the50person Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 the50person said: PomeloPooh said: Hey, I was just contemplating which of my favorite music I'd love to see Yuzu skate to, realized that I'm not sure what kind of music actually fits figure skating. What kind of rhythm makes skating to it easy/hard? Are certain styles or instruments especially fitting because of the nature of the sport itself? What are the qualities that make people go for the warhorses over and over again (aside from them being proven safe)? What do you think? Then again all rules can be broken if one's willing :smile: I'll always remember the dude at 4CC that skated to iPhone's default ringtone... Expand Good question... ---------- Romeo and Juliet 1.0 ( ): 1) Dramatic and impactful intro that culminates in the first intro and only quad in the program. He successfully grabs the attention of the audience. 2) 1:17 Music calms down for him to enter the spin, but still containing enough dramatic singing for him to utilise with his hands and highlight his spins. 3) 1:32 Calm. He (or the choreographer) deliberately places a jump here to highlight contrast between the loudness (I don't mean that in the sound sense) of the jump and the silence of the music. Step sequence. The music gradually builds up through the step sequence. 4) 2:30 Music continues to build up and then Yuzu does his famous RJ1.0 fall. 2:51 Music remains softer than the intro but contains suspense, and this fits in very well with the current situation (he has fallen, will he land the 3A3T?) and hence his emoting does not clash with the mood that the music calls for. He throws out the 3A3T. 5) Music builds and builds from 3A3T onwards all the way to the terrific yell before the choreographic sequence. 6) DRAMA. Famous choreographic sequence, ultimately climaxing at the biellman spin. 7) Music suddenly drops into an undercurrent and he does the chest-stabbing before ending the program. ---------- Chopin Ballade No.1 ( ) 1) Quiet beginning. He strategically holds still so that he can draw the curiosity and attention of the audience via silence and stillness as opposed to using motion. 2) He begins moving and music slowly builds, in an unhurried manner, slightly languid even. 3) 1:10 music suddenly gets a bit louder, he does the spread-eagle, music gets even louder, 4S, music quietens again as he does transitions out. 4) Music builds once again, higher and higher, louder and louder, Yuzu gains speed and intensity, culminating in 4T3T. 5) Music softens slightly, then gets louder again as he matches the music and beat to do the spin. Music quietens again as he goes through the spin positions/variations (sorry not a tech expert). 6) Music is like 2), he does his transitions. 7) 2:26 There is a slight pause in music between 6) and 2:26. Music is louder once again, he does the 3A from counter entry. He enters spin. 8) 2:37 Music gets increasingly intense, his spins are also intense and fast. 9) 2:47 Music culminates, he exits spin and begins his sequence. 10) 2:54 A slight pause but it is very suspenseful, and Yuzu himself is stretched taut like an arrow on a bowstring, ready to shoot out. 11) 2:55 He does his sequence, the notes of the music run quickly and are full of intensity. It gets faster. He enters final spin. 12) Final spin, the notes of the music run more heavily and are less light as they were during the sequence, giving the effect of a dramatic ending. Yuzu punctuates final note with the ending pose. ----------- One of the reasons for choosing a piece might be due to the possibility of separating the music into identifiable sections. For example, in a long program: an intro > gradual buildup > chorus/plateau for step sequence that gradually quietens down for the mid-program pause > interlude for a couple of 2nd half jumps > gradual buildup > DRAMA > end Another might be that they have sufficient highs and lows that can be used with elements to punctuate and highlight the performance. I don't know much about music so forgive any incorrect terms, but dramatic/lyrical (?) music run like stories, except they are written in the language of music notes. Yuzu and his team make cuts from different songs/tunes/soundtracks to make his program music and make it such that it has a narrative that suits his purpose. A interesting read about how stories are plotted emotionally: ... er/490733/ Skating a program is literally a skater up on stage to showcase the story they want to tell to the judges and audience. As the article says, Rags to Riches (rise, in FS case, rising slowly throughout) is popular, Cinderalla (rise then fall then rise, in FS case, high-low-high