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48 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

:tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:Would anyone be willing to help me translate the initial message to japanese?

Do you mean the text on the light blue layer on the left including the instructions?
Wish I could help you translate it but I cannot see the whole text on my PC (The last line I can read is "Click the save button." I cannot scroll down further)


ETA: Sorry. I could read the whole text by selecting all or changing the size of display character. The last line is "Got it!"?
If in any way I can help you, please PM me. If anyone has already started helping you,  it's fine. Thanks anyway for the map!:thanks:

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48 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Mm I saw someone type him as an ENFJ and I think I agree with that, though I think, based on observations, he has a pretty impressive balance of all functions that I rarely see, such as his tendency to remember minute details about where he met people or exactly where events happened (very S...my N self is in awe since I forget small 'irrelevant' details all the time) or comfort with improvising on the fly (P) coupled with tendency to see wider patterns (N) - eg. in the progression of figure skating, thinking holistically about performance - and meticulous way of organising thoughts/tracking progress which is more of a J function). I do lean more towards typing Yuzu as an extrovert, albeit with strong introverted tendencies -- extroversion isn't exactly needing people 24/7 I think, but it's being significantly energised by the presence of others instead of drained, which fits with how he is around people unless he's really good at hiding the exhaustion... he's at least starkly different from eg. Shoma/Nathan who seem to be more classic introverts...you can almost feel how much they want to just go back to their rooms and sleep after galas whereas Yuzu......well. Oh well, it's all guesswork, based on limited media evidence, really :laughing: 


(Don't get me started on my MBTI junkie rabbit hole - I'm still not good enough to internalise all the primary/secondary/tertiary/inferior functions for each type but I find the entire thing fascinating, albeit probably not much more legit than horoscopes lol. I test 99% of the time as INTJ, though I also identify with/have tested as INFJ/INTP)

Hmm, I would say he's more ENFP, because the way he described his childhood, he seemed a bit more reckless than the average J type. And a lot of his analogies, such as the jumps being different types of friends, and how he relies on a distinct imagery or even impression to start his thought process strikes me as more N dominant. He seems a bit too...random to be an ENFJ. I do have a verified ENFJ male friend (actually a couple), and ran across a few ENFP guys in my life time. Yuzu reminds me more of the ENFP guy friend- who by the way was the more competitive one of the bunch. Got into arguments in class which he couldn't always win, and when in trouble, started throwing puppy eyes at me asking for help. T_T Also had a knack for details (not sure why) and really good at memorizing people/names/faces etc. But the way Yuzu carries himself and expresses himself in the press, reminds me more of subdued Fi and not quite Fe-I always feel Fe would more closely tailor to what people expect you to say, polite but a bit pre-arranged. Fi is a bit more spontaneous, and if used often to be diplomatic, can be equally skillful, but probably better at dealing with random, off-the-cuff questions. 


(Here, I'm another INTJ female unicorn reporting in for duty. I actually almost thought he might be ENTJ or INTJ, but then thought no, not really, something is off for him to be that type.)

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1 hour ago, Xen said:

Hmm, I would say he's more ENFP, because the way he described his childhood, he seemed a bit more reckless than the average J type. And a lot of his analogies, such as the jumps being different types of friends, and how he relies on a distinct imagery or even impression to start his thought process strikes me as more N dominant. He seems a bit too...random to be an ENFJ. I do have a verified ENFJ male friend (actually a couple), and ran across a few ENFP guys in my life time. Yuzu reminds me more of the ENFP guy friend- who by the way was the more competitive one of the bunch. Got into arguments in class which he couldn't always win, and when in trouble, started throwing puppy eyes at me asking for help. T_T Also had a knack for details (not sure why) and really good at memorizing people/names/faces etc. But the way Yuzu carries himself and expresses himself in the press, reminds me more of subdued Fi and not quite Fe-I always feel Fe would more closely tailor to what people expect you to say, polite but a bit pre-arranged. Fi is a bit more spontaneous, and if used often to be diplomatic, can be equally skillful, but probably better at dealing with random, off-the-cuff questions. 


(Here, I'm another INTJ female unicorn reporting in for duty. I actually almost thought he might be ENTJ or INTJ, but then thought no, not really, something is off for him to be that type.)


