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My personal opinion is it may still be undecided and this ensures all coaches at TCC get into the Olympics, and affords Yuzu the option to go to the Team event kr straight into the singles event. 


While I think the extra ice time in Korea would do him good, I also think possibly an extra week in Toronto would allow him to train more intensely and give him more ice time. 

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4 分, kichesさんが言いました:

While I think the extra ice time in Korea would do him good, I also think possibly an extra week in Toronto would allow him to train more intensely and give him more ice time. 


I don't think anything beats competition experience though, and when there is a choice between the two and the competition one isn't in any way inconvenient, it should be a no-brainer which one an athlete picks. Especially one like Hanyu, who seems to need some comp mileage, even if only a little, before exploding into a starburst fireworks on ice. And especially in his position now. So if he doesn't, I can only assume that it's inconvenient somehow, and not in timing or venue aspect either, because those are moot, given that it's part of the Olys.

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1 minute ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


I don't think anything beats competition experience though, and when there is a choice between the two and the competition one isn't in any way inconvenient, it should be a no-brainer which one an athlete picks. Especially one like Hanyu, who seems to need some comp mileage, even if only a little, before exploding into a starburst fireworks on ice. And especially in his position now. So if he doesn't, I can only assume that it's inconvenient somehow, and not in timing or venue aspect either, because those are moot, given that it's part of the Olys.

I would've agreed except, well, ACI Chopin. *shrug* Sure maybe that was an anomaly, but everything about this infuriatingly miraculous young man is an anomaly, so I haven't the slightest clue what would actually work best for him. So I'll just trust him to know what he needs and do just that.

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32 分, WinForPoohさんが言いました:

I would've agreed except, well, ACI Chopin. *shrug* Sure maybe that was an anomaly, but everything about this infuriatingly miraculous young man is an anomaly, so I haven't the slightest clue what would actually work best for him. So I'll just trust him to know what he needs and do just that.


Haha and I would've agreed with you except, well, he did have some great skates over the summer in shows and programs and whatnot so it wasn't like he went into that comp after a long enforced rest from skating and rebuilding, like he is now. That and ACI and the Olys, as much as he doesn't like to think one comp is better than the other, they just don't exist on the same plane. And even if you argued that this may help him not put so much importance in the olys as THE comp and view it as just another one, well, he still is coming back from a major injury and weeks off ice (not just one and nursing a small physical discomfort), which will likely affect his performance, small comp or big one.


Also, it wasn't like his FS was jaw-dropping at ACI. Or maybe it was, from a different perspective.


Plus, I dont think anything he's ever done and achieved is a miracle. They're all calculations and practice finally executed the right way. If you take a careful look, he was bound to achieve what he did sooner or later, because of everything within the logical realm falling into place. None of his achievements, not a single one, no matter how bombastic, were achieved by chance. Not his Sochi gold (no matter what he or anyone else thinks of it) and certainly not his world records.

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25 minutes ago, kiches said:

While I think the extra ice time in Korea would do him good, I also think possibly an extra week in Toronto would allow him to train more intensely and give him more ice time. 


I'm just worried that if he does decide to do team event the time zone might not do him good if he goes to korea from toronto late.

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30 分, Forcefieldさんが言いました:


I'm just worried that if he does decide to do team event the time zone might not do him good if he goes to korea from toronto late.


And if he makes mistakes cos of that, might as well get it all out in the team event. He'd at least be more adjusted for the individual event with that serving as a buffer, rather than going straight into it without one at all.


Look, I'll be straight. I'm hoping the team event would be his SC2015 and the individual one be his nhk2015. (Ideally it'd be team being nhk2015 and individual being gpf2015 but that would be too farfetched even for a 'miracle' worker like hanyu, like so many like to think he is).


I know it seems lackadaisical and almost downright disrespectful to the team event (which does give out honest to goodness Oly medals) but Japan's chances of medalling is not high enough for JSF to want to be cautious with it, if it means Hanyu's performance in the individual event is at stake, as proven by their eagerness to assign both skates to him in the men's team event as a competition warm-up straight out of being sidelined. By doing that, they basically gave him the go ahead to make all the mistakes he has to there to put himself in a better place for the individual event.

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Guyysss I finally have time to go here and read a few pages only to realize that on the exact dates of the Olys men’s events, I would go camping in a super duper questionable internet service place. FAK :facepalm:  and I would only be back to my dorm on the 18th  :sadPooh:

what kind of a luck is this :Poohgaveup:

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25 minutes ago, Forcefield said:


I'm just worried that if he does decide to do team event the time zone might not do him good if he goes to korea from toronto late.

 If he does team event, there's no way he's gonna show up before 1-2 days since the first OP is nearly 1 week before the comp. There's registration, music checking, alot of thing. Timezone is not a problem IMO.

Today JSF said they did not decide the team event and would contact with Yuzuru about it because the deadline is right before the game. I would think about the pro and cons about doing/skipping team event when it actually happen :laughing:

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3 minutes ago, Katt said:

 If he does team event, there's no way he's gonna show up before 1-2 days since the first OP is nearly 1 week before the comp. There's registration, music checking, alot of thing. Timezone is not a problem IMO.