like RJ1.0) too. And Oedipus (fall then rise then fall, in FS case, low-high-low). And if you listen, you'll realise much program music take structures like that (do note the structures mentioned are basic skeletal ones, they have smaller peaks and smaller lows in between like the two programs above). Some structures popular in writing may not work in FS since the 'stories' are told through different mediums and what works in one may not work in the other. (posting it here besides the music thread because I realise my post is not exactly about what music suits Yuzu/wondering what he will skate to, but more a discussion.) Expand Another development of the discussion over at the Music Thread which I will leave here too for convenience sake: PomeloPooh said: the50person said: whole post Expand Wow that's some amazing analysis! The analogy to literature narrative structure makes a lot of sense. For something to grab your attention and keep it for 4.5 minutes the first time you hear it, these patterns are needed. Might be why music like h&l are considered risky - when I listen to it later I recognize clear climax and low points, but the first time I heard it with the program the impression was a bit undifferentiated (tho for me it's undifferentiated beauty!). Expand Thank you! I agree with you for Hope and Legacy, the structure is complicated. Hope and Legacy ( and 1) PLATEAU > RISE. Music begins. Gentle running along 3 notes with its various variations. There is a slight increase in volume as he lands the 4Lo at 0:57 (he probably timed it as such). 2) PLATEAU. Music continues running as such, like a neverending stream, as if the 4Lo, the pebble which caused a ripple, never existed and never disturbed the ebb and flow at all. 3) RISE > FALL.1:09 Heavier piano notes (chords I think) begin. dun-dun-Dun-DUn-DUN as he sets up for the 4S, outright chords at 1:18 immediately before the 4S, before giving way as he leaves the ice to rotate, as if the 4S released the pressure building up, then he poses right before spin. 4) PLATEAU (the music is separable into layers with each spin). Higher notes play as he enters camel spin Strings enter midspin and he goes into donut spin Piano re-enters and he does sit spin As piano and string interweave he shifts and does biellman spin. (aka any change of instruments = position/variation change) 5) PLATEAU > RISE. 1:44 Strings, he begins step sequence. First phase of step sequence. 6) RISE (HIGH PEAK). 1:56 A peak in the step sequence that attracts attention and during which he paused slightly. Interesting cos he tends to rest during the lower emotional arcs of music but in H&L he does it at peaks where its more emotional and his body (he puts his two palms facing him before opening them up and at point 10 where he grasps something) is narrating an enjoyment of music. It being a break also means those one or two seconds are drawn to his upper body, which he uses to narrate that and conduct the audience's emotions to feel whatever he is conveying. 7) FALL > PLATEAU. (whatever goes up comes down) 1:57 Lighter strings. Second phase of step sequence. 8) RISE. 2:06 Strings pause, piano melody re-enters. Third phase of step sequence. Another short pose, very very short but this serves more as a border to mark out the boundaries between the 2nd phase and 3rd phase. Heavier piano, chords introduced. Music builds. Strings re-enter. 9) RISE > FALL (during 3F).Music builds and builds and builds, minute pause in music before shifting to piano and he does 3F during this. Lands 3F, strings play once more. 10) RISE (HIGH PEAK) > RISE. Strings, music is emotional, he pauses. Longest pause ever in the program 2:49 - 2:52, also please look back at 6) for more explanation. He just feels the music. 11) RISE. Heavy strings, music rises and suspense builds and heavy strings go heavier and heavier with each note before giving way into strings melody (ironically as effect as climax despite being more subtle than the buildup) as the 4S3T is unleashed. This is a huge climax and even the rotations match the notes. 12) RISE > FALL.3:20 Strings become heavier again + heavier piano chords, music rises and suspense builds rinse repeat 11), then music ceases suddenly and bam! 4T. 13) PLATEAU. 3:37 Quiet music, 3A2T. 14) RISE. 3:50 - 4:04. Strings, music becomes more emotional, music builds up quickly, 3A1Lo3S. 15) FALL. Music quietens and he does his spin. 16) RISE, RISE, RISE. 4:21 Intense music for the choreographic sequence. 17) RISE (HIGH PEAK). 4:33 - 4:35, in true Yuzu style, hydroblade at important point. 18) RISE (or you can say PLATEAU but at a higher emotional level than previous ones). 