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8分钟前, monchan说:

The impact of that killer gaze :muahaha:

When does this interview happen? I think I read something like this before about skaters just avoid seeing in his eyes during warm ups because his murder face.


''Many skaters actually fear him'' lmao is he talking about that cinnamon roll?

I do notice that in gala he gets along with skaters pretty well, comfortably popping in conversations. But he doesn't seem to chat with other men single's skaters (except his mates of course), maybe that's a reason why?

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2 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:


also, i was banned from GS too. For trolling:rofl:


I was temporarily banned because my first post had a link in it, because I didn't want to make a meaningless "Hi I'm new" post, and wanted to be helpful instead. XD;

I haven't posted there since...

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6 hours ago, yuzupon said:

@WSYZ To be clear, I was never involved in the 'fight'. I was just watching with horror when it happened over in Yuzu fanfest of that other forum (and if that happened in the fanfest, it was way worse outside of it). So sadly, I haven't seen anyone who criticised him so fiercely wrote anything about turning around from that online. As for those who went right to the hating attitude, I kinda don't think they will ever change their mind, or if they do, hell would freeze before they admit it. That's just how sad it was. If anyone has heard otherwise tho, I would love to hear it.


@cinemacoconut That's opening a can of worms I don't think anyone would want to. Read what @WSYZ wrote, that basically summarized the gist of it. I'll pm you with my take on it, just wait a bit, I have to finish something first.


@ mods, I've been pm-ing some users about this ugly history lately. Part of it is because I raised said history itself to kinda put what's happening (Zu's closing message in CiONTU, the current onslaught of criticising potential rival's move) in context, and so new fans who were not around, or are not aware of the story understandably want to know about what on earth I was talking about. Should I stop doing either of those? :help:


My gossipy self couldn't resist. :embSwan: 

Please pm me too. :snonegai:  I swear i won't go mad and rage at other people, i just want to know. I'm the type who wants to be aware of the dark side of things rather than live in ignorance. :devilYuzu: 

Please and thank you! :pouty:

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4 minutes ago, savakyc said:

When does this interview happen? I think I read something like this before about skaters just avoid seeing in his eyes during warm ups because his murder face.

his gaze sucks your soul out of your body no matter who you are:LOL:

3 minutes ago, hoodie axel said:

Completely OT, but... What even is up with that? Yuzuru "trolls" are... the least of anyone's worries, when far worse, actual trolls exist there... Just look in certain other FFs. :P

In my case it was because of one particular post i did hinting to the Planet during the first three days of the debacle :rofl: i was immediately banned after that. First time i was banned in my life and i've been participating in various forums since 2002 :rofl:

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3 分, Hydrobladeさんが言いました:

The forum merges your replies if they're done within one minute of each other, but if you want to add a quote to an existing post i'm afraid you can't do that, sorry.




Is there a way you can lengthen the 1 minute into say...5? Because there doesn't seem a lot of point to have the feature if it's just 1 minute. Like, how fast do you have to type to be able to make it? >_<

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Just now, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Is there a way you can lengthen the 1 minute into say...5? Because there doesn't seem a lot of point to have the feature if it's just 1 minute. Like, how fast do you have to type to be able to make it? >_<

Sure, i'll talk with the rest of the staff to figure out how much time we should add to it :biggrin:

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11 minutes ago, cinemacoconut said:

can i add that I cannot speak out honestly on Golden Skate because of the newsfeed system? 


Im not a Nathan fan but because of the refresh newsfeed system his news pops up constantly on the "All" newsfeed and I naturally read it. I think people who arent fanyus do this with Hanyus thread. They lurk and read them because it constantly pops up in their feed. The regen rate is fast. So hence I don't post my honest biases on GS scared that Shoma or Nathan fans may see it in their newsfeed.


For example I cannot post Yuzu is better than Nathan and such on GS because of the newsfeed system. 



Do you guys do the same?


spoiler cuz we're not really supposed to be talking about other forums. we dont need a website war and it is in bad taste i guess. 



