート界はありえません。スケートをサポートしてくれて、ユヅを応援してくれて、この競技を、このような感謝に満ちたものにしてくださって、心の底からお礼を申し上げたいです。


Q: Thank you very much for this wonderful conversation. Finally, please give a message to Hanyu and to his fans.

Shae: Hi Yuzu! I know you know this yourself, but I want to tell you that you are truly an inspiration to the whole world. I love you and everything you are challenging. Thank you for allowing me to get to know you in this way and for all the opportunities we have had to work together. I am grateful for the light of your soul and for what you show us and give us every time you step on the ice rink. And also, thank you for pushing the boundaries of the skating world. Thank you for the exciting and amazing performances you present to us every time. Your legacy will shine on forever. I am so happy to know you.

And thank you to all Yuzu fans for your warm support. And for always throwing the Poohs on the rink!  Thank you for watching him, supporting him and giving him your deep love. Without you all, there would be no skating world. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting skating, for cheering for Yuzu and for making this competition such a gratifying experience.


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].



Thank you for the translation :thanks:


Here the video message :67638860:




Many thanks to Shae for her wonderful words to Yuzu.:heart:



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Some of you might have noticed it already:

The Stockholm LMEY video on the ARD Sportschau has disappeared.


I checked the video link and it's still there but private. My guess is that there must have been a copyright strike or smth and they have to fix the issue first before making the video public again.

I don't know what impact a video lock has on past view numbers. Would be really sh*t if those 3.3M views were gone :tumblr_inline_mqt4gi2T9v1qz4rgp:



Anyways, it's the one year anniversary of the video upload, so let's celebrate LMEY's success on the Sportschau channel in this one year :cheer:

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2 hours ago, Henni147 said:

Some of you might have noticed it already:

The Stockholm LMEY video on the ARD Sportschau has disappeared.





I have already wondered.... that's really a pity. :(



2 hours ago, Henni147 said:

Anyways, it's the one year anniversary of the video upload, so let's celebrate LMEY's success on the Sportschau channel in this one year :cheer:



Yessss :smiley-happy105:


.....and hopefully the video will be unlocked again soon.:smiley-angelic001:



20 hours ago, maryk said:

That hugging video just killed me....typing through the tears....I'm new to this forum but not to FS - Dorothy Hamill was my first favorite skater! - and I have to admit that I was a casual Yuzu fan until Beijing. I always loved his skating and saw his programs now and then but never had the urge to dig deeper. I tuned into the Beijing games to see if he could possibly win another gold but got more than I could have possibly imagined. The arc of his Beijing experience was both heartbreaking and inspiring and as the days went on and the videos kept coming of his practices, the press conference, interviews and so on, I became enchanted with his heart and spirit. And so I sought out more information, started following some IG and Twitter accts and, happily, found this forum. I've spent hours looking through the threads and watching videos and only become more invested in supporting this amazing person. I guess I'm a baby fanyu - although I would call myself an auntie fanyu - old enough to be his mom! I will be so sad if he decides to you-know-what but I believe he will continue to skate in whatever venue is best for him. I certainly know that he won't make any decision without the utmost thought and respect for himself and his dreams. And in the meantime I still have SO many videos to enjoy :heart: thanks to all for the time and work you put into this forum - it's really a treasure!



Welcome to the Planet @maryk:wave: It's nice that you have registered here.


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