4:36 - 4:44. Continuation of choreographic sequence. Music builds. 19) RISE > RISE (HIGH PEAK) 4:45 - 4:50, in true Yuzu style, ina bauer at important point. 20) RISE. Setup of 3Lz, the landing of the 3Lz is a highlight, 4:55 emotional music and at the same time he does camel spin. 21) FALL. 5:04, simple piano, he changes position while matching the drop in music. 22) CLOSURE. Final note gives a sense of finality and closure that exudes a dignified air befitting the theme of Legacy. Tbh the ending is pretty warhorsey cos it's !intense! !dramatic! !RISE! and the old-fashioned happy ending 'I'll quiet down' closure. It's the front half that messes some people up, especially those who want things like RJ1.0 where the FALL is in the middle while H&L is rise-fall-rise-fall-rise-fall etc in the first half. But we forget that this is about Hanyu Yuzuru, who's life was exactly as such. He rose up quickly through novice, had a terrible first junior year, rose up to win everything in second junior year and debuted as senior at the ripe old age of 15, had a mediocre first senior season (cos mens field was deep in JP in those times) whereas he watched Kana shine in her debut season, had a huge FALL for 311, rose up to win bronze at first Worlds. This is the first half of the program. Then he rose to break SP WRs, rose to win Olys, fell non-stop for 14-15 season, rose for 15-16 season, fell for 16 Worlds FS, rose for 16-17 season, but whatever falls he had during his dominant years, those were, in the end, growing points for him so they were not counted as FALLs but as RISEs. Each one has served him well, like how his popping has actually made him more flexible in layout and resulted in a couple of firsts. With each season, his legend and legacy grows and evolves just like the RISEs in the second half of the program that just keep increasing with intensity without bounds. For this is a skater who knows no limits. He actually has many breaks, but the breaks are very very short each time. It is interesting, because this program requires one to be the wind through the forest, the calm river and the dappled sunlight through the trees, and such small pauses make the breaks less noticeable and create the feeling of continuity. The structure of Hope and Legacy is complicated and has many highs and lows, just like that of Hanyu Yuzuru's life, and just like how it is a worthy representation of it in spirit. A great person will endure great tribulations. (Someone please translate, my translation abilities have not reached such a level yet.) 故天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能. Something along the lines of 'When God wants to bestow a huge mission/responsibility/ etc upon someone, He will first temper your will and spirit, put you into physical trials, cause you to experience hunger, make you experience poverty, allow you to taste the bitterness of not having everything go smoothly, such that you may strengthen your heart and determination, and have renewed conviction and benefit and grow.' Link to comment
kusa Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 Yatagarasu said: kusa said: thank you yata and sally... still wondering how a forum works... this is my first time join forum... will explore a little. :yee: yesss... I already apply request to join the church... I am supper happy now there are international talk here... this forum so cool... now I will not sad to say good bye to GS Expand No rush, take your time, plenty to explore! And honestly, don't worry about the English, it's truly more than fine. We're going to have a wedding, well THE wedding at the church too so be sure to join us there too if you fancy yourself a piece of Yuzuru Expand (try to quote) really? the wedding finally there? I used to wonder since... well..there... *sigh* when the wedding will be held. let me see... what piece of yuzu I would marry... hm... can I just merry the whole yuzu pleaseeee? Link to comment
Yatagarasu Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 kusa said: really? the wedding finally there? I used to wonder since... well..there... *sigh* when the wedding will be held. let me see... what piece of yuzu I would marry... hm... can I just merry the whole yuzu pleaseeee? Expand Only bits allowed The whole of Yuzu only gets to marry his various jumps. They live in happy polyamory! Link to comment
Altie Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 Yatagarasu said: Altie said: Where has Akiko promoted Shoma's jump ? Expand On tv. His textbook jumps. I mean you may think what you want, but this PR game is old, and Yuzu's been on the receiving end for years. It's just how this goes. Expand Okay, praising Shoma's jumps can only be PR or blindness Once again, I don't deny there's some PR going on - I just want enough facts to judge by myself if, in my opinion, said article or comment is, or is not, part of this PR thing. @ the50person : raaaa where is the "like" button ??? Link to comment