I forgot my login details for gs but do lurk sometimes and I cant with it for all the America-centrism and i have a horrible habit of assuming everyone who says something along the times of "i hope Nathan wins worlds '19" are implying they want Yuzuru to bomb or get injured :/


I'm a fan of other skaters (shoma, boyang, deniss, junhwan etc) and liked gs because i could keep up with just general skating stuff even in disciplines i don't follow as closely as i do the men's but, gosh. the constant jerking it for team usa and nathan and bitching about fanyus criticisng nathan's worlds score when 1) his score was objectively ridiculous and 2) its wasnt just hanyu fans saying it....


gs is only good for a laugh and a good eyeroll at this point. most of my twitter feed is full of yuzuru and shoma fans, i can always diversify if i need to :P




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25 minutes ago, cinemacoconut said:

What does your name Yatagarasu mean? And Are you japanese because your ID sounds Japanese? 


Yay for learning how to multiquote! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: but it really is a practical little thingie, even if an occasional pain!


And no, no, goodness. I just picked the name because I liked the whole Great Crow concept, that doesn't appear just in Japanese mythology but you'll find it in China and Korea too for example (in China, it goes far back as appearing on neolithic pottery) and the idea of a divine intervention/ will of Heaven/ representation of the Sun in Japanese especially because well :biggrin:




Also guys, please let the other forums thing go. They have their thing, we have ours, and here we can just concentrate on our own fun (and angst! :laughing:)

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Just now, yuzuuu said:

haha same. I've been rewatching so many times but each time feels as exciting and new as the first XD

Oh dear no no no, i value my heart too much:pouty:. I can't die that many times by the Forbidden Strawberry, the Forbidden Blueberry and Abe no Romeo. I'm on a drip regime now and sustaining myself only with pictures.

1 minute ago, CupidsBow said:

we're not really supposed to be talking about other forums. we dont need a website war and it is in bad taste i guess. 

That's true hahaha. The good thing that came out of it is that we now have this place to die together:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

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10 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Yeah, it doesn't work for me either. I usually end up having to copy and paste from a brand new message into an existing one, which I must say, is a bit of a pain because it doesn't always happen smoothly.


I'm often on this board on my phone, which despite being a millennial I have trouble with so copy and pasting it doesn't work out. :facepalm:


7 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

I'm still rejoicing on CiONTU, for my mental and emotional health, i am ignoring everything else:bliss-smiley:

The forum merges your replies if they're done within one minute of each other, but if you want to add a quote to an existing post i'm afraid you can't do that, sorry.



I take 15-30 minutes for just one reply. And then realize there's another thing I want to quote after I've already posted. And that's another 15-30 min. Sad sad. :laughing:

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1 minute ago, CupidsBow said:


spoiler cuz we're not really supposed to be talking about other forums. we dont need a website war and it is in bad taste i guess. 

  Hide contents


I forgot my login details for gs but do lurk sometimes and I cant with it for all the America-centrism and i have a horrible habit of assuming everyone who says something along the times of "i hope Nathan wins worlds '19" are implying they want Yuzuru to bomb or get injured :/


I'm a fan of other skaters (shoma, boyang, deniss, junhwan etc) and liked gs because i could keep up with just general skating stuff even in disciplines i don't follow as closely as i do the men's but, gosh. the constant jerking it for team usa and nathan and bitching about fanyus criticisng nathan's worlds score when 1) his score was objectively ridiculous and 2) its wasnt just hanyu fans saying it....


gs is only good for a laugh and a good eyeroll at this point. most of my twitter feed is full of yuzuru and shoma fans, i can always diversify if i need to :P





Nathan's fan fest has some very entertaining melt downs. But, yeah, I wouldn't go there if you want to hear nice things about his competitors.


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1分钟前, Hydroblade说:

his gaze sucks your soul out of your body no matter who you are:LOL:

Never witness the gaze in person I need that experience :tumblr_inline_ncmifiE3IT1rpglid:

The only time I get realllllly scared is his death stare at ACI when he brought wrong pair of gloves. His hatred level attacked me.

In other murder face pics I just fangirl over them.

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