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On 3/3/2022 at 5:01 PM, Yuzuwinnie said:



GEO1, thank you for your answer and I passed your link on youtube and read a comment saying, that indeed, his sad and unsmiling face would come from the fact that Daisuke's fans are not accepted that he lost face to young Yuzu and I saw that he casts a furtive look at Daisuke and remains professional and polite in front of the camera and I think that Daisuke and Yuzu are friends and his senpai and after seeing that, I saw on the right this link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hzrRAfKrq8 : program / and of course I heard the crowd's OHHHHH hearing his FS score and I read his post FS interview (well I did a lot of freeze frame to decipher the English..... . ) and says he is honest and does not believe it / is frustrated with his quads and even says he is disappointing ( I translated " disappointing " ) and his 187 points are , for him , overvalued and is not satisfied and says he will practice hard at TCC and talks about Daisuke (you will understand better than me  :/ ) and I have Daisuke's FS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0xAwtrzRKA  yes, the crowd l cheers loudly and I'm not here to judge anything.......  



Thank you, Yuzuwinnie, for the interesting links!

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8 hours ago, YuDai said:

I don't think it was a translation as such, but rather a comment on their relationship?


I was simply providing a translation of what Yuzu actually said in the video clip attached to the comments of the original poster. Nothing more, nothing less. I assume that the original poster was referring to this video clip when he or she said:


What kind of impression do you have of your mom?

Yuzu's ANSWER – – “The sweetest child for the gentlest, and yet the strongest mom."


Yuzu does not say anything remotely close to this in the video clip. Furthermore, it would not make sense for him to describe himself as "the sweetest child." That is why I felt compelled to provide a proper translation of what Yuzu actually said because his words are much more meaningful and heartfelt than what the original poster stated.


The replies that followed that Tweet and video are also consistent with my translation since they use words such as "You came out of me" and "I brought you into this world" regarding their own mothers.


Yuzu may think of his mother as the gentlest yet strongest mom and may have even expressed that sentiment at some other time, but he does not do so here.


I did not mention this in my original post, but the last thing that the interviewer says in response to Yuzu saying that his mother's expression of love affects him deeply is "It gets you right here." Touching his chest (heart).

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51 minutes ago, Yuzurella said:


Yuzu's costume reveals are legendary. :girlsigh:


We were at 2018 ACI for these costume reveals as well as the following year when Yuzu revealed purple Origin.


Particularly for the newer satellites, I am posting two more videos of the 2018 ACI black Origin costume reveal and two of the 2019 ACI purple Origin costume reveal. The videos do not do justice to the experience of actually being there.


2018 ACI – Note the quad toe-triple Axel combination.




2019 ACI




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Has this been shared already? The article has some factual errors, but is very complementary and supportive of Yuzu. Nathan Chen is nowhere to be found in this article.




The Telegraph Online (India)




Yuzuru Hanyu creates fire on ice.


The skater may not have won gold at Beijing 2022 but he continues to rule the hearts of his fans


A few of the comments:


"Considered as the 'most complete figure skater' of all-time, Hanyu is well-known for his musicality, elegant artistry, technique and even his gorgeous costumes."


"The gravity-defying quadruple Axel is notoriously hard to land. However, many still remember his quad loop, the first ever that was landed in competition, at the 2016 CS Autumn Classic International. Hanyu went into his third Olympics perhaps with an aim to defend his title, but also a personal goal to land the quadruple Axel, one that he says he will continue to pursue."


"Yuzuru Hanyu may not have won gold at Beijing 2022, but he has already been crowned the greatest figure skater of all time and continues to be hailed so, by fellow skaters as well. He continues to be the first male single skater in 66 years to win the Olympic champion title consecutively."


"Curious about the magic that Hanyu is known to create on ice? We take a look at some of the most memorable performances by the figure skater."


The writer proceeds to review:


Seimei at PyeongChang Olympics 2018

Parisienne Walkways at Sochi Olympics 2014

Origin at Skate Canada 2019

Hope and Legacy at World Championships 2017

Heaven and Earth at Japan Figure Skating Championships 2020

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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This only has indirectly to do with Yuzu, but the chart I created this weekend shows how strong his 3A compared to other skaters is:


Especially the height and distance went through the roof in this event. And we know how difficult his entries are.


Fun fact: I was actually a bit disappointed by the placement of that particular 3A in the Otonal choreo. He hit a note with the landing, but not the one I hoped he would :laughing: I liked the placement of his Otonal 3A better at SC 2019. It was a bit more impactful.


Anyways. His 3A deserves that +5 if landed well and I fight all judges who refuse to give him that mark.

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new interview with Ghislain being published, and apparently a newer insight into the 4A. 

So Yuzu has landed it at least once with video

proof. Exciting! 

Now we wait to see what he decides to do.

18 minutes ago, Yuzu_legend said:







This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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3 hours ago, Geo1 said:


We were at 2018 ACI for these costume reveals as well as the following year when Yuzu revealed purple Origin.


Particularly for the newer satellites, I am posting two more videos of the 2018 ACI black Origin costume reveal and two of the 2019 ACI purple Origin costume reveal. The videos do not do justice to the experience of actually being there.


2018 ACI – Note the quad toe-triple Axel combination.




2019 ACI




That poker face though... 

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