Killaa Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 @the50person I lovelovelove your H&L analysis. You just wrote about everything that was in my mind about H&L! The rise and fall of the music, the complexity of it, gah, everything. Since I'm not good at writing, thank you. Haha. I don't know anymore (no I'm not crying, you are crying) Link to comment
b138oo Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 Valkyria said: Yatagarasu said: Altie said: Where has Akiko promoted Shoma's jump ? Expand On tv. His textbook jumps. I mean you may think what you want, but this PR game is old, and Yuzu's been on the receiving end for years. It's just how this goes. Expand Textbook jumps? Shoma?? I like the guy, but come on... I know why these things happen, but it still feels like throwing stones on their own roof when you look at the big picture: Yuzuru is undeniably HUGE, and whatever happens they'll be sure to miss his star-power when he's gone Expand I guess Nagoya has a different textbook I just don't understand why they are trying so hard to implement these images of "New Ace" to the public when Yuzu just won his 2nd Worlds? Like I understand Yuzu's and Dai's circumstances before and found Dai's fans (sorry not sorry) ridiculous for getting offended by Yuzu when clearly Yuzu's achievements were obviously better than Dai's and with Yuzu's enormous SP score, he was the only hope to beat Patrick. However, Yuzu and Shoma's current situation is totally different. Yuzu's achievements are better and he is still the biggest contender for the Olympic. So I don't get why u want to belittle your own best athlete and I am worried bc well Yuzu just had an underscored WR FS, if this PR game affects the judges next season, Yuzu might really need to change his costume mid air to get the damn +3 GOE Link to comment
Yolo3a Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 Altie said: @ LienT722 : if you're talking about that article Akiko wrote last week, that was thoroughly discussed on GS btw ( ), it is not what she said. Some people found it disrespectful toward Yuzuru, but others (me included) didn't. So please be careful when you're landing such accusations, they're serious. If anyone want to make his own opinion, the article is there : ... 0-suzuki-a. Some native japanese speaker said the translation sounded more positive than the original one btw, but aside from that it was correct. And btw Akiko is not even in that picture. And I may be wrong, but I've never heard anything bad about Mao and Tatsuki Machida toward Yuzuru. Dai is clearly not his biggest fan and some of his commentaries are unfair, but he has always been respectful, as far as I know (his fans are another story). But yes, I think Yuzu suffered from the fact that media pictured him and Dai as rivals back then, and that he does everything he can to avoid the same thing to happen again with Shoma. He's always been very respectful of his rivals, let's do the same. Expand I totally agree. I also feel very protective of Yuzu, but he can handle a little bit of mud throwing and criticism. And he understands what media tries to do and doesnt let that affect his relationship with anyone in skating community i.e Shoma. In the same note, What a matured man our Yuzuru is! Link to comment
the50person Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 Killaa said: @the50person I lovelovelove your H&L analysis. You just wrote about everything that was in my mind about H&L! The rise and fall of the music, the complexity of it, gah, everything. Since I'm not good at writing, thank you. Haha. I don't know anymore (no I'm not crying, you are crying) Expand Thank @PomeloPooh for setting me off! xD And also thank you for liking my post. Link to comment