Today JSF said they would contact with Yuzuru about team event because the deadline is right before the game. I would think about the pro and cons about doing/skipping team event when it actually happen :laughing:


JSF: Yuzuru have you decided your answer? 

Yuzu: Depending on my mood, you'll get the answer next week or one minute till the deadline. Try asking tomorrow, maybe my mood have changed.

JSF: :facepalm:

Brian: Yuzu stop trolling 





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32 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


I don't think anything beats competition experience though, and when there is a choice between the two and the competition one isn't in any way inconvenient, it should be a no-brainer which one an athlete picks. Especially one like Hanyu, who seems to need some comp mileage, even if only a little, before exploding into a starburst fireworks on ice. And especially in his position now. So if he doesn't, I can only assume that it's inconvenient somehow, and not in timing or venue aspect either, because those are moot, given that it's part of the Olys.

It’s not that I don’t agree there’s an advantage to being on competition ice longer, but given how the injury shortened his training timeline my personal opinion is that there’s benefits to being able to train uninterrupted and continuously for at least a month in Toronto after coming of a break. Since there isn’t really a chance that Team Japan will earn a team medal I think he doesn’t have the pressure to do the Team event either. If he decides to forego the Team event then it’s because he and his team have weighed the pros and cons of extra time on competition ice vs an extra week of training time, and that the latter came out on top in their books.  


Regarding the comp mileage, I think the pattern is a bit different this season as he’s using two familiar programs. We saw the benefit of this at ACI SP when he was coming off minimal training, and in part at Rostelecom as well as he had a much better showing than he normally does at Skate Canada as his first event. Either way we should know soon enough. 

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47 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Also, it wasn't like his FS was jaw-dropping at ACI. Or maybe it was, from a different perspective.

Oh it was jaw-dropping alright. Like a train wreck you can't take your eyes off of, shaking your head with a disbelieving grin and wondering "am I seriously seeing this live?"

35 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Look, I'll be straight. I'm hoping the team event would be his SC2015 and the individual one be his nhk2015. (Ideally it'd be team being nhk2015 and individual being gpf2015 but that would be too farfetched even for a 'miracle' worker like hanyu, like so many like to think he is).

I think the only one he could kind of do cold turkey is his SP, especially if he sticks with the ACI layout. But I am inclined to agree with you that his new Seimei layout isn't going to be that good cold turkey. Ideally, he can acclimate and test stuff out in the team event. Rostelcom might be more equivalent to SC2015 if we only count GPF events, maybe team would be NHK2015, and hopefully individual is GPF2015-well here's to praying. >_>


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10 minutes ago, MrPudding said:



JSF: Yuzuru have you decided your answer? 

Yuzu: Depending on my mood, you'll get the answer next week or one minute till the deadline. Try asking tomorrow, maybe my mood have changed.

JSF: :facepalm:

Brian: Yuzu stop trolling 





Haha, to think about it, its might just a way to answer media. Maybe they already decided about team event, but they don't need to reveal it since the deadline still far away. Even the medal contender like Canada, Russia and US would announce it only a few days before the game. 


I agreed with @kiches. Whether he does team event or not, it will depend on how his training/runthough these days goes. 

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27 分, MrPuddingさんが言いました:


JSF: Yuzuru have you decided your answer? 

Yuzu: Sorry! When's the latest you need my reply? This is bad. I'm so selfish! I'm such a troll! I don't deserve to live! Do you need it now?

JSF: !! Oh no no no, you don't have to--

Yuzu: Is it super inconvenient if it isn't now? I'd really like to give you an answer but I just don't have one for you yet. T.T But I shouldn't be so selfish, should I? Look, if you need it now, it...it really pains me to do so...but maybe I should just pull--

JSF: Stop right there. Let's not be hasty. We can wait. The freaking IOC can wait--

IOC: *chimes in* -that's right, we can! Anything for you, Yuzu, o' great money make--AHEM, the Absolute Champion.

JSF: There, see? So take all the time you need until the Olys itself. We insist. I'm sorry if we made you feel rushed, that wasn't our intention. 

Yuzu: Oh thank you! Thank you SO much! *bows so deep he practically folds himself into two*

Brian: ...Yuzu, you're turning into a swiss roll.







Fixed it for you.

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Reading the last two pages in the thread, it has become clear why Yuzu and his team are so quiet about his training and plans. One speculation brought up this debate about what he should and shouldn't do and everyone suggesting what they feel is better. Can you imagine the scale of that discussion if it was taken by the media. The speculations and expectations would  be overwhelming, so his choice to keep it hush is definitely the best course of action.


I personally think that Yuzu will do what he feels is best for him and I am going to accept whatever that would be. I do not have the information he and his team have, neither am the one training and competing so I definitely do not know what is best in this situation. I also don't think that what happened in past season is enough to predict what may happen here simply because there was no Olympics then and that has been and is currently a huge factor in what Yuzuru does


IMO, his mental state will be the deciding factor. If he is ready mentally he can win even on a broken leg, I am sure of it. If he was not mentally prepared and loses focus then no practice or competition experience will help him. So, let us all pray that his desire to win is stronger than any other distractions and that he will take the ice ready for a fight to the last point :fingerscrossed:


To be honest, I don't care about the Olympics or anything else, I just want to see him skate :sigh:

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