Haha, I'm INTP :P


Yuzu says he is an introvert so I think he knows himself best :P I don't think introverts are unable to enjoy being the center of attention, and I don't think they can't enjoy performing. In fact I'm 100% an introvert but I come out of my "shell" best when I'm the center of attention lol, or if I'm with people I am familiar with. I think Yuzu is the same, he's very shy around strangers but when he's around people he's comfortable with? He suddenly becomes rambunctious and loud lol. Being admired/cheered for/supported really helps, too. 


I do think he is more J than P because he seems to have routines that he prefers, but this one I'm least sure about.

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24 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:


Haha, I'm INTP :P


Yuzu says he is an introvert so I think he knows himself best :P I don't think introverts are unable to enjoy being the center of attention, and I don't think they can't enjoy performing. In fact I'm 100% an introvert but I come out of my "shell" best when I'm the center of attention lol, or if I'm with people I am familiar with. I think Yuzu is the same, he's very shy around strangers but when he's around people he's comfortable with? He suddenly becomes rambunctious and loud lol. Being admired/cheered for/supported really helps, too. 


I do think he is more J than P because he seems to have routines that he prefers, but this one I'm least sure about.


I was the world's shyest child but felt happiest performing. I think even if you take shy and quiet Shoma you see what a flair he has for it. I don't think it's really that uncommon on incompatible for shy and/or introverted people to enjoy performing. The source of my shyness was in part being afraid of overwhelming people with the intensity of my emotions (I wonder if this is common for shy people - a lot seem to have a hidden intensity) so performing was freedom, somewhere I didn't have to hold myself back. 


I don't think he's shy, though. 

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1 hour ago, Xen said:

Hmm, I would say he's more ENFP, because the way he described his childhood, he seemed a bit more reckless than the average J type. And a lot of his analogies, such as the jumps being different types of friends, and how he relies on a distinct imagery or even impression to start his thought process strikes me as more N dominant. He seems a bit too...random to be an ENFJ. I do have a verified ENFJ male friend (actually a couple), and ran across a few ENFP guys in my life time. Yuzu reminds me more of the ENFP guy friend- who by the way was the more competitive one of the bunch. Got into arguments in class which he couldn't always win, and when in trouble, started throwing puppy eyes at me asking for help. T_T Also had a knack for details (not sure why) and really good at memorizing people/names/faces etc. But the way Yuzu carries himself and expresses himself in the press, reminds me more of subdued Fi and not quite Fe-I always feel Fe would more closely tailor to what people expect you to say, polite but a bit pre-arranged. Fi is a bit more spontaneous, and if used often to be diplomatic, can be equally skillful, but probably better at dealing with random, off-the-cuff questions. 


(Here, I'm another INTJ female unicorn reporting in for duty. I actually almost thought he might be ENTJ or INTJ, but then thought no, not really, something is off for him to be that type.)

Hmm actually, after refreshing on the cognitive function stack (I use this Thought Catalog page as a useful shorthand/quick guide), I see your point about P. I also think the ENFP strengths/weaknesses align more with what we've seen of Yuzu, than either INFP/ENFJ. I wonder if the knack for details is an extension of a strong F function - it seems to be more people/situation-related (albeit it's not like anyone's sat him down and asked him to recall objective sensory details so our data is biased). Or maybe it's just having a good memory and completely unrelated lol

(hello! I've actually found a fair few INTJ female unicorns online so you're added to the list! : P And yeah, he's def capable of adopting T function but is very F lol)


I definitely get @SparkleSalad's point about performance being an outlet for introverted people's emotions but I think perhaps it has more to do with shyness - Shoma is a classic example of an introverted, shy person who is able to project a completely different aura when he's performing that shows the intense inner emotion/competitiveness/fire that he has. I don't think Yuzu is particularly shy around strangers, or at least seems quick to win them over by filling any awkward silences with chatter. Could be another way of dealing with shyness I suppose, but I don't really get that vibe from him as strongly. Of course, we should trust what Yuzu says about himself* but if he's actually an introvert, he does an excellent job of playing for the other side. 


*small caveat: I would say that one's self perception can differ vastly from the impression/image they give out to others : P

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