the50person Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 Yolo3a said: Altie said: @ LienT722 : if you're talking about that article Akiko wrote last week, that was thoroughly discussed on GS btw ( ), it is not what she said. Some people found it disrespectful toward Yuzuru, but others (me included) didn't. So please be careful when you're landing such accusations, they're serious. If anyone want to make his own opinion, the article is there : ... 0-suzuki-a. Some native japanese speaker said the translation sounded more positive than the original one btw, but aside from that it was correct. And btw Akiko is not even in that picture. And I may be wrong, but I've never heard anything bad about Mao and Tatsuki Machida toward Yuzuru. Dai is clearly not his biggest fan and some of his commentaries are unfair, but he has always been respectful, as far as I know (his fans are another story). But yes, I think Yuzu suffered from the fact that media pictured him and Dai as rivals back then, and that he does everything he can to avoid the same thing to happen again with Shoma. He's always been very respectful of his rivals, let's do the same. Expand I totally agree. I also feel very protective of Yuzu, but he can handle a little bit of mud throwing and criticism. And he understands what media tries to do and doesnt let that affect his relationship with anyone in skating community i.e Shoma. In the same note, What a matured man our Yuzuru is! Expand I never fail to feel amazed at his maturity! He is very steady and able to keep his calm/cool regardless of what the media and politics throw to him. Then again, circumstances gave birth to his current abilities, and an originally great person was further ground and polished to become the most precious stone of the pile. Link to comment
kusa Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 Yatagarasu said: kusa said: really? the wedding finally there? I used to wonder since... well..there... *sigh* when the wedding will be held. let me see... what piece of yuzu I would marry... hm... can I just merry the whole yuzu pleaseeee? Expand Only bits allowed The whole of Yuzu only gets to marry his various jumps. They live in happy polyamory! Expand it is so hard to decide piece of yuzu I love the most but I will try to ask the deeper side of my heart, who I will marry to is he already married to other jumps? I attend the 4S3T wedding... but when were the other jumps wedding? did I miss them? Link to comment
mcq Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 Right about the rumors of him going back to Toronto? where was it from? Link to comment
xeyra Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 b138oo said: I just don't understand why they are trying so hard to implement these images of "New Ace" to the public when Yuzu just won his 2nd Worlds? Like I understand Yuzu's and Dai's circumstances before and found Dai's fans (sorry not sorry) ridiculous for getting offended by Yuzu when clearly Yuzu's achievements were obviously better than Dai's and with Yuzu's enormous SP score, he was the only hope to beat Patrick. However, Yuzu and Shoma's current situation is totally different. Yuzu's achievements are better and he is still the biggest contender for the Olympic. So I don't get why u want to belittle your own best athlete and I am worried bc well Yuzu just had an underscored WR FS, if this PR game affects the judges next season, Yuzu might really need to change his costume mid air to get the damn +3 GOE Expand Because Shoma was less than 3 points behind Yuzu at Worlds. And technically won over him at WTT. And Yuzu may not be around for long after PC 2018. And because there's some rivalries between skating areas in Japan. There's many reasons why they might want to start hyping Shoma up. His results through the season did prove that he is a contender. Now, how they do it, that's the issue. They could just hype both of them up without these more interesting PR tidbits. Link to comment
fireovertheice Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 @the50person: very intersting analysis of Yuzu's programs. I love them too I write this here because, we don't have the like button yet (dear Admins, please, are we going to have it, yes ?) Did you do for POTO and Seimei too? Link to comment
Valkyria Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 xeyra said: Because Shoma was less than 3 points behind Yuzu at Worlds. And technically won over him at WTT. And Yuzu may not be around for long after PC 2018. And because there's some rivalries between skating areas in Japan. There's many reasons why they might want to start hyping Shoma up. His results through the season did prove that he is a contender. Now, how they do it, that's the issue. They could just hype both of them up without these more interesting PR tidbits. Expand Thing is, having two great horses in the race should be a good thing vs having just one, but. Guess this is where inside politicks come in and fuck the big picture Link to comment
Emzie Posted May 2, 2017 Share Posted May 2, 2017 Regarding the Wedding, I'd love to post the whole Holy Matrimony list here, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with every marriage request Link to comment
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